Rostov Region is 75 (on the eve of the glorious anniversary)
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Презентация "Rostov Region is 75 (on the eve of the glorious anniversary)" посвящена 75-летию образования Ростовской области.
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Отдохнув от злой погони Чуя Родину свою, Пьют уже донские кони Арпачиискую струю
From the History of the Don Land
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T he Commentaries on the slide-show The history of the Don Land is very interesting and thrilling. There are lots of legends about our wonderful land. In the 5-th century B. C. the Don had the name of Amazoniya. Later it got the name of Tanais. In the Past the luxuriant vegetation covered the virgin soil. These thick forests were full of wild animals. But these splendid lands were a place of constant fierce fights for the right to be independent.
In different documents of the XVI-XVII centuries we meet another name – The Land of the Don Cossacks. Since 1920 up to 1924 it was a part of Donskaya Region. And only since September, 13, 1937 it has its present name – Rostov Region. Since early times the steppe of the Don region was populated by those people, who weren’t satisfied with the existing at that time social order, by those who didn’t recognize the power of the land-owners, by the run-away serfs, who longed for freedom and the vast Don steppe.
They were called the Cossacs. Their life was full of adventures, they didn’t even built houses, because when the enemies came to the settlements, they burnt everything. The Cossacs had an extraordinary rich culture representing a harmonious combination of Russian and other (Asian, Turkish, Ukrainian) cultures. The Cossacs have always been known for their pride, braveness, honour. They were patriots and always defended Russian borders.
Nowadays the Cossacs want to restore their tradition which is based on the three pillars: military service, land ownership and self-government. The Cossacks are part of Russia’s spiritual revival. Vyoshenskaya is considered to be one of the most beautiful Cossack settlements, which coasts are washed by pure waters of the Don river. The brightest Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov (1905 – 84) lived and worked there. He made life of the Don Cossacks a subject of steadfast reader’s interest in his novel “Quiet Don”.
Rostov Region is situated in the South of Russia. The total area of our region is over 100 thousand square kilometers. It stretches for 475 kilometers from the North to the South and for 455 kilometers from the West to the East. Today Rostov Region is one of the biggest industrial centres of Russia. It produces combine-harvesters, cultivators, other agricultural machines, furniture and refrigerators, foot-wear and clothes, champagne and tobacco goods and what-not.
The Don land is also one of the most productive agricultural regions and the main wheat-growing area in Russia. With its rich soil and equable climate the area is noted for many kinds of fruit and vegetables. For a long time the Don stanitsas have been famous for their orchards, which make our land beautiful and charming. Rostov-on-Don was founded in 1749 as a customs house. It appeared as a trade centre which developed rapidly due to its favourable geographical position. The green city lies on the high right bank of the river Don and has a specific southern beauty.
The capital of Rostov area has the population of more than one million people. It is a big industrial, transport, scientific and cultural centre. Rostov-on Don is a marvelous city, rich in greenery with plenty of theatres, cinema halls, libraries, stadiums, art and entertainment centres. People of almost 130 nationalities live in Rostov, and the Rostovites are proud of that fact. Guests of the Don are always astonished by the richness of this land, by the generosity of its open-hearted people.
The Don is rich in its celebrities: all creative unions, functioning in the country, - writers, artists, cinematographers, architects, composers, theatrical workers, journalists - are presented here. Rostov Region has a specific southern beauty praised in songs. On both sides of the Don vast plains stretch: steppe lands, fields with rich crops of golden wheat, green maize and patches of sunflowers. As you see, the Don Land is indescribably dear to our hearts, and we are proud of our native place by right.
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