Материалы подготовки к ГИА и ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Здесь вы найдете все необходимы тренировочные упражнения для хорошей подготовки к этим экзаменам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Fast food restaurants are becoming increasingly popular now adays, especially among teenagers. But have you ever stopped to think how fast food affects your health?
On the one hand, fast food is very convenient, because you do not have to wait for a long time until your food is prepared. It is especially useful for people who do not like to cook. In addition, fast food is rather inexpensive, which is very important for teen agers who usually do not have much pocket money. What is more, there are a lot of fast food restaurants such as McDonalds all over the world so you may be sure that you will have good quality meal in almost every country.
On the other hand, this kind of food is not nutritious because it is high in fat, which is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Besides, it is loaded with calories be cause fries, burgers, nuggets and other items you can find at fast food establishments are usually three times larger than the amount you should be consuming. Moreover, fast food may be addictive as the high levels of salt and sugar content found in most fast food items cause the brain to seek them out.
As for me, I think that fast food is rather harmful to our health so I prefer home-made meals. In conclusion, I want to say that everybody should make their own choices whether to eat junk food or healthy food.
Предварительный просмотр:
Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования
Курс: « Технологии подготовки учащихся к сдаче Государственной Итоговой Аттестации
по иностранному языку, 9 класс»
Итоговая (зачетная работа)
Тема: Тестовые задания по аудированию
Учитель английского языка
ГОУ лицей № 329 Невского района
Чупина Людмила Александровна
Английский язык, 9 класс
элементов содержания и требований к уровню подготовки обучающихся, освоивших основные общеобразовательные программы основного общего образования, для проведения в 2011 году государственной (итоговой) аттестации (в новой форме) по английскому языку.
Раздел 1. Элементы содержания, проверяемые на государственной (итоговой) аттестации выпускников IX классов общеобразовательных учреждений по английскому языку
1.2.1 | Понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных прагмати ческих текстов (прогноз погоды, программы теле и радиопередач, объявления на вокзале, в аэропорту) и выделять значимую информацию. |
1.2.2 | Понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов, относящихся к разным коммуникативным типам речи (сообщение/ рассказ). |
1.2.3 | Определять тему звучащего текста, выделать главные факты, опуская второстепенные. |
1.2.4 | Использовать языковую догадку, контекст. |
1.2.5 | Игнорировать неизвестный языковой материал, несущественный для понимания. |
контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения в 2011 году государственной (итоговой) аттестации (в новой форме) по иностранному языку обучающихся, освоивших основные общеобразовательные программы основного общего образования.
Таблица 1. Распределение различных типов заданий по разделам экзаменационной работы.
№ | Раздел работы |
Число заданий | Тип заданий | Максимальный первичный балл | Процент максимального первичного балла за данный раздел от максимального первичного балла за всю работу. |
1. | Раздел 1(задания по аудированию) | 5 | ВО, КО | 9 | 18% |
ВО- задания с выбором ответа.
КО- задания с кратким ответом.
Таблица 2. Распределение заданий по проверяемым речевым умениям и языковым навыкам.
Проверяемые речевые умения и языковые навыки | Количество заданий | Максимальный первичный балл | Процент максимального первичного балла |
Раздел 1 | (задания | по | аудированию) |
Понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста | 1 | 5 | 10% |
Понимание в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемой информации | 4 | 4 | 8% |
5 | 9 | 18% |
Длительность звучания текста для аудирования 1,5-2 минуты.
Рекомендуемое время для выполнения заданий по аудированию-20 минут.
Обобщенный план демонстрационного варианта экзаменационной работы по иностранному языку. Раздел -аудирование.
№ задания | Обозначе- ние задания | Проверя-емые виды деятель-ности, умения, навыки | Коды проверя-емых элементов (видов деятель-ности,уме-ний,навы-ков и элементов содержани) | Уровень сложности заданий | Тип задания | Примерное время выполнения задания (мин.) |
1. | В1 | Понимание основного содержания прослушан-ного текста | 2.1 | 1 | КО | 10 |
2. 3. 4. 5. | А1 А2 А3 А4 | Понимание в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемой инфор-мации | 2.2 | 2 2 2 2 | ВО ВО ВО ВО |
10 |
Итого | 20 |
Определение значения незнакомых слов.
Попытайтесь догадаться о значении незнакомых слов. Для этого проанализируйте контекст, в котором они звучат, определите, к какой части речи они относятся и что они могут значить.
Задание 1.
Вы услышите три коротких диалога. В каждом из них есть слово, которое вы, возможно не знаете. Подумайте, в каком контексте оно встречается, решите, что оно может означать, и выберите один их трех возможных ответов (a-c). Вы услышите каждый диалог дважды.
- Scones are
a) a kind of small tea cup
b) a kind of small cake
c) something to drink
2. To thrash means
a) to lose a match
b) to defeat someone in a match
c) to be fond of football
3. He’s laid up means
a) he is ill
b) he is wrong
c) he likes fish
1.A. You must have one of these scones. They are fresh from the oven.
B. No, thanks. I have already had my tea with some biscuits.
A. Come on now! They are delicious. Have a small one.
B. No, thanks. I’m trying to lose weight.
2.A. What was the result of the football match between your team and Cracovia?
B. We thrashed them 6-1.
A. Really? How was that possible? They are an excellent team.
B. Yes, they are very good. But during the match three of their best players were ill, and we were better.
3. A. How is your brother these days? I haven’t seen him for ages.
B. I’m sorry to say but he’s laid up.
A. What’s wrong with him?
B. I think he ate some bad fish.
A. I think he soon feels better.
Ответы: 1.b 2. a 3. a
Как различить слова, имеющие похожее произношение.
В английском языке есть много слов, имеющих похожее произношение, но разное значение и написание. Убедитесь в том, что слова, которые вы выбрали, звучат в записи. Анализ контекста, в котором звучат эти слова, часто помогает принять правильное решение.
Задание 2.
Вы услышите шесть цепочек, каждая из которых состоит из двух или трех слов, произношение которых отличается только одним звуком. Выберите тот порядок (a-b), в котором они записаны. Вы услышите каждую запись дважды.
- a) tree-three 4. a) bet-bed-bad
b) three-tree b) bed-bad-bet
2. a) man-men 5. a) cut-cat-caught
b) men-man b) cat-caught-cut
3. a) cheap-chip 6. a) hat-hard-heard
b) chip-cheap b) hat-heard-hard
Текст –приложение
- tree-three
- men-man
- chip-cheap
- bed-bad-bet
- cat-caught-cut
- hat-hard-heard
Ответы: 1.a 2. b 3.b 4.b 5.b 6.a
Им. числительные
При прослушивании записи обратите особое внимание на им.числительные, т.к. некоторые из них очень легко перепутать ( например, fourteen и forty, fifteen и fifty и т.д.)
Задание 3
Вы услышите пять коротких отрывков. Решите, соответствуют ли приведенные ниже предложения (1-5) прослушанному. Если предложение неверное, исправьте его. Вы услышите каждое высказывание дважды.
True | False | |
1. My sister is 16 years old. | ||
2. His address is 19 Old Street | ||
3. There were 46 children in the hall. | ||
4. I liked the 14th song. | ||
5. Prof. Reader has already bought more than 20 books this year. |
- My sister is 60, and I’m 70 years old.
- He lives in Krakow, at 90 Old Street.
- There were 16 boys and 13 girls in the hall.
- No, I said I liked the 14th and not the 13th song.
- This is the 30th book Professor Reader has bought this year.
Ответы: 1.F (My sister is 60); 2. F (90 Old Street) ; 3. F (29 children: 16 boys and 13 girls); 4. T 5. T
Понимание омонимов
В текстах часто встречаются омонимы, т.е. те слова, которые имеют одинаковое произношение и написание, но разное значение. Чтобы правильно понять, что это за слово, необходимо учесть общий смысл предложения, в котором оно встретилось.
Задание 4
Вы услышите шесть предложений. В каждом из них есть омонимы. Проанализировав контекст, определите правильное значение (a-b) каждого из приведенных слов (1-6). Вы услышите каждое предложение дважды.
1. right a) correct b) opposite to left
2. date a) the boyfriend/girlfriend b) the day
3. fair a) exhibition b) light
4. court a) place of justice b) household of a king/queen
5. note a) message b) to notice
6. light a) not dark b) not heavy
- Then, you must turn right.
- I don’t really like your date.
- She has fair hair.
- The court of Queen Elizabeth was most magnificent.
- Have you left a note for Mary?
- The bag was very light, as though there was nothing in it.
Ответы: 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b
Задания на установление соответствия приведенных утверждений прослушанному тексту.
(True/False/No Information)
Задание 5
Вы услышите отрывок разговора Билла с врачом. Определите, какое из приведенных утверждений (1-8) соответствует\не соответствует прослушанномц, а по каким утверждениям в диалоге нет информации. Отметьте правильный ответ в таблице. Вы услышите запись дважды..
True | False | No information | |
1. Bill came to see the doctor before noon. | |||
2. Bill feels hungry. | |||
3. Bill went to his sister's wedding. | |||
4. Bill likes to eat cakes a lot. | |||
5. Bill's parents went with him to the reception. | |||
6. Bill ate a few helpings of chicken. | |||
7. For dessert there was a cherry pie. | |||
8. Bill fell sick when he ate the ice cream. |
Bill: Good morning (1), doc.
Doc: Good morning, Bill. What's wrong?
B: Well, doc, I'm having pains in my stomach. I can't sleep. I have no appetite (2).
D: When did the pains start?
B: Last night, when I returned from my sister's wedding. (3). I went to bed and I just couldn't fall asleep because of the pain.
D: Hmmm, it doesn't sound very good. Perhaps you ate too much during the wedding reception?
B: Well, I had a piece of fruit cake(4).
D: But a piece of fruit cake shouldn't make you sick!
B: Look, doc. I went to this wedding reception(5) in the morning and had a few glasses of coke and sprite and ate many peanuts. There were also lots of small sandwiches with sausages or cheese, and I had a few. When the dinner came I had three portions of chicken(6), and two helpings of roast beef. You had a choice of potatoes or rice and a few vegetables to go with the meat. For dessert they served apple pie (7) and I again had a glass or two of coke. Finally they served the most wonderful ice creams with hot chocolate sauce and I had four portions.
D: Well, Bill, that's quite a lot to eat in one day....
B: But, doc, I was feeling great and I loved the food. Then I had to eat that piece of fruit cake and I think it made me sick(8).
Ответы: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. N 5. N 6. T 7. F 8. F
Задания на множественный выбор (Multiple choice)
Задание 6
Вы услышите четыре предложения о Петре. Поcле каждого предложения выберите тот вариант ответа (a-d), который соответствует услышанной информации.
Вы услышите каждое предложение дважды.
1.a) Peter asked my mother and father to call him up.
b) My mother and father would like Peter to call.
c) Peter promised to phone my parents.
d) My father got up and called my mother and Peter.
2. a) Peter hasn't made any phone calls for ages.
b) Peter hasn't phoned my parents for ages.
c) Peter's parents haven't phoned him recently.
d) Peter hasn't called his mum and dad for a long time.
3. a) Peter should get his car repaired.
b) His car mechanic has left for the day.
c) His car has been left with the mechanic.
d) The mechanic should leave him in the car.
4.a) Peter pointed to the manager of the company.
b) Peter had an appointment with the manager of the company.
c) Peter received a new position a year ago.
d) The manager of the company pointed to Peter.
1.Peter said he would call my mother and father up.
2.Peter told me he hadn't phoned his parents for ages.
3.Peter ought to leave his car with a mechanic.
4.Peter was appointed manager of the company last year.
1c 2d 3a 4c
Задание 7
Условные предложения
Вы услышите четыре условных предложения.После каждого предложения выберите тот вариант ответа (a-c), который соответствует услышанной информации. Вы услышите каждое предложение дважды.
- a) Mary is not very busy.
b) Mary has a lot of work to do.
c) Mary will have lunch with us.
- a) The shirt is too big.
b) The shirt is too small.
c) I am not going to buy this shirt.
- a) I won't stay at home if Mike stays.
b) I will certainly stay at home.
c) Perhaps I will stay at home.
- a) The train to Exeter leaves at 10.15.
b) We will miss the train.
c) We don't have to hurry.
- If Mary had more time, she would be able to have lunch with us.
- I would buy this shirt if it weren't so small.
- If Mike stays at home, I will stay at home too.
- If you don't hurry up, we will miss the 10.15 train to Exeter.
Ответы: 1.b 2. b 3. c 4. a
Задания на множественные соответствия (Multiple matching)
Задание 8
Вы услышите пять мини-диалогов. После прослушивания каждого, определите, в каком из перечисленных ниже мест (a-g) он происходит. Два места из списка лишние. Вы услышите каждый диалог дважды.
a. in a bookshop c. in class e. at a hospital g. in a restaurant
b. on a train d. in a garden f. in a library
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- A. For the main course, I'd recommend roast beef and vegetables.It's our speciality.
B. I'll have that, please. And coffee to follow.
- A. May I help you?
