Использование в старших классах интерактивных педагогических технологий при формировании гражданского отношения к общественно-политическим событиям в стране и за рубежом средствами иностранного языка
план-конспект урока английского языка (10,11 класс) по теме
Использование в старших классах интерактивных педагогических технологий при формировании гражданского отношения к общественно-политическим событиям в стране и за рубежом средствами иностранного языка
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №20 г. Владимира
Тема: «Использование в старших классах интерактивных педагогических технологий при формировании гражданского отношения к общественно-политическим событиям в стране и за рубежом средствами иностранного языка»
Форма: Заседание делового клуба «Избирательное право в Великобритании, США, Германии, России».
Pupil 1: Good morning dear teachers!
Pupil 2: Hello dear members of our club!
Pupil 1: On the second of December general elections to the State Duma took place. And you know that on the 2d of March we shall elect the president of Russia. At the lessons of History, English and German we discuss problems of democracy.
Pupil 2: And the idea of democracy plays a great role in politics. What do you think “democracy”means?
Нем. Яз.
Pupil 1: How does Democracy work in different countries?
(Учащиеся рассказывают о 4 странах)
The UK.
The UK is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. The Monarch is the official head of state and an integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role.
Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state now but she has no real power. She gives the royal assent to the bills passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Monarch officially appoints the Prime Minister and life peers. But in appointing the Prime Minister she is not free in her choice: she must appoint no other person but the leader of the party which has the majority of seats in the House of Commons. The English are quite right saying that “the queen reigns but doesn’t rule”
Since the VIII century the power of the English monarch has been limited by Parliament. Parliament is the legislative power. The British Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Commons having 650 members and the House of Lords with approximately 1000 peers. The members of the House of Commons are elected by people every 5 years. The Chairman of the House of Commons is the speaker. The members of the House of Lords are not elected. They inherit this right from their fathers. The Chairman of this House is called Lord Chancellor. The main function of the Parliament is law-making. Each bill is introduced to the House of Commons first and has three readings. After the third reading it is taken to the House of Lords. On their approval the Queen signs it, thus it becomes the law of the country. The executive power is in the hands of the cabinet which consists of the most important ministers with the prime-minister at the head. It is chosen from the members of the leading party, called the Government party. Other parties represent the opposition.
(нем. Яз)
Pupil 1: The United State of America is a presidential republic. The president is the head of state. The president is elected directly by the people and he is not a member of the Congress. The president must be at least 35 years old and be a natural citizen of the USA. He must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years and be a civilian. The president is elected every 4 years and cannot serve more than 2 terms.
Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. It is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House has 435 members, the Senate has 100 members. Congress makes all laws and each house of Congress can introduce a new project. Each can vote against the project passed by the other. If both houses agree, the project becomes law.
Pupil 2: The Vice – President of the USA is president of the Senate. He is a member of the party in power. The work of the US Congress is done mostly in different committees. The most important are: Appropriations, Foreign Relations, Finance, Armed Services. In the House of Representatives the most important are: Rules, Appropriations, Ways and Means, Agriculture.
The president and his Administrations represent the executive branch of the federal government. The Administration includes the Secretaries who are heads of the executive departments. Each department is responsible for a specific area. The President appoints the Secretaries but the Senate must approve his appointments.
The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. The President is the head of state and is elected directly by the people. In fact he has much power. The President can even dissolved the Duma if it doesn’t agree with his suggestions three times running. The President has his Administration but it is not part of the Federal Government. The President is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches.
The Federal Assembly represents the legislative branch of power. It is made up of the two houses: the Federation Council and the Duma which makes laws. The President can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly but the Federal Assembly can pass laws over the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority.
The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power. The President appoints its head, the Chairman of the Government but the Duma must approve his appointment.
The Supreme Court represents the judicial branch of power. The Constitutional Court has the right to declare actions of the President, the Federal Assembly and the Federal Government un constitutional.
Pupil 2: What is important for real democracy?
