Конспект урока в 5 классе "FOOD AROUND US".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Копылова Наталья Николаевна

Конспект урока в 5 классе по теме "Продукты" к учебнику К. Кауфман "Happy English. Ru"


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Good morning, children! What’s your name? How are you?

What do you have for breakfast? (I have….)

What do you want for breakfast? (I’d like…)

What products do you like?

What products does your mother like?  (1-3 pupils)

There are so many products in the world. Today we will speak about food around us. (Topic of the lesson, show the slide)

  1. And what does Mr. Tongue like?

It likes correct sounds. Let’s training our Mrs. Tongue.

  1. Sausage and cheese

Sausage and cheese

I like sausage and cheese

  1. Double bubble gum double bubble doubles.
  2. I like fish and chips

           Fish and chips?

          Yes, fish and chips is my favorite dish.

  1. Every Friday we eat fried fish.
  2. A cup of nice coffee

           In a nice coffee cup.

  1. I like coffee

            I like tea

            I like apples

            On that tree.

  1.  Do you know these products?( Slides 2-36)
  2. Do you remember our main characters? What are their names?

(Robin, Betsey, Misha, Alice.) What problem do they have? (They are hungry.) We must help them and try to make something tasty. Let’s open the fridge. What’s there?

Open your books page 101.ex.2 listen the dialogue? Read the text.

(Slide 37)

What products do they have? (They have…/ they haven’t)

  1. Ex. 3p.101 (answer the questions)
  1. Why can’t the children make an omelette?
  2. Why can’t the children make ham and cheese sandwich?
  3. Why can’t the children make fish and chips?
  1. Do you like an omelette? What products do we need for it?

Do you know how to make an omelette? Match the pictures with sentences. And put them in the right order. (Slide 38)

1d  2a 3c 4g 5e 6f 7b

  1. Oh, I see you can make an omelette. Where are the children going? (Supermarket)

What should they buy? Let’s make a shopping list. (SLIDE 39)

  1. Who likes drinks?

Who likes fruit and vegetables?

Who likes sweet things?

Who likes meat? (SLIDE  40) (Match)

  1.  Now we are in the supermarket. Open your books p.104.

Wow! Look at this trolley. What’s there? (There is/ are some)

Open your workbooks p.48 ex. 1. Fill in the gaps. Write.

What does Misha choose?

What does Alice choose?

What does Robin choose?

What does Betsey choose?

  1. Can you divide these products into groups? Fill in the table.





Sweet things



  1. Let’s have a break. Stand up children.
  2. Let’s play. What is it about?

It’s not sweet.

It’s not meat.

It’s not a vegetable or fruit.

It’s not a drink.

What is it?                                 (Rice)

It’s not meat.

It’s not a vegetable or fruit.

It’s not a drink.

It’s sweet.

Bears like it.

What is it?                                   (Honey)

It’s not sweet.

It’s not meat.

It’s not a vegetable.

It’s not a drink.

Monkeys like it.

What is it?                                   (Bananas)

  1.  Our products hide in the crossword. Can you find them?

(Work with board) (SLIDE 1)

  1. Odd one out. (SLIDE 2)
  2. Some / any (SLIDE  3,4)
  3. You know that some products we can count? But the others we can’t count. Let’s check your knowledge. You should divide these products into 2 groups. (SLIDE 44)

I can count / I can’t count

  1. Help me find the names of the products. (SLIDE 5)
  2. Our letters hides. Let’s find them. (SLIDE 6)
  3. Now you know products very well. Let’s go shopping. Read the dialogue.

(All together, slowly/quickly) (SLIDE 45)

  1. Put the phrases in the correct order. (SLIDE 46)
  2.  Useful phrases (READ)
  3. WB. Ex A p.49

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