Использование материалов, содержащих НРК на уроках иностранного языка
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Данное пособие предназначено для учителей иностранного языка, а также может быть использовано для учащихся IIи IIIступени обучения общеобразовательных учреждений.
Цель пособия – помочь преподавателям разнообразить формы и методы работы с учебным материалом, включающим НРК, развивать навыки устной речи учащихся, помочь школьникам овладеть разговорной речью по определенной тематике на уровне, соответствующем требованиям Государственного стандарта.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
“Средняя общеобразовательная школа №38”
содержащих НРК
на уроках
иностранного языка
(из опыта работы Табекиной И.И.,
учителя английского языка)
Воркута 2008
г. Воркута
2006 г.
Пояснительная записка
Данное пособие предназначено для учителей иностранного языка, а также может быть использовано для учащихся II и III ступени обучения общеобразовательных учреждений.
Цель пособия – помочь преподавателям разнообразить формы и методы работы с учебным материалом, включающим НРК, развивать навыки устной речи учащихся, помочь школьникам овладеть разговорной речью по определенной тематике на уровне, соответствующем требованиям Государственного стандарта.
Большое внимание уделяется формированию и развитию общеучебных навыков, включая навыки взаимо- и самоконтроля.
Автор пособия отдает предпочтение методу проектов, т.к. эта педагогическая технология представляет собой совокупность исследовательских, поисковых, проблемных методов, творческих по самой своей сути.
Проектная методика развивает познавательные навыки учащихся, умения самостоятельно конструировать свои знания и ориентироваться в информационном пространстве, развивает критическое и творческое мышление.
Учебный материал, включающий НРК, способствует воспитанию чувства патриотизма, гражданственности, любви к малой Родине, осознанию цивилизационной значимости образования.
Использование материалов, содержащих НРК
на уроках иностранного языка
Тексты, содержащие НРК служат дополнительным материалом при изучении отдельных тем, являются свежим источником информации.
Текстовый материал, содержащий НРК, является аутентичным. Это статьи из газет и журналов, фрагменты интервью, репортажи, информация из энциклопедий, интернета, биографические очерки, несложные научно-популярные тексты, отрывки художественных литературных произведений классиков и современных авторов, тексты путеводителей, физические и политические карты региона, рекламные объявления, театральные афиши и др.
На уроках решаются следующие дидактические задачи:
- совершенствование навыков и умений чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста, его обсуждения;
- совершенствование умений монологического, диалогического высказывания.
При этом акцент делается на воспитание у школьников положительного отношения к языку и культуре народа родной страны, своего региона; толерантности.
I. Предтекстовый этап
Учитель спрашивает учащегося, о чем пойдет речь в данном тексте, актуальна ли эта проблема сегодня. Учащиеся разделены на микро-группы по 3-4 человека, каждый имеет ксерокопия текста. В тексте имеются незнакомые слова, перевод которых ученики делают на уроке (самостоятельно, пользуясь словарем Macmillan English Dictionary или его электронной версией, если в кабинете имеются компьютеры).
Широкое использование эффективных современных технологий обучения позволяет интенсифицировать учебный процесс и сделать его более привлекательным и эффективным.
II. Текстовый этап
Учащиеся получают задание прочитать текст, выписать незнакомые слова с переводом, найти синонимы, антонимы некоторых выделенных в тексте слов, выделить основные проблемы, освещаемые в нем, составить план пересказа текста.
Учащиеся работают в подгруппах.
III. Послетекстовый этап
Осуществляется контроль понимания содержания текста и дается его интерпретация.
Виды контроля:
1) учащиеся зачитывают выписанные слова, называют проблемы, которые они выделили в тексте, их можно записать на доске в виде схемы, диаграммы, таблицы.
2) используя материал текста. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя; соглашаются или опровергают высказывания; дополняют недостающими фразами диалоги и др.
IV. Работа над проектом
Сбор дополнительной информации по предложенной теме и ее письменная фиксация, оформление для презентации.
V. Презентация проекта.
Образцы текстов,используемых на уроках
Brief Information About
Komi Republic
Komi Republic is situated in the extreme North-East part of Russia. The total land area is 416.6 thousand square kilometers (2.4% of Russia total land area). The longest way is from South-West to North-East - 1275 kilometers.
The distance from Moscow to Syktyvkar is estimated at 1,200 kilometers. Komi Republic is multinational state. The population of Komi Republic is estimated at 1.2 million citizens and consists of 100 nationalities including 23% of Komi.
Political SystemKomi Republic is a democratic legal state included into the Russian Federation. The state control is fulfilled by the Head of Komi Republic, the State Council of Komi Republic and the Constitutional Court of Komi Republic. The republic is an independent participant in foreign economic affairs, has the right to foster foreign loans and to implement industrial and trade programs with western capital participation under guarantee of the region budget, to give privileges to the foreign companies, to register joint ventures.
Natural Resources
The republic has unique stocks of mineral resources thanks to their location, diversity and quality. The mineral resources of Komi Republic are represented by combustible minerals, oil and gas, metal ores, minerals and balneological resources, the fuel resources are represented by oil and gas of Timano-Pechorsky oil field, coke and energetic coals of Pechorsky coal deposits, fuel shales, peat and timber resources. About half of oil and gas stock of Russia European North is concentrated here (geological potential of oil and gas stocks exceeds 6 billion tons). The total coal stock is estimated at more than 213 billion tons. The titan deposits of Komi Republic are the biggest in Russia and neighbouring countries. Nowadays Republic Komi is becoming one of the biggest and important suppliers of bauxite and manganese ores. In Republic Komi industrial supplies of sulfur, diamonds, rubies and amethysts can be found and explored. About 65% of the republic territory is covered by forests.