B. Yes, please. Do you have anything on sixteenth century architecture? But not expensive albums.
- A. I would like to remind you that you have a mid-term test next Thursday.
B. What time does it start?
A. The same time as regular class.
- A. I would like to borrow these four volumes on British history.
B. Can I have your reader's card, please.
A. There you go.
- A. Excuse me, what time are we due in Glasgow?
B. Let me see.....At 6.30.But I'm afraid we might be a quarter of an hour late.
A. Oh, no. I'll miss my connection to Dundee.
Ответы: 1. g 2. a 3. c 4. f 5. b
Задание 9
Выбор правильного заголовка и предложения, выражающего основное содержание.
Вы услышите три совета владельцам кошек. После прослушивания каждого выберите предложение из предложенных ниже (a-c), выражающее основное содержание каждого совета. Вы услышите каждый отрывок дважды.
- a. People love their pets.
b. People shouldn't give their pets too much food.
c. Pets should eat only healthy food.
- a. Cats are sometimes jealous.
b. Cats like company of other cats.
c. Cats like to play.
- a. Canned food is good for your cat.
b. Fresh food is necessary for your cat.
c. Vegetables are very important in your cat's diet.
I know you all love your pets very much. But it much too often means that you feed them each time they ask for food. And overeating doesn't make your dear cat happy. Quite the opposite.It often makes your pet ill. So if you really love your pet, don't be too soft-hearted!
It's quite common to see that if one cat is petted by an owner, a companion cat immediately joins in with little cries for attention. So cats can certainly be jealous especially if they feel that another cat is getting more attention than the are.
The easiest way to ensure that your cat enjoys a balanced diet is to feed it on a canned cat food produced by a reliable pet food manufacturer. However, you can feed your cat a meal of fresh food once or twice a week to add variety and interest to its diet. Cooked carrots, peas, or greens can be added to the food for extra vitamins, but they should only make up a very small proportion of your cat's diet.
Ответы: 1. b 2. a 3. a
Предварительный просмотр:
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky
Although Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky was not the (1) ………of the helicopter, INVENT
The (2) …………..of his contribution to its development is not in doubt. IMPORTANT
(3)…………….., thousands of years ago, the Chinese played with (4)…….. APPEAR
Toys could fly into the air, and even da Vinci drew plans for a helicopter. WOOD
However, at that time, it was (5) ………. to build a real one. In the early 20th POSSIBLE
Century, science became (6) …………… advanced enough and Sikorsky TECHNOLOGY
was the (7) ……………. Who made the successful helicopter a reality. SCIENCE
As a child, Sikorsky had been encouraged by his mother, a doctor, and PSYCHOLOGY
his father, a (8) …………..., to view science as a series of connected DISCOVER
(9) ………… . Today, all modem helicopters are based on his REVOLUTION
(10) ………….. designs.
I had a really stupid (1) ……………. With my best friend the other day. ARGUE
It all started because we were talking about (2) …………..and having a MARRY
Family. I said that (3) ………….. is important when you are married and she POLITE
Said that she thought that was rubbish and that (4) …………… is much KIND
more important. Well, we were (5)……………. To agree and, in the end, ABLE
She left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our (6) ………… . FRIEND
Stop Press
Frank Turner, the (1) …………… in a trial that has attracted national ACCUSE
attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (2)…………….. INVESTIGATE
lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (3)……………. EVIDENT
were heard. Turner’s (4)……………. Had all argued that he was not in LAW
the area at the time, but could not provide the necessary (5)…………... . PROVE
Police described Turner as well-known (6)…………….. who was THEFT
responsible for many (7) …………… in the local region. This is not ROB
Turner’s first (8)……………. . Seven years ago, he was found guilty of CONVICT
(9) …………… and served three years in prison. The judge is expected FORGE
to sentence Turner to a period of (10) ……………. later this week. PRISON
The no-surgery solution!
These days, it seems there’s an(1) …………. for everything. Whether you OPERATE
Want something made smaller or you want to (2) …………… your best EMPHASIS
features, you can bet that plastic (3) …………… claim to have the solution. SURGERY
We at Body Sculpt know, though, that you don’t want the (4)…………….. COMFORT
associated with surgery. But you can’t enjoy the (5) …………… effects BENEFIT
without going under the knife, can you? Yes! No need for (6)……………. SURGERY
procedures with a long (7) ………….. period! Our unique service consists RECOVER
of a series of (8)…………… that will give you the results you’ve always INJECT
wanted! Call now and speak to one of our (9) ……………… . OPERATE
I saw some badminton on TV and found it quite 1…………, so I thought INTEREST
I’d see if there was a club or (2) ………….. in my area. I Looked ASSOCIATE
Everywhere but, (3) …………., the nearest club was 80 kilometers FORTUNE
away. So, without any (4) ………….., I decided to form my own club. KNOW
It was very hard in the beginning – I didn’t have any (5) ………….. and I EQUIP
had to convince a few people that it was an (6) ………….. way to keep ENJOY
fit. I organised a small (7) ………….., which was a lot of fun, and things COMPETE
started to grow from there. Now we’ve got a full time (8)…………….and TRAIN
our (9) ……………come from all over the country. One of our members OPPOSE
was even a bronze(10) ………………..in the national championship! MEDAL
Qualcomp Powertop
Qualcomp have just brought out their (1)…………….new handheld REVOLUTION
computer, the Powertop. It’s 2…………not to love it, with its POSSIBLE
smooth, shiny3………………..and its bright screen. It might not be the APPEAR
best 4 …………………..to handheld computing because it is quite advanced, INTRODUCE
but you’ll find an 5 …….of all the features in the detailed manual. EXPLAIN
The Powertop has been 6……..designed to fit a lot of computing SCIENCE
power in your palm. The 7……………of a unique wireless Internet INVENT
connection means there’s a world of 8 …………..just waiting for you. DISCOVER
We give the Powertop nine out of ten.
I saw some badminton on TV and found it quite 1…………, so I thought INTEREST
I’d see if there was a club or (2) ………….. in my area. I Looked ASSOCIATE
Everywhere but, (3) …………., the nearest club was 80 kilometers FORTUNE
away. So, without any (4) ………….., I decided to form my own club. KNOW
It was very hard in the beginning – I didn’t have any (5) ………….. and I EQUIP
had to convince a few people that it was an (6) ………….. way to keep ENJOY
fit. I organised a small (7) ………….., which was a lot of fun, and things COMPETE
started to grow from there. Now we’ve got a full time (8)…………….and TRAIN
our (9) ……………come from all over the country. One of our members OPPOSE
was even a bronze(10) ………………..in the national championship! MEDAL
Qualcomp Powertop
Qualcomp have just brought out their (1)…………….new handheld REVOLUTION
computer, the Powertop. It’s 2…………not to love it, with its POSSIBLE
smooth, shiny3………………..and its bright screen. It might not be the APPEAR
best 4 …………………..to handheld computing because it is quite advanced, INTRODUCE
but you’ll find an 5 …….of all the features in the detailed manual. EXPLAIN
The Powertop has been 6……..designed to fit a lot of computing SCIENCE
power in your palm. The 7……………of a unique wireless Internet INVENT
connection means there’s a world of 8 …………..just waiting for you. DISCOVER
We give the Powertop nine out of ten.
Предварительный просмотр:
С 2. Some people say that the inventions of email and text messaging have been wonderful for communication between people. However, some people say that this kind of communication has disadvantages and advantages.
What can you say for and against the use of email and text messaging?
It is obvious that email and text messaging are fantastic inventions because they make it easy to communicate with people at any time. Personally, I can’t imagine life without text messaging. My friends and I send messages to each other all the time and it’s great fun. We don’t usually have anything important to say, but we send each other funny messages, or we tell each other about things that have happened at school that day, or what we’re going to do at the weekend. Email is a wonderful invention too because it means that you can get in touch with people anywhere in the world easily and quickly. It’s really useful in the world of work, where it’s much quicker than communicating with people by letter.
I think it’s true that there are disadvantages too. Some young people get addicted to text messaging and spend all their time doing it, so they don’t actually communicate with people by speaking to them very much. They don’t have proper conversations, they just send messages in this strange language that text messaging uses. And there is the same problem with email. People don’t talk to each other directly, they communicate by sending messages. So there is less personal contact than there used to be, and that is not a good thing.
Email and text messaging are a big part of life now and it’s hard to imagine a world without them. They have brought many advantages, but I think that people should also make sure that they have personal contact with other people. Sometimes it’s better to talk to people than send them an email on text message.
Предварительный просмотр:
Match the words.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 |
1. a ball of a. bread
2. a bar of b. cards
3. a bunch of c. cigarettes
4. a jar of d. cotton
5. a loaf of e. flowers
6. a lump of f. ice
7. a pack of g. jam
8. a packet of h. pearls
9. a pad of i. petrol
10. a pair of j. scissors
11. a reel of k. soap
12. a string of l. string
13. a tank of m. toothpaste
14. a tube of n. writing paper
Word partnerships
Match the verb on the left with a noun on the right. Use each word once only. Write your answers in the boxes.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
Set 1
1. boil a. a bell
2. brush b. an egg
3. cross c. a hole
4. dig d. a jacket
5. organise e. a letter
6. post f. money
7. ring g. a party
8. spell h. a road
9. spend i. your teeth
10. wear j. a word
Set 2
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1. answer a. a cake
2. bake b. the car
3. blow c. a carpet
4. earn d. a horse
5. lay e. your name
6. park f. your nose
7. play g. the phone
8. ride h. the piano
9. sign i. a pipe
10. smoke j. a salary
Set 3
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1. bald a. accent
2. complete b. atmosphere
3. crowded c. failure
4. beep d. food
5. fatal e. hair
6. relaxed f. head
7. spicy g. hole
8. strong h. injury
9. wavy i. train
10. woollen j. sweater
Set 4
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1. anonymous a. advantage
2. balanced b. bread
3. busy c. breeze
4. electric d. cooker
5. enthusiastic e. dictionary
6. flat f. diet
7. gentle g. tyre
8. monolingual h. letter
9. sliced i. office
10. unfair j. welcome
Set 5
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1. accurate a. addiction
2. artificial b. communication
3. comprehensive c. condition
4. drug d. destination
5. final e. education
6. irresistible f. organisation
7. perfect g. prediction
8. substantial h. reduction
9. underground i. respiration
10. verbal j. temptation
Set 6
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1. difficult a. admission
2. foregone b. conclusion
3. free c. confusion
4. gentle d. conversion
5. official e. decision
6. optical f. diversion
7. religious g. evasion
8. tax h. illusion
9. total i. permission
10. traffic j. persuasion
Set 1 1.b 2.i 3.h 4.c 5.g 6.e 7.a 8.j 9.f 10.d
Set 2 1.g 2.a 3.f 4.j 5.c 6.b 7.h 8.d 9.e 10.i
Set 3 1.f 2.c 3.i 4.g 5.h 6.b 7.d 8.a 9.e 10.j
Set 4 1.h 2.f 3.i 4.d 5.j 6.g 7.c 8.e 9.b 10.a
Set 5 1.g 2.i 3.e 4.a 5.d 6.j 7.c 8.h 9.f 10.b
Set 6 1.e 2.b 3.a 4.j 5.i 6.h 7.d 8.g 9.c 10.f
Предварительный просмотр:
Способы аффиксации в английском языке
- The Noun
Suffixes of the nouns | Meaning | Examples |
-age | От основ существительных и глаголов образует новые слова, обозначая состояние, результат действия и конкретные предметы | Storage – склад от store - запас Carriage – экипаж,карета от to carry - нести Orphanage- сиротство от orphan - сирота Leakage –утечка от to leak - течь |
-ance, -ence | Образует чаще отвлеченные существительные с признаками состояния, качества, действия | Ignorance – невежество от ignore- невежественный Assistance- помощь от to assist- помогать Dependence- зависимость от to depend- зависеть Prudence –рассудительность от prudent - рассудительный |
