Урок "Город. Магазины." Уровень 4 класс.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Представляю Вашему вниманию урок "Город. Магазины." уровень 4 класса. Данная методическая разработка включает в себя: план урока, презентацию к уроку и задания. Также предоставляю материалы, которые помогут подготовить учеников к этому уроку. Учебник: Starlight 4.
Автор: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок английского языка в 4 классе
Учитель: Хорошавина А.О.
2012 – 2013 учебный год
Открытый урок
Предмет: английский язык
Учитель: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна
Класс: 4А
Дата: 16 октября 2012 года
Тема: «Город и одежда»
Цели и задачи:
активизация и закрепление лексики по темам «Город», «Магазины», «Одежда», «Еда», «Цифры»,
отработка навыков диалогической речи по темам «Как пройти?» и «Магазин»,
развитие навыков аудирования
закрепление грамматических навыков «множественное число»,
развитие коммуникативных навыков,
привитие навыков этикета и общения в социуме,
привитие интреса к изучаемому языку.
Ход урока
Приветствие + приветствие гостей
T: Hello, dear pupils!
Pp: Hello, dear teachers!
T: How are you today?
Pp: We are fine, thank you, and you?
T: I’m fine thank you. Please, sit down. Today we have guests at our lesson. Please, greet them.
Pp: Hello, dear guests!
T: Mmm… Arina, what a nice shirt you have. It seems you like shopping. What’s your favourite shop?
P: My favourite shop is….
P2: My favourite shop is…
T: Today we are going shopping around the town.
Постановка целей
Let’s set goals. Today we are going to:
Ask and give directions
Revise the plural
Name clothes, fruit and vegetables
Ask for prices
Listen to the description of a town
Фонетическая зарядка
Let’s practice to pronounce the words correctly.
[w] when, where, white, window, walk, walk across the road
[ð ] this, that, those, how much is this coat, opposite the bank
[h] how, how much, how much are these slippers, hotel, hospital, between the hospital and the hotel
[ʤ] jumper, jeans, jacket, pyjamas, jewellery
[a:] father, park, scarf, a scarf – scarves
Restaurant, cinema, police station, post-office, baker’s, butcher’s, supermarket
Активизация лексики по теме «Город»
ДОСКА: ДИСК Checkpoint, Units 3-4, exercise 1.
T: Look at the smart board. What can you see?
Pp: A town!
Развитие навыков аудирования
ДОСКА: ДИСК Activity Book 3a.
Now we are going to listen to the description of a town. Open your WORKBOOKS, page 18, exercise 5.
What can you see in the pictures? Where is the butcher’s?
Now let’s listen to the short conversation about the location of the buildings.
Let’s check. Where is the hotel / cinema / bank?
Активизация лексики по теме «Деньги».
As we are going shopping today, we need money. What money do they have in America / Great Britain / Europe / Russia?
НА ПРОСТОЙ ДОСКЕ: флешкарты с хлебом, тортом, мясом и т.п. Рядом с ними написана цена.
По цепочке (я начинаю): How much is this / are these?
Физ. минутка.
Before the shopping let’s go to the sports center and gather some strength.
ДОСКА: программа I-Dictionary – body and face - song
Развитие навыков диалогической речи, активизация грамматического материала «множественное число», проверка знаний правила «написание окончания –s во множественном числе».
Are you ready for some shopping now?
Where will you go if you want to buy some bread?
Let’s go to the baker’s then.
Who is the owner of the baker’s? (Anya Maximova)
Who wants to go to the baker’s?
T: P1! But P1 doesn’t know how to get to the baker’s. How can she ask about the way?
Pp: How can I get to the baker’s, please Excuse me. / Could you tell me the way from the hotel to the baker’s, please?
P2, explain how to get to the baker’s, please.
Примерный диалог:
P1: Excuse me, how can I get to the baker’s, please?
P2: Mmm… Let me think... Walk along the street. Go past the bank and the greengrocer’s, then turn left and cross the street. You will see the baker’s opposite the restaurant.
