Внеклассное мероприятие по англияскому языку"Лингвистическая олимпиада"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
лингвистическая олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов.внеклассное мероприятие.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The linguistic Olympiad.
Teacher: – Dear friends! People all over the world like sports. So do us. Today is a holiday in our school. It’s a day of English language. We all have been a waiting this day eagerly, because we all learn English. You already know a lot about Britain and its people, but some things are easily forgotten. Let’s brush up our knowledge of the country. Today we are having competition between the pupils of the 8 “a/v” form. We have 2 teams. They are: “---” and “---”. Let’s greet our teams. The rest of you are the audience.
Purposes of our lesson are:
To assist increasing an upbringing aspect, efficient shaping the pupils’ world outlook by means of presentation of the material on work at the outside of the lesson in interesting, visual, interactive and greatly comprehensible for training form.
The Problems:
The Actualization of the using interactive computer technology in different mode to upbringing activity.
Popularization and efficient introduction innovative methods in organizations at the outside of the lesson action with use ICT in upbringing process.
I Today our lesson will be unusual. The time-table of our Olympiad is:
Opening of the Olympiad.
Race on 100 meters
Gymnastic of the brain.
Have you ever been to London? I suppose you haven’t. Now you have such an opportunity. At our lesson we’ll make a trip to London, the capital of Great Britain and Olympic Games which was held last summer. It’s one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. Your elder friends prepared for you a beautiful presentation about that event. (Presentation).
Let me introduce our judges (представление членов жюри). We ask you, judges, not to be too critical and forgive our participants the mistakes. We ask you to say some words to our teams (обращение к судьям, напутствие жюри). Let’s start.
II Teacher: 1. – Now, teams, give your greetings to each other. It’s the opening of our Olympic games. The highest mark for greetings is 5.
– Ok I think that you have done this task. Please, tell the score for the greetings.
Teacher: 2. – The second task is Race on 100 meters. You already know a lot about Britain, English speaking countries and it’s people, but some things are easily forgotten. Let’s brush up our knowledge of the country. Now we have some questions answer them as soon as you can. For each true answer you will get 10 point. For our judges every right answer is level to 10 meters. The team with the longer distance will be the first.
1.What is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
2. How many parts does the UK consist of? What are they?
3. What is the Capital of Canada?
4. What is the capital of the USA?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. What is the national sport in Great Britain?
7. The famous clock of the Great Britain?
8. Tell us The Queen’s name?
9. Can you say the Nickname of the New York city?
10. Where is the Statue of Liberty is Situated?
Teacher: 3.Next competition of our Olympic games is Gymnastics of the Brain. You should train your mind and guess the given puzzles. The Highest score is 5. Without proverbs any languages wouldn’t be so rich. We often use proverbs in our speech. I’m sure that we know English proverbs as well as Russian ones. Now complete the following proverbs
1) The … is the index of the mind
2) An … a day keeps a doctor away
3) … make the man
4) … is money.
5) Curiosity killed the …
Guess the puzzle:
Teacher: What’s the score of the game? Great. It’s difficult to say Russian words very quickly but it’s more difficult to say them in English. So I want to say that the next game is volleyball. The first start the team which has the lowest score. It must says the word and the rival team must say the other words begins it at the last one. For example: bad-dad.
Teacher: What’s the score of the game? Great. The next Olympic sport is Archery. Choose the right translation of the word.(Presentation).
Teacher: And at last we come to the final of our games. It’s the time for awards. Let’s listen our judges.
And now I want to congratulate our winners and say goodbye to everybody!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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внеклассное мероприятие
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8 классе, с презентацией материала.