Открытый урок по теме "Преступление и наказание"
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок был проведен по учебнику “Pacesetter” (pre-int.), но его можно проводить по любому другому учебнику, где есть тема « Преступление и наказание» или на факультативных (элективных) занятиях. Урок проводился в 9 классе, нл его можно использовать и в 10 - 11 классах. Учащиеся c удовольствием изучают данную лексику, читают и обсуждают темы по этой теме, строят свои собственные высказывания.
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Урок по теме “Crime and Punishment”
Урок был проведен по учебнику “Pacesetter” (pre-int.), но его можно проводить по любому другому учебнику, где есть тема « Преступление и наказание» или на факультативных (элективных) занятиях. Учащиеся c удовольствием изучают данную лексику, читают и обсуждают темы по этой теме, строят свои собственные высказывания.
Цель урока: Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, краткое ознакомление с уголовным кодексом, воспитание нравственной позиции учащихся.
Задача урока: закрепить лексические единицы, изученные ранее по теме «Преступление и наказание», тренировать учащихся в построении монологических и диалогических высказываний, составлении предложений по образцу.
1. Let’s begin our lesson. We are going to discuss a very serious problem Crime and Punishment.
Now, look at the screen. You’ll see an extract from the film “Oliver Twist” (Оливер знакомится с Доджером).
Answer my questions:
1) What do you remember about Oliver?
2) Who is Artful Dodger?
3) What does Dodger D. steal?
4) Where does Dodger D. steal?
5) Why does Dodger D. steal?
6) Why does he call himself Artful Dodger?
7) Is Oliver his friend?
8) How old are they?
9) Why does Oliver agree to go with Dodger?
10) Is Oliver a thief?
11) Do you think he will become a thief?
(Можно показать отрывок из любого другого детективного фильма, известного учащимся, на английском языке.)
2. Right you are. Oliver won’t become a thief. He will be lucky enough to lead another life.
But there are a lot of criminals around us. Maybe that’s why they show too many detective films on TV and publish a lot of detective books and news. Look at some of them, please.
Можно на экране показать какие-нибудь картинки, соответствующие теме выступления.
A. When Tina Bowles was arrested by the police and charged with burglary it came as a shock to the neighbourhood. Tina was a well-respected woman in her early forties. At the trial the prosecutor presented an amazing amount of evidence. It was proved that she was a member of a gang which had broken into the homes of many rich people and stolen their valuables. Tina was sentenced to ten years in prison.
B. Raymond Burles tried to rob a bank. He pointed a gun at the cashier and told him to hand over the money. Burles put 4000 into his bag and zipped it up. He backed to the door and ordered everyone to freeze. To his surprise nobody took any notice – the staff and customers all jumped on him and pinned him to the floor. Burles realized that he had put his gun in the bag along with the money.
3. What types of criminals do you remember?
Who is a shoplifter, a robber, a vandal…?
Примерные ответы учащихся:
А thief is someone who takes things which do not belong to them.
An arsonist is someone who sets fire to property on purpose.
A kidnapper is someone who takes a person by force and demands a ransom.
A mugger is someone who attacks people in the street in order to steal something.
A burglar is someone who breaks into people’s houses to steal things.
A murderer is someone who kills somebody on purpose
A hijacker is someone who uses force to take control of a plane.
A vandal is someone who damages property on purpose
A forger is someone who forges documents, paintings, etc.
A robber is someone who steals something from shops, banks, etc.
A shoplifter is someone who steals something from shops.
4. Are criminals usually lucky? (Ответы учащихся)
If they are not lucky they are arrested and taken to court. Their life usually depends on the decision of a judge and jury.
Look at the screen and complete the exercise. You also have this exercise on your sheets of paper.
Сначала учащиеся выполняют задание на карточках, затем они вытягивают карточку с одним из слов, читают предложение и показывают на картине или экране, кто есть кто. На нашем уроке была специально нарисована картина судебного заседания.
Now, take a card, read the word, find the definition.
Who is a judge, a prosecutor?
