методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок – коллективная игра.
Заседание клуба начинающего детектива.
(8 класс)
Тема: «Where is Johnny?»
Цель урока: развитие учебно-коммуникативных умений, познавательной активности.
Образовательные задачи:
- совершенствование техники чтения вслух и про себя;
- обучение диалогической и монологической речи;
- обучение чтению с полным пониманием прочитанного;
Развивающие задачи:
- развитие логического мышления, памяти, внимания.
Воспитательные задачи:
-воспитывать умение выслушивать собеседника, вежливому реагированию в различных ситуациях общения;
- воспитывать интерес к иноязычной культуре;
Оборудование: карточки с информацией; конверт, адресованный клубу с разорванным письмом (2 экземпляра), компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация.
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Today we are going to play a game. I am an inspector of Scotland – Yard. You are the members of the Young Detective’s Club in the Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street in London. I have a very difficult case and I want you to help me. We have two teams. Every team will get cards with the facts of this case and tasks. Task 1 is to read all the facts, to give your own versions using expressions.
Time is limited (15 minutes).
II. Развитие умения монологической и диалогической речи.
1. A man named Johnny Steel did not come back home on July 31st. He is 30 years old, tall, has dark hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a grey suit, a hat of the same colour and brown shoes. (From the announcement on the radio)
2. Johnny Steel’s mother said that her son had left home in the morning on the last day of July and went to work at the Royal Mint. It is known that he left the Mint at 5 o’clock that day. From that time nobody had seen him, though he had promised to play tennis with some of his friends.
3. A postman living at Westerham, a small town in Kent, said, that he had seen Johnny Steel on the evening of July 31st in the street. Johnny asked him if he knew Green House and the postman told him, that it was a large old house on the hill.
Expressions for versions: What ideas do you have got?
1. to visit an old friend 2. to drink much 3. to sleep for two days | 1. to fall in love with a girl 2. not to know her address 3. to look for her house |
1. to be going to visit an old friend 2. to fall and break a leg 3. to look for a doctor 4. to be unconscious | 1. to make false money 2. to dream about going to another country 3. to go to say good-bye to the girl |
1. to make false money 2. to have a master 3. to bring money to him 4. to stay in his house |
Task 2. What questions will you ask Johnny’s mother about her son? (10 min).
III. Развитие умения чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного.
Teacher: One of the inspectors investigated this case and told about it in his letter to the members of the club. This is an envelope.
The Beginners Detective’s Club, Sherlock Holmes Museum, 34 Baker Street, London UK |
It is strange that the letter in this envelope is torn and your task is to form it from its pieces and to read it and tell us about this case.
The winner is the team who will be the 1st in this task.
The inspector’s letter.
Dear friends!
I am sending you the end of our detective story:
A man named Joyce Barker lived in Green House, but nobody knew anything about him.
The kitchen window of the house was partly opened and having knocked we entered the house and went from room to room. We found nobody. We decided to have a look at the garage. The doors were not locked and we saw Johnny Steel gagged and tired in the corner.
From Johnny’s story.
Joyce Barker paid me some money for a picture in my room. One of the half crowns was false. This time many shopkeepers in London were given false money. Having left the Royal Mint I went to Westerham to ask Barker where he had got the false coins. He had worked at the Mint for some years. Having talked with Barker somebody hit me on the head and I was placed in the garage. I realized that Joyce Barker was a coiner and his house was a workshop.
Good luck to you,
Yours Inspector Sam.
IV. Конец урока, подведение итогов.
Teacher: Which team is the 1st? I think the best young detective was… He is awarded by a special medal from Scotland Yard. You marks are…
V. Домашнее задание.
Ответить на вопросы: Why is the letter torn? What happened to the inspector?
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