Урок английского языка в 8 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 8 классе
Баекова К.А., учитель английского языка школы-гимназии №17 г.Актобе
The theme: Food.
- practice new words;
- read and learn cuisines;
- talk about cuisines;
- talk about food and health;
- learn about comparative and superlative adjectives.
Equipment: interactive board, pictures, cards, placards, cassettes.
- Org. moment
- Video (all’s well that ends with a good meal)
- Talk about cuisines
- Talking about Kazakh cuisine
- Collage (healthy and unhealthy food)
- Grammar (comparatives and superlatives)
- The scene in the restaurant and café
- Conclusion
The procedure of the lesson:
- Organ. Moment
T=Ch. Good morning. Nice to meet you. I hope everybody is fine. Now have a look at the screen. So, I think you understand that the theme of our lesson is “Food”. And you know that people cannot live without food.
II. P1: Nastya: - May I say, I know the saying all’s well that ends with a good meal. And I want to show video.
T: Thank you. So every nation has its own cuisine and what cuisines do you know?
P1,P2,P3,P.: British, American, Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, Italian, Mexican, Kazakh, Russian.
T: So, we see that there are many cuisines all over the world. Many restaurants represent them and it is your choice to prefer one. What national cuisine do you know?
- Talking about Kazakh cuisine.
T=Ch. Laura and Akkerke like eating Kazakh national food and like eating outside.
- T=Ch What sayings, proverbs about food do you know?
P1: Eat to live but not live to eat.
P2: Too much food makes you fat too little food makes you dead.
P3: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- Collage of healthy and unhealthy food.
T=Ch. So, Let’s see what food is healthy and unhealthy. Let’s divide into two groups .
-Your task is to make a collage of health and unhealthy food. I’ll Give you 2 minutes.
Thank you. Nowadays people want to the strong and healthy. And we must (have to) know. What we should eat and what we shouldn’t eat. Let’s begin….
The 1st group +
The 2nd group –
- Grammar.
Thank you. Look at the screen you can see two restaurants compare the two places. Use our adjectives :
Gordon Ramsays restaurant
Café Asean
Let’s compare
- The scene in the restaurant and in the café.
– Do you want to go to these places and what do people eat?
- Let’s go
- T=Ch.
Thank you very much. We remember what we should eat and we shouldn’t eat. We have known a lot about healthy and unhealthy food. And of course we remember all’s well ends with a good meal and good meal makes us friendly, hospitable and happy. And now we invite to try our baursak
At a restaurant
- Hi! Let’s take a seat! Where is our table?
- Our table is reserved and its number 7.
- May I help you please? Our restaurant offers you a big variety of French cuisine.
- Of course. Where is table number?
- Near the window. Here is the menu.
- Thank you. I would like to order salmon in garlic sauce.
- It may be spicy.
- But not as spicy as prawns with cheese.
- It is better choice.
- I agree. And what do want to order?
- I would like to order an onion soup. Will it be hot?
- Hotter than the prawns.
- I recommend this meal. I think it is tasty.
- I think you are right. It seems to be delicious.
- Do want something to drink?
- We shall take 2 lemon teas
- I think this is it.
- Wait 20 minutes, please
- Thank you.
At a cafe
- Let’s go to this café. It seems to be cheap.
- It is cheaper than many restaurants around. You don’t have to wait and reserve a table.
- That sounds good.
- Can I help you? (протягивает меню)
- Yes, I would like to have a hamburger and a vegetable salad. What about you?
- I want some trends frier and fried chicken.
- Do you want something to drink?
- I want cola. And you?
- Some orange juice, please.
- Shall we take some pizza too?
- It will be longer to wait. You can take it away.
- Ok, I’ll take a cheese pizza with me.
- Any desert?
- One ice-cream. And I think it’s all.
- Ok, wait about 5 minutes.
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
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