Проектная работа по теме "Ecology" в рамках элективного курса "English for science" 10-11 класс
элективный курс по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Метод проектов- это комплексный обучающий метод,который позволяет индивидуализировать учебный процесс, дает возможность учащемуся проявить себя в планировании, организации и контроле своей деятельности.
Метод проектов позволяет учащимся проявить самостоятельность в выборе темы, источников информации, способе ее изложения и презентации. Проектная методика позволяет вести индивидуальную работу над темой, которая вызывает наибольший интерес у каждого участника проекта, что, несомненно, влечет за собой повышенную мотивированную активность учащегося. Он сам выбирает объект исследования, сам для себя решает: ограничиться ли учебником по английскому языку (просто выполнив очередное упражнение), или почитать другую литературу. Однако, зачастую ребята обращаются к дополнительным источникам информации, анализируют, сравнивают, оставляя самое важное и занимательное.
В обучении английскому языку метод проектов можно использовать в тесном контакте с учебной программой. В нашей физико-математической школе обучение английскому языку на старшей ступени ведется по учебникам УМК авторов Гроза О.Л. и Дворецкая О.Б. Учитывая высокую загруженность учащихся, мы разрабатываем школьные проекты по темам, которые предлагаются учебной программой. Следует отметить, что тема проекта должна не только входить в общий контекст обучения языку, но и быть достаточно интересной для учащихся. Выбор темы проектной работы очень важен, зачастую именно тема проекта, в конечном счете, может определить успешность и результативность проектной работы в целом.
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Предварительный просмотр:
"The modern version in answer to the (environmental) situation - is to create the country's recycling industry."
Dmitry Medvedev
The topic of my presentation is (the problem of domestic wastes) and today I will show you possible ways to reduce the quantities of solid waste.
The aim of my research is to analyze and explore the problem of domestic waste that particularly acute influences both on the environment and on the economy of the developed countries. Knowledge of the methods and conclusions of my work will be useful for everyone.
Review of solid wastes’ problem
Firstly, I would like to describe the problem of domestic wastes or city solid wastes (CSW) as they are called by professionals. So, some words about foreign experience: New Yorkers throw away a day for about 24,000 tons of all kinds of materials. This mixture, consisting mainly of various useless stuff, contain also valuable metals, glass containers, suitable for future using, paper, plastic and food. But also this mixture contains even more dangerous wastes: batteries, lamps and toxic chemicals and medicine.
More and more garbage is transported over long distances in a sanitary zone, where it is sorted to recycling process and burned in special stoves for producing energy.
As you know, recycling of metal, paper, glass, plastic and organic waste reduces save energy and materials. For example, getting paper from recycled paper instead of wood saves forests. In the developing world recycling makes people take good care of nature and also their budget
Scientists say that balance of gases in the atmosphere could cause a global temperature increase and sea level rise - in case of emissions CSW in the atmosphere.
The problem of solid wastes in Omsk
Omsk is one of the largest cities in the Asian part of Russia with population over 1.1 million people. During its life the city produces a lot of solid waste: 1.7 million m3 per year. But only 1.3 million m3 (75%) are on official dumps outside the living area, and 400 thousand m3 (25%) remain in the city, or get on the illegal dumps.
Omsk has different urban features that create serious problems in the organization of the household waste. The city occupies a large area - about 550 km2. Nowadays in Omsk work only two dumps: Kirov and Lenin, which do not fully comply with environmental legislation. Another dumps were closed in 2005. The lack of dumps in the northern part of the city increased the cost of waste disposal (up to 9 mln. Per year).
The main causes of illegal dumping:
- Poor organization of garbage disposal in the private sector;
- Unfair business of garbage disposal;
- Unwillingness of citizens and businessmen to pay for garbage disposal.
Reduction of CSW in home due to environmental culture of generation.
In my work, I decided to conduct an experiment. One month, I counted a quantity of CSW in liters of one family of 3 people, and in a month |I have investigated ways to reduce waste, to continue the experiment. During the first month I had calculated CSW that showed 340 liters. For a whole month I was collecting information how to reduce waste.
In the second month ejected waste decreased since sorting trash was conducted. All unnecessary paper was taken to a summer cottage. Its weight was 10 kg. Charity was also provided in the form of clothing and footwear, which weight was 7.5 kg. The glass was sent for re-use (the fruits and vegetables), and for multi-use as packaging for dairy products, which weight was 10 kg. My family and I began to use special cloth bags, not plastic bags, for carrying products. The quantity of packaging was reduced by buying dairy products in glass (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese). Food waste were used as bird food (bread, cereals), which weight was 1 kg. In the forest, private territory, School area there were installed feeders for birds of plastic bottles, 1 kg.
