Открытый урок
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
COMPUTERS IN OUR LIFEКонспект открытого урока - обучения ”Computers in our life”
по английскому языку.
Практическая цель: Формирование и совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков работы с компьютером на уроке английского языка.
Развивающая цель: развитие речевых умений и навыков, развивать интерес к английскому языку и информатике;
Развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма;
Развивать логическое мышление, активность, внимание;
Совершенствовать интеллектуальные способности учеников;
Воспитательная цель:
Воспитывать самостоятельность, доброжелательность.
Оснащение урока: Компьютер и проектор, раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
Подготовка к активной речевой деятельности.
1. Орг. момент. Беседа с классом.
2. Учитель дает установку на урок. Today we study computers.
Introduction: Computers are the future whether we like it or not. Some people dislike computers, because of the complications it takes to understand the basics. Computers are not exactly the easiest tools to work with, but they are the most rewarding, and they are the future. Future cars will all be run by computer. You will be able to talk to a car and it will take you to your destination. Telephones are technically computerized. You will soon be able to talk to a person on the telephone as well as look at the person you are talking to on a television set. Also television is computerized. Soon we will have true three dimensional televisions. We will be able to watch television like we never have watched it before. We will be able to touch the characters, and feel the characters like they were in the room with you. For people who don't know much about computers, you will be lost in the future. You should learn what you can while you still have the chance, because things will develop too quickly for you and you will not be able to cope with new technological events. Computers will fall into careers and our everyday life more rapidly then you think. (презентация слайд 1) .
3. Nowadays more and more people use computers at work and home. They can not tear themselves away from their computers. Especially children and teenagers are hooked on them. They like to play computer games and spend hours with educational programs. More and more kids can improve their reading, writing and arithmetic when they operate the computer. Many students study school subjects on it. They say computers make leaning fun! Новые слова из текста подчеркнуты и с переводом вынесены отдельно. Ученики выписывают их в тетрадь (презентация слайд 2).
can not tear oneself away from … – не могут оторваться от …
are hooked on … – не представлять себе жизнь без …
to improve – улучшить
to work on the computer = to operate the computer – работать на компьютере
to study school subjects on … – изучать школьные предметы по …
Далее учитель задает вопросы ученикам по тексту.
1. Where have computers been used in recent years?
2. Why are they of great importance at the present time?
3. Where do people use computers?
4. Why are children especially hooked on them?
5. Do you like to operate the computer?
3. Do you know a computer’s parts and software? Here are some of them.
Далее учитель показывает домашний компьютер и рассказывает, как называются составляющие компьютера (презентация слайд 3).
Hard Disk Driver – жесткий диск
Stereo speakers- колонки
Printer- принтер
Scanner- сканер
System Block- системный блок
Monitor- монитор
Keyboard- клавиатура
Mouse- мышь
Modem- модем
Floppy disk- дискета
Compact disc - компакт диск
Read and learn the parts of a computer. Ученики читают и запоминают новые слова.
4. Let’s switch on our computers. Can you see the Desktop?
What is located on the Desktop? Учитель предлагает изучить компьютер, дисплей и его составляющие. Что же расположено на рабочем столе?
Desktop – рабочий стол
My Documents – мои документы
My Computer - мой компьютер
Recycle Bin – корзина
Taskbar – панель задач
Folder - папка
File – файл, документ
Ученики читают и запоминают новые слова (презентация слайд 4).
5. Далее учитель объясняет значение каждого понятия (презентация слайды 5, 6).
My Documents – folder is your own personal folder
in which you can store your documents, graphics, and other personal files. When there is more than one person using the computer, Windows creates a My Documents folder for each user on the computer.
By default, the target or actual location of the My Computer folder is …
Учитель спрашивает, где находится папка Мой Компьютер… ответ Desktop – рабочий стол.
to save - хранить
to use – использовать, применять
user – пользователь
by default – по умолчанию
target – задание, план
Ученики читают и запоминают новые слова (презентация слайд 5).
My Computer folder is also located on the desktop. It contains resources of your Personal Computer (PC): Discs (3, 5 {A :}, {C :}, {D :}, etc.) the Control Panel, and Printers.
Recycle Bin – When you delete any of the items from your hard disc, Windows places it in the Recycle Bin and the Recycle Bin icon changes from empty to full.
Items – документы, файлы
icon – изображение, значок
to delete – удалять
Taskbar – is a panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located.
Folder – You can create documents and projects in one place
File – for example Microsoft Word or Excel
Ученики читают и запоминают новые слова (презентация слайд 6).
6. Well, nowadays computers are everywhere…
Итак, компьютеры в наши дни повсюду… где же мы используем их?
Учитель показывает картинки и рассказывает
In medicine – в медицине
In schools – в школах
Under water – под водой
In banks and offices – в банках и офисах
At factories – на заводах
In space – в космосе
In shops – в магазинах
And of course you can’t do your homework without a calculator – и конечно же ты не можешь делать домашнюю работу без калькулятора
Even the cinema is computerized – и даже кинотеатры компьютеризированы (презентация слайд 7).
7. Закрепление пройденного материала.
Учитель раздает карточки ученикам и предлагает закрепить пройденный материал, соединить слова с их значением (презентация слайд 8).
Match the words from the box with the correct definitions.