P1: Thank you very much.
P2: You are welcome.
Anya M.: Welcome to my shop! It’s the best place for those who like sweets. Here you can find cakes, cookies, candies and of course bread – fresh loaves of white and brown bread.
Подходит P1.
Anya M.: Hello! How can I help you?
P1: I’d like two loaves of brown bread and a cake, please.
Anya M.: Here you are.
P1: How much are they?
Anya M.: They are five pounds seventy pence, please.
P1: Here you are.
Anya M.: Thank you.
Ok, very good.
Now tell me, please, where will you go if you want to buy some sausages?
Roma: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the butcher’s, please?
Who is the owner of the butcher’s? Sasha Bondarenko.
Примерный диалог:
P1: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the butcher’s, please?
P2.: Sure! Turn right and go straight. The butcher’s is just next to the baker’s.
P1: Thank you very much!
P2: You are welcome!
Sasha Bond.: Welcome to my shop! You will find all kinds of meat here – beef, pork, chicken and sausages.
Подходит P1.
Sasha Bond.: Hello! How can I help you?
P1: I’d like a kilo of beef, please.
Sasha Bond.: Here you are.
P1: How much is it?
Sasha Bond.: It’s nine pounds fifty pence.
P1: Here you are.
Sasha Bond.: Thank you.
Girls, I’m sure, your favourite shop is clothes shop, isn’t it?
What can you buy in the clothes shop? (фронтальный опрос)
Ok. Before we go to the shop, let’s help little mice to get dressed.
ДОСКА: I-DICTIONARY – clothes – game
Now let’s go shopping. How is the owner of the clothes shop? Sasha Ivanova.
Примерный диалог:
P1: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the clothes shop, please?
P2: Of course! Cross the street, go past the police station and the supermarket. The clothes shop is next to the supermarket.
P1: Oh, thank you very much!
P2: You are welcome!
Sasha I.: Welcome to my shop! You will find everything you need for any kind of weather – coats, sweaters, jumpers, jackets, trousers, jeans, skirts, shirts, T-shirts, pyjamas, slippers, scarves, hats, caps, dresses, hoodies and even jewellery!
Приходит P1.
Sasha I.: Hello! How can I help you?
P1: Have you got this dress in green, please?
Sasha I.: Of course. What size?
P1: Medium
Sasha I.: How about this one?
P1: Oh, yes. That’s nice. How much is it?
Sasha I.: It’s twenty pounds ninety nine pence.
P1: Here you are.
Sasha I.: Thank you.
Where can you buy fruit and vegetables?
What fruit and vegetables can you buy at the greengrocer’s? Let’s play a word snowball.
Very good, but do you remember how to write the –s ending when you write the plural? What are the rules? ДОСКА: ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО
Повторение правил,
выполнение упражнения на втором слайде(проверка домашнего задания),
выполнение заданий на листочке (написание множественного числа слов по теме «Фрукты-овощи»).
Now let’s go to the greengrocer’s. Who is the owner of the greengrocer’s? Arina Rozhkova.
Примерный диалог:
P1: Excuse me, how can I get to the greengrocer’s, please?
P2: Mmm… Let me think… Walk along the street, go past the supermarket and the police station, then turn right. Cross the road, go past the restaurant and cross the road again. The greengrocer’s is opposite the restaurant.
P2.: Oh, thank you very much.
P2: You are welcome.
Arina: Welcome to my shop! You will find all kinds of fruit and vegetables in my shop: apples, pears, melons, watermelons, grapes, plums, bananas, strawberries, potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage.
P1 приходит к Арине.
Arina: Hello! How can I help you?
P1.: I’d like two kilos of potatoes and a kilo of oranges, please.
Arina: Here you are.
P1: How much are they?
Arina: Six pounds eighty pence, please.
P1: Here you are.
Arina: Thank you.
Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
Упр.1 стр.50, упр. 3, 4 стр.51.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Открытый уроккласс 4
Учитель: Хорошавина Анна ОлеговнаШкола №328
October, 16Tuesday
Let’s set goals!Ask and give directionsListen to the description of a townGo shoppingAsk for pricesName clothes, fruit and vegetablesRevise the plural
The Plural (множественное число)a coat – coats Слово заканчивается на:s, ss, sh, ch, o, x + es a mango – mangoes a dress – dressesСогласная + y, y меняется на i + es a hoody – hoodies Но! Гласная + y – ничего не меняется + s a toy – toys f/fe меняется на v + es a scarf - scarves
Предварительный просмотр:
In Town (ask the way and give directions) A: Excuse me, how can I get to the post-office, please? B: Mmm… Let me think… Go straight ………… * * * * * * * * A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema, please? B: Sure! / Of course! Walk along the street, then turn right …… In the shop (at the baker’s, at the butcher’s, at the greengrocer’s) A: Hello! How can I help you? B: I’d like two kilos of grapes and one kilo of onions, please. B: I’d like two loaves of brown bread and a cake, please. B: I’d like one kilo of meat and two kilos of sausages, please. A: Here you are. B: How much does it cost? / How much are they? A: It is / They are five pounds twenty. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. | Shops Welcome to my shop! You will find all kinds of fruit and vegetables in my shop: apples, pears, melons, watermelons, grapes, plums, bananas, strawberries, potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage. It’s the best place for those who like sweets. Here you can find cakes, cookies, candies and of course bread – fresh loaves of white and brown bread. You will find all kinds of meat here – beef, pork, chicken and sausages. You will find a pet here which can become your friend – a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a hamster, a guinea pig or a goldfish. You will find everything you need for any kind of weather – coats, sweaters, jumpers, jackets, trousers, jeans, skirts, shirts, T-shirts, pyjamas, slippers, scarves, hats, caps, dresses, hoodies and even jewellery! You will find everything you need for your school or work – pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, notebooks, paperclips, scissors, and stickers. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Распределить следующие слова по колоночкам в соответствии с правилами приписывания окончания множественного числа:
wife, hippo, puppy, elephant, fox ,crocodile, housewife, brush, wolf, cherry, toy, tiger, strawberry, watch, dress.
-s | -es | -ies | -ves |
Распределить следующие слова по колоночкам в соответствии с правилами приписывания окончания множественного числа:
wife, hippo, puppy, elephant, fox ,crocodile, housewife, brush, wolf, cherry, toy, tiger, strawberry, watch, dress.
-s | -es | -ies | -ves |
Распределить следующие слова по колоночкам в соответствии с правилами приписывания окончания множественного числа:
wife, hippo, puppy, elephant, fox ,crocodile, housewife, brush, wolf, cherry, toy, tiger, strawberry, watch, dress.
-s | -es | -ies | -ves |
Предварительный просмотр:
Name____________________________________ |
a carrot – two kilos of _____________ a tomato – a kilo of _______________ a pear – five ____________________ a potato – three kilos of ___________ a grape – a kilo of ________________ an orange – a kilo of _______________ | a loaf of bread – two ______________ a cherry – two kilos of _____________ a glass of milk – four ______________ a banana – five __________________ an onion – two ___________________ a pineapple – three _______________ |
Name____________________________________ |
a carrot – two kilos of _____________ a tomato – a kilo of _______________ a pear – five ____________________ a potato – three kilos of ___________ a grape – a kilo of ________________ an orange – a kilo of _______________ | a loaf of bread – two ______________ a cherry – two kilos of _____________ a glass of milk – four ______________ a banana - five __________________ an onion – two ___________________ a pineapple – three _______________ |
Name____________________________________ |
a carrot – two kilos of _____________ a tomato – a kilo of _______________ a pear – five ____________________ a potato – three kilos of ___________ a grape – a kilo of ________________ an orange – a kilo of _______________ | a loaf of bread – two ______________ a cherry – two kilos of _____________ a glass of milk – four ______________ a banana – five __________________ an onion – two ___________________ a pineapple – three _______________ |
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