-dom | Образует в основном отвлеченные существительные, указывающие на состояние или положение, пределы распространения чего-либо (власти, учения) | Freedom –свобода от free- свободный Kingdom – королевство от king - король Boredom – скука от to bore -скучать Christendom – христианский мир от to christen - крестить |
-er,-or | Образуют производные слова со значением профессиональной, национальной, территориальной принадлежности, а также разного рода техницизмы | Actor –актёр от to act – действовать, исполнять роль Baker - пекарь от to bake - печь Gardener- садовник от garden - сад Londoner- житель Лондона Islander –островитянин от island - остров |
-ery, -ry | Образуют новые слова от именных и глагольных основ со значением характерных свойств, рода занятий, общественного положения, а также места производства, хранения или проживания | Bravery – смелость от brave- смелый, храбрый Foolery – глупость от fool -глупец Forestry- лесничество от forest- лес Nursery- детская комната, детский сад от nurse - няня Peasantry- крестьянство от peasant - крестьянин |
-hood | От именных основ образует слова со значением состояния, положения, общности, качества | Childhood- детство от child - ребёнок Brotherhood – братство от brother- брат Falsehood- лживость от false - лживый |
-ment | Слова с этим суффиксом (в основном от глаголов) обозначают действие или его результат, а также состояние | Improvement- улучшение от to improve - улучшать Pavement – тротуар, панель от to pave – мостить, устилать Amazement – изумление от to amaze -изумлять Statement- заявление от to state- заявлять |
-ess | Преобразование слов мужского рода в женский .Очень редко в АЯ встречаются существительные женского рода), таких слов не так много. | Actress – актриса от actor – актёр Poetess – поэтесса от poet - поэт Negress- негритянка от Negro -негр Waitress – официантка от waiter -официант Giantess -гигантша от giant - гигант |
-ness | Образует имена существительные от основ прилагательных со значением качества и состояния | Goodness - доброта, великодушие Blackness - чернота Carefulness -осторожность Calmness - спокойствие |
-ship | Образует отвлеченные слова со значением свойства и состояния, а также должности, профессии, положения общности людей | Friendship – дружба от friend- друг Partnership- партнёрство от partner Ownership - собственность от owner- собственник Craftsmanship – мастерство от craftsman - мастер |
-ation, -tion, -sion | Образуют существительные, обозначающие действие или его результат, состояние, качество | Action – действие от to act Exhaustion – истощение от to exhaust Admission – признание от to admit Preparation – подготовка от to prepare |
-tude | Образует (в основном от прилагательных) отвлеченные существительные со значением свойства или качества | Gratitude - благодарность от grateful- благодарный Multitude –множество от приставки multi- много Promptitude – быстрота от prompt- быстрый, проворный Exactitude- точность от exact - точный |
-ty, -ety, -ity | Образуют отвлеченные существительные ( в основном от прилагательных), отражающие состояние, положение, качество или свойство | Variety – разнообразие от various - разнообразный Certainty- уверенность от certain – определённый, постоянный Penalty – наказание, взыскание penal- наказуемый, уголовный Priority – первенство, старшинство от prior - предшествующий |
- The Verb
Prefixes | Meaning | Examples |
re- | Повторное действие | to rewrite -переписать to rebuild - перестроить to reuse – повторно использовать to remake - переделать |
dis-, mis- | Отрицательное значение | to distrust – не доверять to disconnect - разъединять to disappear -исчезать to misunderstand- не понимать to mispronounce – неверно произносить |
un- | Отрицательное значение | to untie- развязывать to uncover - раскрывать |
Suffixes | Examples |
- ify | to simplify - упрощать to specify – уточнять, оговаривать |
-ize | to summarize – подводить итоги, суммировать to utilize – использовать, утилизировать |
-en | to widen – расширять, расширяться to blacken –чернить, красить в чёрный цвет |
- The Adjective
Prefixes | Meaning | Examples |
in-, il-, ir-, im- | Отрицательное значение приобретает смысл слова, противоположное тому, что заложен в основе | incapable – неспособный impossible -невозможный immature - незрелый irregular - неправильный illegal -незаконный |
un- | Отрицательное значение | untrue - неверный uncountable - неисчисляемый |
anti- | Создаются слова с противоположным значением | antiwar - антивоенный anti-American - антиамериканский |
ante- | Нечто предшествующее во времени и пространстве, соответствует приставке до | ante-bellum - довоенный antecedent – предшествующий, предыдущий |
Sub - | Значение ниже. Соответствует приставке под. | subordinate - подчинённый subsoil - подпочвенный |
Suffixes | Meaning | Examples |
-able | Образует прилагательное со значением характерного признака основы (такие прилагательные часто переводятся причастиями, т.к. чаще образуются от глагольных основ, реже – от существительных) | eatable - съедобный comfortable- удобный suitable - подходящий objectionable - неприемлемый |
-ible | От глаголов и прилагательных со значением качества | visible -видимый destructible- разрушительный |
-al | От именных основ со значением качества, свойства, состояния | racial -расовый national – национальный intellectual - интеллектуальный |
-en | Образуются от именных основ, обозначающих материал | golden -золотой wooden -деревянный leaden - свинцовый |
-an | От географических названий, имен собственных, научных терминов | African - африканский reptilian- относящийся к рептилиям Mephistophelean - мефистофельский |
-ant, -ent | Чаще от глагольных основ с указанием на качество или состояние | observant - наблюдательный excellent – отличный |
-ary, -ory | Служат для образования литературно-книжной лексики | obligatory -обязательный contradictory -противоречивый fragmentary -отрывочный |
-ese | Признаки национальности, места обитания. Могут употребляться как существительные | Chinese- китайский Milanese- миланский Viennese –венский |
-ful | Признак присущего основе качества | cheerful – бодрый, весёлый careful – осторожный, внимательный |
-ic | Преимущественно признак книжной лексики | dramatic -драматический atomic – атомный |
-ish | Неодобрительный оттенок | foolish – глуповатый, глупый childish -детский greenish - зеленоватый |
-less | Отрицание основы признака | childless - бездетный homeless- бездомный harmless - безвредный |
-(i)ous | Качество, заложенное в основе | dangerous – опасный mountainous – горный. гористый religious - религиозный |
-y | Качество, присущее именной или глагольной основе | sunny -солнечный icy - ледяной smoky - дымный touchy – обидчивый |
-ward | Направление движения или местоположения | backward – обратный, отсталый forward –передний, передовой eastward – ведущий на восток |
4. The Adverb
Suffix | Examples |
-ly | warmly - тепло truly- верно daily – ежедневно weekly -еженедельно usually- обычно easily- легко greedily - жадно |
Предварительный просмотр:
1 forever V E U W A Y D M F O S R U G A A L W A Y S S U G E Y R T J B K D U C N S U E H
2 hot M A R N B U E H F M S A W A R M D A R M T O G H E U W I D J C V N A R M W A I
3 maybe H A P P E R N A P S H E P W U N B P S H E B P E R A S H P E V N G K S N V C J F
4 go out G O R T H D L E V E W I E A V N T U G U G G L E A V E R D S O F H R M G L E M I
5 pub N A E R V D C I S T E W B P E R A B B A R Y R E W A S B S A R E S F H U I O K H G
6 holiday C T I E O N V A C A T I O N O T U I N T V A R C T Y R F J O Y I T I O N V A C T R E D I
7 lamp G H T I N Y T F G E T B E C X W H U Y F C P U T H V C D F B M L I G H T R U Y B M
8 sweater L L U T P O V E T D F J B P U L L O V E R U P L L O D E R T X W E R D B Y U J H I
9 shop W E S S T O R E N I H T O R S N Y E W A K L U N K L N T O S R H B N B O S T R D
10 movie M I F T L Y B T I C G R U N V D F J K O J H F R F I L M O E P D U R E S V G T I O U I
11 cable R E W I T R E N U T E R W W I R E N R E W S H U T R E F C H O I T Y D S A V H Y N
12 boss G E R M A G E R N A M A N A G E R O T R E H S W E R V N N A G E R M T R E R B
13 cassette P A R T T A P E R Y T E W V N M K P A E G T Y U E R S B H U P E R J V C X R E R P
14 put up with J U T R E S X B H T Y I P K M H Y T O L T E R W A S L A E T T O L E R A T E T Y P U I
15 cap W H A T H U T R E D B N K L O J H V B B M P Y T U R E S F V H U T R E W Z S A C
16 composition W A S U T H V F E E W Z C P O L R E R W A S S E S S A Y O P R T E Y B U T H I Y U
17 child D A R K K I D W I D H E Y R H F D E R K D R Y O R P E N W Q I O R E J Z W E H N F
18 go on N U D E P R O D W U T N U I T C O N T I N U E P W U I R Y D N C H T K F H R T R P
19 circle Z N V J F E I R U G J V K S M I G H F L S N E R I N G E U R H G N B M T O R J C N S
20 mum W O T H G N E A J S F D G I B V N X S M O T H E R E O T I R H V E U R I T N V D F I
1 clever T U R O E K G U V N R N C K S N F V S S T U P I D W I R H F U T I G N E T U D P
2 wet D U E H Y T P B N C B S D M D R Y Y P E O R I F N S B X M C N E Y R T C B R D I
3 never W A Y A L W A Y S R Y T H B L K D N D C I K W U S Y F H N D K S I R O E N W U
4 light Q U A H E T H B U D A R K B H R U A H R K T O I G N F B E K R K G J S F D F F F
5 continue T Y O P R N F C N X F V E R T S T O P E R R K Y N V W U E H T N E M T N Y R T
6 married N B I R H F N S S I N G L E E L E T I Y U N D E U R T N B V V E R T I F H G C O S T I
7 alive N E E D O L D S H E D N U T S V E H E F H U D D E A D U I T J E R N V I N I N I T H R
8 old N E W E T R C H I T E N V G R S A U T N F I L E N C H U I T D E T I U N B M C N S I
9 spot Q U R H I T H G N C U T A I R E S T U P Y I O R E G I B B E G I N T O P S H E B T V
10 passed U R H F K W I O T U G B N C M S E S Y R T G F D E F G C N E D E R F A I L E D R
11 beautiful G L O R Y H T N G I T N F N S R S H O R T U G L Y W E T R H U E S N V T C D U I
12 terrible H O R I B L E O R D E R U T I G G R E A T U P S H O T F U E H R N V W E U D N V
13 old U I T H E U R I Y O U N G N O E H R U T N V M C S A F E N F J T J F D G N T K D I
14 old-fashioned M A L D E N M O D E R N E R N E R K V K F J U S T K A C E R T H Y J U T S N V K
15 lose K I D N H E Y F G N T B V M D K S K E B G V N D M G J Y I F I N D I N D I F E R N E
16 loose T A U G H T O A S T I G H T U R S T W J R B F V H H J T O S H F G F E Y T M G J
17 light O C V A L M U D E R T H E A V Y I E R T R P O W E S T Y T N V K D N E N E T S H
18 shortness G T E N G O H T U D H E K V K S N F S K L E N G T H O R I T H G N U R S F G Y I
19 asleep K I T S H E U D H V N R T R W A W A K E N E S T D E T N F I R S H T I O G U T F T
20 dangerous S A F E R T H A N H R E O W J E U T H S F E A T R H E K G Y T G C E O U S F G
1 afraid C H R U E H F N C M A C S C A R E D R U T H G I S H E B F K R N V K E D J K R T
2 large N U R H T K O E L S J E N V W U E T S G D N J M G F M O H U G E R U E H D T F
3 bring up O R H T M G K L C J N M S N D N V K S J S N C V M E N T I O N N U D E H T M C
4 sea U R O C H E O C E A N L I N E Y R B T K V N D T U R N D H E R H N C H A D I S
5 increase P R R I S E N U R I E H F C N G H U O E H S Y W B S F T W I S T E H R N T K V N S
6 final N U T H E N D S K W J D N V M A S L A S T E R U W N D H R E H T N V K S J D B
7 turn up W U R H G M C K S N A U P E J R P A P E N G P A M F N E K D A A P P E A R S E
8 country M E U T H R M V L V A N A T I O N I O N E R W I R E J F N X C L T H R U D N E K C
9 writer Y U T H E N C L V K G N F N T H E O R H C N B N R F V S S S A A U T H O R S U T
10 melody T U E H C N C X K S A N F N E Y U C T S R A N E B V K F N T U N E U I A N F I T R D
11 talk T H A Y W G B E M G H S H O P S K E U R H I C H A T E R J S N C I G F N E B D I O
12 clean S H W I R H T U V N M X A W A S H S H R O T N G W I R U T H V N U I R T N S K F I
13 kind K E L D O J R U T H F Y W G S T R H D A R C A R I N G Y U G H E I W K D N V H S V
14 centre S L I D W E I R J G O M I D D L E O A I S J F J T R O F V N F I D D L O W E U N D K F
15 gamble B U E Y R H T L E B E T O E H R T U I A N X U W H Q U I E R T N V K S Y N T K F H
16 piece P A K S J C J C S P E R N V P A R T J T U E H D N M V L S P A J F H R Y T J H G X N
17 quick L E Y A H N G J T A F W E T B S F A S T N U R H T M V L S K I F H R N T H G M N B
18 false T U I E H S N W R F K S N C D U N T R U E I R N T H E I W M C N F O P E N D J E U
19 guest S I T I O R N V V I S I T O R E R O F I G H T I E S D H O R T I Y H D C P O E R L C N E
20 ring B N U H V A L C A L L U P E J R G L D K L L A N C I F J Q W U I R V N J D I F J N R I H
1 try V G E S D A N G I A T T E M P T I P R M A G N O P S N U E D P T R N E N S B E A
2 cost J F I A M Y N G H A N P O I H P Q P R I C E N E R H A P P R U H N K C M A M L I
3 accurate N R O I B R E X A C T E S N D I R P D O D C F A R N G I D O N D E R R L I G S O
