Тематические тесты, 3 класс, Верещагина
тест по английскому языку по теме
Тесты для 3 класса, Верещагина по темам: повторение, Food, Clothing, The English Year, Pets, итоговый.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test work. Food.
- Refer the sentences to the past.
- I am a pupil.
- His uncle goes to the stadium every day.
- Where do you live?
- Robin eats meat soup, potatoes, fish, fruit and vegetables.
- My father drinks a glass of milk for breakfast.
- They think so.
- Ask questions to the sentence.
- Last year my parents were in America.
- Yesterday my aunt bought apples in the shop.
- Do the test.
- English people have … meals a day.
- three b) two c) four
- English people like … very much.
- porridge b) eggs c) bananas
- Russian tea is tea with … .
- milk b) ice-cream c) lemon
- English people don’t eat much … .
- soup b) bread c) vegetables
- Their last meal is … .
- lunch b) breakfast c) dinner or supper
- The English drink tea from … .
- cups b) glasses c) plates
- Put in “much” or “many”
Предварительный просмотр:
Test. Clothing
Task 1. Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives:
- a beautiful doll –
- a nice puppy –
- big ears –
- a tasty cake –
- a good son –
- a bad song –
- a long walk –
- an interesting tale –
Task 2. Translate from Russian into English:
- Моя сестра любит носить шляпки.
- Вчера мама купила мне новые туфли.
- Мой свитер хорошо подходит к моим джинсам.
- Ты надевал новую куртку вчера?
- Какого цвета шорты ты носишь летом (in summer)?
- Твоя мама любит носить юбки и блузки?
- Завтра мы купим новую рубашку для моего брата.
- Что ты обычно надеваешь, когда холодно?
- Я всегда ношу пальто, кепку, ботинки, брюки и теплый свитер, когда холодно.
- Какого размера колготки вы носите?
Task 3. Ask question for more information. Write the negative sentence.
He will go there.
- Общий вопрос
- Альтернативный вопрос
- Кто?
- Куда?
- Когда?
- Отрицание.
Task 4. Complete the sentences with the adverbs: медленно, быстро, красиво, опрятно (опрятный – nice), плохо, хорошо
- The tortoise is a slow animal, it moves …
- The hare runs very …
- She is a beautiful singer, she sings …
- This woman is … dressed.
- She is a bad cook. She cooks…
- He is a good footballer. He plays football…
Предварительный просмотр:
Test. The English Year.
- Put in the missing words. Make the sentences complete.
- In Great Britain …, …, … and … are winter months.
- I like winter … in winter I can ski and skate.
- In Great Britain there are two spring months: they are … and … .
- Horses, sheep, cows like to eat … .
- In spring the … on the trees are green and small.
- … is the third summer month in Great Britain.
- We celebrate Victory Day on the ninth of … .
- … comes before July.
- Do you like to ski in the … in winter?
- Grasshoppers live in the … .
- In … children begin to prepare for school.
- Does school start on the first of …?
- On the 31st of … in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children – Halloween.
- Put in SOME or ANY where it is necessary
- I have … cheese.
- Is there … sugar in my tea?
- Is there … tea in the cup?
- – No, there is not … . There is not … ham on the plate.
- Are there … pencils in the box? – No, there are not. There are … pens in it.
- There are … eggs in the shed.
- There are no … buttons on her dress.
- I don’t drink … milk. I like tea or coffee.
- Put … butter on the plate.
- Put in anybody/somebody/nobody/anything/something/nothing
- Is there … new?
- There is … in the room. He wants to speak to you.
- I shall not give the book to … else.
- … knows his name.
- He never writes … to me about it.
- There is … at home mow.
- It is 7 o’clock. There is … at school now.
- We can see … in the room.
- He wants to say … to me.
- He doesn’t want to say … .
- He puts … into his bag.
Предварительный просмотр:
Test work. Pets and other animals.
- Write down the names of the parts of the body.
- Translate from Russian into English.
У меня есть домашний питомец. У меня есть кошка. Ее зовут Pussy. Она очень умная и красивая. У нее длинный пушистый (fluffy) хвост. Я должен ухаживать за моей кошкой. Кошки – это мои любимые животные. Это домашние животные. Моя кошка ест мясо, кашу. Она пьет молоко. Pussy не любит рыбу. Я очень люблю Pussy. У моей сестры есть попугай. Он умеет говорить. Он очень смешной.
- Write down the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives: nice, happy, large, big, hot, funny
- Open the brackets, use the necessary form of the adjectives:
- The giraffe has got (long) neck.
- Are bananas (tasty) than oranges?
- Kate’s toy is (new) than Jane’s.
- The bear’s nose is (short) than the elephant’s.
- The elephants’ ears are (big).
- Translate from Russian into English:
- Лев – самое сильное животное.
- Попугаи умнее, чем овцы.
- Зубы крокодила острее, чем у собаки.
- Шея жирафа длиннее, чем у медведя?
- Write the numbers in words: 18, 107, 34, 9-й, 52, 91-й, 20-й, 12-й.
- You … play hockey at the lesson of English.
- I … be late for school.
- People … go shopping to buy bread.
- You … do homework.
- Pupils … dance at the lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Test. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite.
- Open the brackets. Use the necessary grammar tense.
- Tom (to play) football every Sunday.
- He (not to play) football every day.
- I (to wear) a raincoat now.
- They (to play) in the room now?
- She (to help) her mother every day?
- You (to come) to my place next Sunday?
- Look! Kate (to go) to school.
- When your sister (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
- My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.
- We (to buy) a new coat last week.
- Ask questions
- Mary eats bananas every day. (what? Альтернативный вопрос)
- I usually have supper at 7 o’clock. (when? Who?)
- Granny made a fruit salad yesterday. (альтернативный вопрос. Who?)
- We shall be in Africa next year. (альтернативный вопрос.Where?)
- The boys are playing basketball now. (альтернативный вопрос. What?)
- Translate into English
- Я читаю сейчас.
- Она не любит есть суп с хлебом.
- Твои родители были дома вчера.
- Ты ел мороженое на ужин вчера?
- Я буду есть курицу с картошкой на обед завтра.
Test. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite.
- Open the brackets. Use the necessary grammar tense.
- Tom (to play) football every Sunday.
- He (not to play) football every day.
- I (to wear) a raincoat now.
- They (to play) in the room now?
- She (to help) her mother every day?
- You (to come) to my place next Sunday?
- Look! Kate (to go) to school.
- When your sister (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
- My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.
- We (to buy) a new coat last week.
- Ask questions
- Mary eats bananas every day. (what? Альтернативный вопрос)
- I usually have supper at 7 o’clock. (when? Who?)
- Granny made a fruit salad yesterday. (альтернативный вопрос. Who?)
- We shall be in Africa next year. (альтернативный вопрос.Where?)
- The boys are playing basketball now. (альтернативный вопрос. What?)
- Translate into English
- Я читаю сейчас.
- Она не любит есть суп с хлебом.
- Твои родители были дома вчера.
- Ты ел мороженое на ужин вчера?
- Я буду есть курицу с картошкой на обед завтра.
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