Recycle Bin, Desktop, Folder, Printer, Taskbar, User |
The device that prints documents; (Printer)
The folder where deleted documents are kept; (Recycle Bin)
A person who operates a computer; (User)
You can create documents and projects in one place; (Folder)
The surface of the display of a computer; (Desktop)
The panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located. (Taskbar)
8. Do this puzzle and you’ll read one of the main words of our life. (презентация слайд 9).
Учитель раздает ученикам карточки с кроссвордом. Ответив на все вопросы, ученики отгагадывают зашифрованное слово.
| 1 | s | p | a | c | e |
| 2 | m | o | d | e | m |
| |
| 3 | m | o | u | s | e |
| |
| 4 | f | l | o | p | p | i | d | i | s | k |
| |
| 5 | u | s | e | r |
| |
| 6 | d | e | s | k | t | o | p |
| 7 | m | e | d | i | c | i | n | e | |
8 | p | r | i | n | t | e | r |
1. We use computers everywhere…even to find other planets…
2. A device that you connect to your computer with a USB cable or an Internet cable.
3. An input device which has a long “tail”.
4. A device where you can save files and documents and put it into your bag and bring it to school.
5. It is a person who operates computers well enough.
6. A computer display area that represents the kinds of objects.
7. We use computers everywhere…even to help other people…
8. A device which is used to print anything that you want, like pictures or documents.
9. Заключительная часть урока. Класс делится на 2 команды. Учитель задает вопросы каждой команде по пройденному материалу, проверяет и оценивает, как ученики усвоили новую лексику, что узнали нового. Каждой команде присваиваются балы.
How many new words have you learnt? – Сколько новых слов вы узнали?
What have you learned about computers? – Что вы узнали о компьютерах?
Do you have a computer at home? – У вас есть дома компьютер?
Are you hooked on computers? - Ты сможешь обойтись без компьютера?
Do you use your computer when you do homework for school? – Делая домашнюю работу, ты пользуешься компьютером?
Have you ever studied English using your computer? – Ты когда-нибудь изучал английский язык, используя компьютер?
Do you send photos by e-mail? – Пользуешься ты электронной почтой, чтобы посылать фотографии?
Where do people use computers? – Где люди используют компьютер?
Who taught you to use a computer? - Кто научил тебя пользоваться компьютером?
What do think where people will use computers in future? – Как ты думаешь, где в будущем люди будут использовать компьютер?
Учитель подводит итоги, выставляет оценки. The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Nowadays more and more people use computers at work and home. They can not tear themselves away from their computers. Especially children and teenagers are hooked on them. They like to play computer games and spend hours with educational programs. More and more kids can improve their reading, writing and arithmetic when they operate the computer . Many students study school subjects on it. They say computers make leaning fun! can not tear oneself away from … – не могут оторваться от … are hooked on … – не представлять себе жизнь без … to improve – улучшить to work on the computer = to operate the computer – работать на компьютере to study school subjects on … – изучать школьные предметы по … 1. Where have computers been used in recent years? 2. Why are they of great importance at the present time? 3. Where do people use computers? 4. Why are children especially hooked on them? 5. Do you like to operate the computer?
Do you know a computer’s parts and software? Here are some of them. 1 System Block Stereo speakers Monitor Mouse Hard Disk Driver S canner M odem P rinter C ompact disc Flopp y disk K eyboard Read and learn the parts of a computer.
Let’s switch on our computers. Can you see the Desktop? What is located on the Desktop? My documents Files Taskbar Folders Taskbar Recycle bin My computer DESKTOP Desktop – рабочий стол My Documents – мои документы My Computer - мой компьютер Recycle Bin – корзина Taskbar – панель задач Folder - папка File – файл, документ We can save on the Desktop our own folders and files.
My Documents – folder is your own personal folder in which you can save your documents, graphics, and other personal files. When there is more than one person using the computer, Windows creates a My Documents folder for each user on the computer. By default , the target or actual location of the My Computer folder is … to s ave - хранить to use – использовать, применять user – пользователь by default – по умолчанию target – задание, план My Computer folder is also located on the desktop. It contains resources of your Personal Computer (PC): Discs (3, 5 {A :}, {C :}, {D :}, etc.) the Control Panel, and Printers.
Recycle Bin – When you delete any of the items from your hard disc, Windows places it in the Recycle Bin and the Recycle Bin icon changes from empty to full. items – документы, файлы icon – изображение, значок to delete – удалять Taskbar – is a panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located. Folder – You can create documents and projects in one place File – for example Microsoft Word or Excel
Well, nowadays computers are everywhere… In schools In medicine In shops At factories Even the cinema is computerized And of course you can’t do your homework without a calculator In space Under water In banks and offices
Match the words from the box with the correct definitions. Recycle Bin Desktop Folder Printer Taskbar User The device that prints documents; The folder where deleted documents are kept; A person who operates a computer; You can create documents and projects in one place; The surface of the display of a computer; The panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located .
Do this puzzle and you’ll read one of the main words of our life. 1. We use computers everywhere…even to find other planets… 2. A device that you connect to your computer with a USB cable or an Internet cable. 3. An input device which has a long “tail”. 4. A device where you can save files and documents and put it into your bag and bring it to school. 5. It is a person who operates computers well enough. 6. A computer display area that represents the kinds of objects. 7. We use computers everywhere…even to help other people… 8. A device which is used to print anything that you want, like pictures or documents.
o How many new words have you learnt? O What have you learned about computers? o Are you hooked on computers? o Do you use your computer when you do homework for school? o Have you ever studied English using your computer? o Do you send photos by e-mail? o Where do people use computers? o Who taught you to use a computer? o What do think where people will use computers in future?
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