Игра-викторина "Что мы знаем о Великобритании?"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Игра – викторина
«Что мы знаем о Великобритании?»
Кабинет украшен эмблемами Англии, Шотландии, Уэлса, Северной Ирландии, флагом Соединенного Королевства.
Две команды участников:
«Roses» и «Shamrocks»
Ведущий учитель: Dear friends!
We’re gathered here to demonstrate our knowledge of the English language and because The More We Get Together the happier We’ll be!» Let’s sing this song together!
Now, it’s time for our quiz.
We' 11 have four games. Our first game is "Running after the Leader". Each team will have six questions from different branches of knowledge: history, geography, policy, literature, arts education. You will get one point for each right answer. If you can't answer the question, your opponents will try to do it.
Game 1: "Running After the Leader."
I | II |
(Вопросы к первой команде) | (Вопросы ко второй команде) |
1. (A question from history) Who evaded Britain? (The Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the it Danes, the Normans). | 1. (from history) What did the Romans call Britain? (They call it "Albion". "Alba" means "white in Latin and the first the Romans saw when they came were the white chalk cliffs on the coast of Britain). |
2. (geography) About what part of London do people say that at night there are only cats there. (They say it about the City, the business part of London where very few people London live.) | 2. (about the Parlament) Is it possible to learn whether the British Parliament is sitting by looking at the Houses of Parliament? (Yes, it is. When the British Parliament is sitting, the British flag is flying and a light is burning over the clock face of Big Ben. ) |
3. (history) Where does a column built in memory of Admiral Nelson stand in London? And for what was it built? (It stands in Trafalgar Square. The square was named after Nelson's most famous victory. It happened at Trafalgar Cape near the Strait of Gibraltar in 1805 over Napoleon. | 3. (history) What do you know about Westminster Abbey? (It's a very old church. It is nine hundred years old. Many famous English people were buried there - Chaucher, Hardy, Dickens, Darwin, Cromwell, Richard-the-Lion-Heart and many others.) |
4. (Arts) What is British Museum famous for? (The British Museum is famous for its library, one of the biggest in the world, and for rare collection of different things from many countries all over the world.) | 4. (Arts) What theatre did Shakespeare write most of his plays for? (He wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre.) |
5. (literature) How many plays did Shakespeare write and which of them were screened in our country? (He wrote 37 plays. As far as I know "Hamlet", "King Lear", "Romeo and Juliet", "The Twelfth Night" were screened in our country.) | 5. (literature) What century did Charles Dickens live and what made him popular? What other novels written by Ch. D. do you know? (Ch. D. lived in the XIX th century. "Pickwick Papers made him popular. Other novels are: "Oliver Twist","David Copperfield", "Dombey and Son" and others.) |
6. (geography) What is Wales rich in? (In coal). | 6. (geography) In what British lake is a monster supposed to live? (In Loch Ness, Scotland. ) |
Учитель: -So the result of Game I is...
Now you will see some slides.! It’s your task will be to guess what these slides show.
I | II |
1. Whose portrait is this? (W. Shakespeare's portrait). | 1. Whose portrait is this? (R. Burns's portrait.) |
2. What book is this illustration from? Who is the author of the book? 1...................................... 2...................................... | 2. What book is this illustration from? Who is the author of the book? 1........................ 2........................ |
3. What part of the country is this 1.................................... 2.................................... | 3. What part of the country is this? 1...................... 2...................... |
(и т.д. в зависимости от имеющегося материала)
The result of the game is .............................................................:
Учитель: So, boys and girls, the third game. You wil exchange questions. (Вопросы члены команды готовят заранее, как домашнее задание).