During the second month of the experiment quantity of waste decreased 60 liters less, with a minimum sorting.
Analyzing the results of the experiment, I found out that in one year you can reduce the quantity of CSW on 720 liters.
I also identify opportunities for solid waste disposal:
1) Paper (milk packets) can be used as feeders for birds. Paper printed materials may be disposed for the collection of waste paper in special places. The waste paper can be used in a summer cottage.
Traditional New Year decoration – a fir-tree. After every winter holiday near houses there are a lot of trees that show familiar pattern for citizens. People should replace trees that we cut to the plastic ones.
2) Food waste can be used as food for animals and birds.
3) Glass can be used as a decorative element in the works of modern art in architecture, sculpture and art - objects in the environment. Besides the glass can be given to a collection point for the recycling of glass, melting or re-reusable.
4) Plastic can be used as material for animal and bird feeders. It can also be handed over to the processing, use as a material for art - objects (the program "Poka vse doma. Ochumelye ruchki" is a bright example of different kinds using plastic).
5) Fabrics and fibers shall be in household wastes disposal. You can donate to charities, the material for the art - objects (dolls, mats).
6) Metal items may be passed to scrap metal and used as art - objects.
Electronic or electrical appliances contain valuable components that can be recycled and reused. At the end of the using period appliances must be passed to a collection point or to the service center for recycling. Besides chemically-active and radioactive materials are collected in depository.
The main measures are:
- Reducing the quantity of packaging and change its quality;
- Re-use of packaging;
- Instructions on packages explaining the recycling process;
- Avoid using unnecessary packaging;
- Increases in the price of the wastes;
- Introduction new technologies in the production of non-wastes products;
- Composting garbage on houses areas;
- Personal example of famous people;
- Special lessons and encouragement for teachers;
- Methodological support and information materials;
- Annual thematic competitions;
- Social advertising in the media, in the streets;
- Creation of a program for special team performances.
Traditional methods of waste disposal
For about 500 years BC in Athens there was founded the first known publishing document that forbade throwing garbage on the streets and provided the organization of special dumps no closer than a mile from the town. Like many Greek’s inventions, such practice of recycling has been forgotten in the Middle Ages. People continued to throw garbage out of the windows until the 14th century. But a few centuries later, when thousands of people began to move to the industrial cities to get a job, they were bringing with them this bad practice and brought the garbage crisis. City government had provided legal responsibility violations to collect CSW. Garbage was taken out of the city and just landed at different stores in countryside.
The first systematic using of garbage stove was tested in Nottingham, England, in 1874, it reduced the burning of garbage by 70-90%, depending on its composition, so this method has found its way across the Atlantic. High-populated and the most important cities soon introduced experimental stoves, but not all were able to justify costs. The high cost was appropriate when there was not a cheaper way of burial. Many cities that had used these stoves, soon abandoned them, because of the worsening of the air. The dumping of wastes was the most popular method for solving this problem.
Despite the fact that the quantity of solid wastes is highly increasing every year, humanity finds all possible ways to solve this problem. Even small attention to waste in every family, can reduce using natural resources. I am sure that very soon we will learn how to use wastes correctly and understand their importance, not only for us, but also for the environment.
domestic wastes – твердые бытовые отходы
to reduce the quantity of wastes – сокращать кол-во отходов
acute – остро
CSW – city solid wastes
dump – свалка
fir-tree – ель
urban features – городские особенности
legislation – закон
disposal – устранение
domestic wastes – твердые бытовые отходы
to reduce the quantity of wastes – сокращать кол-во отходов
acute – остро
CSW – city solid wastes
dump – свалка
fir-tree – ель
urban features – городские особенности
legislation – закон
disposal – устранение
domestic wastes – твердые бытовые отходы
to reduce the quantity of wastes – сокращать кол-во отходов
acute – остро
CSW – city solid wastes
dump – свалка
fir-tree – ель
urban features – городские особенности
legislation – закон
disposal – устранение
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
" The modern version in answer to the (environmental) situation - is to create the country's recycling industry." Dmitry Medvedev
Recycling companies
Hotel in Madrid, 2011
England, 1806
German, 1920
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