4 student P E R K N Y L A N B A N T I C O L M A G E P U P I L T N G R I S M B O L G E N D A
5 forecast B N D E W A H L P R E D I C T S I N D E R G O R N D S I P L L E G N E R O B T
6 intelligent I Q U I B I N K F A O L C L E V E R R J E E S C O M E R D I N I N S O N Y N O F
7 attractive L M I G E R E N E D S E P U N R I N O O R T O L O R E R D F P R E T T Y U S H R
8 near E R E T O C L O S E E E N E D E E A N D E R I N S O N I E F R K F U S H D B N N
9 thin G O R E C T S P C L E A D L A R F S L I M U S N Y Y N O R J E E S C O M E R D
10 accuse I N P N G A O R I B L A M E E R G D B L A I N P R E N D O A M E S N O R D J
11 journey E S H D F L M I N E R L E C D E G T T R I P H H A M I F L M I G E R E T O E
12 hit M E C C H P U N C H M A N P O I S L I K E N C T F U N U G H B L A M E T R E
13 pick up W L I K I N K F A O P O I L A N N K F A L I F T O L T D E I T N E D S E P U R G
14 educate N R I N O O R T H T E A A N Y Y N O R J E E S C P N G A O R I E T E A C H R G D
15 allow L E T B L A I N P R E N D O A M E S N O R D J E S H D E D L E S R L E F R A N D
16 money E R I N K O F R K E S C O C A S H M E R D I N P N G A O A R F U T O E M E S G O
17 grade R E C D E A N D E R T S P C L E A D L A R F U S N Y T O M A R K E M E C C H M A
18 stone N A D R O C K E R L E C B M I G E E Q U O R E O R D J E S H D E C H M A N P O I
19 amusing S L R F W D L E U S E D B N N B E Q U O L H F U N N Y T E A A B E Q U O R E N B
20 hard N N D O A M E S N L R J T E N O O R T R G D B L A I E D S I G T O U G H R I E R
1 public V H E I R J G L S N D V S D V E N I F J S A P R I F N P R I V A T E S H I L O F N S C V F
2 real S H E O F J T N V O F A L S E H O D H E N R T P V X C N B V H E N D T E R T K T D
3 nice B H G U T K E Y A S A N A S T Y B N T G I E O T J Y L V M V C D U S T Y E V M H G L
4 admit B H Y M Y O E J F N C H N B G L K D D E N Y E N G H T I E H F K S K W J D F B C K
5 loss W U R H D K S A M C M F N D G I H U I T H F O T P R O F I T R U T H G L D L N G F
6 strong P A I G N D H E U S H F N E C I B H S N F U P E I S N V N W U P U S H I R T F D B S F
7 hard L O D H E I F H T K B O S S O F T U E I D H S B W P W I T R O P V N E S U K L T G D I
8 pull P A I G N D H E U S H F N E C I B H S N F U P E I S N V N W U P U S H I R T F D B S F
9 healthy O P E H W N B I D H R B T K I L L R H E U H S N C K V K D J S N C I V L D J D N L D M
10 polite G H R U E H D U R U D E S H E Y T J G N S N E I U I T Y U R H G H T U E H V O T E R
11 create A N G O F H R V K F K X N E D O S D E S T R O Y O P R T J G M E R T H S U E R T U
12 leave B O T H E U T H G M S M E N D Y A S T A Y R O Y I H M C L F M G I U T N G U T I
13 short M T E N V K G J C B N S N W K F A L T A L L A L O T I R H T U G N N L I T L I S N V L L
14 on time M I F H E J T R O V J S N B E W L A T E L O R H T I E M V N S N D K L T E C O S N F I
15 poor T U R H E K L V K B N M D L S L O D N V U T J R P E M V D S F R I C H S U G H T I F
16 gradual L P E O R J G U S U D D E N D D E N S J C K F K G N S L S D J G U T H G N D R G U
17 wise J I O U S H D N E K R U G N D N O O R U S H D N T I D H O F O O L I S H O P E U R
18 shallow J E P R O F J M D N E P O R J K V N S D D E E P P O R J V N X B S U T R E H S B C
19 high L O S J N H G O T J O L O W O R U G H M W O D H F S O E N V X A S O C H N U I B
20 arrive R H E Y U T I E H D J N A D E P A R T S H O W H E H G N C V K T R N F UT H G Y D I
1 long O E M E S N I V E R R I L E C C D E G T H A K L T D E I S H O R T T N E X D B N N
2 young B F A O P O O L D I L A N N K F A O E Q U O L H T E A N N D O A M E S N L R
3 interesting J L A C H A M I T D E A N D E R O M O O R E R D I N B O R I N G P N G A O R I E
4 thick R G D B L A I N P R E F U S H D B N I V E C C H M A N P O I S T H I N L I K E N
5 come C T F U R E W G O L M D S E P U N R I N O O R T H T E A A N Y Y N O R J E E S C
6 accept O M E R D I N R G H A M I T D E A N D E R I N S O N Y N R E J E C T O U G H B L
7 happy A M E T G E P U N R I N N P R E F O L H T E A A B E Q U O R E W S A D D L P N G
8 small A O R I E U S H G A G O R E C T S P C L E A D L E R L A R G E E C I K E N C T F
9 allow U N U G H B N H H A E R R I E M D E R L E C D E G T R E F U S E H H A M I F L M
10 continue I S E P U N R I N O A R G O R E C T S P C L E S T O P A D L A R F U S N Y T O D
11 hot R T H E C H A M I T D E A N D E R O M O O C O L D R E R D I N P N G A O R I E R
12 bright G D O D U L L R T H T E A A N Y Y N O R J E E S C O M E R D I N P E E S C O M A
13 rich M I F P O O R L M D U N R I N T R G D B L A G R I E E R O L T D E I T N E D S E
14 good P U N D E R L T E A A N Y Y N O R J E E S C P N G A O R I B A D E R G D B L A
15 hide I N P R E N D O A M I N P R E F O L H T E A A B E Q U O R E W D L E S H O W R D E
16 enjoy S O N I E I D I S L I K E F T H H A M R I E U S H D B E F R K F U S H R G H A M
17 loud T I N S O N Y N O F L P G M M R I N S E A N D E R I N O O O Q U I E T N I E F
18 attack I R K G O R E C T B L A M E T R E D E F E N D W L I K I N K F A O P O I L A N
19 present N K F A E M E C C H M A N O R D J E S H D E G T D B E F R K F U S A B S E N T H
20 give R E N E D S I E S N O R D J E S T A K E H D E D L E S R L A C B E Q U O R E O
1 0, 5 h a l a l l f a h l f a h a l f l f a h
2 chair s a t e s a t e a t s a t e s e a t e s
3 fit h e a l t h a e l t h y h e a l t h y h
4 surgeon t o r c o d r t o d o c t o r c o d c t
5 wash n c l e a n c l e e n c l a c n l e a n
6 honest i n s c e r e s i n c e r e s i c e r e
7 group a b n d a n b b a n d a n b n a d a n d
8 pen b o r b i o r b i r o r o b i o r b i r
9 make a c r e a t c e c r e a t e c a t e r e
10 buy c h a s p u r e p u r c h a s e c e s p
11 goods o t p r o d u c t s t c u d o p r t o p
12 completely t o t a l y t o t t a l y t o t a l l y
13 coins and notes m e n o y o m m o n e y n o m e y e n o
14 belief f a t h f a i h t f a i t h t h a i f t
15comedian i c o m c i c o m i c c i m o c o m i
16 author r i t e r w r i t r w r i t e r i t w r
17 press p u s h u s p s h u p s h p u s p s h u
18 young cat k i t e n t k i t e k i t t e n i t t e k
19 storm a l e g a e l e a l g e l a g a l e g a
20 tin c a c n a n c n c a a n c c a n c a n c
1 terrible a w f l a w f u l w a f u l a u f w l a
2 enormous g e h u u h e g u h g e u h h u g e h g
3 see w a t h c t a w c w a t c h t a w t c h
4 person m h u m a n h u n a m u h a m u h a m u
5 relative e l a t o i n r a l e t r e l a t i o n
6 strange w i r e d w e i r d w i e r d w i d e r
7 emotion f e e l f e l l f i n f e e l i n g e l
8 couch f a s o a f o s o f a f s o a s f o a f
9 district a r e a r a e r e a r r e a e r a r r e
10 available f e e r e f r f e f e e r r e f r e e r
11 employment w k w o r k o r k w r o k r o w r o k w
12 holiday c a v a t n i o v c v a c a t i o n i t
13 manager s b o s o b b o s s b s s o b b s b o o
14 journalist t o p r e p o r t e r p e t o r e p o
15 hat p c a a c p a p p c a c p a p c c a p a
16 hand out t r i b e d i e s d i s t r i b u t e d
17 fetch g r b r i n g n b i r b r i g n r b n g
18 fantastic r e t g e r a t g r e a t r g r a t e r
19 young dog u p u p p y p u y p y u p u u p y y p y
20 against the law l e g a i l l e g a l i l l a g i l g e
1 awful A terrify B terrain C terrific D terrible
2 1/3 A three B third C threat D thirst
3 damp A pet B net C wet D let
4 6 November 2008 A 6/11/08 B 6/11/80 C 6/10/08 D 6/10 88
5 healthy A unwell B well C wall D welly
6 lorry A track B ttuck C trick D trek
7 quarter to four A 3.15 B 4.15 C 4.45 D 3.45
8 delay A put out B putt off C put over D put up
9 sports shoes A managers B coaches C trainers D runners
10 correct A right B write C wright D rite
11 Russia A village B city C country D continent
12 grandmother A grandpa B grandma C granddad D mummy
13 group of actors A cast B cost C cart D case
14 three quarters A 25% B 70% C 60% D 75%
15 surviye A get by B go by C get off D go off
16 error A mistook B intake C retake D mistake
17 angry A nervous B mad C caim D hungry
18 large A pig B big C fig D dig
19 eight and a halt A 8.5 B 5.8 C 8.2 D 812
20 james A Tim B Kim C Vim D Jim
1 very small A time B tiny C tin D tone
2 father A did B dad C dud D dab
3 return A get of B get out C get out D get back
4 pudding A deserted B desert C dessert D depart
5 Africa A village B city C country D continent
6 ten past six A 6:10 B 5:50 C 10: 06 D 9:54
7 frightened A scare B scared C scary D scaring
8 half A 25% B 50% C 75% D 100%
9 nobody A no one B someone C somebody D everyone
10 jewellery A scarf B hat C gloves D necklace
11 okay A already B altogether C all right D all over
12 means of transport A plane B plain C planet D explain
13 1/5 A five B fifteen C fifth D fifty
14 Michael A Nike B Mike C Bike D Hike
15 wonderful A fantasy B fantasize C fantastic D fantastically
16 speech A talk B take C tick D track
17 7 January 2006 A 07/01/06 B 07/06/01 C 02/07/06 D 01/07/02
18 money A coats B notes C goats D floats
19 piece of furniture A pillow B blanket C sheet D bed
20 unusual A strong B strange C strict D strangle
1 helper A assist B asistance C assistant D assisted
2 journey A trap B tip C strap D strip
3 close A distant B way C far D near
4 close A shout B sharpen C shut D shoot
5 hot A ward B wear C war D warm
6 ill A sick B sack C sock D suck
7 continue A go on B go away C go back D go up
8 ¼ A quartz B quay C quarter D quantity
9 two and a half A 5.2 B 2.2 C 2.5 D 2.25
10 Saturday and Sunday A week B weekend C weekday D weaken
11 say again A recover B reveal C repair D repeat
12 William A Jill B Bill C Phil D Pill
13 mother’s sister A uncle B cousin C niece D aunt
14 coat A packet B racket C jacket D socket
15 doctor A GP B PG C PM D PE
16 tall A cry B fly C sigh D high
17 half A 4:30 B 5:30 C 2:50 D 5:20
18present A guest B raft C gist D gift
19 jump A leap B lead C leak D lean
20 clever A smash B small C smart D smack
1 impress A impression B impulsive C impose D impress
2 choose A choice B choose C chose D chosen
3 broad A abroad B brood C broad D board
4 list A list B lust C lost D last
5 industrial A industry B industrialist C industrious D industrial
6 rabbit A rabbi B robbed C rabid D rabbit
7 steel A steal B style C steel D stale
8 application A applicator B application C applicable D applicant
9 shower A slower B shaver C shower D shires
10 shares A shores B shares C shears D shires
11 responsible A irresponsible B responsibly C responsibility D responsible
12 drown A down B drawn C dawn D drown
14 lover A loved B lover C lower D loner
15 grant A grants B grand C grant D grunt
16 species A spaces B spices C species D specials
17 towel A towed B tower C towel D trowel
18 pile A pole B pale C pile D pill
19 contradicting A contradiction B contradicting C contradictory D contradicted
20 expand A expend B expound C expense D expand
1 hotel A hostel B hostel C hotel D hostels
2 dead A die B died C dies D dead
3 island A Iceland B Ireland C inland D island
4 cost A cost B cast C cyst D costs
5 friend A friendly B friendship C fiend D befriend
6 place A plaice B place C places D placed
7 time A tide B time C tire D tile
8 depress A repress B impress C depress D oppress
9 experience A experiment B experienced C experience D experimental
10 encouragement A encourage B encouraging C encouraged D encouragement
11 hopeless A helpless B hopeful C helpful D hopeless
12 horrible A horrible B horrific C horrid D horrify
13 county A country B county C count D counts
14 transport A transporter B transportation C transport D transporting
15 calculator A calculation B calculate C calculating D calculator
16 photograph A photography B photograph C photographer D photographs
17 interesting A interested B interests C interesting D investing
18 incredible A incredibly B inedible C incredible D incredulous
20 apparent A appear B apparent C apparently D apparition
1 reporter A journal B journey C journalism D journalist
2 mile A strength B distance C weight D price
3 woman A personally B persist C person D pension
4 explode A go on B go out C go off D go down
5 sportsman A prayer B layer C player D played
6 tasty A sweet B sweat C sweep D swear
7 book A page B vocabulary C dictionary D chapter
8 look A stair B stare C star D stared
10 flower A nose B rose C dose D pose
11 boss A loader B louder C leader D leaded
12 missing A lost B list C lest D last
13 artist A painted B pointer C painter D pointed
14 crime A commit B omit C submit D permit
15 large fish A stark B stork C shirk D shark
16 river A stream B lake C pond D ocean
17 cup A grass B class C glass D grasp
18 student A earner B learned C learnt D learner
19 exam A taste B test C tease D toast
20 overweight A vat B rat C fat D sat
- Ms Medford received a standing ovation as she came out onto the stage to bow.