Komi Republic today is well developed region of Russia Federation. Industrial and social infrastructure has transport communication, own electric power and heater supply, produced from own fuel. The industry of Komi Republic is composed of more than 30 branches. Fuel and raw material branches dominate and produce about 80% of the total industrial products. Today the republic produces 22 million tons of coal per year (14 million tons of coke included), 7 million tons of oil and gas condensate, 4 billion cubic m of gas, 8 million cubic m of wood, 1 million cubic m of sawn timber, 380 thousand tons of paper, 170 thousand cubic m of chip boards, 13 million square m of fibber boards, 53 thousand cubic m of plywood, 50 million square m of non-woven materials, 240 thousand tons of cement and other goods. Komi Republic is represented as big exporter of fuel, raw materials and other goods. About 100 enterprises and organizations export their goods in 39 countries. Export turnover is estimated at USD 500 million per year.
Science and educationEducation, culture, science and health protection are received great care in Komi Republic. 22 colleges, 35 technical schools and 569 schools are opened in republic. There are 5 high school institutions. Komi Scientific Center of Russia Academy Urals Branch is the main scientific institution of Komi Republic. The Scientific Center is large united institution for researches in geology structure and characteristics of mineral resources deposits, solving Problems of rational mastering of oil, ore and mineral deposits, studying working population, flora and fauna, studying ecological influence of mankind at nature.
The Republic of KomiThe Republic of Komi equals the size of several European Countries. Its territory is 416,800 square kilometers and is situated between 9 parallels. The Komi Republic is situated in the European part of the CIS. The Komi Republic is bounded by the Archangelsk region to the west, the Kirov region in the southwest, the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions in the south, and the Ural Mountains to the east. To the north is the Arctic Ocean. A majority of the republic is covered by coniferous forests. The fir tree is a characteristic tree of our land. Two-thirds of it are occupied by Taiga. The territory is so vast that a blizzard could be ravaging the northern part of the republic while the south could be enjoying an average warm summer day.
The climate here is continental. The lowest temperatures in winter may fall to -56 degrees, in summer they may rise to 34 degrees. The climate is severe in the north and relatively mild in the southwest. Winter lasts five months (seven months in the north). One of the most striking things about our climate is that the climate changes from day to day.
The Urals stretch from the south to the north and they form the highest part of the Republic. The Timan mountain range runs from the southeast to the northwest. No hill is higher there than 500
meters. They are very ancient and worn down by erosion.
The chief rivers of the Komi Republic are the Vychegda, the Pechora, and the Mezen. They are well supplied with water and they are rich in fish: salmon, white salmon, grayling. The fauna is much similar to that of northwest Europe. We can see fox, bear, marten, and elk in our wildlands. There are 200 species of bird. Some of them are resident year round, the others are regular visitors to our land.In the sixth and seventh centuries the Komis, a small group of hunters and fishermen, settled on the banks of the mighty Pechora, Vychegda, and Mezen. The Komi language is related to the Magyar, Finnish, and Estonian groups of the Finno-Ugric language family. At the end of the fourteenth century and the beginning of the fifteenth century the Komi people were converted to Christianity. Stephan Chrup played a great role. He was the first to translate religious books into the Komi language and he opened the first school for Komi children.
Though the territory is huge, only 1.25 million people live here now. The Komi Republic has sixteen districts, ten towns, and forty-five settlements. Sixty years ago, it took weeks to reach the Komi republic but now the republic is covered by a network of railways and highways. The republic is famous for its mineral resources with all elements of Mendeleyev's Periodic table represented. Coal from Vorkuta and Inta, oil from Ukhta and Usinsk, timber, and furs all play important roles in the republic's economy. In the Syktyvkar district of Ezhva is the Syktyvkar Timber Industrial complex, one of the largest in the world. The gigantic Severnoye Siyaniye (Northern Lights) gas main links the banks of the Pechora with Russia's central areas and runs as far as Eastern Europe and the Slovakian region.
Our towns are the main centers of the food industry. We have large bakeries, dairy plants, a pasta factory in Pechora, and meat packing plants. In our republic there are twenty-seven state-owned dairy farms, thirteen state-owned meat and dairy farms, two state-owned vegetable and four state-owned poultry farms. In Zelenets is a great pig-breeding complex that can hold 24,000 pigs.
The chief root crops here are potatoes, green vegetables, beets, carrots. We also grow oats.
The Komi Republic: Human Development
The Komi Republic is one of the UN Development Programme's partners. The region's leaders have been giving increasingly seri ous attention to the UNDP's Human Development Reports. The Republic was the first Russian region to have supported the prepa ration of the national human development report for 2005, particu larly its regional chapter. What has sparked this interest in cooper ating with UN agencies on the whole, and with the human develop ment reports in particular?
V. Torlopov, the Head of the Komi Republic, kindly agreed to answer this and other questions for The UN in Russia.
In this twenty-first century that has just begun, humanity's ability to carefully manage the achievements of science will be of ever greater impor tance. In drawing up our plans for the further devel opment of the Komi Republic, we are actively em ploying the help of scientists. We sim ply cannot pass up the enormous sci entific potential at the United Na tions' disposal. For us, the human development re ports in the Rus sian Federation have recently be come a major aid in our socio-eco nomic planning. These fundamental studies have been done by a panel of independent Rus sian experts. The reports contain statistical data, analyses and fore casts of the social and economic situation, the mi gration and plight of refugees, the systems of education and health care, the distribution of income, the labor market, and crime. In a word, one can get a complete pic ture of all the various processes now at work in this country.
We believe that right now, there are no shortcomings in the different kinds of economic and statistical studies....
Oh, I agree. However, first of all, we were quite close to the ini tial position of the national re ports' authors to begin with. They started from the fact that the hu man development is a people-ori ented concept, one which measures a nation's level of development by the well-being of its citizens. An index of human development is used to compare different coun tries. It is based on three indica tors: income, life expectancy, and education. We prefer just such cri teria - not tons or cubic meters of production, but how much people earn how long they live, and what kind of education they manage to obtain.
Second, the other features of these reports are no less important to us. Since 1998, they've included a special chapter that's devoted en tirely to the re gions. It shows how summary in dices that describe the standard of living in each of Russia's 89 re gions are calculat ed. Such data is of special value to the public agen cies in the constit uent members of the Russian Fed eration. This is the objective sci entific view of in dependent nation al experts who have worked un der the aegis, and with the method ology of the UN. We were pleased to realize that, alongside the UN's agencies, international organizations, and bilateral part ners, the Komi Republic was the first Russian region to have sup ported the preparation of the na tional human development report, particularly its regional chapter.
