Разработка урока по теме "Music and Youth"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Урок комплексного применения учащимися знаний, умений и навыков по теме "Музыка" в 10 классе. Содержит элементы ЕГЭ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения учащимися знаний, умений, навыков.
Место урока: завершающий по теме “Музыка” в 10 классе. Учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений “Enjoy English” , Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д.
Цели урока:
- обучающая – выработка у учащихся общеучебных умений и навыков, рациональной организации умственной деятельности.
- воспитывающая – формирование собственного мировоззрения, осуществление нравственного, эстетического воспитания, умение работать в коллективе.
- развивающая – усиление коммуникативных свойств речи, развитие воображения, памяти, внимания, развитие речевой реакции.
Оборудование: магнитофон, аудиокассета, компьютер, проектор, диск с учебными материалами (презентация, аудиофайлы), индивидуальные карточки для выполнения задания.
Ход урока
(Музыкальное вступление: группа ABBA – 2мин.)
(На доске дата, заголовок урока, слова, Анкета)
- Организационный момент.
- Good morning, students. Glad to see you. Have your seats, please.
- Today is the 24-th of March, Saturday. The weather is warm, calm today, and there are no clouds. It’s spring.
- Papers with your home task are on your tables.
- Today’s lesson is about MUSIC. We are going to talk about music in our life, to learn more about music in Britain and music styles, to speak about our favorite music, to sing a nice song.
(На доске Слайд 1 “Music and Youth”)
- Tell me please what MUSIC is.
- Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find interesting. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, or drums. (1 учащийся)
The word music comes from the Greek word Greek language μουσική (mousike), which means "(art) of the Muses". In Ancient Greece the Muses included the goddesses of music, poetry, art, and dance. Someone who makes music is called a musician. (2 учащийся)
- Фонетическая зарядка.
- Look at the blackboard. For our lesson we need the following words:
to become famous – стать известным
to have smth. in common – иметь что-либо-общее
recorded versions – записанные версии
to start with… - начаться с чего-либо
to happen – случаться, происходить
to be the language of smth. – быть языком чего-либо
to write and sing songs – писать и петь песни
- Let’s read and translate sentences with them.
(На доске Слайд 2)
1. I would like to become famous.
2. When I was 10 I could sing songs.
3. What do all animals have in common?
4. My friend has got a big collection of recorded versions of “Yesterday” song.
5. Let’s start with the dinner!
6. How did it happen?
- Речевая зарядка.
Answer the questions:
- Do you like music and why?
- What music do you listen to?
- What do you think is popular now? (ученики отвечают)
- Аудирование.
- Different countries and different music. But English language is of course connected with Great Britain. Watch and listen to the video “Pop in Britain” (6.21 мин.).
- Чтение.
-Read the text “Pop in Britain” and fill in the gaps with the correct variant to suit the text. Card 1
(Приложение 1)
- Говорение.
-We know different singers and different music styles.
Let’s remember them.
(На доске Слайд 3,4 “Music Genres”)
- Queen, the Beatles, David Bowie, Spice Girls, Sting, Elton John, George Michael. What music styles
do you know?
- pop, rap, jazz, folk
- And what about you? Your home task was to prepare brief essay “What’s your favorite music?”
(На доске Слайд 5,6,7,8 “Music Genres”)
(Выступают учащиеся с докладами о музыкальных стилях: pop music rock Latin American rap, hip-hop)
- Музыкальная пауза.
-Listen to music compositions and guess the singers. Card 2
(кассета с записью и листы с заданием “Match the singer and style")
(На столах учеников находятся листы с заданием. Учащиеся слушают шесть музыкальных композиций и угадывают исполнителей.)
The Temptations Akon Everything but the Girl Britney Spears All 4 on U2 | Oldies Hip-hop House Teen Pop RnB Rock |
- Грамматика.
