Итоговый тест по Великобритании, 5-7 классы
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Тест с вариантами ответов для 5-7 классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese
2. Big Ben is ___.
a) a horse b) an animal in the zoo c) a clock d) a famous name
3. The changing of the guard happens every day at ___.
a) 12.30p.m. b) 12 o’clock c) 11.30 a.m. d) 9 o’clock
4. Great Britain is divided into ___.
a) three parts b) five parts c) four parts d) two parts
5. What is the Tower of London now?
a) a prison b) a house c) a fortress d) a museum
6. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is ___.
a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Buckingham Palace d) the Winsor palace
7. The capital of Great Britain is ___.
a) Paris b) Moscow c) London d) Cardiff
8. What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
a) Nelson statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial d) Queen Victoria memorial
9. Sir Christopher Wren built ___.
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) the Tower of London c) Westminster Abbey d) the Parliament
10. The name of the river in London is ___.
a) the Volga b) The Thames c) the Nile d) the Mississippi
11. Westminster Abbey is ___.
a) the house b) the monastery c) the hotel d) the church
12. London is more than ___.
a) one thousand years old b) two thousand years old c) three thousand years old d) four thousand years old
13. The British Parliament is in ___.
a) the Buckingham Palace b) the Houses of Parliament c) Backer Street d) Westminster Abbey
14. Great Britain consists of ___.
a) England b) England, Scotland and Wales c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
15. The symbol of England is ___.
a) a thistle b) a daffodil c) a rose
16. Trafalgar Square is in ___.
a) England b) Wales c) Scotland
17. A Loch Ness Monster is from ___.
a) Scotland b) Wales c) England
18. You can see Beefeaters in ___.
a) Windsor Castle b) the Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace
19. Big Ben is in ___.
a) London b) Moscow c) Paris
20. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by ___.
a) Nelson b) Madam Tussauds c) Sir Christopher Wren
21. What was Nelson famous for? We have learnt that he ___.
a) defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar b) built the Tower Bridge c) built St. Paul’s Cathedral
22. Who is the head of state (глава государства) in Great Britain?
a) a monarch b) a prime minister c) the House of Commons d) the House of Lords
23. Where are kings and queens buried (похоронены)?
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Tower of London c) Westminster Abbey d) The British Museum
24. When was the Great Fire in London?
a) 1600 b) 1666 c) 1606 d) 1006
25. What holiday do English people celebrate on the 14th of February?
a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Halloween c) Christmas Day d) New Year’s Day
26. The kilt is ___
a) a shirt b) a skirt c) a pair of trousers
27. Madam Tussaud’s is a museum of ___
a) wax figures b) western paintings c) ancient coins
28. The Tower of London was started by ___
a) Julius Caesar b) William the Conqueror c) Henry VIII
29. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the ___
a) 24th of December b) 31st of October c) 5th of November
30. Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day are __________ holidays.
a) Russian b) English and American c)French
31. What is a double-decker?
a) a bus b) a disco c) a taxi
32. Agatha Christie wrote lots of ___.
a) detective stories b) plays c) poems
33. Manchester United is a popular ___ team.
a) basketball b) football c) handball
Key: 1) a; 2) c; 3) c; 4) a; 5) d; 6) c; 7) c; 8) a; 9) a; 10) b; 11) d; 12) b; 13) b; 14) b; 15) c; 16) a; 17) a; 18) b; 19) a; 20) c; 21) a; 22) a; 23) c; 24) b; 25) a; 26) b; 27) a; 28) b; 29) c; 30) b; 31) a; 32) a; 33) b;
1. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese
2. Big Ben is ___.
a) a horse b) an animal in the zoo c) a clock d) a famous name
3. The capital of Great Britain is ___.
a) Paris b) Moscow c) London d) Cardiff
4. What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
a) Nelson statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial d) Queen Victoria memorial
5. Westminster Abbey is ___.
a) the house b) the monastery c) the hotel d) the church
6. Great Britain consists of ___.
a) England b) England, Scotland and Wales c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
7. Trafalgar Square is in ___.
a) England b) Wales c) Scotland
8. You can see Beefeaters in ___.
a) Windsor Castle b) the Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace
9. Big Ben is in ___.
a) London b) Moscow c) Paris
10. Who is the head of state (глава государства) in Great Britain?
a) a monarch b) a prime minister c) the House of Commons d) the House of Lords
11. Where are kings and queens buried (похоронены)?
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Tower of London c) Westminster Abbey d) The British Museum
12. When was the Great Fire in London?
a) 1600 b) 1666 c) 1606 d) 1006
13. What holiday do English people celebrate on the 14th of February?
a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Halloween c) Christmas Day d) New Year’s Day
14. The Tower of London was started by ___
a) Julius Caesar b) William the Conqueror c) Henry VIII
15. Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day are __________ holidays.
a) Russian b) English and American c)French
16. What is a double-decker?
a) a bus b) a disco c) a taxi
17. Agatha Christie wrote lots of ___.
a) detective stories b) plays c) poems
(5кл) Key:
1) a; 2) c; 3) c; 4) a; 5) d; 6) b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) a; 10) a; 11) c; 12) b; 13) a; 14) b; 15) b; 16) a; 17) a;
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