How does the Komi Republic look in these studies?Let's take the last national re port, and start with the economy. Economic growth is unthinkable without capital investment, including money from abroad. Any natural riches will remain buried in the bowels of the Earth, as long as we don't look for funds to extract them. The Komi Republic is one of the leaders in the per capita volume of foreign investment at tracted. With a figure of $348 per person, we hold the rather high 13th place among the 89 regions. We're not about to rest on our laurels, ei ther; at present, we're actively conducting negotiations with a number of foreign business part ners on new investment projects.
If we can now shift to the social sphere, and how your people are managing to get by during this dif ficult period of reform...
It is precisely the people, their lives, their health and their well-being that are constantly at the center of attention of the Repub lic's leadership. I'm convinced that no reform can be successful if the government ignores its so cial consequences, and our ac tions are taken on the basis of this conviction.Let's look at the data from the human development report once again. I'll start the conversation on the social sphere with such im portant areas as health care and social security. The per capita in come of the Social Security Fund's territorial divisions in the Komi Republic exceeds the aver age level across the country by more than one and a half times, while the per capita income of the territorial funds for compulsory medical insurance here is a bit more than twice the Russian av erage. It is gratifying that our re public is also in the top 20 of the Federation's constituent members according to per capita social ex penses, which substantially exceed (by 28.5%) the RF's average fig ure as well.
Syktyvkar: Then and Now
Syktyvkar is the oldest town in the republic and is the administrative, economic, and cultural center. It is situated on the banks of the Sysola and Vychegda rivers (the Sysola flows into the Vychegda) and surrounded by forests. About 240.000 people live in the town.
Ust-Sysolsk, the original name of the town, is mentioned in documents already by 1586. At first the settlement included a church and nine houses, inhabited by 48 settlers. But at the end of the seventeenth century and in the first third of the eighteenth century Ust-Sysolsk turned into an important trade center. At the end of the eighteenth century Catherine the Second undertook a reform of local administration in Russia and in 1780 Ust-Sysolsk was given the status of a town by Catherine the Great. Its symbol is a sleeping bear in a den. At the bottom of the seal is written: "As a token of the fact that there are many of such beasts in the outskirts of the town." In 1783 architects from St. Petersburg designed a plan for the layout of Ust-Sysolsk. It was divided into twelve streets and twenty-six neighborhoods.
During the 19th century Ust-Sysolsk developed into a large trading center in the North. Furs, agricultural products, animal, produce, and fish were bought and sold in the town's markets. In 1936 Ust-Sysolsk was given the Komi name Syktyvkar, which means "town on the Sysola river." At present, Syktyvkar is a big industrial town with over 100 enterprises.In our town we try to preserve the old buildings, One of them is a one-story building, the former shop of the merchant Derbentsov. The shop was the best in nineteenth century Ust-Sysolsk. Another historic and architectural monument is the seminary. It was constructed in 1890. Now it is a museum.
There are a lot of monuments in the сapital: The courageous Northern people are proud of their national heroine, Domna Kalikova. We cherish her memory, a courageous partisan girl tortured to death by the Whiteguards in the Civil War of 1819. Rokhin sculpted the monument to Kalikova. In front of the theater there is a monument to the founder of Komi literature, Ivan Alekseyevich Kuratov. The monument was erected in 1974 and was created by the talented sculptor Mamchenko.
Not far from the center of the city is the monument "To the Eternal Glory of Soldiers — Syktyvkarians" who died on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (World War II). In die center of the memorial are 3 female figures: a mother, a wife, and a sister in mournful silence. A cedar branch rests in their outstretched hands, stressing the solemnity and symbolizing undying glory. The monument was created by the sculptors and Syktyvkar natives, Y. Borisov and B. Mamchenko. An eternal flame burns here, taken from the eternal flame that burns at the grave of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. Every hour you can hear the sounds of a melody, "Solemn Requiem" by Komi composer Y. Perepelitsa.
The Komi branch of the Academy of Sciences, the Komi Pedagogi cal Institute, and Syktyvkar State University are the three academic institu tions in the town. There are also many technical and secondary schools.
The Syktyvkar Timber Industrial Complex
The Timber Industrial Complex is a large modern enterprise for the complex processing of wood. It is the first enterprise of the pulp and paper industry in the Komi Republic.
The territory of the Komi Republic is rich in forests, no other European part of the country equals it in amount of wood. For a long time the main branch of industry in the republic has been wood-cutting. In 1960 a decision was adopted to build the Timber Industrial Complex. In 1964, construction began. Production began in 1969. 1969 marked the birth of the enterprise. Nowadays numerous workshops and parts of the Complex are equipped with very specialized imported machinery, and complicated control systems. The machinery will be used to produce:
- sulfate cellulose,
- thermomechanical wood pulp
- paper and cardboard for food packaging
- letter-press paper
- nutrient yeast
- fiberboard and chipboard
- tallow oil.
In order to supply the production, the Complex uses over 2, 6 million cubic meters of wood. This raw material is mainly low-quality and was previously unused. For the first time in the country, wood from deciduous trees is used in large quantities.
To be transformed from a log into a roll of paper the wood travels a very long path along the production line. The path begins at the wood-preparation workshops
First the wood unloaded either from train wagons and trailers or is taken out of the river by powerful cranes. Then it is sorted and sawn into pieces of pulpwood 1, 5 meters long. The bark is taken from the pulpwood by berinding machines. Then the pulpwood is chipped up. The bark is burned in the utilization boilers.
The chipwood is sorted out for different purposes:
- some is processed into sulfate-cellulose to get cellulose;
- some goes to cardboard processing for refined or thermomechanical wood pulp;
- some is sent to hydrolysis yeast processing for nutrient yeast;
- and non-conditioned wood chips are processed into chipboard.
Year after year the Complex increases its production, widens the assortment, and improves the quality of consumer goods.
Ivan KuratovStanding in front of the Theater of Opera and Ballet is a Memorial to the founder of Komi Literature, Ivan Kuratov. The statue was erected in 1978 and sits on Kommunisticheskaya Street. A Museum is also devoted to him.
