Страноведческая викторина UK /US
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Страноведческая викторина UK/US разработана по материалам учебников В.Н.Богородицкой и Л.В. Хрусталевой и книги В.В. Ощепковой, И.И. Шустиловой " Britain in Brief".Состит из 8 разделов социокультурных, географических, исторических вопросов в контексте диалога культур.Каждый из 56 вопросов проиллюстрирован слайдами. Рекомендуется для старших классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
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UK / US Quiz 2011
(9th forms)
The Host Dear guys!
You are welcome at our cross – cultural contests. I wish you to derive pleasure from this game of clever and quickwitted.
Let me introduce our jury: _____________________________________
Hope they will be attentive, just and condescending to our mistakes.
* * *
Each team is to get a point for a question. If it fails, another team can give the right answer and get an additional point.
So, ready, steady, go!
Geography. (Maps)
- What is the most important river in Great Britain?
(The Thames)
- What is the longest river in the USA?
(the Missisipy)
- Name the five Great Lakes.
( Lake Huron, Erie, Ontario, Mishigan, Superior).
- What are the largest islands of the British Isles?
(Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1 -
5. What is American largest state?
6. What channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe?
(The English Channel).
- When was the American Declaration of Independence signed?
2. When did the Great Fire of London take place?
3. What battle is Admiral Nelson famous for?
(the battle or Trafalger)
- Which American state belonged to Russia?
- What was the original number of English Colonies in America?
7. Who was the first president of the USA?
(George Washington)
- 2 -
Politics (Draw the Cards)
4 cards (8 points)
1. What is the political status of
a) the UK (Parliamentary Monarchy)
в) the USA (Republic)
2. What names have the flags got?
а) the UK Union Jack
в) the USA Stars and Stripes.
3. Name the government buildings
a) the UK (The Houses of Parliament=Palace of Westminster)
в) the USA (the Capitol)
4. Where do the rulers of the states live?
a) the UK (Buckingam Palace; Downing Street, 10)
в) the USA (the White House)
Listen to the music. Try to state what it is. (2 гимна этих стран)
(Ответы подаются в жюри в записках)
- 3 -
Places of Interest
- What sightseeing of London and Washington is it?
1. This is the beautiful home of every President, except the first president. It’s the oldest public building in Washington DC. Its address is 1600 Pensylvania Avenue. (The White House)
2. It’s the tallest building in Washington DC, and the most famous building in the USA, because this is where laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. (The Capitol)
3. When the mistress of this building is at home, the Royal standard is flying. Every day at 11.30 a.m. they are changing the Guard. It’s the London home of the Queen.
(Buckingham Palace)
4. It’s the most famous of all historical buildings in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace, later a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of it.
(The Tower of London)
- Now look at the screen and guess, what it is.
- London Eye.
- Rushmore Mountain(Washington Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln)
- Tower Bridge.
- Empire State Building.
- Statue of Liberty.
- Big Ben.
- 4 –
Traditions and Culture.
- Who designed St. Pauls’s Cathedral?
(Christopher Wren)
- Where are the British kings and queens crowned?
(in Westminster Abby)
- In what park of London one can make a speech?
(in Hyde Park)
- Which bridge over the Thames was pulled down and transported, piece by piece, to Arizona in the United States?
(London Bridge)
- Where in the USA can you find Golden Gate Bridge?
(in San Francisco)
- How much will it cost you to visit the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Science Museum and the Imperial War Museum?
(Nothing. They are free of charge)
- Where is the centre of cinema production in the USA?
- What city is Hollywood in?
(Los Angeles)
- 5 -
- What schools in the UK and the USA have the same name but the opposite meaning?
(Public School)
- What is the highest mark in British schools?
3. Are there any entrance exams in the USA?
- What is the oldest university in Great Britain?
- How are the school stuff’s heads called in the UK and in the USA?
(a headmaster – a principle)
6. What is the school leaving age in the UK?
- 6 -
- Who was called “the Iron Lady”?
(Margaret Thatcher)
- Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon?
(Neil Armstrong, 1969)
- Whose name was given to America?
(Amerigo Vespucci)
- Who created the best animated cartoons of the USA?
(Walt Disney)
- Who wrote the book called “Gulliver’s Travels”?
(Jonathan Swift)
- Who was the father of the historical novel in the world literature?
(Walter Scott)
- 7 –
Host: The time is up. You have proved that you are brainy.
Let’s sum up the results and honour the winners.
* * *
- 8 -

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