A Movie madness B Theatrical success
C Video viewing D Television triumph
- He’d been waiting over half an hour, and he still didn’t seem to be any nearer the front.
A The plan B The drive
C The dream D The queue
- Of course it’s much faster than going by bus or train, but it’s also a lot more expensive.
A Taking the plane B Missing the plane
C Boarding the plane D Waiting for the plane
- You make me sick! I never want to see you again. Get out!
A Fear B Leaving
C Illness D Anger
- Make sure the fuse is in working order and that no live wires are exposed.
A Safety measures B Fitness advice
C Serving suggestion D Medical tips
- There was sheet and fork lightning at the same time. It was spectacular!
A Gale B Drought
C Thunderstorm D Flood
7 The accident, which involved a bus and a taxi, occurred at about 8.30pm last night.
A Pilot injured B Captain injured
C Coach injured D Passenger injured
1 The trick to training your dog is to let it know who’s boss. Remember: you are.
A Pet control B Working animals
C Keeping fit D Cruel treatment
2 Residents are warned that the hurricane will hit land in six hours, with winds of up to 100 miles per hour.
A Earthquake damage B Storm coming
C Fast runners D Dangerous neighbourhood
3 Next, we’ve got the new hit from Robbie Williams, which has gone straight into the chart at number one.
A Big fight B Old classic
C Another failure D Successful song
4 Things just seem to get more and more expensive each year, don’t they?
A Higher salaries B Price increases
C Better quality D More choice
5 It seems that the driver of the van just didn’t see the car until it was too late.
A Accident B Attack
C Escape D Chase
6 Julie enjoyed living on the farm and loved being out in the fresh air.
A Hard work B Healthy diet
C Country life D Happy animals
7 One thing I’d love to do, just once, is play the piano in a symphony orchestra in front of hundreds of people.
A Expensive ticket B Complaining neighbours
C Musical ambition D Family performance
1 We could put you up in the spare room for a few days when you’re in town, if you like.
A Extra time B Growing family
C Cheap hotel D Friendly offer
2 Hello, and welcome to this week’s edition of Worldwatch, where we look at the stories behind the day’s headlines.
A Friendly chat B Growing family
C Newspaper article D Bored
3 I thought you’d do much better in your exams and I feel as if you’ve let everyone down.
A Disappointed B Satisfied
C Hopeful D Bored
4 The SP9000 is packed full of features that other laptops don’t have – and it won’t cost you a fortune!
A Expensive toy B Poor quality
C Basic model D New computer
5 Now, what I want to see is the midfield players attacking, and you defenders, I want to see you stopping the ball.
A Spectator comments B Newspaper report
C Tactical instructions D Doctor’s advice
6 Please note that guests are requested to check out before noon.
A Party invitation B Hotel rules
C Airport notice D Exam instructions
7 Elephants in this area are in danger of being hunted by people who kill them for the ivory in their tusks.
A Dangerous animals B Action holidays
C Human threat D Popular hobby
1 Temperatures are expected to stay in the high forties until at least the end of next week.
A Relief B Uncertainty
C Heatwave D Epidemic
2 Remember that it can get chilly in the evenings, so remember to take a sweater or cardigan with you.
A Fashion news B Being prepared
C Weather forecast D Travelling light
3 I do try to reply to my fanmail, but it’s so difficult to find the time to answer all the letters personally.
A Getting help B Calling up
C Writing back D Being a fan
4 In Britain, never click your fingers or call out; it’s considered very rude. Wait patiently until you can catch his eye.
A Tipping a waiter B Becoming a waiter
C Being a waiter D Attracting a waiter
5 I really wish I hadn’t decided to go out with them; we’re in so much trouble now.
A Regret B Apology
C Faith D Trust
6 Inexpensive get-away weekends by train. Let us take the strain!
A Drive safely B Take a break
C Get fit quick D Relax at home
7 We’re going to carry on fighting until he’s released from prison; there’s no doubt at all that he’s innocent.
A Not giving in B Certain guilt
C Night behind bars D The justice system
1 There’s no way I’m going to invite John after what happened last time!
A Hope B Refusal
C Promise D Threat
2 None of them could quite believe the score of five-nil as they went home.
A Training B Defeat
C Scandal D Disinterest
3 I hope you manage to pass your exam tomorrow.
A A friendly wish B A hopeless task
C A timely reminder D A fond memory
4 The fingerprints prove that Thomson was at the scene of the crime.
A Escaped B Caught
C Hidden D Lost
5 She’s had enough money since the divorce and she’s not getting another penny.
A My mother B My cousin
C My ex-wife D My sister
6 This is the time I let you hand in your homework so late.
A No more writing B No extra marks
C No more chances D No time left
7 You’d better call Michelle and apologise.
A Command B Advice
C Permission D Denial
1 Look your bedroom! It looks like a bomb’s exploded in here!
A Escape the danger! B Tidy it up!
C Follow my lead! D Don’t touch that!
2 We interrupt this programme for an urgent news flash.
A Sudden shock B Match results
C A short break D The usual story
3 It’s better than his first book, and you’ll never guess the ending.
A Recommendation B Disappointment
C Pressure D Order
4 It’s rather more than we were planning to pay for a computer.
A A bargain B Extra expense
C High quality D A fast machine
5 I don’t think I deserved an E after all that studying.
A Too much work B A lazy student
C Someone cheated D Unfair result
6 We were all exhausted after the climb but looking forward to the view from the top.
A Canoeing B Mountaineering
C Swimming D shooting
7 The members of the audience held their breath as the door slowly creaked open.
A comedy B News
C Documentary D Horror
My fist time^ Karl Sanders – abseiling
I’ll never the first time I went abseiling. It’s strange back at it now. Today, eighteen years later, I’m
Generally considered to be a world expert in rockface abseiling. Then, at the tender age of fifteen,
I didn’t even know what abseiling was. I thought it was just the same as rock climbing, but going
down instead of up. My first abseiling experience taught me a lot.
A Since that day, I’ve always wished I’d continued with the sport.
B I hat actually abseiled several times before.
C I was on a school adventure training holiday in the Lake District.
D I became a world expert overnight.
- _____ We’d already been sailing on Lake Ullswater, climbed Scafell Pike (the highest mountain in
England), slept in tents above the snowline (I’ve never been so cold in my life!) and got lost in a blinding snowstorm. Now it was time to learn how to abseil.
A A small rockface, no more than five metres high, was chosen for the initial training.
B And we had do it without any instructors to help us.
C Our first abseil practice was to be from a helicopter flying over the sea.
D Our instructors told us that we probably wouldn’t be able to do it.
- _____ if we passed that, then we’d get to abseil down a ‘real’ rockface. I was excited but nervous.
Would I be able to do it?
A Unfortunately, my parents refused to give me permission.
B All the other children laughed when they saw me looking nervous.
C Actually, I never got the chance to find out.
D In fact, I found the training remarkably easy.
- _____ We were taught how to attach the ropes and harnesses, how to tie our helmets on, what to
Shout as you throw the rope over the edge (Beeeelooowww!), how to stand at the top of the rockface
before you abseil down, and how to hold the safety rope, which acts as a brake. It was my turn. I stood
with my legs apart, as I’d been taught, with my back to the rockface. I slowly edged my feet back until
I was standing right on the edge. ‘Good’, said the instructor. ‘Now, keeping your legs straight, lean back.’
A I really didn’t want to go down, so I had to give up.
B I was shaking with fear, and my knees did buckle a little, but I managed it.
C I lent bsck, stupidly let go of the brake, and fell five metres to the bottom.
D I closed my eyes, turned round, hoped for the best, and jumped.
- _____ I leant back and suddenly I was at 90˚ to the rock. ‘Gently release the brake, and slowly walk
down the wall. Don’t jump! Just walk down. If you feel yourself falling, pull your arm behind your back
and the brake will stop you. That’s it! I was walking down the rockface, and it felt incredible. I got the
hang of the brake very quickly, and felt quite comfortable looking down. As soon as I got to the bottom
I wanted to do it agein. And this time on a ‘real’ rockface.
A The opportunity came about an hour later.
B the instructors said we’d have to pay extra to do a ‘real’ rockface.
C However, I had to wait another year before I could do that.
D Then the instructor told me I’d failed.
- ______ We’d all passed the training – there were thirteen of us in our group – so the instructors
took us on a short drive in the minibus to the bottom of what they called ‘The Cliff’. It was high – at least
eighty metres. ‘yes’, I thought, ‘this is more like it. ‘The problem was that we had to climb up first. ‘it’s
very simple,’ said the instructors. ‘if you don’t get to the top’ you don’t get the chance to abseil down.’
A I preferred to abseil first, and climb after.
B We all disagreed with them.
C The climb was awful.
D in fact’ the climb was easy, and it only took two minutes to reach the top.
- _____ It must have taken at least an hour. I’m still not very good at rock climbing, but back then I didn’t
have a clue. And I was frightened. The thought of having to hold on with my hands and swing my feet onto
some tiny bit of rock a metre above me with dread. It still does, to be honest. But, eventually, I got to the
top. I was last, if I remember rightly.
A But how was I going to get down?
B For that reason, I won the first prize of the day.
C The instructors were extremely angry.
D And then the fun began.
- _____ The descent down. The abseiling. The reason I’d climbed up in the first place. This time I had
height, and I intended to use it. I wouldn’t just be gently walking down the rockface this time. I was a
thrilling experience from start to finish, and sometime during my descent – I can’t remember exactly
when – I decided to make abseiling my profession.
The Great White Shark
There’s a good reason why the great white shark has been little studied. It’s extremely dangerous.
It’s extremely dangerous. Its rows of razor-sharp teeth and its large, powerful jaws are designed to do
One thing well: kill animals in the water. They glide through the sea like grey torpedoes, hunting
seals, their main prey. Occasionally, they come into conflict with man, and people are beginning to
realise that it’s the shark that suffers. This monster of the deep may be threatened with extinction
by man’s activities.
A This is necessary to protect swimmers.
B Long fishing lines are one of the threats.
C The film jaws was about a great white shark.
D They will hunt around beaches where people swim.
- _____ They stretch out at sea up to eighty miles, with thousands of hooks attached. Sharks are
unable to detect them and they become caught in them. As they struggle to escape, the line wraps
around them tighter and tighter. Since they are fish, sharks need to keep moving to pass water with
oxygen over their gills. When they are unable to move, they drown.
A The fact that they are fish poses problems for their conservation.
B Drowning is also a cause of death in humans.
C Each death is one less man-hunter in the sea.
D Most people forget that dolphins are not fish.
- _____ Whales and dolphins are mammals and so they need to come to the surface for oxygen. This
means that researchers can follow them and study them. Sharks, on the other hand, spend their time
below the surface, making them difficult to study. The only time one breaks thorough the surface is
when attacking its prey.
A This is the best time to catch a shark.
B People get frightened when they see this attack.
C Whales and dolphins also have the advantage of being cute.
D Sharks can’t be very clever because they are fish.
- _____ They sing to each other, care for their young and leap playfully into the air. They are the ones
who get chosen as symbols of care the environment. Save the Whale. Save the Dolphin.
A But nobody cares about that.
B The shark, by contrast, is a frightening monster.
C Why should we save the dolphin, after all?
D This is a waste of time and money.
- _____ It’s difficult to imagine an environmental campaign using a picture of an attacking shark to
raise money for green issues. Yet they need saving just as much as the whale does. The shark is a vital
part of the ocean environment, helping to keep the seal population down. Without the shark, seals
might start to affect the fish population by overfeeding.
A Tell your friends about the shark and maybe you can help, too.
B The only thing to do is to kill seals to protect the fish.
C We cannot protect the seals without endangering the sharks.
D Despite this image problem, people are beginning to worry about the numbers of great whites left.
- _____ Although it’s difficult to tell, around fifty sharks are killed off the Australian coast each year.
Few scientists believe that the population is big enough to survive that kind of loss. Most of the ones
Killed die in fishing lines or nets. Some are also deliberately caught for their fins.
A This cruel practice provides ingredients for the Asian market.
B People need them to make a wonderful tasting soup.
