Конспект урока английского языка "English Meals" (5-6класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Конспект урока английского языка "English Meals" (5-6класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
«English meals»
МОУ СОШ п.Солидарность
учитель английского языка
Зуботарёва Е.Н.
- Тренировка в чтении новых слов.
- Тренировка учащихся в употреблении лексики
по данной теме.
- Развитие монологической и диалогической речи.
- Тренировка учащихся в восприятии и понимании
на слух с опорой на наглядность.
- Развитие памяти, внимания и логического мышления.
- Тематические картинки с рецептами
английской кухни.
- Опорные таблицы.
- Карточки с вопросами.
1. Начало урока. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Teacher: Good day, our guests!
Pupils: Good day, our guests! We are glad to see you.
Teacher: How are you?
Pupil: We are fine. Thank you.
Teacher: Take your seats, please. Let’s sing the song
“Good morning to you!’’
Дети поют песню:
Good morning to you!
Good morning! (3) Good morning to you!
This bright sunny morning! I am well. And you?
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Our topic today is “English meals “. We will talk about
English breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and supper.
We’ll discuss the origin of chocolate and we’ll give you many good
recipes of tasty things. At the lesson we’ll work at the text
“English meals” and the article “Where does chocolate from?”
So let’s begin our work with the reading of new words:
Substantial jam
Cacao oats
Slice egg
Bean bar
Дети читают слова хором, а потом отдельно.
Проверка знания лексики по данной теме.
Teacher: Now I’d like to see your knowledge of new words. Do you
know new words? Look at the puzzle! Find and translate the new words.
S u b s t a n t i a l
L p a o c a c a o j
I e r a s c o n e g h
C p I c t o n e e t v
E p u t h a m v t y
M e n t b e a n s k
A r k j a m f e h d
P I h o a t s e g g j
Дети находят слова, обводят их и дают перевод.
В этой игре проверяется и написание слов.
3. Работа с текстом “English meals”.
English meals.
The usual English breakfast is rather substantial. English people eat toasts,
marmalade, scrambled eggs, bacon and cornflakes in the morning.
They eat cornflakes with milk. They usually eat fish and chips, meat with
potatoes, hamburgers for lunch. Englishmen have their dinner in the
evening. The most important time for Englishmen is tea-time
(at 5 o’clock). They like to drink cream tea with scones and jam.
Teacher: Answer my questions, please!
- What is the usual English breakfast?
- Do they eat cornflakes with mustard or garlic?
- What do they eat for lunch?
- When do Englishmen have their dinner?
- When do they have their tea-time?
- What do they have for supper?
Teacher: Now we’ll have question competition. Let us see who will
be the winner. Put special questions to the text. Use the table.
What have for lunch?
do they have for dinner?
When have breakfast?
Пользуясь данной таблицей, дети задают вопросы к тексту.
Teacher: Correct sentences according to the text!
- The usual English breakfast is turkey.
- They drink juice for breakfast.
- Some Englishmen have their dinner in the morning.
- They eat cornflakes with pepper and salt.
Teacher: Arrange sentences into a logical order according to the text:
(5) 1. It is useful to have a walk after supper.
(4) 2. Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening.
(3) 3. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day.
(2) 4. They drink tea or coffee for breakfast.
(1) 5.The usual English breakfast is porridge.
Дети читают предложения в соответствии с логикой текста.
5.Тренировка учaщихся в употреблении лексики
по данной тематике.
Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
1. Breakfast.
Teacher: Let’s talk about English breakfast. Do you know the difference between “full English breakfast “ and “continental breakfast”? No? So listen to the dialogue about it.
Два ученика рассказывают об особенностях английского завтрака. Кроме того, они дают рецепт приготовления гренок.
Pupil: Take your pens and write the recipe of toasts.
Toasts (Гренки)
- Сut a slice of bread.
- Put it in the toaster.
- Wait a minute. It is ready.
- Put the toast on your plate. Put some butter on it. Enjoy it.
Teacher: English people like to eat eggs for breakfast (boiled,
fried or scrambled.) And now the recipe of scrambled eggs.
Рецепт яичницы дает одна ученица.
Scrambled eggs (Яичница)
1. Break 3 eggs and drop them in a bowl.
2. Add some salt and some milk.
3. Mix the eggs with a spoon.
4. Oil the pan.
5. Put it on the stove to heat it up.
6. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook it.
7. Put it on your plate and enjoy it.
Teacher: English people like to eat cornflakes.
Ученик рассказывает о том, как готовят хлопья англичане.
Cornflakes (Хлопья)
- Open the box.
- Put some cereal in your bowl.
- Pour on some milk( cold or warm).
- Add some sugar. It’s great. Enjoy it.
2. Lunch
Teacher: In England lunch is the biggest meal of the day.
It’s usually at 1 o’clock. Who wants to tell about English lunch?
Pupil 1: English lunch is the biggest meal of the day…….
Один ученик рассказывает, что англичане едят на ланч.
Teacher: Do you know anything about packed lunches? Nothing? Then listen to this story. (Рассказ о школьных завтраках.)
Packed lunches. ( Школьные завтраки)
British and American boys and girls take packed lunches in lunch
boxes to school. They like oranges, apples, cheese, ham sandwiches,
banana sandwiches, raisins, yoghurt and chocolate.
3. Tea-time.
Teacher: Do you know the difference between Russian and English tea? No? Let’s listen the recipe of making English tea.
How to make English tea.
- Fill the kettle with cold water.
- Warm the pot.
- Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.
- Pour hot water into the pot. Enjoy your tea.
Teacher: English people drink tea with scones.
How can you make scones?
Рассказ ученика о приготовлении булочек к чаю.
Scones. ( Булочки к чаю)
1. Mix the flour and baking powder.
2. Add the butter, sugar, raisins, an egg and milk.
3. Roll out the pastry to about 1 sm thick.
4. Cut into rounds.
5. Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven.
Teacher: English like to drink tea with chocolate. Let’s remember its origin. The article from the newspaper may help us.
(Работа с газетной статьей “Where does chocolate come from?”)
Where does chocolate come from?
Chocolate grows on trees – but not looking like the candy bars you like to eat. Chocolate really comes from cacao beans. The beans are the seeds of the cacao fruit. They grow on cacao trees in lands where the weather is very hot.
The beans are dried and shipped to chocolate factories. There they are
roasted and ground up into cocoa butter. In a big mixer, the cocoa butter is
blended with sugar and milk to make milk chocolate.
Then the chocolate is put in stores where we can buy it.
The next time you bite into a chocolate candy bar, think of the cacao
trees where the story of chocolate begins.
Teacher: Answer my questions, please.
- Where does it come from?
- Where do cacao trees grow?
- How is chocolate made at the factory?
Дети находят ответы в статье.
- Подведение итогов:
Teacher: So our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.
Your marks are excellent. You are hard-working children.
Your homework will be the following: You must find proverbs
on this topic. Good-bye!
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