Kuratov was born on the 18th of July, 1839. There were eleven people in his family. His father died before Ivan was six. Luckily he was a clever boy, in spite of difficult financial conditions he managed to finish the school in Yarensk. He was eager to enter Moscow University but couldn't because of strict guidelines introduced during that time period by the tsarist government. In April 1861 he came back from Moscow and began to work as a teacher.
His literary work began in the 1860's. Around that time democrats appeared; their writings reflected the difficult position of the general public and unmasked the injustice of the social and political system. Pushkin, Krylov, and Nekrasov influenced Kuratov's world outlook.
In his writings we can distinctly see several periods, but the most fruitful was the Ust-Sysolsk period (1861-1865). He truthfully reflected the lives, thoughts, and wishes of his people. The poet confirmed that the development of Komi National Culture would succumb to the influence of the great Russian Empire. Kuratov's socio-political activities in Ust-Sysolsk displeased the ruling class and Kuratov had to go to Vernyi (Alma-Ata).
Ivan Kuratov was a highly educated person. Her knew many foreign languages. He translated many works. He worked hard but his health was weak. The climate of Vernyi differed from the climate of his native Komi. He died in 1906 and he was buried there.
He left behind no archive of his own. He was acquainted with a woman that shared his views of the world. She kept his manuscripts until the tsarist officers confiscated everything.
An Excursion to the Кuratov Museum
Ivan Kuratov was born on the 18th of July, 1839 in the village of Kibra. His father was a priest and his mother was a peasant. Ivan Kuratov was the ninth child in the family. His name is symbolic, Ivan is a common name in Russian and Komi folk-tales.
Ivan spent his childhood in, but he used to come to Syktyvkar while he studied in a seminary in Vologda. He visited Kibra several times while he was a teacher in Ust-Sysolsk.
Ivan Kuratov became the first Komi poet to write about the grief and sorrow of his people. Kuratov knew the needs and aspirations of his country people very well and his characters remind contemporary Komi people of their forefathers. Komi people today have much in common with his characters. The have the same moral and physical traits. In Kuratov's honor, the Komi people have built a museum and they keep everything there for their children, grandchildren, and numerous visitors.
The museum is housed in a building built at the end of the nineteenth century. The building formerly belonged to Gorinov (Kuratov's mother's maiden name was Gorinova, probably the house once belonged to a distant relative). The museum is not only a literary but also an ethnographic museum. It's not an easy task to reestablish Kuratov's era, many everyday items from his time are difficult to find.Kuratov's poem, "Ker Zakar" forms the founding idea behind the museum: Ker Zakar (a nickname) is a stove-maker. He invites the men of his village to his house. Both he and his wife, Marina, are very happy to entertain their fellow townspeople.
At the entrance to the museum are two sculptures: Zakar with a cat on his shoulders, symbolizing wealth. The other sculpture is of his wife Marina holding bread and salt in her hands. The sculptures were made by Vladimir Rokin.
Corridor: In the corridor we can see a bucket of water on the bench, two wooden pails, and a yoke.
Kitchen: In the kitchen we see a stove. On the stove is a splinter and above the stove are oven prongs, a space, a cast-iron pot, crockery pots, and a broom. Opposite the stove is a cupboard with wooden utensils, a kneading trough, a salt-shaker, and a dough trough.
Bedroom: In this room, the bedroom is a wooden bed. Along the walls are two benches. There is a shelf that runs the length of one wall with articles made of wood and birch bark.
Main Room: Here we have a dinner table. By the corner of the stove is a wash-stand and basin as well as a towel. In the middle of the room is a splinter stand. In this room the Komi people prepared food, ate, worked; women spun yarn, wove, knitted, and sewed; Men made shoes and felt boots.
People slept in this room — on beds, on palates, on ovens, and on the floor.
Middle Room: This is the middle room. Here we see a table, toys, and a cradle. Kuratov called the cradle a Lyulyu? In this large room there are benches along the walls, in the middle is a large table with; a copper samovar, a tea service, a bottle of wine. A beer cask sits on the bench. On the table is Komi food: a fish cake, stuffed rolls, shangis.
Other Rooms. In the next two rooms and in the hayloft we can see the various tools Kuratov's characters worked with: In Marina's corner is a loom, a spinning wheel, and all the other things needed to weave, to spin yarn, and so on. Here we see women's shirts made of rough/coarse material, ornamental mittens, stockings, and belts.
The hunter's tools: an axe, a spear, a trap, and his clothes. The fisherman's tools: a net the oven-makers tools: brickforms. In the hay-loft we can see ploughs, a harrow, rakes, sickles, scythes, and other peasant tools. On the walls one can see musical instruments: whistles, pipes, a horn. This is an ornamental towel.
And here are Zakor's visitors on the wall: here is a gallery of Kuratov’s characters, water-colors painted by A. Mashev. Here is a poem translated by Y. Khazanov:
Makar, nicknamed "little bear," killed 30 bears but he himself wears a cat pelt.
The characters of Kuratov's poems are endowed with vivid individual traits. However, his characters have much in common while differing greatly. Kor Zakar and his wife and his visitors are typical Komi characters. They are industrious, bright, clever, and they have good senses of humor — they like a good joke.
Kuratov doesn't idealize his characters and he is quick to reveal their shortcomings: Priest Pyed lost his self-respect; Mutrei is a hare-hunter but he is a coward by nature.
Проектная деятельность учителя в учебном процессе.
Технология планирования учителем работы по организации выполнения учащимися проектов
Эффективность использования метода проектов зависит от качества подготовки педагогов к организации и руководству учебным проектированием. Это обусловлено в первую очередь тем, что усвоение школьниками новой информации в процессе проектной деятельности происходит в сфере про блемной неопределенности. Поэтому возникает необходимость проектиро вания, организации и координации этой деятельности учащихся, еще не имеющих большого опыта "самостоятельного выполнения проектов. Эти процессы в педагогике связывают с педагогическим проектированием.