C This is okay, but the fishing must be stopped.
D Divers use special cages to protect themselves.
- _____ The fishermen slice off the fins and then dump the live shark back into the sea. The fins end up
in Chinese medicine or in shark’s fin soup. People are beginning to learn, though, that a shark is worth far more to them alive than dead. Sharks bring tourism.
A Many people like to show how brave they are by swimming with the sharks.
B This spoils an area and doubles the problems faced by the sharks.
C Divers, for example, will travel half-way round the world for the chance to see great whites.
D Swimmers are prevented from using the beaches and stay in their hotels, spending money.
- _____ This ‘eco-tourism’ brings much more money into an area than killing the sharks does. In the end, it may be this saves the shark. It has survived for millions of years, perfectly in tune with its environment. It would be a disaster if it disappeared because of human action.
Предварительный просмотр:
Вариант 3
РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование
Задания 1—4
Прослушайте беседу двух подростков и выполните задания 1—4. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Текст прозвучит дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. После второго прослушивания у, вас будет 45 секунд для выполнения заданий.
- Why is Alison so proud of her new students? 1. Because they have arrived from very distant places/ 2. Because it’s not easy to learn in summer when other people relax on the beach. 3. Because the students are very young. 4. Because the students are brave enough to go abroad to learn English.
- Do the students have classes seven days a week? 1. No, the students have classes five days a week and they don’t have lessons on Saturday and Sunday. 2. Yes, the students have classes every day of the week 3. No, the students may choose any two days for their classes. 4. No, the students have classes on weekends only.
- What happens if a student is latecomers in the classes?
- The teacher never allows latecomers in the classroom.
- The teacher always allows latecomers in the classroom.
- The teacher may not let the student in the classroom.
- The teacher takes the student to the administration immediately.
4. What should the student do if he gets ill?
1. The student should call the parents immediately and ask them what to do?
2. The student should stay in bed till he is better.
3. The student should ask the host family for some medicine.
4. The student should contact the school immediately.
Задание 5
Прослушайте объявление в аэропорту. Из приведенных ниже высказываний выберите одно, соответствующее содержанию текста. Вы услышите текст, дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд. 1. Passengers are allowed to have any food with them. 2. Passengers are not allowed to have any food with them. 3. Passengers are not allowed to have only milk and meat products. 4. Passengers are not allowed to have some food with them except milk and meat products.
Задание 6
Прослушайте объявление в аэропорту и дополните предложение из вариантов, приведенных ниже. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
The passengers for the flight to Moscow should… 1. leave the restraint and come up to the gate. 2. wait for further information. 3. go to the restaurant. 4. go to the Information desk on the ground floor.
Задание 6
Прослушайте объявление в аэропорту и дополните предложение из вариантов, приведенных ниже. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
The passengers for the flight to Moscow should … 1. leave the restaurant and come up to the gate. 2. wait for further information. 3. go to the restaurant. 4. go to the information desk on the ground floor.
Задание 7
Прослушайте объявление и определите, на каком транспорте туристы поедут на экскурсию. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания даётся 15 секунд.
- by coach 2. by ship 3. by car. 4. by train.
Задание 8
Прослушайте продолжение объявления для студентов, прибывших в языковую школу и дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
The students must come down to the central hall…
- to listen to a talk on the academic programme.
- to get some papers like student cards and time-table.
- to go to a swimming-pool.
- to go to the café for breakfast.
РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение Задания 9—10
Прочитайте следующий текст и выполните задания 9—10.
Дополните предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов
Silly Like Fish?
When people are asked to name the cleverest species, they usually talk about dolphins, monkeys, dogs and horses. When it comes to fish, people don’t give them much credit. Fish are considered to have tiny brains, no memory and o ability for learning. Fish pet owners, fishermen and some scientists don’t agree with that at all.
According to them, fish are much smarter then most people think. Experiments and tests prove that fish are able to receive, some of them are even able to identify and remember symbols. In some tests, fish were put in a large tank of water. To get food the fish had to swim through the labyrinth. The corridors were marked with different symbols: blue square, red circles, and green triangles. The route that led to food was marked with triangles. The fish soon found out which route led to the award and headed there immediately. Then the labyrinth was changed, but the corridor which led to food was marked with same green triangles. It’s amazing – the fish recognized the symbols! They followed the green triangles
and ignored squares and circles.
Fishermen can tell even more amazing stories about bright and resourceful fish. They say fish can be smart enough to avoid cleverly set nets, and to make a fool of a fisherman. Fish are brilliant navigators and are able to find the place where they were born. They know how to return there to spawn. They can remember deep and shallow places in their rivers, and stay in “ safe pools” when the weather gets too hot and the river dries up. They can even leap from one safe pool to another, which means they remember the map of the riverbed.
9 The labyrinth experiment proves that…
1. fish are able to remember sounds.
2. fish are able to remember people.
3. fish are able to remember geometric shapes.
4. fish are able to find food by smell. 10 Do fishermen agree with scientists that fish are clever and intelligent?
- Yes, and they have lots of stories to prove it.
- Yes but they never mention any stories to prove it.
- Yes, they say fish can recognize colours and smells.
- No, fishermen think fish are silly and can’t learn.
Задания 11—14
Прочитайте следующий текст и выполните задания 11—14.
Дополните предложения, выбрав один из приведенных ниже вариантов.
“No, it’s not for me”, Jenny threw the glossy magazine on the sofa. All those nice things – silk shirts, trendy jeans with paste and the dress with the original belt – looked gorgeous on the slim girls from the shiny pages of the fashion magazine, but they would look silly on her. She knew that. She would give anything to become like those shiny girls. To Jenny, they were creatures from a different world of glamorous parties, expensive cars, and breathtaking careers. “No wonder that they look so happy,” –said Jenny with an intense note of jealousy in her voice. “ I wish I could see thief they had my turned-up nose and silly freckles, and my…”now she was almost weeping, “and my fat cheeks! And I walk awkwardly, and I cannot dance! Life is unfair –some people are born to be successful and some – to become a failure!”
Miranda was watching all that from the door way. Her fifteen-year-old daughter was still such a kid. To cry about her look – Well, I never! Her Jenny, her charming girl, with two dimples on her cheeks when she smiled, was feeling unhappy only because she looked different from models faces in a fashion magazine! To Miranda, none of those super-skinny models could compare to her Jenny.
There was only one thing Miranda didn’t like about her daughter: Jenny didn’t fell confident about herself, and it prevented the girl being happy. And she had chosen wrong role models. “Look at this”, Miranda put her hand on the daughter’s shoulder. In the other hand she had a newspaper. A radiating smile of a girl and the title “A 23-year-old medical student recently crowned Miss Wales”
“And what?”Jenny smiled miserably. “She was born a beauty. And that’s why she can have everything in this world.”
“Just read”, insisted Miranda.
Jenny’s eyes were getting wider and wider as they moved across the page:…was born with illnesses that could have left her seriously disabled…problems with spine and other bones…wasn’t able to hold her back straight…had to wear a plastic corset that covered half of her body until she was seventeen…took it off only to wash and for gymnastics… did gymnastics sixteen hours a week… determined to be a doctor …studied hard… started her surgery practice a week before getting the Miss Wales crown.
Jenny looked up at her mum. “She was born an invalid, but became the queen? Is it a new story about a Cinderella?”
“Not exactly”, replied Miranda. “This girl had a much more difficult problem. And she won without the Fairy Godmother.”
11. Jenny felt unhappy because…
1. she couldn’t afford to buy the clothes she liked.
2. her mother didn’t agree to buy her clothes.
3. she didn’t like her own appearance.
4. she had a serious illness.
12. Miranda thought that her daughter…
1. was very pretty but not confident
2. was neither good –looking nor clever.
3. looked liked a model.
4. looked nice and confident.
13. Miranda gave Jenny an article about…
1. the beauty contest in Wales.
2. the girl who had won the crown of Miss Wales.
3. the girl who had become a famous surgeon.
4. the girl who had become a successful model.
14. The girl from the article proved that …
1. miracles happen
2. people can shape their own future.
3. it is very important to be beautiful.
4. it is important to be lucky.
Задание 15
Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения
I wish I could see them if they had my turned-up nose and silly freckles… 1. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы у них был мой курносый нос и мои веснушки. 2. Интересно, как они выглядели бы с курносыми носами и веснушками. 3. Жаль, что у них такие же курносые носы и глупые веснушки, как у меня. 4. Посмотрела бы я на них, если бы у них были такие же курносые носы и глупые веснушки, как у меня.
Задание 16
Подберите к тексту наиболее подходящий заголовок. 1. Cinderellas still exists. 2. Fairy Godmother’s gift. 3. How to become a beauty. 4. Who can win you a success?
Задание 17
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1—4 одним из вариантов А—Е. Один вариант в списке А—Е лишний. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.
Computers have already turned into essentials for us. We can’t do without them _____________ (1). There’s a strong opinion that computer technologies give new opportunities to people who study languages. At first glance it may sound strange – the computer is a lifeless object, _____________ (2)?
The main advantage of the computer is that it can make learning and drilling less boring. . there are lots of computer games _____________ (3). Internet access provides learners with up-to-date news, and typing helps to remember word spelling.
Nowadays computers are able to teach speaking, too – there is special software that can check the poison of the user’s lips and tongue, ______________ (4). No doubt, the computer will learn how to answer our questions and will become a skillful conversationalist. A neither at work nor in the classroom B because it can be useful for writing too C and it can correct pronunciation mistakes D which turn learning new words into fun E how can it possibly develop our communication skills
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
РАЗДЕЛ З. Грамматика и лексика
Задания 18-22
Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках после цифр 18—22, в нужную форму и заполните пропуски.
Tommy felt absolutely unhappy. His little kitten had disappeared and Tommy _____________ 18 (not/know) where to look for it. He knocked on the neighbours’ door but they said that they _____________ 19 (not/see) the cat either. However, they gave Tommy some advice. “Write the information about your cat and your telephone number and put it on the notice board in the yard. if someone finds your cat, they _____________ 20 (contact) you”.
That was good advice. Very soon the telephone rang and a woman said: “I _____________ 21 (find) a kitten in the flower-bed. It’s black with two white spots. If it’s yours, the kitten was there. It ___________ 22 (sleep) in a small basket, and didn’t even wake up when Tommy entered the room.
Задание 23-27
Прочитайте текст и вставьте в пропуски 23-27 подходящие слова, выбрав один из предложенных ниже вариантов.
My Aunt Jessica is one of ____________ 23 people I’ve ever met. She works as an _____________ 24 and considers her job very important. She studies how people’s activities affect the environment. Aunt Jessica says that we have already done a lot of harm to the planet and that we need to work out some plan on how ____________ 25 the situation. According ____________ 26 her, most people do not realise how dangerous the situation is, and don’t want to do ____________ 27 to prevent a catastrophe. 23 a) smart b) smarter c) smartest d) the smartest 24 a) environment b) environmental c) environmentalist d) environmentally 25 a) to improve b) to rise c) to enlarge d) to grow 26 a) to b) with c) _ d) on 27 a) some b) any c) something d) anything
РАЗДЕЛ 4. Письменная речь
Задание 28
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
● write what kind of weather you are having;
● tell Cathy if you like camping holiday or not, and why;
● tell Cathy what you enjoy doing at home to avoid boredom (computer, reading, drawing, taking care of pets, etc.).
You should write 60-80 words. Do not forget to write the address.
Hi ______________,
Well, I hope it’s not so cold in your place as it is here. We are freezing! And we wanted to have a camping holiday this weekend, but now – I don’t know. I’m afraid we’ll have to stay at home and the weekend will be spoilt.
I feel so bored when I’m at home as I don’t know what to do.
Cathy XXX
Cathy Bigden lives in UK
Hawkshead Road 5
Coniston, LA21 8AJ
РАЗДЕЛ 4. Письменная речь
Задание 29
Give a talk on some TV programme, you watched. Say: ● what kind of programme it was (a concert, a sports event, a news programme, a feature film, a documentary, etc.); ● what it was about/who was taking part in it;
● what you enjoyed and what you didn’t like.
Задание 30
Tell your partner about your favourite pastime and explain why you like it. Ask him/her what he/she does in free time and why.
Тексты для аудирования
Задания 1—4
Прослушайте информацию, прозвучавшую в международной языковой школе, и выполните задания 1—4. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Текст прозвучит дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. После второго прослушивания у вас будет 45 секунд для выполнения заданий
Hi! I'm Alison, I'm your group leader. And I'm happy to see you in our summer school English International. It's always nice to see so many brave young people who are keen on learning languages and who are able to come to the classroom in summer, instead of going to the beach or... wherever.
I'm proud of you. I adore you for that! Anyway, I promise that you'll enjoy it and you'll never regret it. So, welcome to English International.
First, some brief information about our school rules and about the facilities we are happy to offer you here. As you already know from your welcome pack, you have classes every day from Monday to Friday and you don't study at weekends. You have two full days a week for the beach and clubs and discos, which is not bad, is it?
You classes start from half past nine in the morning and last till one o’clock p.m. Please, be in time for your lessons. If you are late for your classes, you will be admitted only at the discretion of the teacher. In other words, if you are a latecomer, you may be not allowed-into the classroom, and you can't complain about it. So, don't be a latecomer!