(ответы учащихся)
Pupil 1: Now a brilliant example of political satire from the book ”Animal Farm” by George Orwell. The author describes the life at the farm where animals made a revolution under the leadership of two pigs: Snowball and Napoleon. The owner of the farm, Mr. Jones, left it and the animals started a new order.
Snowball: Comrades! It is half past 6 and we have a long day before us. Today we begin the hay harvest.
Napoleon: But there is another matter that must be done first. During the past 3 months we had taught ourselves to read and to write from an old Mr. Jones book.
Snowball: Let’s write laws for our life without the owner of the farm Mr. Jones.
Cow: Don’t wear clothes!
Hen: Don’t sleep in a bed!
Dog: Don’t drink alcohol!
Bird: Don’t kill any other birds and animals!
Cat: We all must be equal!
Pupil: With some difficulty the laws were written on the wall in great letters.
The laws.
- Whatever goes upon 2 legs is an enemy.
- Whatever goes upon 4 legs or has wings is a friend.
- No animal shall wear clothes.
- No animal shall sleep in a bed.
- No animal shall drink alcohol.
- No animal shall kill any other animal.
- All animals are equal.
Snowball: Now comrades, to the hayfield. Let’s get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do.
Cow: But I had not been milked for 24 hours.
Pupil: After a little thought the pigs milked the cow.
Cat: But what are we going to do to all that milk?
Napoleon: Never mind the milk, comrades! The harvest is more important. Comrade Snowball will lead the way and I shall follow in a few minutes. Forward comrades! The hay is waiting!
Pupil: When the animals came back in the evening they noticed that the milk had disappeared and Napoleon had changed the laws.
The laws.
- No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
- No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
- No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
- All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
Pupil 1: Do you think that the principles of animalism are just? Can there be a society where some of its members are more equal than the others?
A majority of people lives under democratic systems. But there is just one problem. The democracy we see around the world often has an ugly face. Suppose the election was free and fair. But it brought to power racists, fascists or separatists, who publicly oppose to peace and integration. It does happen: democratically elected leaders ignore constitutional limits on their power and basic rights of the people.
The Western democracy has always meant liberal democracy- not only free and fair elections but also the respect of the basic rights. Now we see the rise of illiberal democracy- a lot of elections but few individual rights like the rule of law, free speech or private property.
Pupil: Some people think that much in politics depends on the personality of a politician. What kind of people can succeed in politics? Here is an opinion of our pupils about the problem.
Pupil 3: (нем. Яз.)
Pupil 1: Let’s speak about elections.
Charles Dickens “The posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”. The two political parties in the town of Eatanswill are the Blues and Buffs. Mr. Samuel Slumkey is the candidate to Parliament supported by the Blues. Mr. Fizkin is the candidate of Buffs.
Mr. Parker: How do you do, Mr. Slumkey?
Mr. Slumkey: Hello, Mr. Parker. Is everything ready?
Mr.Parker: Everything, my dear sir!
Mr. Slumkey: Nothing has been forgotten I hope?
Mr. Parker: Nothing, my dear sir! There are twenty washed men at the street door for you to shake hands with and six children whom you will pat on the head. It always has a great effect. And you can kiss one of them. It will make a great impression on the crowd.
Mr. Slumkey:Can somebody else kiss the children?
Mr. Parker: I am afraid not. If you do it, it will make you very popular.
Mr. Slumkey: Then it must be done.
(Выходят к толпе. Их встречают с флажками и плакатами)
Pupil 1. Do you guess who will win?
Pupil 2 It was some kind of political satire and now let’s speak about elections more serious.
Избирательное право в Российской Федерации основывается на следующих принципах:
- всеобщее равное и прямое избирательное право при
тайном голосовании. - Не допущение дискриминации по половому, национальному,
религиозному и др. признакам - Участие гражданина Российской Федерации в выборах и
референдуме является свободным и добровольным. Никто не
вправе оказывать воздействие на гражданина Российской
Федерации с целью принудить его к участию или неучастию в
выборах и референдуме либо воспрепятствовать его
свободному волеизъявлению. - Правом на участие в выборах и референдуме обладают также
граждане РФ, проживающие за пределами ее территории. - Деятельность избирательных комиссий осуществляется открыто
и гласно. - Вмешательство в деятельность избирательных комиссий со
стороны законодательных и исполнительных органов
государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления,
организаций, должностных лиц, иных граждан не допускается.