В современной педагогике проектирование рассматривается в двух ас пектах: как “идеальная” (мыслительная) деятельность и как деятельность по реализации замысла. Первая включает целеполагание, планирование, конструирование, моделирование и прогнозирование (B.C. Безрукова), вто рая - организацию взаимодействия (субъектов проектирования между со бой, с объектами и средой), диагностику, анализ результатов и коррекцию проектов (Е.С. Заир-Бек). Проектная деятельность учителя заключается в разработке и реализации в учебном процессе педагогических проектов (си стемы планируемых и реализуемых действий, необходимых условий и средств для достижения поставленных целей).
Педагогическое проектирование можно представить в обобщенном виде следующей схемой: замысел - реализация - рефлексия.
Алгоритм работы над проектом
Стадия работы над проектом | Содержание работы | Деятельность учащихся | Деятельность учителя |
1. Подготовка | а) Определение те мы и целей проекта, его исходного по ложения б) Подбор рабочей группы | Обсуждают тему проекта с учи телем и получают при необходимости дополнительную информацию. Определяют цели проекта. | Знакомит со смыс лом проектного подхода и мотиви рует учащихся. Помогает в опреде лении цели проекта. Наблюдает за рабо той учеников. |
2. Планирова ние | а) Определение ис точников необходи мой информации б) Определение спо собов сбора и анали за информации в) Определение спо соба представления результатов (формы проекта) г) Установление процедур и критери ев оценки результа тов проекта д) Распределение задач (обязанностей между членами ра бочей группы. | Формируют задачи проекта. Вырабаты вают план действий. Выбирают и обо сновывают критерии успеха проектной деятельности. | Предлагает идеи, высказывает пред ложения! Наблюдает за работой учащихся. |
3. Исследова ние | а) Сбор и уточнение информации (основ ные инструменты: интервью, опросы, наблюдения, экспе рименты и т.п.) б) Выявление («моз говой штурм») и обсуждение аль тернатив, возник ших в ходе выпол нения проекта в) Выбор оптималь ного варианта хода проекта г) Поэтапное выпол нение исследовательских задач. | Поэтапно выполня ют задачи проекта. | Наблюдает, совету ет, косвенно руко водит деятельно стью учащихся. |
4. Выводы | а) Анализ информа ции б) Формулирование выводов. | Выполняют иссле дование и работают над проектом, ана лизируя информа цию. Оформляют проект. | Наблюдает, советует (по просьбе учащих ся). |
5. Представле ние (защита) проекта и оценка его результатов | а) Подготовка отче та о ходе выполне ний проекта с объ яснением получен ных результатов (возможные формы отчета: устный отчет, устный от чет с демонстраци ей материалов, письменный отчет) б) Анализ выполне ния проекта, достиг нутых результатов успехов и неудач) и причин этого. | Представляют про ект, участвуют в его коллективном ана лизе и оценке. | Слушает, задает вопросы в роли ря дового участника. При необходимости направляет процесс анализа. Оценивает усилия учащихся, качество отчета, креативность, каче ство использования источников, потен циал продолжения проекта. |
Этапы работы над проектом
Этапы работы | Задания и их функции | Организационная форма работы |
Определение проблемы | Задания 1, 2 (Brainstorming) помогают составить общее представление о том, что такое глобализация. Задание 3 (Categorizing) подводит учащихся к тому, что глобализация — многоплановое явление, которое проявляется в различных сферах нашей жизни, в частности в экономике, политике и культурной жизни. Задание 4 рассматривает причины столь бурного развития процесса глобализации и обеспечивает вывод о том, что глобальные изменения определены объек тивными причинами и, следовательно, неизбежны. | Выполняется всем классом |
Выдвижение гипотезы | Задание 5. Учащимся предлагается план работы над проектом и уже готовые гипотезы, которые им пред стоит подтвердить. | По группам |
Проведение исследования | Steps 1—3 показывают несколько возможных видов исследования: Step 1 — работа с текстом как источником информации Step 2 — приведение реальных фактов для иллюстрации этой информации Step 3 — анализ предложенных фактов и самостоятель ный поиск релевантных фактов, проведение опроса как средства получения дополнительной информации | По группам |
Оформление результатов исследования | Step 4 — работа учащихся по составлению полного текста презентации, подбор и размещение плакатов, фотографий, иллюстраций, возможно оформление части материала в Power Point и т. д. | По группам |
Презентация результатов исследования | Step 5 — проведение презентаций каждой группой | Группа + класс |
Формулировка общего вывода и определение новых задач исследования | "A last note" подводит учащихся к пониманию того, что страна уже является частью глобального мирового пространства, так как это было доказано на примере основных сфер — экономической, политической и культурной. В связи с этим возникает новый вопрос для исследования: что может помочь молодому челове ку подготовиться к предстоящей самостоятельной жизни в условиях все нарастающего процесса глобали зации. | Всем классом |
Designing a website: “My native town Vorkuta”
The internet is a powerful means of communication with teenagers around the world. You are invited to take part in a competition for the best website. To take part in a competition you need to work in a team and submit the scheme for your website by the end of the lesson.
1. Develop your own website
Follow the steps:
a) Look through the materials you have prepared for this project
b) Choose the most interesting in your opinion
c) Draw a scheme for your website (make use of paper, markers, glue, pictures, photos, etc.)
d) Think about the title for the different pages or areas
e) Prepare a three-minute presentation for your website
2. Present the scheme of your website to the class
a) Describe what is meant by each title or area
b) Explain why you have chosen this material
c) Give examples of some materials you would like to have on the page
d) Highlight the most interesting part of your website
3. Choose the best scheme
a) Circulate the evaluation grid around the class and complete it
b) Calculate the marks and decide on the best scheme
c) Express your own opinion about whether you agree or disagree with the decision
Project “The Scrapbook of my Motherland”
1. Make a page for a scrapbook for your class.
places of
a) Choose a theme for research:
b) Find information and illustrations: pictures, your own pictures, drawings, cuttings from newspapers, magazines, information from the internet.
c) Write about what you find in the form of a postcard, a newspaper article, a table or a file.
d) Make a clean copy of your text on an A4 sheet of paper, and put in or draw pictures.
e) Think of two or three questions to ask your classmates about your talk and write them down on small pieces of paper.f) Bring everything to your English class.