1. The accused | a) sb who has been charged with committing a crime |
2.A court reporter | b) a professional who decides how a criminal should be punished |
3. A witness | c) a professional who speaks for the accused and advises him or her in court. |
4. A policeman | d) sb who has seen a crime happen |
5. Jury | e) a professional who assists the lawyer of the accused |
6. A judge | f) a group of people in court who decide if sb is innocent or guilty |
7. A defense layer | g) sb. whose job is to arrest those who break the law. |
8. A victim | h) a professional who represents the state in court. |
9. A prosecutor | i) sb who notes down what is said in court |
10. A junior defense layer | j) sb who is robbed, burgled or kidnapped etc. |
1a, 2i, 3d, 4g, 5f, 6b, 7c, 8j, 9h, 10e
5. Now we’ll see how crimes usually happen.
A role-play
Участники: 2 девушки (потерпевшая и свидетельница), вор ( обвиняемый), судья, прокурор, защитник (адвокат), полицейский
Две девушки в кафе пьют кофе и беседуют. Напротив, сидит другая девушка, пьет кофе и слушает музыку.
- Kate, dear, have you heard? Our neighbour, Mrs. Thomson was burgled yesterday.
- Really? Mrs. Thomson. Was she at home?
- No. Mrs. Thomson and her husband had been invited to a birthday party. But when they returned home, they noticed that one of the windows had been broken. Mr. Thomson called the police. They were burgled!
- How did it happen? Do the police have any witnesses?
- No, they don/t even know whom to suspect because there was nobody around at that time. It was about midnight.
- Poor Thomsons. They are the nicest people I’ve ever met. By the way, did the burglars take a lot?
- I don’t know. But it’s terrible.
- You’re right. And I was a witness of a shoplifting today. I was in the shop round the corner. You know. And I saw an old woman shoplifting sweets! I was so astonished! A respectable-looking lady! But she was stealing sweets!
- Old woman? Sweets? What nonsense!
- I swear to God. She did it.
- And did anybody see her shoplifting?
- Yes. A shop-assistant. And they took her to the manager
- Will they take her to the police?
- I don’t know. Nowadays there are so many burglars, robbers, thieves, muggers. Too many.
- You’re right. If you open a newspaper or switch on the TV, you’ll only hear criminal news.
- Well. By the way, have you…. Oh, stop, thief, thief!
У девушки, которая сидит одна, молодой человек ворует кошелек. Одна из подруг становится свидетельницей.
6. Now we’ll try to help to the investigator. Our task is to create a photofit.
Уч-ся составляют фоторобот мальчика, который «украл» кошелек.
Read the text
The first suspect is a white man in his twenties. He is fairly overweight, quiet short and he’s bald. He’s got a broken nose. When last seen, he was wearing torn blue jeans and a baggy jacket. He’s also got a tattoo of a heart with the word “Helen” written on it.
Now listen attentively and correct the mistakes and help our police officer to make up a photofit.
(Аудиозапись можно записать самим или прочитать.)
The first suspect is a white man in his twenties. He is thin and quit short. He’s got dark hair a broken nose and a moustache. When last seen, he was wearing torn black jeans and a baggy T-shirt. He’s also got a tattoo of a heart with the word “Angela” written on it.
Затем учащимся предлагается обсудить изменения (исправить ошибки) и составить фоторобот. Можно использовать программу «Фоторобот» на компьютере. И методом подбора составить описание человека. Можно просто устно исправить ошибки.
7. The role-play “In the Court”.
Prosecutor: Your Honour. This man is accused of having stolen money from this woman’s bag. This happened on the 7th of July in the café ‘Welcome’ at 2.20. The woman was sitting at the table and drinking her coffee. She was listening to music and paid no attention to anything around. That man opened her bag and took her purse. Two women were sitting at the next table. One of them is a witness. She saw the man and told the police his about distinctive marks. He was caught in a few days. Then the woman recognized him. Now he is in front of you.
Judge: Thank you Mr. Prosecutor. Is your witness here?
Prosecutor: Yes, your honor. Please, summon Mrs. Crake.
Policeman: Mrs. Crake, you are summoned to give your testimony on the subject.
Judge: Swear to tell the truth
Witness: I swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Judge: What did you see?
Witness: Your Honour. You see, I was in a café with my friend. We were talking and drinking coffee when I saw a man taking something out of this woman’s bag.
Judge: Did you see what it was?
