Молодежный английский сленг
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Молодежный сленг - неотъемлемая часть английского языка. Он отражает специфичность современной уникальной жизни, передает колорит общения современных молодых людей. Бесспорным является тот факт, что существует нечто, что притягивает людей к сленговым и идиоматическим выражениям. Мы можем использовать сленг в разных ситуациях - и для шутки, и для того, чтобы высказать свое дружелюбие и лояльность к собеседнику. Употребление сленга в наше время приобретает все большее распространение. При изучении темы "Education in Britain", ребята заинтересовались молодежным сленгом. В результате совместной работы были отобраны сленговые выражения для обогащения лексического запаса учащихся, разработана серия уроков по формированию навыков устно-речевого общения с использованием сленга.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Приложение 1
Education. What are you going to be? Кузовлев В.П., Form 9
Subsection: Youth Slang (II)
I. Read the dialogue and answer the question: What are the girls going to order?
In a Wimpy Snack Bar
Kate and Jane are students of Stamford Summer School. They are going to have lunch in a snack bar. They are studying the menu:
Jane: What are you going to have, Kate?
Kate: Don`t rack your brain, Jane. You are English and this is an English bar. I`m going to have whatever you are having.
- All right, then. Let us have vegetable salad and wimpies. They are very tasty here. The hamburger is good with chips and green peas.
- And what about the dessert, Jane? I`d give my right arm to try your famous apple pie.
- Let`s have it then. Look, the woman over there is eating the right thing – “Aunt Mary`s apple pie” with whipped cream. And what are you going to have – tea or coffee, Kate?
- Tea for me, please. English tea with milk. I`m becoming a real English girl, aren`t I?
- You certainly are.
II. Complete the dialogue!
Waiter: Can I help you? Are you ready to order?
Jane: Yes, we`ll have …
Waiter: What would you like to drink?
Jane: We`d like …
Waiter: Anything else? What kind of dessert would you like to order?
Kate: We`d give our right arms to try …
Waiter: Are you eating in or taking the food outside?
Kate: Oh. I think we`ll stay here.
Waiter: All right then. Here is your order. Enjoy your meal!
III. Find in the dialogue:
- Что ты будешь?
- Не парься!
- Я буду то же, что и ты.
- Я отдала бы многое за то, чтобы попробовать котлету в обжаренной булочке.
- Мне чай.
- Я становлюсь настоящей англичанкой, да?
- Как насчет десерта?
- Давай его тогда!
IV. Ask each other questions. In your answers use the following words:
cattle corn, s`mores, cotton candies, a wimpy, French fries, a funnel cake, Cornish pasty, Cumberland sausages, a pizza, ice-cream, a frozen yoghurt with cookies, an apple pie |
a) P1: What are you going to have?
P2: I`d give my right arm to try … . What are you going to try? etc.
P3: …
Refuse to try!
b) P1: Would you like to try …?
P2: No, thanks. That`s not my cup of tea. It`s too … . And what would you like to try?
V. Match the phrases of the second column to the first one.
| KATE |
1. - Hi, Kate! I`m pooped out ( Я выжата как лимон) after the classes and I won`t be able to cook any meal. What about going to our local snack bar? 2. - What are you going to have? 3. - OK, then. Let`s have fish soup and grilled chicken. It is a real treat.( Пальчики оближешь). 4. - No, thanks. That`s not my cup of tea. Too fat. I`d better have fish soup. It is light and healthy. What about the dessert? 5. - All right. Let`s call a waiter and make an order. | a) - And I`d give my right arm to try Cumberland sausages. They are said to be tasty. Will you have the same ? b) - I am all for it. I`d be nuts to miss a chance to go to the snack bar. c) - I`d like to have ice cream, frozen yoghurts with cookies. You see, I have a sweet tooth. ( сластена) d) - I am going to have whatever you are having. |
Key: 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c.
VI. Role play: Join in groups of three and play the dialogue. Make the order.
VII. Invite your foreign friend to a Russian café. What Russian traditional dishes would you advise your friend?
( chicken soup, cabbage soup-shchi, borshch, meat salad, vegetable salad, fried, boiled or stewed meat or fish, pyelmeni, blini, mashed potatoes with pickled or fresh vegetables).
VIII. a) Discuss the menu in a café with your friend and make the order.
Waiter: Can I help you?
You: ……………………
Waiter: Our dinner consists of three courses. What would you like to have?
You: ……………………..
Waiter: What would you like to drink?
You: ………………………
Waiter: Anything else? What about the dessert?
You: ……………………….
Waiter: All right then. Your order will be in a minute. Enjoy your meal!
IX. Replace the underlined phrases with slang and play the situations.
(Hit the road! I`m pissed off! a boom box, Piece of cake! Rack your brain! Hit the deck! downtown, hit the hay, be pooped out, have a good hang around, an egghead, give one`s right arm to)
1) -You do not look well? What`s up?