2. Tell your classmates about what you have found and prepared.
3. Listen to your classmates.
4. Put all the papers together to make your scrapbook of our Motherland.
5. Write your name on the front cover together with the other authors and mark the place you talked about on the map.
6. Number the pages and make a list of contents.Example: Industry by O. Ivanova … page 1
The Ural Mountains by M. Korneev … page 3
7. Take part in the Komi Republic Quiz
a) Put all the questions in a box.
b) Take a question and read it out.
c) Answer the questions and get a point.
d) If it is your question and nobody knows the answer, say the page number where the answer is.
Project “Hall of Fame”
Put together your Hall of Fame.
It may contain portraits / sculptures of different people: your relatives, neighbours, parents and any outstanding people of our republic, town you know.
1. For your project collect the following things:
a) photos / pictures of the people you want to include
b) a biography of a famous person
c) a paragraph expressing an opinion about what it means to be a hero
d) a story about a heroic deed
2. In small groups make a list of candidates for your gallery and agree on three people
Selection criteria:
a) human qualities of the candidates, their talents and abilitiesb) deeds they performed
c) their achievements
3. Prepare your presentation:
Think of the following:
a) the plan of your presentation
b) the language you can use
c) photos, pictures, etc.
4. Present your Hall of Fame to the class and choose one candidate from each group for the class Hall of Fame.Pay attention to the following: content, accompanying materials (photos, documents, etc.); presentation.
Project “The Past, Present and Future of our town”
1) Find the material for a short talk about some object (mine, building, etc), tradition, habit, etc and how it developed.
You can talk about:
a) Your town in the past and today
b) Schools in the past and today (education)
c) How people celebrate holidays
d) What people eat
e) What people wear
f) What people do in their free time
g) Medical service in the past and today
h) Opportunities of going in for sport
i) Etc
2) In group of three, four, choose the most interesting material and plan your talk.
a) Say what you are going to talk about, why it is important, how it has changed through the ages.
b) Say what the object looked like, what it was made of and how it was used in the past.
c) Talk about the present state of things.
d) Make predictions about the future.
3) Write your talk. Use the expressions in the box.
…has changed a lot through the ages
In the past people used to …
It was made of …
Today we have / use …
I think in the future people will …
4) Prepare the presentation.
a) Rehearse the talk so that you talk, not read
b) Choose and arrange pictures, photos, documents to go with your talk
c) Prepare questions for the classmates.
5) Present your talk to the class.
Pupil A: talks about the past
Pupil B: talks about the present
Pupil C: talks about the future
Pupil D: asks questions you prepared to check what other students have learned from it
6) Fill in the evaluation card for each group.
Evaluation card | ||||
Criteria | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
1) Is the material interesting/unusual/new? | ||||
2) Is the talk well planned? | ||||
3) Are the questions interesting? | ||||
4) Are there any pictures, photos, ..... to help people to understand? | ||||
5) Did the presenter talk clearly and distinctly? |
Class debate
Debate the motion: “The Future of Vorkuta”
1. Find and choose four rules for the debate which everyone agrees with.
Find good arguments ____
Give reasons ____
Be polite ____
Don’t interrupt when others speak ____
Shout when you don’t agree ____
Respect other people’s opinions ____
Clap when you agree ____
Raise your hand when you want to speak ____
Listen to other people ____
Express your opinion and give reasons ____
Keep to the time limit ____
2. Choose the chairperson.
3. Discuss the motion and make a list of arguments.
- Group A discusses and makes a list of arguments for the motion.
- Group B discusses and makes a list of arguments against the motion.
4. Take part in the debate.
- Follow the procedure.
Pupil A
expresses his/her opinion and gives reasons
Pupil B Pupil C
agrees with pupil A and adds more reasons agrees/disagrees with Pupil A or Pupil B and gives
his/her reasons
- Vote on the motion.
What does the chairperson do?
- The chairperson welcomes the audience and announces the beginning of the debate.
Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Class ___.
We are here today to debate the motion ___.
Pupils for the motion are sitting on my left, pupils against the motion are sitting on my right.
We have ___ minutes for the debate.
Please, raise your hand when you want to speak.
I decide who speaks first. Please be polite and don’t interrupt.
No one may speak for more than a minute.
At the end we are going to have a vote. Let’s begin
(Turns to Group A).
- The chairperson keeps order and manages the time.
Your time is up.
Next speaker, please.
Order! Order!
That’s all we have time for.
- The chairperson leads the voting
- The chairperson counts the votes.
Please vote now. If you are for the motion, raise your hand. (Counts)
If you are against, raise your hand. (Counts)
- The chairperson announces the results of the vote.
- The chairperson thanks everyone for their participation and announces the end of the debate.
Образцы творческих работ учащихся***
I have lived in Vorkuta since my birth and have always been very happy that I live here.
I just love this town! I’m sure, if you have been to Vorkuta before, you’ll come here again. If you are going to visit my native place, welcome! Day or night you’ll be a part of the town.
Our mayor, Igor Shpektor, does his best to do our town more beautiful and our life more interesting. Of course, sometimes people reproach him with the fact that in such difficult times enormous sums are being spent on restoration of ruined monuments, buildings, but I’m absolutely convinced that it is essential for our town.
Everybody knows that the basis of Vorkutian character is – first and foremost: honesty, diligence, generosity of soul and understanding of surrounding tundra. Such character can move mountains.
Unfortunately, coal-industry is in a rather poor state. But the potential of Russia and its people is great and with reasonable economic mechanisms and laws the town will overcome all the present difficulties. I believe that Vorkuta will be strong and powerful as it used to be.
***It must be admitted that from the Nenets language Vorkuta means “the territory abundant in bears”. It’s a very surprising fact that the name of our town connects with bears. We all know that bears don’t live in our region. But according to the book “World of Animals in Komi” in summer bears sometimes can go far in the tundra.
Vorkuta is situated in the northern part of Russia behind the polar circle. That’s why the climate is very severe. We have 8 or 9 months of winter, but sometimes we have real summer days, when we can enjoy warm weather and the sun.
The most remarkable thing in our town are the polar days when in summer it lights all the day through.
