Чтение в форме ГИА и ЕГЭ
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
материал содержит задания типа "pre-reading" и "post-reading". Некоторые задания выполнены в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Данный материал подходит для 9-11классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Pre-reading task
1 Learn these words before you read the text
funeral - похороны
a ship was about to sail – корабль должен был отплыть
engaged - помолвлены
quarrel - ссориться
courage – мужество, храбрость
I …wish him well – я желаю ему добра
whisper – шепот, шептать
revenge – отмщение
2 Look at the title of the text and guess about what the text is – “Good-bye, sweetheart!”
3 Read the text
“Good-bye, sweetheart!”
I was ready to start twelve days after mother’s funeral. As it happened, a ship was about to sail from Yarmouth to Cadiz. My father bout my passage on this ship and gave me some money. I had made all preparations and said good-bye to everybody, except Lily. Since the day when we became engaged I had not seen her. I could not go away without saying good-bye to her, so I decided to ask my father’s help.
“I am going away,” I said. “It may happen that I shall not return. I must say goodbye to my sweetheart. Help me to do this, father.”
“My neighbour Bozard means his daughter for Geoffrey, not for you, Thomas,” he answered, “and a father may do what he wishes with his daughter. Still I will help you if I can. Order horses. We shall ride to the Hall.”
In half an hour we were there and a servant showed us in to the Squire.
“Good morning, neighbour,” said he, “you are welcome, but your son must not come here.”
“He has come for the last time, friend Bozard. Listen to his request. If you refuse it, we shall quarrel. Thomas starts tonight on his voyage to Spain to look for the man who murdered his mother.”
“He is too young for that – and in a strange country. Still I like his courage and wish him well. What is his request?”
“Allow him to say good-bye to your daughter. I know that you are against their marriage. I, too, think that he is too young to marry. But if he wishes to see the girl, that can do no harm.”
Squire Bozard thought a while, then said:
“He is a brave young man. He is going far and, perhaps, will not return. Go out, Thomas, and stand under that tree – Lily will join you there. You may speak with her for half an hour – no more.”
I went out with a beating heart and presently Lily joined me.
“Oh, Thomas,” she whispered when I had greeted her, “is it true that you are sailing to Spain to look for the Spanishard?”
“I sail to take revenge on the Spaniard. Please, don’t cry. I have sworn to do it.”
“I shall never see you again”
“Who can say, my dear? My father went to Spain and came back safe, though he had lived through many dangers.”
Post-reading task
1. Choose the right answer
1 Thomas’ father gave him a lot of money before his voyage.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
2 Thomas met Lily whenever he wanted.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
3 Lily was future Geoffrey’s bride.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
4 Thomas went to say good-bye to Lily at night.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
5 Lily was sure that she would see Thomas every day.
2. Choose the correct answer
1 Why did Thomas want to see Lily?
- He loved her.
- They were best friends.
- He couldn’t go away without saying good-bye to her.
- She was waiting for him under the tree.
2 Bozard thought that Thomas was too young for…
- marriage.
- looking for mother’s murderer.
- going to Spain.
- meeting Lily.
3 When Bozard allowed Thomas to see Lily he was …
- sad.
- angry.
- excited.
- happy.
4 Bozard was against Thomas and Lily’s marriage because
- he didn’t like Thomas.
- Thomas was very poor.
- Thomas was a murderer.
- he wanted another husband for his daughter.
5 Lily cried because
- she was so happy to see Thomas.
- she was upset.
- she was too tired.
- she knew that she saw Thomas for the last time.
Keys. Post-reading task
1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b
1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.d
Используемая литература
- Адаптированное чтение на английском языке H.Rider Haggard “Montezuma’s Daughter’, Москва, АСТ, 2001
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