- I am tired of my classes and my homework. I wish we had holidays.
- I am all for it too. But you should go out just now and have a good walk
- No, thanks. I`d better go to bed.
2) – What are you doing?
-I am repairing my portable CD player. Unfortunately, I`m not lucky. Can you help me?
- Let me have a look! It is very easy! Everything will be OK in a minute.
3) - Dan, I can`t do my test in Physics. Help me, you are a very intelligent person!
- Think hard! I am sick to death of you.
4) – I`d like to try cotton candies and Cornish pasty.
- Do not worry! Be happy! Let us go to the center of the town to our snack bar and have
a stomach party!
5) – Jane, wake up! It`s high time to go to college.
- Go away! Let me sleep. My classes start at 11 a.m. today.
Dialogue in slang
At the Movies…
Chris and Lisa are seated in the movie theater waiting for Steve to arrive.
Chris: I wonder what`s keeping Steve?
Lisa: Oh, I forgot to tell you. He is not gonna show up. He called just before we took off.
Chris: What kind of line did he hand you this time?
Lisa: Something about his car dying again.
Chris: What a bunch of noise. He doesn`t even have a car. He gets around everywhere by bike. I don`t know what he`s trying to pull. The guy`s a total flake.
Lisa: You said it. That`s the last straw. The guy lies like a rug. I dunno why we`ve put up with him for this long. I`m telling you, if I run into him tomorrow, I`m reading him the riot act. This time, he blew it big time. Man, I`m gonna have a field day with him.
Chris: Try not to lose your cool too much. One thing`s for sure. It`ll be a cold day in hell before we invite him to the movies again. By the way, do you even know what this movie`s about?
Lisa: All I know is that the critics panned it. They all said the star kept blowing his lines. But you can always count on one thing … if a critic thinks a movie`s a bomb, it`ll be a smash hit.
Translation of dialogue in standard English
At the Movies…
Chris: I wonder what`s detaining Steve?
Lisa: Oh, I forgot to tell you. He is not going to arrive. He called just before we left.
Chris: What kind of excuse did he give you this time?
Lisa: Something about his car becoming inoperable again.
Chris: What a lot of nonsense. He doesn`t even have a car. He commutes everywhere by bike. I do not know what he is trying to succeed at doing. The man is totally unreliable.
Lisa: I agree. That`s all I can tolerate. The man always lies. I do not know why we`ve tolerated him for this long. I am telling you, if I inadvertently encounter him tomorrow, I`m reprimanding him. This time, he made a big mistake. Man, I am going to have a great time yelling at him.
Chris: Try not to lose your temper too much. One thing is certain. We`ll never invite him to the movies again. Incidentally, do you even know what this movie`s about?
Lisa: All I know is that the critics criticized it harshly. They all said the star kept making mistakes saying his lines. But you can always depend on one thing … if a critic thinks a movie is a bad production, it`ll be a huge success.
(SPEAK OUT, 3/2003)
1. Copy out the italicized words and translate them.
2. What`s the English for: прибывать, приходить; ненамеренно, случайно; уходить; сломаться, не работать; Чепуха!; ездить; ненадежный человек; лгать; Это – последняя капля; столкнуться, встретиться; устроить разнос; терять терпение; кстати; рассчитывать на …; иметь успех; разнести в пух и прах; оправдываться.
3. Read and translate the dialogue.
4. Agree or disagree! Give some more additional information.
- Chris and Lisa were sitting in the café.
- They were not waiting for anybody.
- Steve was going to arrive.
- Steve didn`t call Lisa.
- Steve couldn`t come because he had a lot of housework.
- Steve usually gets around by his car.
- Steve is a totally reliable person.
- Lisa trusts Steve.
- Chris is going to read Steve the riot act.
- They are going to invite Steve to the movie next time.
- The critics liked the film very much.
- Lisa is sure the film is going to be a smash hit.
5. You are Chris. Describe the situation in his name.
6. You are Lisa. Describe the situation in her name.
7. You are Steve. Call Lisa and explain why you can`t go to the movie.
8. Make up right and false statements for the game “Ping - Pong”.
9. What questions would you like to ask Lisa?
10. Make up your own dialogue: you invite your friend to the movie. He/she doesn`t want to go.
Persuade your friend to join you.
Use slang words from the dialogue.
Pupil 1 | Pupil 2 |
Предложение | Отказ |
Разъяснение / Уточнение | Сомнение |
Обида / Угроза | Согласие / Контрпредложение |
Переспрос | Уточнение |
Согласие / Повторное предложение | Согласие |
Education. What are you going to be? УМК В.П. Кузовлев, Form 9
Subsection: Youth Slang
Quiz: Do you know youth slang well?
