Урок "Изучение английского языка: проблемы и возможности"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Документ представляет собой план урока для 10-11 класса по теме " Изучение иностранного языка: проблемы и возможности" с раздаточным материалом и презентацией.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Изучение английского языка: проблемы и возможности
- Развитие навыков чтения (просмотрового, поискового), аудирования (с частичным пониманием, с охватом основного содержания) и аудирования с опорой на текст, навыков монологической речи.
- Повторение прилагательных в описании качеств, мешающих и способствующих изучению иностранного языка
- Знакомство с названиями знаков зодиака
- Знакомство со страноведческой информацией по теме «Обучение в Великобритании».
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, видеоклипы об Оксфорде (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjBVQKf6Ms0) и Кембридже, презентация Power Point, рабочие листы, доска.
План:1. Оргмомент: приветствие. Объявление темы урока. Slide 1: I’d like to start our lesson with this picture of our planet. Well, as you see the picture is quite usual. As for me I like the words. Let’s read them. But we know that there are some borders. And I don’t mean real borders between countries. I mean borders or difference in culture and in languages. So now we are going to speak about languages: how to learn them best, what treats of character help us in it and what we should avoid while learning English.
- Чтение гороскопов и выявление положительных и отрицательных качеств при изучении языка для своего знака зодиака. Проверка выполнения составлением высказывания по образцу.
- Знакомство с определением метода погружения. Чтение определения.
- Аудирование:
- предтекстовое задание - фонотработка новой лексики к тексту.
- просмотр первой части видеоклипа об Оксфорде и выполнение задания к нему: заполнение пробелов в тексте данными ниже ЛЕ.
- просмотр второй части видеоклипа и заполнение пробелов в тексте услышанными фрагментами.
- предварительное изучение вопросов, на которые необходимо ответить, прослушав третью часть текста. Аудирование и обсуждение услышанного по вопросам.
- Аудирование с опорой на текст. Снятие трудностей к заданию упражнения 1 части 3. Просмотр ролика с опорой на текст и обозначение высказываний «верно/неверно».
- Говорение: высказаться по вопросу «Почему вы изучаете английский язык?», используя предложенные варианты ответов. Подсчёт ответов, подведение итогов опроса.
- Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.
Worksheet 1
Aries [ ]. The Aries language student is impatient and always wants to know everything at once. They are always the first to put their hand up in class and can be so talkative they don’t let the other students talk. They hate routine work. |
Taurus [ ]. Taurus students are attentive to everything around them. But they prefer drawing in their books to doing exercises. They are lazy because they know they will learn one day (but does it have to be today?). |
Gemini [ ]. Gemini learners love to make jokes in class and they find languages easy to learn, but sometimes don’t do as well as they should because they miss a lot of classes. In class they are too active. They never sit still and find concentrating difficult. |
Cancer [ ]. Cancer students cry in class when they don’t understand as they are rather sensitive (чувствительный). They are always ready to help classmates. They hate being corrected and love being told they are improving. If they succeed (преуспевать), they are happy and everyone knows it. |
Leo [ ]. Leo learners always bring their books to class. They are very well organized and keep notes tidy. They are strong personalities, very dynamic; they hate to be alone. Sometimes they can be absent-minded (рассеянный). |
Virgo [ ]. You’ll find Virgo language learners sitting at the back of the class. They usually work much more slowly than other students. They have rather low self-esteem (самооценка) and think they are not good even if they do well in exams. They like to criticize. They usually ask the teacher if they don’t understand. |
Libra [ ]. Libra learners like quiet and comfortable classrooms. They rarely speak in class. They believe everything the teacher says is true, even if they don’t understand. They can’t decide if they really want to learn English. They are intelligent and creative. |
Scorpio [ ]. Scorpio students always pass their exams. For some reason they don’t have to study very hard. They never cheat in exams. They are energetic and persistent (настойчивый). They can be obstinate (упрямый) and independent. |
Sagittarius [ ]. Sagittarius language students do whatever a teacher asks them to. They are easy-going and accept all homework without grumbling. Sometimes they do their homework. They are not afraid of being corrected; They like to experiment and to take risk. |
Capricorn [ ]. Capricorn learners come to every class and like routine. They wait until they are 150% sure before they answer even the simplest question. They try to be realistic and serious. |
Aquarius[ ]. Aquarius students believe they can finish the course despite missing more than half the lessons. They always forget their book but make friends very easily, so sharing is not a problem. They are creative and logical. They try different ways of learning. |
Pisces [ ]. Pisces learners ask questions in class that no one understands (not even themselves) as they are imaginative. They never have notebooks and always ask other students for paper, which they leave in class afterwards. They are easily confused. They usually look for opportunities to develop language. |
Worksheet 2
Part I
Ex 1 Complete the sentence about your horoscope.
