урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме: "How to enjoy yourselves?"
методическая разработка (английский язык, 11 класс) на тему

Салякаева Ольга Николаевна

Предлагаю коллегам обобщающий урок по теме  "How to enjoy yourselves?". В данном уроке я использовала дополнительный материал по теме "Кино, театр", новые информационные технологии. Урок подходит для профильных классов. 


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Предварительный просмотр:


                                МОУ СОШ № 14  г. Благовещенска, Амурской области

                              Салякаева Ольга Николаевна, учитель английского языка        

                                                   Обобщающий урок по циклу

                                                    «How to enjoy yourselves? »

    (к учебнику Кузовлева В.П., 11 класс, рекомендуется для профильных классов)


  1. Совершенствование речевых навыков  (диалогическая, монологическая форма).
  2. Активизация лексических навыков.
  3. Совершенствование грамматических навыков (восклицательные, эмфатические предложения).
  4. Развитие умения читать с общим охватом содержания.
  5. Обучение аудированию с целью понимания общего содержания.


  1. текст “A glimpse of London theatres”;
  2. магнитофон, компьютер, доска, проектор, экран;
  3. упражнения с заданиями, выполненные на компьютере с помощью программы для презентаций “Power Point”.

Примечание: При изучении цикла были введена дополнительная лексика по теме, которая также закрепляется на данном уроке.

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент – 1 мин.

 Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке.

Teacher: Good morning! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson. Today the theme of our lesson is “How to enjoy yourselves?”  It’s a revision lesson.

We’ve spoken a lot how to spend free time. Going to the theatre or cinema is one of the ways of spending an evening and it plays an important part in the entertainment of people.

2.Warming-up – 3 мин.

Для настройки учащихся на беседу по теме используются пословицы.

Teacher: To begin with let’s look at the following proverbs. Repeat it after me, please… How do you understand the first (second) proverb? To express your point of view you may use the words on the blackboard.

( Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос).

    Art is long, life is short.  

 ( a real work of art, create a masterpiece, admire, for centuries, awaken feelings, give the sense of the beauty and the past, honour, remember);

   The busiest man finds the most leisure.

( plan smth. beforehand, succeed in life, live full life, value but not waste time, a good, useful rule, make use of every moment).

3.Чтение высказывания с общим охватом содержания. – 3 мин.

Teacher: Do you know the true use of leisure? We’ll read the opinion of Joyce Miller about it. (Учащиеся читают высказывание, отвечают на вопрос учителя.)

Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one’s mind with fresh springs of beauty. He should recreate his own source of inspiration and make his own mind a richer and fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.

                                                                               Joyce Miller.         


Teacher: Try to give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations… Do you agree that it is the true use of leisure?

 ( Учащиеся пытаются перевести подчёркнутые выражения в высказывании, затем отвечают на вопрос.)

4. Развитие речевых навыков. -2 мин.

Teacher: So the role of the theatre and cinema is great. Can you prove it? ...  Now look at the scheme. Have we mentioned all the points?

(Учащиеся дополняют свои ответы используя схему.)

                                            teaches us to be kind and just  


brings people together                                              helps to cool off


helps to find our way in life                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

 reflects the problems

of our life                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

educates people                                   THEATRE                                                

                                                        CINEMA                                                                                                                 awakens our feelings                                                                          brings people up                  


gives a sense of beauty                                                             puts in a good mood

                                                 teaches us to defend justice  



5. Активизация лексических навыков. – 4 мин.

Teacher: Now, let’s revise our vocabulary on our topic.

 1) Give words or word combinations for the definitions:

1 the part of the theatre where the audience sits (stalls);

2 a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear (stage);            

3 a place where hats and coats may be left (a cloak room);

4 a set of actors in a play (cast);

5 the main role (a leading part);

6 a trial performance of a play (first night);

7 a person who examines our tickets at the entrance of the theatre (an usher);

8 what expressions do we use if we want to say that we remember something very well? (it stands in memory quite vividly);      

9 what does the sign “House Full” at the entrance of the theatre mean? (all tickets are sold out);

10 what expressions means that everybody liked the performance very much? (it had a successful run );

2) Change the underlined word by its antonym:

   1 The lights went up and performance was over. (went down; began)

   2 The play is boring, I think it will be a failure. (exciting; be a success)

   3 As the performance was terrible all tickets were still in the box-office.    

   (magnificent; already sold out)


  4 We’ve got fine seats quite close to the stage. (rotten; very far from)

   5 The curtain went up and the performance began. (fell down; was over)

3) Match the words in 2 columns, what do these expressions mean?

   to burst into                         beyond any words

   to be warmly                        run

   to attract                              quite vividly

   to have a successful             received by the public

   to draw                                 advance

   it was magnificent               seeing

   to book tickets in                 capacity crowds

   to stand in memory             public’s attention

   to be worth                           waste of time

   to meet with                         applause

   to be a sheer                         thinking

   the film provokes                 a storm of applause

6 Аудирование с целью понимания общего содержания. – 5 мин.