If you cannot come to class because of illness or some emergency, let us know about it as soon as possible. Call the Director of Studies, her name is Stephanie Twigg and she can be reached at telephone 3707538, or ask your host family to contact us. The host family has all our contact numbers and will give you all possible support as needed.
You should be also aware that we have a doctor on twenty-four hour call out. I’d like to point out again that you cannot miss classes unless the doctor allows you to do it and gives you a written permission.
Задание 5 .
Прослушайте объявление в аэропорту. Из приведенных ниже высказываний выберите одно, соответствующее содержанию текста. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
Attention, passengers flying to the European Union countries!
Due to the risk of travellers importing disease into the European Union, all meat and milk products are prohibited from taking to the EU. All attempts to transport meat or milk are illegal and may result in a fine or criminal prosecution. Thank you for understanding.
Задание 6
Прослушайте объявление в аэропорту и дополните предложение из вариантов, приведенных ниже. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
Attention, travelers flying to Moscow!
Flight F132 is delayed due to the weather conditions. We ask the passengers proceed to the restaurant on the ground floor where they'll be served drinks and snacks. Thank you for understanding.
Задание 7
Прослушайте объявление и определите, на каком транспорте туристы поедут на экскурсию. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
Dear guests!
Welcome on board. Today you'll have a wonderful journey round the island. I, the captain of this old but very reliable transport, will tell you about the historical heritage of this country. Then you'll enjoy lunch cooked by our chef and have an opportunity to swim in the crystal water of the Blue Lagoon, which is our destination point.
We are going to have a nice and busy day, and I hope no one will have time to get seasick today.
Задание 8
Прослушайте объявление для студентов, прибывших в языковую школу, и дополните предложение, выбрав правильный вариант ответа. Вы услышите текст дважды с паузой в 10 секунд. На выполнение задания дается 15 секунд.
Well, we offer you a very intense academic and leisure pro gramme and hope you enjoy your stay in our school. Tomorrow at half past eight all students must come down to the central hall. You'll get your timetables and student cards.
Please have your student IDs, or student identification cards, with you all the time. You will need it to attend activities, to enter facilities (such as the swimming pool or computer centre), and it'll give you some discounts in shops and cafes. There are some nice cafes here, by the way, and I'll show them to you later.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подберите заголовки к текстам. Один заголовок лишний.
If you are considering a career in advertising, you should ask yourself whether you have the necessary qualities. Advertisements tell people what is cool and what isn’t. To be successful in advertising, you have to lead the way and create advertisements with that in mind. Advertisers are the ones who come up with the latest concepts and unless you can do that, then it might not be the career for you.
2. Keeping cars, vans and lorries constantly on the move is a vital part of a modern city and traffic wardens play a central role in that. While the police deal with accidents and are generally respected, traffic wardens are generally disliked for giving tickets to motorists who have parked illegally. However, if they stop and think about it, even drivers who find traffic wardens annoying usually agree that we need them to prevent the traffic system becoming chaotic.
3. We normally think of a pilot as a person who flies a plane, but ships can also have pilots. Ships might travel all around the world and the captain cannot possibly know the details of every harbour or other waterway that they go to. A ship’s pilot is a person who is very familiar with the local waters and who can guide a ship to safety. They are aware of all the dangers in the area and advise the captain.
4. Although being a seismologist can involve long hours in an office or a laboratory, the information they gather is far from boring. Seismologists study earthquakes and they are sometimes able to warn people that an earthquake is about to happen. Although it is not an exact science, these warnings can sometimes help people prepare. Even giving people a few minutes before the earthquake hits may well save lives.
5. Although the job of a coal miner can still be dangerous, it is much safer than it used to be. Today, the chances of something going wrong are worked out very carefully and safety is extremely important. Mining companies will never be able to completely remove the element of danger, but the industry does everything it can to make sure that miners are as safe as possible. Miners are trained to judge how dangerous a situation might be and to take appropriate action to protect themselves and their colleagues.
Прочитайте утверждения 1-6 и следующие за ними тексты. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).
No visit to London is complete without a trip to Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of the British monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II).
Buckingham Palace was built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and, as such, was known simply as Buckingham House. Its first royal resident was King George III, who bought it in 1762, but it was not until 1837, when Victoria became queen, that it became the official royal palace of the British monarch.
Approximately 450 people work at Buckingham Palace, and each year more than 50,000 people enjoy some form of entertainment there – the Queen often holds garden parties and receptions for invited guests. In the 1990s, the palace became even more open, with members of the public being allowed to go on a tour of the ‘state rooms’. These are the official reception rooms in the palace, rather than the rooms that the Queen and her husband live in.
In June 2003, a concert of classical music and a pop concert were held in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. This was to celebrate Elizabeth’s 50th anniversary as queen.
1. Buckingham Palace has always been the official London residence of the British king or queen.
Выберите ответ:
Not stated
2. Queen Victoria was the first British monarch to live there.
Выберите ответ:
Not stated
3. Queen Elizabeth II and her husband live in the ‘state rooms’ in the palace.
Выберите ответ:
Not stated
4. Elizabeth II has been queen for more than fifty years.
Выберите ответ:
Not stated
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные
заглавными буквами, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
One of the most popular sports in England is cricket. It is sometimes called the national sport and many adults and (1)_________(CHILD) play it in their spare time or at school.
It (2)_________(PLAY) by two teams of eleven and has some similarities to baseball.
To put it simply, the aim is to score runs and the side (3)_________(SCORE) most runs wins.
The game is quite old, and the (4)_________(EARLY) references to it date from the 1500s.
Spectators (5)_________(WATCH) cricket matches for hundreds of years in many parts of England.
The list of famous cricket grounds (6)_________(INCLUDE) Lord’s in London and Old Traff ord in Manchester.
‘Test cricket’ is the name (7)_________(GIVE) to five-day matches between different countries.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
In Britain, the AA (or Automobile Association) has been providing assistance to drivers for over 100 years.
In that time, the (1)_________(MEMBER) has grown from 100 drivers to 15 million. The AA is involved in many different (2)_________(ACTIVE), including publishing books and maps. However, it is best known for helping (3)_________(FORTUNE) drivers who have had an accident or whose cars have broken down. It also tries to persuade the (4)_________(GOVERN) to introduce new laws which will help drivers and improve road (5)_________(SAFE). For example, the AA was in favour of the 1983 law which made it illegal to drive without a seatbelt.
Предварительный просмотр:
Five-Minute Tests
Choose the correct answer.
- In the winter the days are_______ than in the summer.
a. longer b. larger c. shorter d. warmer
2. Bananas are_______ than apples.
a. tasty b. tastyer c. tastier d. more tastier
3. There_______ many sweets in the vase.
a. is b. be c. are d. been
4. There_______ some butter in the fridge.
a. is b. are c. be d. been
5. Nick’s car is_______ many sweets in the vase.
a. good b. goober c. better d. the best
6. This book is_______ than that book.
a. worse b. the worst c. bad d. badly
7. It often_______ in spring.
a. is raining b. rains c. rain d. raining
8. _______ you put on a new dress tomorrow?
a. Do b. Are c. Will d. Did
9. My brother and I _______ at the Zoo yesterday.
a. are b. is c. was d. were
10. Never laugh _______ old people.
a. at b. in c. on d. of
11. We don’t go to school _______ Sunday.
a. in b. at c. on d. at
12. He is never late _______ school.
a. of b. in c. for d. at
13. She can sing, _______ ?
a. doesn’t she b. can she c. can’t she d. isn’t she
14. They never laugh in class, ______ ?
a. don’t they b. do they c. are they d. aren’t they
15. What do you buy in shoe shops?
a. blouses b. trousers c. jeans d. high boots
Five-Minute Tests
Choose the correct answer.
- It often_______ in winter here.
a. snow b. snows c. snowed d. is snowing
2. Look! Nick’s sister _______ for a walk.
a. goes b. has gone c. is going d. went
3. He never goes to school _______ car.
a. on b. by c. to d. in
4. He is never late for classes, _______ ?
a. don’t he b. isn’t he c. is he d. aren’t he
5. They left for London 3 days ago, ______ ?
a. did they b. didn’t they c. don’t they d. doesn’t they
6. ______ Tuesday we get up rather early.
a. On b. At c. In d. To
7. Never laugh _______ old people.
a. in b. at c. of d. from
8. I usually come home _______ 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
a. in b. on c. at d. for
9. She lives in London, _______?
a. does she b. doesn’t she c. is she d. isn’t she
10. He could swim well, _______ ?
a. could he b. can he c. couldn’t he d. doesn’t he
11. She _____ her grandparents next summer.
a. was visiting b. will visit c. visit d. visits
12. I ______ my friends on my way to school yesterday.
a. meet b. met c. meets d. am meeting
13. Give me a ball, please. We _______to play football.
a. is going b. are going c. go d. went
14. The weather is hot and I _______ to swim in the river.
a. is going b. are going c. am going d. go
15. He usually _______ new words in class.
a. writes b. is writing c. wrote d. will write
Предварительный просмотр:
Exam preparation/study tips:
- Make sure you understand what you have studied. Don’t just try to memorise it.
Ask your teacher or classmates for help if you find something difficult to understand.
- Look again at what you have studied as soon as possible after class
You are more likely to remember information if you look at it again within 24 hours of first hearing it.
- Organise your study time
A revision timetable will help you make the most of your study time.
- Eat something before you study
Food will give your brain the energy it needs to concentrate for long periods of time. Fruit is a good choice - the sugar in fruit will keep you more awake than coffee.
- Drink plenty of water while you study
Not drinking enough water can make you lose concentration and make it harder for you to remember information. You should drink 250ml of water for every hour of study.
- Choose places to study where you will not be disturbed
Noise and other distractions make it difficult to concentrate and can affect the amount of information you remember.
- Take regular breaks during study time
Taking a 20 minute break every two hours will give you time to remember what you have already learned and also help you concentrate for the next two hours.
- Take practice tests
There is no better way to prepare for a test than to take regular practice tests. Not only can you learn the language you need to pass the exam, but you can also get to know the style of exam questions and practise good exam techniques.
- Join a study group
Studying with friends and classmates can help motivate you to study more regularly.
- Work out when you study best
Some people work best in the mornings, others at night. Decide when you work at your best and try to study at those times.
Предварительный просмотр:
Exam taking tips:
- Get at least 6 hours sleep the night before a test
You are more likely to remember what you have learned if you have had a good night’s sleep.
- Eat before a test
Food will give your brain energy and help you to concentrate.
- Wear comfortable clothing
Being uncomfortable is a distraction. Also, it’s better to wear several layers of clothing so you can put on or take off an item if you feel hot or cold.
- If possible, sit at the front of the examination room
If you sit at the front of the room you are less likely to be distracted by other students and can hear the recording better for the listening paper.
- Make sure you understand all the instructions before you begin
Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat any information you are unsure about.
- Before you start your test, quickly look at the whole test paper
Looking at the test paper quickly before you start will help you to manage your time better. Decide how long you should spend on each question.
- Always read the questions carefully
One of the most common mistakes students make is not to read the questions carefully enough. Read all instructions slowly and twice if you have time.
- Answer the questions you find easy first
Answering the questions you find easy first will give you confidence and save you time later on.
- Don't waste time on questions you cannot answer
Spending a lot of time on a question can make you lose confidence. If you can’t answer a question go to the next one and come back to it later, if you have time.
- Check your answers carefully
If you have time at the end of the exam, read through your answers. But remember, your first answer is usually correct so only change answers if you see a mistake.
