Внеклассное мероприятие “The Evening of English Song”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 9 -12 классов


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Тема:  “The Evening of English Song”

Участники: 9-12 класс

Цели урока: углубление знаний о группе «Битлз».

Задачи урока:


посредством внедрения информационных технологий активизировать познавательную активность учащихся;

создать положительную мотивацию к практической деятельности учащихся на уроке;

уметь самостоятельно находить необходимую информацию с использованием различных источников.


развитие внимания, памяти, мышления и интеллекта учащихся;

умение обмениваться информацией, поддерживать разговор;

умение работать индивидуально, в парах.


воспитание культуры общения учащихся;

формирование коммуникативной культуры;

развитие чувства ответственности за выбранное дело.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, караоке, плакаты.

                Ход урока

Teacher: Good – afternoon, dear audience!

Pupil 1: Nice to see you, dear guests at our Open Lesson “The Evening of   English Song”!

Teacher: Devoted to the world-known rock band “The Beatles”!

Pupil 1: We believe you’ll have a good time with us and will not regret about it!

Teacher: And now Dacha, with the poem “Sing Anyway”, written by Patricia Kabuki, is going to give a pleasant note to start our “Evening”.

Dacha: At times when things happen, and all seems wrong.

It may make it harder for you to sing your song.

But, sing it anyway, don’t let events rule you.

Praise Got in song and he will reveal what to do!

At times you feel as if all you do is a mistake.

Things are against you, and you really need a break.

It’s the time t sing a song of praise to the Lord!

After a verse or two, your heart will get on board.

Yes, your heart is on board the train bound for glory.

Now, you can really sing and tell redemption’s story!

Despite lives’ ups and downs, you can just sing anyway.

You’ll find you’re happy, yes, it brightened up your day!

Hear what I say!

Sing anyway!

Pupil 1: Now it’s high time to speak about “The Beatles”. So we hope you are ready to sponge all information about this group. But, please, do not get asleep, because at the end of our “Evening” you are supposed to have a small quiz!

Teacher: So, who were these famous “The Beatles”! Alexndra and Mikhail will tell some words about them. You are welcome!

Pupil 2: The Beatle were an English rock band in 1960s and one of the most commercially successfully acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. Formed in Liverpool, by 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon, Paul Me Carney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ranging from pop to psychedelic rock, often incorporating classical and other elements in innovative ways. The nature of their enormous popularity, which first emerged as “ Beatle mania”.

Pupil 3: The Beatles are the best-selling band in history, and over 4 decades after their break-up, their recordings are still in demand. They have had more number one albums on the UK charts and have held the top spot longer than any other musical act. They were collectively included in Time magazine’s compilation of the 20th century’s 100 most influential people.

Pupil 2: It was John Lennon, who put the beginning of the group.  Aged 16, he formed a group called the Quarrymen, in March 1957. Lennon’s fellow student Stu Sutcliffe suggested changing the band name to The Beetles and they became “The Beatals” for the 1st few month of the year. In May 1960 they undertook a brief tour of Scotland, as including “Johnny and the Moon dogs”, “Long John and the Beetles” and “The Silver Beatles”, the band finally became “The Beatles” in August.

Pupil 3: Speaking about their logo, seen on the front of Starr’s bass drum during the group’s major touring years, was based on a sketch by instrument retailer and designer Ivor  Arbiter upon instruction from Epstein that the design should emphasize the word “beat”.

Pupil 2: Controversy erupted in June 1965 when Elizabeth 2 appointed the 4 Beatles Members of the order of the British Empire after Prime Minister Harold Wilson nominated them for the award. In protest – the honor was at the time primarily bestowed upon military veterans and civic leaders – some conservative MBE recipients returned their own insignia.

Pupil 3: As critics explained, they were very much “studio creations … ‘Live Beatles’ and ‘Studio Beatles’ had become entirely different beasts.’ The final show, at San Francisco’s Candlestick  Park  on 29 August, was their last commercial concert.

Pupil 2: After their break-up in 1970, the band members all found success in independent musical careers. Lennon was murdered outside his home in New York City in 1980, and Harrison died of cancer in 2001. Mc Cartney and Starr remain active.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for your information, its really nice. Now let’s have a few pleasant minutes of watching the video and enjoying the extremely famous song “Yesterday”!

Включается запись с фотографиями битлов.

Pupil 1: You see, what “Evening” without singing? It’s nonsense! So, now it’s our pupils’ turn to sing!

Teacher:  The song “Yesterday” is the best song. “Yesterday” is a romantic ballad. What is the origin of this song? Every morning Paul sat at the piano and played his own music. The melody of “Yesterday” appeared one morning while

Paul was cooking breakfast. That’s why 1st he named the song “Scrambled eggs”. But he couldn’t think of words. Nice sad music didn’t  agree with simple words. The words came after several days and they were charming.

Pupil 1: Rustam with the song “Yesterday”!


Teacher: Margarita and Elena are going to sing the song “Let it be”!


Pupil 1: Tanya – “I love her’


Teacher: The song “Yellow Submarine” is very popular thanks to the cartoon film “Yellow submarine” in witch the Beatles fight against the pointed monsters with the help of their music, love and justice. Let’s enjoy the performance of the girls.


Pupil 1: Joyful singing of the girls. The song “o bla di o bla da”


Teacher: And the last, but not the least – Dannay “Hard World”. Listen and enjoy!


Pupil 1: We think you enjoy these beautiful songs and you’ll keep them in your memory. Now, as we promise a quiz!

Включается презентация с вопросами

Pupil 1: I feel that our “evening” is coming to the end…

Teacher: And we suggest finishing it at the same pleasant note as we’ve started! Let’s try to sing it all together.

P.S. “I Love You”

As I write this letter

Send my love to you

Rmember that I’ll always

Be in love with you

Treasure these few words till we’re together

Keep all my love forever

P.S. I love you

You, you, you

I’ll be coming home again to you, love

And till the day I do, love

P.S. I love you

You, you, you

As I write this letter

Send my love to you

Remember that I’ll always

Be in love with you

Treasure these few words till we’re together

Keep all my love forever

P.S. I love you

You, you, you

As I write this letter

Send my love to you ( You know I want you to)

Remember that I’ll always

Be in love with you

I’ll be coming home again to you, love

And till the day, I do, love

P.S. I love you

You, you, you

You, you, you

I love you

Teacher: Thank you for your attention and good luck!

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