(Текст для аудирования взят из раздела “Preparation for Testing”, exercise 1, page 206 )


a) Now you’ll hear the teenagers discussing films and plays they like and dislike. Guess what genre they are talking about. (Учащиеся определяют жанры.)

b) Listen to the teen’s opinion about the films they saw. Finish up their opinions using one of the phrases below. (Учащиеся выбирают правильную фразу, чтобы закончить высказывание.)

7 Контроль домашнего задания. – 5 мин.

Teacher: Your homework was to describe your favourite performance or a play. Let’s listen to some of you.

8 Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания. – 7 мин.

Teacher: London is famous for its theatres too. Let’s read the text “A glimpse of London theatres”.

                                                     A glimpse of London theatres


  Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still plays an important part in the life of the average Englishman.

  There are over 220 professional theatres in Britain. The center of theatrical activity is in London where there are some 30 principal theatres in the “West End” and several more in the suburbs, but some important performances are taking place in the provinces.

  In London there are theatres for all tastes: some people prefer musical comedy and shows of that kind, with their catchy tunes are very popular. Variety shows, in which actors entertain the audience with sentimental and comic performances also draw full houses and greatly influence the artistic tastes of the public.

  Those who do not care for musical comedy or variety will find other shows to their taste. Some theatres stage modern plays: Shakespeare and other classics are played mostly at Old Vic, the Royal Opera shows opera and ballet.

  The evening performances usually begin at 19.30 or at 20.00 and finish at about eleven. Seats are expensive and a night out at a theatre is quite a luxury for the average Englishman. Only a few theatres have their own permanent companies. Groups are formed for a season, sometimes even for


a single play. Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the National Theatre.

  Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy and revue, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own: from the old such as the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, to the very new such as the Mermaid Theatre in the city of London built on the banks of the Thames.

  A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing almost inside Covent Garden, the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market. Because of its location it is usually referred to simply as “Covent Garden” and if someone tells us that he is going to the Covent Garden we immediately think of the opera and not greengrocery. The first Covent Garden Theatre was built in 1732. It was more a theatre of drama than of opera.

  Yet many of Handel’s operas were performed here for the first time. The famous singers such as Adelina Patty, Tetrazziny and Caruso sang here many times. The great Russian Shaliapin also sang in Covent Garden. The composers Gounod and Berlioz came to see their operas performed. Now the theatre is busier than ever: it is one of the well-known opera houses open for eleven months in the year and it employs over 600 people both of the opera company and the Royal Ballet.  


1) Find English equivalents for the following Russian ones:

способ провести вечер; центр театральной деятельности; развлекать зрителей; занимательный и обучающий; театры на любой вкус; собирать полный зал (аншлаг); оказывают большое влияние; являются роскошью; собственный характер; инсценировать современные пьесы; сосредоточены на классических произведениях и драме; постоянный состав исполнителей.

2) Do you agree with the following statements? Find the evidence in the text to express your point of view. (Учащиеся используют разные фразы, выражающие согласие/несогласие. Доказывают свою точку зрения с помощью текста.)

1. Theatre’s role in entertainment and education of people is great.

2. London is called the center of theatrical activity.

3. It’s difficult to find performances for all tastes in London.

4. Seats are not very expensive and even an average Englishman can afford a night out at a theatre.

5. Theatres rarely have their own permanent companies.

6. It’s really surprising for tourists to see the Royal Opera House inside the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market.

7. The first Covent Garden Theatre was famous for its musical comedies.

8. Nowadays over 600 people are busy with the performance at the Royal Opera House.    

9 Совершенствование речевых навыков (диалогическая форма) – 6 мин.

Teacher: Now I want you to make up a short dialogue according to the communicative task and exchange opinions with your friend. You’ve got 3 minutes to prepare your dialogue. (Учащимся предлагаются 3 ситуации, можно дать схему диалога, необходимые фразы.)                             