Though Vorkuta is a northern town, the nature and kingdom of animals here are very various: polar foxes, deer, hares, ptarmigans, wild ducks and others live in the tundra. In summer our tundra is covered with various flowers. We can gather mushrooms, cloudberries, cowberries, blueberries. In winter everything looks so beautiful in its white attire. It gives our northern nature a certain charm.
My Native Town - VorkutaAs you know, many people like to live in the very center of big city, others prefer to live in the suburbs or even on a ten in the country. I live in Vorkuta.
Let's take a map of Russia and look in the north-east corner of its European part that is where you notice Vorkuta, the town where I've been living for many years. I'm fond of this place. I was born there and I have lived there all my life.
Vorkuta is situated in the Komi Republic, on the river Vorkuta. It's very far from the capital of our Republic. You can get there in two hours by plane. Vorkuta isn't old. It was founded in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. It must be admitted that Vorkuta was built by people who had been exited there. Many of these courageous people died of starvation, cold and disease.
Vorkuta is not large. The population is slightly over 120000 people. But it's problematic to get a job nowadays. There are 5 mines and some factories and plants in our town. Such as a dairy factory, the mechanical plant, a plant of iron-concrete plant and others. "Vorgashorskaya" mine is the biggest mine not only in Russia but in Europe.
Vorkuta is a big center of coal industry. Some mines have business connections with some foreign countries.
My native town is in some way a cultural center of the district. There are two theatres : the Puppet Theatre and the Drama Theatre; many cinemas, a sport complex "Olymp", some museums, offices, shops, the Mining Institute, the Institute of Business and law, many technical secondary schools, musical schools.Vorkuta is not situated in a very picturesque place. The landscape in this part of the country is exceptionally beautiful in autumn. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in tundra. At the weekend we always gather them.
The climate is very severe in Vorkuta. I think my town is famous not only for its coal but also for its people. If you come to my town you'll find people there warm and friendly. Most of them are hard-working and optimistic even nowadays.
A winter's aerial view of Vorkuta territory provides endless miles of extra-terrestrial scenery - white, silent, empty, a land big enough to hold some European nations. If people from other parts of the world speak of Russia as "an unknown land", then Vorkuta and its territory, in the European North of Russia, are truly Terra Incognita. A flight toward the Kara Sea and the Arctic Ocean over tundra, cut by small rivers and lakes, would probably make a great impression on you.
Let's take a map of Russia & look in the north-east corner of its European part. That is were you will notice Vorkuta my hometown. Everybody believes that his hometown is an important place.
The fauna of our region is rich. There are some twenty species of mammalia, including the fox, the marten, the elk and others. Smaller mammalia include squirrels, hares and so on. There are more than two hundred species of birds. Some of them are resident. The restiver and lake fish include salmon, white salmon, sig and others.
A lot of interesting things can be said about the town & its inhabitants, about severe climatic conditions they work in. I understand, of course, that those cities like Moscow & St. Petersburg are important industrial centers or famous cultural places but Vorkuta is also a large center of coal mining industry & I'm disappointed that the town has not received more attention.
We should know that Vorkuta was built by courageous people who had been exiled here. Many of them died of starvation, cold and disease. I sometimes think what those people might have been feeling, what was stronger that suffering, trouble, death. Evidently, they dreamed of their own homes and children, of our future. They must have listened as their hearts spoke: "I can do it! I can overcome!" we must remember that.
Vorkuta is not old, 60 years past since people settled in the district and built a settlement on the bank of the river. That was the beginning of the town. It was the difficult time for the country, years of hard struggle against fascism. The country needed coal & Vorkuta gave it to Leningrad.
More important is the fact that Vorkuta doesn't live in the past only: it has developed in an important industrial center & many of its two hundred thousand inhabitants, work at its 6 mines. Some of the mines have business contacts with other countries. "Vorgashorskaya" mine is the largest mine not only in Russia but also in Europe.I think my town is famous not only for its coal but also for its people. If you come to my town you'll find people there warm, friendly. Most people are hard-working & optimistic even now days when it's problematic to get jobs. My dad is a miner too & I myself see how hard, dangerous his work is.
I love my native town & from the bottom of my heart I wish success to Vorkuta & its remarkable people.
Before I start talking about my native town (that is Vorkuta) I'd like to tell you about the republic where I live & where my native town is located. The Komi Republic extends from the Arctic tundra in the North to the forests in the center of Russia. It's famous for its unique deposits of many minerals 8c may be called a "Pearl of the North".
The Republic plays a very important role in the economy of Russia. The Pechora coal basin has always been the pride of our republic. The Komi Republic is a very significant fuel base (for Russia due to its deposits of oil, natural gas, coal & Timber. Vast territories of the region are covered with forests. In the far North tundra vegetation prevails.
The Vorkuta region is striking for its variety of minerals, but as I have already said, Vorkuta's main riches are reserves measurable in multiples of milliards of high quality coking and power generating coal. The city's 6 mines produce around 50 thousands tons of coal a day, forming the basis for metallurgical production in Cherepovets and Novolipetsk and quite a number of plants in the central zone of Russia.
Vorkuta, which today has a population numbering about 100 thousand, is a city of miners, mine-builders, geologists, teachers, doctors, transport workers and representatives of many other areas of expertise without whom the city's infrastructure couldn't be supported. Vorkuta isn't big. There are several residential areas in it. Every district has schools, shops, everyday services. I'd like to point out that our town is a cultural center. It is a city with the Drama theatre & the Puppet theatre, an Exhibition hall, schools for art & music, a medical college & a teacher-training college, the technical secondary school for mining 8c the Mining institute not to mention the professional colleges. These institutions are highly capable scientifically & this allows highly qualified staff to be trained in practically all the specialties that are required.
I should also mention the Lore Museum or the Museum of Regional studies. Besides we are proud of our sport Complex. Lots of people in our town do sports to be healthy. We go to the sport center to skate and play hockey, to go in for athletics and body building. There are two swimming pools in Vorkuta so we have good opportunities to go in for swimming. If you walk along the streets and look around you can see the Chernov Memorial, a monument to Kirov, which was sent to Vorkuta as a gift from grateful people of St. Petersburg for the coal help during the Second World War, a memorial stone to the political prisoners. Due to their work Vorkuta came into existence.