1. A geek is … 10. I am going to hit the hay.
a) A trendy guy a) I am going to work hard.
b) an intelligent student b) I am going to bed.
c) an uncool person c) I am going to do the shopping.
2. I am pooped out! 11. I`ve lost my boom box.
a) I am excited! a) I`ve lost my keys.
b) I am tired. b) I have lost my CD player.
c) I am fond of sports! c) I have lost my way.
3. Downtown is …. 12. Somebody said you aced
a) a suburb the test, Kate.
b) a countryside a) Somebody said you got “5” for
c) a centre of the city the test, Kate.
b) Somebody said you failed the
4. Piece of cake! test, Kate.
a) very easy c) Somebody said you would re-
b) pretty good write the test, Kate.
c) What a bore!
5. Hit the deck! 13. Don`t latch on me!
a) Go to bed! a) Do not help me!
b) Do your lessons! b) Do not follow me!
c) Wake up! c) Do not take place with me!
6. I give my right arm to … 14. Give me a tinkle tomorrow!
a) I`m confused a) See you tomorrow!
b) I want you to … b) Call me tomorrow!
c) I`m eager to … c) Give me your pen for a minute,
7. Hit the road!
a) Go away!
b) Sweep the paths!
c) Have a nice time!
8. Don`t rack your brain!
a) Don`t go out!
b) Switch on the light!
c) Don`t think hard!
9. I`m pissed off!
a) I am sick to death of you!
b) I am OK!
c) I am so much impressed!
Key: 1c, 2b, 3 c, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8c, 9a, 10b, 11b, 12a, 13b, 14b.
Match the phrases!
1. Holy cats! Well met! | а) Отцепись от меня! |
2. How are things? | b) Я устал как собака. |
3. What are you doing? | c) Достали!!! |
4. Don`t bug me. Stop bugging me! | d) Елки-палки, кого вижу! |
5. I`ve thought you`ve got a fat-city! | e) У меня это на языке вертелось. |
6. I had it on the tip of my tongue. | f) Как дела? |
7. I am dog-sick. I am dog-tired. | g) Моя сестра получила пятерку за тест по английскому. |
8. My sister aced the test in English! | Я-то думал, ты как сыр в масле катаешься. |
9. Don`t rack your brains! | Я тебе звонила, хотела посплетничать. |
10. I`ve called you to dish. | j) Не парься!!! |
11. You`ve got your horn broken? | k) Чем занимаешься? |
12. I am pissed off! | l) У тебя телефон сломался? |
13. Crickey! Good grief! | m) Исчезни! |
14. Get lost! | n) Я тебе звонила, хотела потрепаться. |
15. Give me a tinkle tomorrow! | o) Ни фига себе! |
16. I`ve called you to jaw! | p) Звякни мне завтра! |
17. Hit the deck! | q) Невезуха сплошная! |
18. Planning some things? | r) Что нового? |
19. What`s news? | s) Подъем! |
20. I`ve got a hard-line. | t) Какие планы? |
Key: 1d, 2f, 3k, 4a, 5h, 6e, 7b, 8g, 9j, 10i, 11l, 12c, 13o, 14m, 15p, 16n, 17s, 18t, 19r, 20q.
КИМ, Говорение “Youth Slang” (9 класс)
1. Tell your cousin about your last visit to the cinema. One of your friends didn`t come and you had to wait for him for some time. You were very angry.
Use: to hand a line, to get around, to be a flake, to read somebody the riot act, to blow big time, I have got a hard line! to give somebody a tinkle, to be pissed off, to lose smb`s cool.
2. Make up your own dialogue. You meet your friend who didn`t come to your place yesterday to help you in Math. Although he/she promised to come. As a result, you got a bad mark. Discuss the situation with your sister.
Use slang and the scheme:
Pupil1 | Pupil 2 |
Утверждение I can`t rely on Lena any more. | Уточняющий вопрос |
Разъяснение | Сомнение |
Разочарование/ Угроза | Успокоение / Аргумент Do not make a mountain out of a molehill. |
Переспрос | Уточнение / Предложение помощи |
Согласие | Согласие |
3. Make up a dialogue. You meet your friend and invite him/her for a walk or to the cinema. There is a film on that was much spoken about. Your friend refuses but asks you to call her later.
Match the phrases and expand them with some additional information
You | Your friend |
- Hello, Lena! (Slang) … - Planning some things? (Suggest going somewhere) … - Has your horn broken? … - Don`t lose your cool! …. - Life is going its usual way. … | - Hi, Olga! … - I`d love too, but I`m afraid I can`t. … - I was busy as a bee. I`ve got a hard-line. ….. … - Crickey! Good grief! … - OK! … |
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