- Работа на словообразование. Card 3
Pop in Great Britain What do the Beatles, David Bowie and Blur have in common? All of them begin with the letter “B”. And they’re all stars of British pop! Pop music is big ______________ – not only in Britain but all over the world. And for many people, English is the language of popular music. Pop, rock, folk, jazz, heavy metal – most of the world’s popular _____________ write and sing songs in English. Pop music started with rock and roll. Rock and roll first became popular in the 1950s in the United States. The real British pop ___________________ happened in Liverpool in the north-west of England. At the _________________ of the 1960s there were hundreds of bands in Liverpool. They played in pubs and clubs and halls all round the city. Not all bands became ______________ but one of them – the Beatles, changed pop music forever. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were together for only eight years, from 1962 to 1970. But in time they had eighteen Number One hit singles and made eleven albums. Altogether they wrote two hundreds songs and many of these are still popular now. Other people sing their songs too. There are more than 2,500 recorded ___________ of “Yesterday” by different bands and singers. | BUSY MUSIC REVOLVE BEGIN FAME VERSE |
Образец правильного ответа:
1 – business; 2 – musicians; 3 - revolution; 4 – beginning; 5 – famous; 6 – versions.
- Работа на значение слов. Card 4
- Read these English words and phrases and guess their Russian equivalents.
- Match words and phrases.
1. to become famous 2. to have smth. in common 3. recorded versions 4. to start with… 5. to happen 6. to be the language of smth. 7. to write and sing songs | a. иметь ч-л общее b. случаться, происходить c. начаться с… d. быть языком ч-л e. писать и петь песни f. записанные версии g. стать известным |
KEY: 1-g; 2-a; 3-f; 4-c; 5-b; 6-d; 7-e. |
- Физкультминутка. Card 5
(На доске Слайд 9 “Music Genres”)
- As for me I like music too. I like pop, jazz, rap and folk. But my favorite music style is rock’n’roll.
Task 1. You are going to hear a song. (Приложение 2) While listening to the song think of the following questions:
- Who is singing?
- What is he singing about?
- How can you characterize the music?
- Do you like the song? Why? Why not?
- Do you know other songs by Elvis Presley?
Task 2.Look at the words of the song and fill in the gaps with the correct word.
Task 3. Listen to the song again and check your answers.
Task 4. Let’s sing and dance together.
- Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.
- Домашнее задание:
- Практическая работа на повторение темы “Manual Instruction”
- Student’s Book ex.94-96 p.118-119
Приложение 1
Versions singles albums famous beginning pop revolution rock and roll language business write and sing songs in common |
What do the Beatles, David Bowie and Blur have_______________? All of them begin with the letter “B”. And they’re all stars of British pop!
Pop music is big ______________– not only in Britain but all over the world. And for many people, English is the ________________of popular music.
Pop musicians… rock musicians… folk, jazz, heavy metal – most of the world’s popular musicians… ________________________________in English.
Pop music started with________________. Rock and roll first became popular in the 1950s in the United States.
The real British ____________________________happened in Liverpool in the north-west of England. At the ____________________of the 1960s there were hundreds of bands in Liverpool. They played in pubs and clubs and halls all-round the city.
Not all bands became __________________but one of them – the Beatles, changed pop music forever. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were together for only eight years, from 1962 to 1970. But in time they had eighteen Number One hit ____________ and made eleven ___________. Altogether they wrote two hundreds songs and many of these are still popular now. Other people sing their songs too. There are more than 2,500 recorded ________________of “Yesterday” by different bands and singers.
Versions singles albums famous beginning pop revolution rock and roll language business write and sing songs in common |
What do the Beatles, David Bowie and Blur have_______________? All of them begin with the letter “B”. And they’re all stars of British pop!
Pop music is big ______________– not only in Britain but all over the world. And for many people, English is the ________________of popular music.
Pop musicians… rock musicians… folk, jazz, heavy metal – most of the world’s popular musicians… ________________________________in English.
Pop music started with________________. Rock and roll first became popular in the 1950s in the United States.
The real British ____________________________happened in Liverpool in the north-west of England. At the ____________________of the 1960s there were hundreds of bands in Liverpool. They played in pubs and clubs and halls all-round the city.
Not all bands became __________________but one of them – the Beatles, changed pop music forever. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were together for only eight years, from 1962 to 1970. But in time they had eighteen Number One hit ____________ and made eleven ___________. Altogether they wrote two hundreds songs and many of these are still popular now. Other people sing their songs too. There are more than 2,500 recorded ________________of “Yesterday” by different bands and singers.
Приложение 2
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