To crown it all I'd like to say that though there are hundreds of towns I've seen in my life, ancient and modern, large and small, beautiful and not... I love Vorkuta and I’m proud of its people.
VORKUTA Everything concerning Vorkuta is original and unique: its climate, nature and history. Vorkuta is located beyond the Polar Circle on the 67th parallel, that’s why our life is full of unusual things such as polar shining, “white nights” and so on.
As Vorkuta lies in the zone of permafrost, people can’t have any orchards or kitchen-gardens here. The climate is severe with long cold winter and short cool summer.
The scenery of the tundra around our town is very colourful and picturesque in summer, but is also monotonous in winter.
As for the town itself, it is very beautiful, clean and green.
Though Vorkuta is small there are many sights in it: monuments, historical buildings and other places of interest. Some of them are connected with its past.
The history of our town began in the twenties when a geologist expedition under the head of Alexander Chernov discovered the coal deposit in this region. During the following season a small settlement grew into a modern industrial town.
In the years of the Great Patriotic War many trains with coal were sent from Vorkuta to Leningrad. The train – monument at the railway station reminds us about it.
During the Stalin regime there was one of the concentration camps of the GULAG system in Vorkuta. Many famous and talented people were sent to it.
In honour of the victims a memorial complex was built in the town.
Vorkuta has its own symbols: the coat of arms with a reindeer and the flag of four colours (blue, white, red and green).
The Polar Games have been held in our town since 1999. Every year in November Vorkuta receives guests from all parts of the Russian North. About 30 cities & towns send their best sportsmen to Vorkuta. Sport teams from Archangelsk, Murmansk, St. – Petersburg, Yaroslavl and all the towns of Komi Republic take part in this sport holiday. In 2002 these games got the official status of the Games of the Russian North People.The opening ceremony is great. It takes place in the Central Square of our town and starts with lightning a special torch similar to the Olympic fire. It is burning during the Games. Some official people greet the participants. The symbol of the competitions is the polar bear.
The Games start with the parade of the sportsmen. Holiday fireworks make all sport fans happy. For several days citizens of Vorkuta and guests of “The Capital of the World” watch competitions in ten kinds of sport, including gymnastics, wrestling, swimming, weightlifting, boxing and skiing. Matches in volleyball, basketball, hockey and football always attract many fans.
But the most exciting event is, no doubt, the deer races. Everybody in our town looks forward to them. Many people also enjoy watching the demonstration of the national Nenets costumes.Not for the first time Vorkuta becomes the initiator and organizer of remarkable sport shows pretending to the rank of “the most sporting town” in Russia.
The great support in organizing of these Games is always made by the mayor of Vorkuta – Igor Shpektor. In his greeting speech to sportsmen he noticed that the festival had “an especially effective meaning for youth”. Earlier the idea of such sport festival in extreme conditions beyond the Polar Circle seemed a vain dream. But now the Polar Games have become a great well-known festival in the sport life of Russia. Many sportsmen look forward to winning in them and are proud of their sport records in Vorkuta. But every year our sportsmen become the winners and got the most part of medals.
Nowadays sport is very important in our town. More than 40000 citizens go in for different kinds of sport. The most favourable are: boxing, swimming, fighting, hockey, volleyball. Skiing is not very popular because of severe climatic conditions of our region. According to the statistics, the average temperature in winter is -25o C, and there are only 25 sunny days in a year. We can name Vorkuta the sport centre of our republic, because there are more than 200 sport constructions: gymnasiums, swimming pools, stadiums, skating rinks. Doing sport is the best way to the healthy lifestyle. Содержание
- Пояснительная записка
- Использование материалов, содержащих НРК на уроках английского языка
- Образцы текстов, используемых на уроках
- Brief information about Komi republic
- The Republic of Komi
- The Komi Republic: Human Development
- Syktyvkar: Then and Now
- The Syktyvkar Timber Industrial Complex
- Ivan Kuratov
- An Excursion to the Kuratov Museum
- Проектная деятельность учителя в учебном процессе
- Этапы работы над проектом
- Project “Designing a website – My Native Town Vorkuta ”
7) Project “The Scrapbook of my Motherland”
8) Project “Hall of Fame”
9) Project “The Past, Present and Future of Our Town”
10) Class Debate “The future of Vorkuta”
11) Образцы творческих работ учащихся
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Методическая разработка по русскому языку (9 класс) на тему: "Русский язык - национальный язык русского народа".
Приобретение учащимися знаний об особенностях национального языка, его назначении, развитии....
Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в стран иностранных слов" Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в стран иностранных слов" Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в страну иностранных слов"
Цель данного мероприятия в занимательной форме показать разные уровни функционирования русского языка: как одного из мировых языков, как языка народов, населяющих Россию, как государственн...
Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в стран иностранных слов" Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в стран иностранных слов" Внеклассное мероприятие по русскому языку "Путешествие в страну иностранных слов"
Цель данного мероприятия в занимательной форме показать разные уровни функционирования русского языка: как одного из мировых языков, как языка народов, населяющих Россию, как государственн...
Урок в 5 классе по теме "Язык и человек. Язык и речь. Язык и его единицы"
Ассоциативные приёмы для запоминания учебного материала по теме урока....

Открытый бинарный урок по дисциплине «Русский язык и культура речи» и «Иностранный язык» (английский язык; немецкий язык; французский язык)
Цели урока: показать своеобразие культур ,особую ментальность; найти точки соприкосновения для лучшего понимания народов посредством малых фольклорных жанров; раскрыть мудрость, поучающий ...

Интегрированный урок русского языка и истории. Тема урока: «Русский язык - один из развитых языков мира, язык межнационального общения в Российской Федерации». 6 класс.
Тип урока: урок повторения, систематизации и обобщения знаний. Форма проведения: интегрированный урок....

Русский язык и литература. Русский язык.Введение. Язык как средство общения и форма существования национальной культуры. Язык и общество. Язык как развивающееся явление.
конспект урока по русскому языку для СПО 1 курс...