1 Invite your friend for a new play. It’s an evening performance. You have already booked tickets because this play is extremely popular with the public. Discuss your seats and arrange the time you meet.

2 Exchange your opinion about the performance you have seen. Speak about the cast, the scenery, music, actors you liked best. You both liked the play, it made a great impression on you.


3 You enter the theatre. In the cloak room you have a talk with your friend. You are afraid to be late because there are a lot of people there. You take opera glasses and go into the hall. The house is packed to capacity because the play has a successful run. Discuss the seats, the atmosphere.

Teacher: Well, your time is up. Let’s listen to your dialogues and decide which one is the best. (Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги.)

Teacher: So, whose dialogue is the best and why? (Учащиеся высказывают и аргументируют свою точку зрения.  При оценке диалога используются следующие критерии: содержание, коммуникативность, произношение,  лексический запас и грамматическая правильность речи.)

Teacher: Well, thank you for your dialogues.

10 Совершенствование грамматических навыков.-3мин.

Teacher: If we really like or dislike something we use emphatic and exclamatory sentences.

Make the opinions sound more convincing and emphatic:

1 I like opera.  (I do like opera)

2 My friend hates melodramas. (My friend does hate melodramas.)

3 I enjoyed the performance. (I did enjoy the performance.)

4 It was funny. (It WAS funny.)

5 It made me cry. (It did make me cry.)

6 It is extraordinary. (It IS extraordinary.)

7 I prefer staying at home. (I do prefer staying at home.)

8 Louis loves action films. Louis does love action films.)

9 I find it exciting. (I do find it exciting.)

10 We loved fairy tales when we were younger. (We did love fairy tales when we were younger.)

Express your opinion to these statements, using exclamatory sentences:

1 The play is very touching.   (What a touching play!)

2 Craig Lucas is an outstanding playwright.   (What an outstanding writer he is!)

3 It was a magnificent performance.   (What a magnificent performance it was!)

4 You listened to a complicated opera.   (What a complicated opera!)

5 The actors played excellently in the film.  (How excellently the actors played!)

6 You liked the decorations which were so beautiful.  (What beautiful decorations!)

7It is so true to life.  (How true to life it is!)

8 The film had a mysterious plot.  (What a mysterious plot!)

9 You disliked the operetta which was terrible.  (What a terrible operetta it was!)

10 She sang wonderfully. (How wonderfully she sang!)

11 Викторина на выявление лучшего знатока кино/театра.-4 мин.

Teacher: Some of you prefer going to the theatre, others to the cinema. The proverb says: Every man has his hobby-horse. Now I’ll divide you into 2 groups and see who is the best theatre or cinema-lover.

 (Учащиеся 2-х команд по очереди отвечают на вопросы викторины.)

1 What genres of films do you know? (science fiction, documentary, historical, detective, fantastic, horror, action films)  

 2 What is the centre of film industry in the USA? Where is it situated? (Hollywood, Los Angeles)


1 What genres of performances do you know? (tragedy, drama, comedy, opera, operetta, musical, ballet)

2 What are the world-famous theatres of Russia? (the Bolshoi, the Mali, the Mayakovski, the Mariinski, the Moscow Art Academic Theatres)


3 When was the first film shot? What film  

was it? (in 1895, ”Arrival of the train”)

4 Who is busy with the production of the

film? (directors, producers, actors, workers,


5 What did the spreading of cinematography in Russia start with? (the demonstration of the Lumiere brothers’ film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and in Moscow)

6 Who founded the first film studios in Russia? (Alexandr Khanzhonkov)

7 What were the most popular genres of Russian films? (historic films and screen versions of famous novels)


3 When was the first building of the Bolshoi

Theatre built? Who was the architect of the

 modern building of the theatre? (in 1776, O.


4 What people are busy with the performance in the theatre? (actors, producers, directors, scriptwriters, make up artists, costume designers, electricians…)

5 What are the main parts a theatre consists of? Where can the audience sit? (the stage and the hall; in the stalls (the pit), boxes, balcony, gallery, dress-circle)

6 Where can people buy tickets for a performance? (in the box-office)

7 How do people express their emotions if they are greatly impressed by the performance? (they applaud, cry “ENCO”)

12 Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.-2 мин.

Teacher: Now, I see that you like theatre and cinema and know a lot of interesting things about it. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following. (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке.)

Now, please write down your hometask.

Have you got any questions?

The lesson is over. Good-bye.


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