Witness: No, but I guess it was a purse. But I’m not sure. It was something small and leather.
Judge: Are you sure that it was this man?
Witness: Of course. I saw him quite clearly. He has got a tattoo on his arm. Yes. I’m sure it was him.
Judge: Thanks a lot. You can take your seat. And now the word is passed on to a defense lawyer. What can you say to defend your client.
Lawyer: Your honour. My client is guilty, of course. It has been proved. He confessed to stealing money. The witness Mrs Crake recognized him. But, Your Honour. I want to pay attention to the circumstances which forced my client to do it. His parents died in a car crash half a year ago. He lives alone. This man is only 18 years old. He tried to find a work during this period but nobody wants to have such young man as a worker. The money which he had after his parents death ran out a month ago. No money, no work, nobody to help him. He was desperate. Your honour it’s his first offence. And he’s only 18. Please take this into account.
Judge: Thanks. The word is passed on to the accused.
Accused: Miss, forgive me please. Your Honour, forgive me please.
Judge: Is that all you have to say?
Accused: Yes, Ma’am.
Judge: In this case, thanks both sides. We are leaving to make a decision.
Now while the judge is making a decision, you’ll hear what cases will be listened to in the court next. (На экране можно показать картинки, соответствующие теме высказывания.)
1) This woman kidnapped a baby outside a shop. She didn’t hurt the baby. She looked after him very well. She was married and wanted a baby but couldn’t have one. The police found her three days after the kidnap and returned the baby to his parents.
2) This woman is a forger. She forged several paintings and sold them for a lot of money. She comes from a rich family and she doesn’t need any money. She said that she did it because she was bored. The police caught her after the fourth painting.
(Продолжение суда)
Policeman: Stand up everybody. The judge is coming. Sit down.
Judge: Taking into consideration all the testimonies and facts The court deliver a verdict. The verdict is: Mr. Jonson is guilty. He has committed a crime. But as he is only 18 years old and it is his first offence, he is sentenced only to a two year suspended sentence. He shall be fined one thousand dollars. The accused, is everything clear?
Accused: Yes your honor.
Judge: In that case the trial is over. Thanks you, everyone.
The trial is over. The accused is considered to be guilty and he is only given a suspended sentence. What other offences and punishments do you know?
9. Let’s check your homework.
You had to make up sentences using this words and expressions.
Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу.
I think murder is a serious offence. Someone who murders should be sentenced to ten years of prison. и т. д.
Murder to be sentenced to life imprisonment
Hijacking an aircraft to be sent to prison
Kidnapping to be fined a small/large amount of money
Littering to be given a suspended sentence
Writing graffiti to be given a warning
Stealing a car
Stealing sweets
Pick pocketing
Making noise late at night
Being on a bus without a ticket
Toxic waste pollution
Drinking alcohol in public places
10. Now, you’ll listen to some articles from a criminal code. Try to understand and find a translation.
Article 105. Murder
Murder is the intentional killing of another person.
It shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years.
Article 158. Theft
Theft shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 700 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to seven months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.
Article 162. Robbery with Violence
Robbery committed using violence which threatens human life and health or with the threat of using such violence, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to eight years, with confiscation of property or without such confiscation.
Статья 162. Разбой
Разбой, совершенный с применением насилия, опасного для жизни или здоровья, либо с угрозой применения такого насилия, наказывается лишением свободы на срок от трех до восьми лет со штрафом в размере до пятисот тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до трех лет либо без такового.
Статья 105. Убийство
Убийство, то есть умышленное причинение смерти другому человеку,
наказывается лишением свободы на срок от шести до пятнадцати лет.
Статья 158. Кража
Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества, наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до ста восьмидесяти часов, либо лишением свободы на срок до двух лет.
11. And now complete my phrase. I know you like to do such exercises.
If you don’t commit a crime, you won’t get sent to prison.
If you don’t get sent to prison, you will…
Далее учащимся предлагается создать собственную цепочку предложений. Каждую новую фразу, начиная с конца предложения, используя условные предложения 1 типа. Учитель может сам остановить или закончить цепочку в нужный для него момент. Я на своем уроке закончила ее словами “ If you ….. you’ll be happy. I hope that you’ll be happy”.
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