I | II |
1. How wide is the English Channel? (32 km wide). | 1. What is the name of the biggest passenger seaport on the English Channel? (Southampton) |
2. What is the name of the narrowest part of the English Channel? (The Strait of Dover) | 2. Why is a district in the centre of England called "The Black Country". (It is called "black" from the dust and coal) |
3. Who are "The Beatles"? What city were they from? How many members of "the Beatles" do you know? (A group of pop-singers from Liverpool. They were four: Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Herrison, Ringo Star). | 3. Who is the author of "Treasure Island"? (Stevenson). |
4. What are the British Isles washed by? (By the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel). | 4. The British Isles consist of two large islands. And how many small ones are there near them? (5000 small islands) |
5. Who was the first English man who sailed round the world? (Francis Drake) | 5. What is James Cook famous for? (He discovered new lands: New Zealand, Australia.) |
Учитель: Your task will be to answer as many questions as you can during 2 minutes. If you don't know the answer, you'll say: "Go on, go on". It’s the 4th game.
I | II |
1. The capital of the U.K. (London) | 1. The capital of Scotland. (Edinburgh) |
2. The capital of Wales (Cardiff) | 2. The capital of Northern Ireland. (Belfast) |
3. How many parts does the U.K. consists of? (Four parts) | 3. Name the four part of the U.K. (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) |
4. The longest river. (The Severn) | 4. The largest county. (Yorkshire) |
5. The highest mountain (Ben Nevis) | 5. The largest lake. (Lough Neagh) |
6. The largest city outside London. (Birmingham) | 6. The busiest port (London) |
7. The name of one of the biggest coal-mining industry centres in northeastern part of England.(Newcastle) | 7. What is the name of the biggest textile industry centre in England. (Manchester) |
8. The name of the biggest city in Scotland famous for its shipyards - the biggest ship -building centre.(Glasgow) | 8. How many main nationalities live on the British Isles? (Four: the English, the Scots, the Welsh, the Irish) |
9. The father of the English historical novel.(W. Scott) | 9. The founder of the English national literature. (Geoffrey Chaucer) |
10. The famous Scottish poet. (R. Burns) | 10. The names of the oldest British Universities. (Oxford, Cambridge) |
11. The national emblem of England. (The Rose) | 11. The national emblem of Scotland. (The Thistle) |
12. The national emblem of Ireland? (The Shamrock) | 12. The national emblem of Wales? (The leaf of Daffodil) |
13. The names of the three most important parts of London? (The City, the West End, the East End) | 13. The oldest part of London. (The City) |
14. What street are most of the government offices situated in London? (In White Hall Street) | 14. What is the name of the building in which the British Parliament sits? (The Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace) |
15. The oldest bridges in London. (London Bridge, Tower Bridge) | 15. The name of the Prime Minister of the U.K. (John Major) |
16. The name of the English Queen now. (Elizabeth the Second) | 16. The name of the first Women English Prime Minister. (Margaret Tatcher) |
17. Which house of the British Parliament is elected by the people? (The House of Commons) | 17. Which House of Parliament is not elected by the people? (The House of Lords) |
18. The name of the secondary school in England in which children learn Handicrafts. (Secondary Modern School) | 18. What kind of English schools is it easier to get to a university from? (From Grammer School) |
19. At what age do English boys and girls begin going to a primary school? (At the age of five) | 19. At what age do school children have examinations according to the results of which they go to a grammer school or to a secondary Modern School |
20. The main political parties. (The Conservative, the Labour) | 20. What colour is the British flag? (Blue, red, white) |
21. What is Downing Street,10? (The official residence of the Prime Minister) | 21. What is the Tower? (The oldest castle, now a museum) |
22. The name of the clock of the Houses of Parliament.(Big Ben) | 22. The name of the people who lived in England before the invasion.(the Celts) |
23. The name of the king who fought against the Danes.(Alfred the Great) | 23. When were Scotland and England united? (in 1603 James I) |
24. Which are the famous squares in London? (Trafalgar Square, Picadilli Circus) | 24. What is Buckingham Palace (the residence of the queen) |
25. What is the name of the largest park in London? (Hyde Park) | 25. How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of (Two Houses) |
The results of the game. ( Подведение итогов. Награждение.) In conclusion all the children sing "Auld Lang Syne".
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