Use the model:
…language learners are … (positive feature) but… (negative feature).
Part II
Ex 1 Listen and fill in the gaps with the given words..
This is Oxford, the city with the oldest and most (1)………..University in the UK. King Henry II founded the first university here in 1167. Steeped in academic(2)………., Oxford is an enchanting city known as the city of dreaming spires. Here you walk in the footsteps of(3)…… Oxford alumni including six historic kings, twenty-six British Prime Ministers and over forty Nobel Price winners. At the top of Headington Hill close to the beautiful South Park seats the campus of EF Oxford. Here students from all over the world live and study in (4)….newly (5)…buildings. The classrooms, multimedia i-labs and auditorium offer a great environment for learning. The social meeting areas, other student lounges and a cafeteria serving English food such as fish and chips as well as international food. Lounges and self-study areas are fully equipped with free Wi-Fi Internet access for our students. EF has developed The Efekta System - a teaching method which helps to progress much (6)…. with your English. On arrival at school we ask that you do a placement test to assure that you get to study with students of the same level. As a welcome gift you’ll receive a dictionary offered by EF in partnership with Oxford University press. Studying materials include everything from specially (7)… books to multimedia language labs called i-labs and even films you can watch on your i-pad. As well as general English classes you can choose (8)…interest classes in topics that appeal to you such as business English, media studies or exam preparation. | faster developed history famous specific renovated respected comfortable |
steep – погружаться
alumni – выпускники
seat- размещается
campus- ученический город
lounge – комната отдыха
to assure- убедиться
accommodation- жильё
Ex. 2 Fill in the gaps with the missing words.
My name is Ian Oakes and I am _____________ of studies at EF Oxford. Our academic ____________ is carefully structured to help you get the most out of your time here. And we are in to create the best possible _____________ learning environment. The EF language courses have got all the skills necessary to learning in language including speaking, reading, writing and, of course, listening.
EF Oxford offers University placement services for students who wish to go to University in the UK.
My name is Ruth Chambers and I am the school director for EF at Oxford. I’ve been working for EF for __________and was previously the school director in London. Here in EF Oxford we are able to offer students a choice of either the host family or onsite campus residential accommodation. Staying with a local _____ _____ is an excellent way to get to know the British __________and practice your English. For students who prefer a more independent lifestyle EF offers comfortable accommodation right here on campus in single or shared rooms.
Ex. 3 Answer the following questions.
- What popular film is mentioned?_____________________________________________________________
- What famous places can you visit?_____________________________________________________________
- Which of the London sights were mentioned?____________________________________________________
Part III
Ex.1 Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. | Oxford University dates back to the 13th century. |
2. | EF cafeteria offers traditional English food only. |
3. | Students have to write a test before they start learning. |
4. | Every student gets a textbook as a present. |
5. | Living in a host family allows students to learn the English language as well as traditions. |
6. | Students often have a lot of excursions, trips, sport competitions and other activities. |
7. | It takes about 50 minutes or so to get to London by train. |
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