- Be positive and try to stay relaxed
If you are relaxed you will be able to concentrate better. Breathe slowly and deeply and try to put all negative thoughts out of your mind.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Writing Техника письма Овладение алфавитом Овладение графикой Овладение орфографией Овладение пунктуацией Правильное объединение слов в предложении Продуктивные умения Написать текст в соответствии с поставленной задачей Использовать соответствующий стиль Осветить все стороны темы Использовать разнообразные лексические и грамматические средства Соответствовать заданию с точки зрения структуры и объема текста
Технологии обучения письму Техника письма Переписывание текста Написание текста под диктовку Написание слов по спеллингу Написание цифр под диктовку Изучение правил орфографии и пунктуации
Технологии обучения письму Продуктивное умение Product-oriented writing ( обучение письму, направленное на создание собственного текста) Process-oriented writing ( обучение письму, направленное на овладение процессом создания текста)
Технологии обучения письму Product-oriented writing Заполнение пропусков( gap- filling) Дополнение ( completion) Объединение простых предложений в абзацы ( sentence combining) Восстановление правильного порядка предложений ( unscrambling) Расширение на основе ключевого предложения ( expansion) Process-oriented writing Этап планирования ( pre-writing) Этап реализации замысла: написание вступления, основной части и заключения ( writing) Этап контроля (post-writing)
Письмо в формате ЕГЭ Типичные ошибки Личное письмо Ошибки в оформлении и организации текста Неумение представить полный и точный ответ на запрашиваемую в письме информацию Отсутствие постановки вопросов или формулирование вопросов не по теме Несоблюдение требуемого объема (100-140 слов)
Письмо в формате ЕГЭ Типичные ошибки Высказывание с элементами рассуждения Подмена одного жанра письменного высказывания другим Отход от темы (часто через включение заученных наизусть «топиков») Отсутствие развернутой аргументации Неумение сформулировать проблему в начале высказывания (простой повтор формулировки задания) и сделать вывод в конце Неправильное деление текста на обзацы Отсутствие использования или неправильное использование средств логической связи Лексико-грамматические и орфографические ошибки Несоблюдение требуемого объема (200-250 слов)
Стратегии выполнения письменной части экзамена 1 Внимательно прочитайте задание и выделите главные вопросы, о которых нужно написать, определите формат письменного задания (вид письма и тип сочинения) 2 Определите, кому адресовано письмо и выберите соответствующий стиль письма 3 Составьте план письма/сочинения и подберите необходимые слова и выражения 4 Пишите в соответствии с планом и помните о делении текста на абзацы 5 Старайтесь использовать не только простые предложения, но и сложноподчиненные, используя средства логической связи 6 Старайтесь правильно употреблять временные формы глагола, используйте разнообразные грамматические структуры 7 Внимательно проверьте работу
Структура письма № Что требуется в письме Рекомендации Примеры 1 Адрес Address Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу В принятом в Великобритании порядке: номер квартиры, корпуса, дома, улица, почтовый индекс, страна Слова Flat, Block, Street, Avenue, Prospect пишут с заглавной буквы Можно пользоваться общепринятыми сокращениями, которые тоже пишут с заглавной буквы ( Fl , Apt , St , Ave , Pr ) (полный) Flat 5 Block 1 12 Grazhdansky Pr StPetersburg 195299 Russia ( краткий) StPetersburg
2 Дата Date Под адресом дата ( пропустив строку ) Можно писать цифрами или буквами Названия месяцев пишут с заглавной буквы В зависимости от задания (адресата) можно писать британский вариант: дата/ месяц/ год или американский вариант : месяц / дата / год Saturday, March 1 st , 1999 9 September 1999 3 Обращение Greeting Письмо начинается с обращения, после которого ставят запятую. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) Dear Sally, Dear Mr Brown, My darling,
4 Начало письма Introduction В начале письма автор обычно Благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию Извиняется, что не писал раньше Thanks for…, Many thanks for…, How nice of you …, I was awfully glad to get your letter… I must apologise for not writing…, I really should have written sooner…. 5 Основная часть письма Main Body В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Каждый параграф пишут с новой строки, пропустив строчку.
6 Конец письма Conclusion В конце письма автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) I’ll write again soon. Looking forward to seeing you. Hope to hear from you soon. 7 Завершающая фраза письма Ending Эта фраза зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после неё всегда ставится запятая. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) I love you so much, Lots of love, Much love, Best wishes, All the best, Yours….., 8 Подпись автора Личные письма подписывают без указания фамилии (с новой строки, пропустив строку) Sally , David
Образец написания письма Your address The date Greeting Dear…, Introduction (§1-opening remarks) Main Body (§§ 2-3 – development of the subject) Conclusion (§4 – closing remarks) Ending (say goodbye and sign your name)
Образец написания письма Greeting - never begin Dear friend / Pen friend ; write the name Dear Jane, Introduction - reasons for writing; / - an apology for a delay in writing / - a thank you to the person for his last letter Main Body - divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph Conclusion -an excuse to stop writing/ - greetings to the person’s family ( friends) / - an invitation/ - a promise to write again soon, / - a request to the person to reply soon Ending - Lots of love/ Best wishes + your first name
Образец написания письма StPetersburg Russia } пропустить строчку January 1 st Dear Mary, } пропустить строчку Thank you for your lovely birthday card, I have not written sooner as I wanted to invite you round and would never find a suitable time. } пропустить строчку (каждый параграф начинать пропуская строчку) We are having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tony’s return from Canada , and we would be very happy if you and Simon could join us, around 8 p.m. Do come if you can. } пропустить строчку Looking forward to seeing you. } пропустить строчку Yours , } пропустить строчку Anna
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Виды коммуникативного аудирования Skim listening (аудирование с пониманием основного содержания текста / извлечением основной информации, ознакомительное аудирование). Listening for detailed comprehension ( аудирование с полным пониманием). Listening for partial comprehension ( аудирование с выборочным извлечением информации). Critical listening (аудирование с критической оценкой прослушанного).
1. Skim listening Понимание основного содержания несложных аудио- и видеотекстов монологического и диалогического характера (теле- и радиопередачи); выборочное понимание необходимой информации в функциональных текстах (рекламе, объявлениях) Умения: отделить новое от уже известного; отделить существенное от несущественного; закрепить в памяти наиболее важные сведения; определить тему и коммуникативные намерения говорящего; изложить основные факты; ответить на вопросы по основному содержанию; составить план прослушанного, резюме и аннотацию.
2. Listening for detailed comprehension Полное, точное и быстрое понимание текста Умения: отделить главную информацию от второстепенной; выявить наиболее значимые факты; определить свое отношение к ним; извлечь из аудиотекста необходимую / интересующую информацию; пересказать текст с подробным изложением содержания; ответить на вопросы по всем фактам; составить подробный план.
3 . Listening for partial comprehension Вычленение в речевом потоке необходимой или интересующей информации, игнорируя ненужное Умения: Выявить важные аргументы, детали, ключевые слова, примеры Выявить конкретные данные: даты, числа, имена собственные, географические названия
4. Critical listening Умение полно и точно понимать звучащий текст, определять коммуникативное намерение и точку зрения автора, делать умозаключения , интерпретировать, понимать подтекст
Виды коммуникативного аудирования Interactional listening (аудирование как компонент устно-речевого общения) Listening to interaction (восприятие на слух диалога / полилога) Transactional listening ( восприятие на слух монологической речи) Academic listening ( восприятие на слух речи в образовательных целях)
Технологии обучения аудированию Учебное аудирование ( Guided listening) служит способом введения языкового материала и создания прочных слуховых образов языковых единиц. Это предпосылка для овладения устной речью, коммуникативных умений аудирования
Задания match spoken input to writing choose the best reply complete a chart/form take notes underlining make a plan take a message note travel information draw a map make changes in a diary/menue label items
Виды учебного аудирования I Интенсивное аудирование (intensive listening) Короткие аудиотексты с сопутствующими упражнениями, формирующие рецептивные лексико-грамматические навыки и умения, связанные с пониманием и осмыслением услышанного 1 этап – выполнение аналитических упражнений 2 этап – синтез (интерпретация основного содержания прослушанного)
Виды учебного аудирования II Экстенсивное аудирование (extensive listening) Большие по объему тексты. Синтез превалирует над анализом, большое значение имеет догадка. Задания затрагивают содержательную сторону, побуждают оценку, интерпретацию услышанного и использование полученной информации в устной и письменной речи
Типичные ошибки Неумение выделять ключевые слова Неумение игнорировать ненужную информацию Ориентация не на содержание предложенного текста, а на собственный социальный опыт при выборе ответа «верно / неверно / нет информации» Опора лишь на значение отдельного слова при ответе на тестовый вопрос Выбор вариантов ответа только потому, что эти же слова звучат в тексте (экзаменуемые забывают о том, что верный ответ, как правило, выражен синонимами)
Стратегия сдачи экзамена Внимательно прочитайте задание Будьте внимательны: сначала вы можете услышать один ответ, а потом говорящий поправит себя и ответит по другому (самая распространенная хитрость!) Прочтите имеющуюся информацию и постарайтесь догадаться о чем будет говорить рассказчик
Стратегия сдачи экзамена 4. Не волнуйтесь, если рассказчик говорит слишком быстро или на сложную тему, расслабьтесь и постарайтесь слушать как можно внимательней 5. Старайтесь сосредоточиться не на отдельных словах и фразах, а понять общий смысл 6. Давайте ответы во время звучания. Не волнуйтесь, если что-то не поняли, вы сможете вернуться к этому во время повторного слушания 7. Даже если вы не знаете ответа на вопрос, не оставляйте вопрос неотвеченным
Предварительный просмотр:
Новое в оценивании раздела «Письмо»
Письмо личного характера (задание С1)
- Объем письменного высказывания.
По заданию объем письма - 100-140 слов.
С 2009 года действует правило + 10%. т.е. объем не должен быть меньше,
чем 91 слово (если всего 90 – сразу «0»баллов за это задание.
Превысить 154 слова тоже не очень хорошо, так как в письме проверяется
только это количество слов. (Напишешь больше - потеряешь баллы и за
содержание, и за организацию).
- Как считать слова:
Адрес и дата не считаются. Начинаем считать с обращения. Артикли, предлоги тоже считаются за слова, а сокращения типа «don’t = do not» за одно слово.
Адрес пиши сокращенно : Saint-Petersburg (в правом верхнем углу) Russia
Название улицы, номер дома ни в коем случае не указывать. Теперь считается, что так можно идентифицировать пишущего. По этой же причине письмо должно быть подписано только именем, (фамилии даже на КИМах писать не нужно – просто не будут проверять работу)
- Аргументация:
В письме развернутую аргументацию давать не нужно. Просто дать ответы на поставленные вопросы, выполнить все, что требуется.
Развернутое письменное высказывание ( задание С2)
- Сочинение (эссе).
Объем – те же требования: по заданию 200-250 слов + 10%, значит 181 слово
это нижний предел, а 275 – верхний.
- Сочинения двух типов
1тип – “for” and “against” – 4-е абзаца
1 – своими словами введи тему(проблему), которая обозначена в задании
2 – 2 аргумента с примерами «за»
3 – 2 аргумента с примерами «против»
4 – вывод «In conclusion I would like to say…» - только в этом абзаце ты можешь выразить свое мнение!!!!!
2 тип – “opinion”
1 абзац - своими словами введи тему(проблему), которая обозначена в задании;
2 абзац - изложи свое мнение по теме, подкрепи его 2-мя аргументами (развернутыми).
3 абзац – здесь нужно упомянуть, что есть люди, мнение которых отличается от твоего (напиши какое у них мнение), а затем напиши почему ты с ним не согласен. Здесь нужно дать третий аргумент в защиту своего мнения.
4 абзац - еще раз кратко изложи свою позицию Постарайся сделать это другими словами, но раз это вывод, то все должно быть связано с тем, о чем ты писал выше.
- Средства логической связи
Нельзя начинать предложения со слов “And”,”because” – т.к. эти слова служат для связи слов внутри предложения, а не между ними.
В сочинении употребляй средства логической связи формального типа:”On the one hand, ….On the other hand”, “however”, “despite” и т.п.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
ADRESS DATE GREETING Paragraph 1 BODY Introduction Paragraph 2 The information you are writing Paragraph 3 Questions Paragraph 4 Conclusion Closing/Ending Signature
9 Chkalov Street Zherdevka Russia
18 /o9/2009 18 September 2009 09/ 18 /2009 September 18 th, 2009
Paragraph 1 Introduction Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you so long. I was busy with my studies. Paragraph 2 The information you are writing In your letter you asked me about my family. Well, I have a mother, a father and a sister Olga…………. Paragraph 4 Conclusion It’s great that …. Closing/Ending Your friend/ Kind regards , Signature (твое имя)
Внимательно прочитай задание и определи: а) тему письма б) вопросы, на которые тебе нужно ответить с) нужно ли задавать 3 вопроса и на какую тему 2. Пиши по образцу(образец смотри выше): выучи выделенные части письма наизусть и сохрани их расположение в своем письме.(другое расположение частей не допускается ! ) 3. Помни, что после предложения, начинающегося с красной строки In your letter you ask(ed) me about …, ты четко отвечаешь на заданные в письме вопросы. Связывай предложения словами-связками, такими как Then, Besides, Well, By the way, Anyway. Не забывай ставить знак «запятая» после этих слов ! 4. Если в задании сказано, что надо задать 3 вопроса другу, тебе необходимо с красной строки писать It’s great that … с информацией о том, что происходит в жизни твоего друга и задать 3 вопроса четко по заданию. Если в задании не сказано, что надо задать 3 вопроса другу , переходи к завершающей части письма. 5. Завершающая часть письма Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work. Write me soon всегда пиши с красной строки ! 6. Не забудь попрощаться, указав свое имя! Образец: Best wishes, Sergey 7. Ты должен написать 100(140) слов.
Вместо Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you so long . I was busy with my studies ты можешь написать Thank you for your last letter. It was great to hear from you. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I was really busy. Вместо It’s great that … можно использовать фразу I am pleased to hear that Вместо Sorry, I must finish as I have to do my project work можно написать I’d better go now because my Mum asked me to help her. Вместо Write back soon ты можешь написать Please write to me soon and tell me all the news или Hope to hear from you soon. Вместо Best wishes можно использовать All the best или Yours . Не забывай ставить знак «запятая» после этих фраз.
Тексты для чтения, обсуждения и развития письменной речи: сборник для уч-ся 9кл.-СПб., 2010. Е.Н.Соловова, И.Е. Соколова State Exam. Maximiser. Английский язык. Longman, 2007