Граждане РФ обладают как пассивным избирательным правом, то есть правом
граждан быть избранными в органы государственной власти, так и активным
избирательным правом, то есть правом избирать.
Активное избирательное право имеют граждане, достигшие 18 лет, кроме
недееспособных и находящихся в местах лишения свободы по приговору суда.
В избирательные права граждан входит:
- Право участвовать в выдвижении кандидатов
- Право участвовать в предвыборной агитации
- Право участвовать в наблюдении за проведением выборов
ВЫБОРЫ – форма прямого волеизъявления граждан, осуществляемого в целях формирования органа государственной власти или органа местного самоуправлении.
Выборы проводятся по следующим правилам:
1. Каждый избиратель голосует лично, голосование за других избирателей не допускается.
2. Бюллетени выдаются избирателям по предъявлении паспорта или какого-либо другого документа подтверждающего личность.
3. При получении бюллетеня избиратель проставляет в списке избирателей серию и номер своего паспорта, расписывается в соответствующей графе (графах - в случае голосования по нескольким бюллетеням).
4. Голосование проводится путем нанесения избирателем в избирательном бюллетене любого знака в квадрате (квадратах), относящемся (относящихся) к кандидату (кандидатам) или списку кандидатов, в пользу которого (которых) сделан выбор.
5. Бюллетень заполняется избирателем в специально оборудованной кабине, где не допускается присутствие других лиц.
6. Если избиратель считает, что при заполнении бюллетеня допустил ошибку, он вправе обратиться к члену комиссии, выдавшему бюллетень, с просьбой выдать ему новый бюллетень взамен испорченного. Член комиссии выдает избирателю новый бюллетень, делая при этом соответствующую отметку в списке избирателей против фамилии данного избирателя. Испорченный бюллетень погашается, о чем составляется акт.
7. Избиратель, не имеющий возможности самостоятельно расписаться в получении бюллетеня или заполнить бюллетень, вправе воспользоваться для этого помощью
другого избирателя, не являющегося членом комиссии, зарегистрированным кандидатом, уполномоченным представителем избирательного объединения, доверенным лицом кандидата, наблюдателем. В таком случае избиратель, участник референдума устно извещает комиссию о своем намерении воспользоваться помощью для заполнения бюллетеня. При этом в соответствующей графе списка избирателей указываются фамилия, имя, отчество, серия и номер паспорта или документа, заменяющего паспорт, лица, оказывающего помощь избирателю.
8. Заполненные бюллетени опускаются избирателями в опечатанные (опломбированные) ящики для голосования
Право граждан избирать и быть избранными закреплено в Конституции РФ и
Федеральном Законе РФ «Об основных гарантиях избирательных прав и права на участие
в референдуме граждан РФ».
Pupil 1: Would you like to see the elections at our school? There are 3 main parties here. They want to represent their programmers and ideas. So you will see the election campaign at school.
(Представители партий раздают свои листовки и представляют партии)
“Young generation”
Pupil 1: All young people are dreaming of independence and are sure they’ll be successful. In our country young people graduate from secondary schools at the age of 18. Most of young people are going to continue education after finishing school. Over half of school-leavers enter institutions of higher education. Higher education is very valuable for employment. In order to get any kind of a “white-collar” job, one must have a college diploma. Sometimes it is not easy to get “a white collar” job, because these professions are considered most prestigious and are paid well.
Pupil 2: Nowadays the higher education is valuable for employment. But institutions of higher education are expensive and one of the things students have to consider choosing a college or an institute is how much they have to pay for the tuition. As a rule the tuition is expensive, so most of the expenses for education must be covered by the state.
Financial aid must be given to students from families with low income. Many students must have part or a full-time job to earn money to cover the expenses for education. Students must be provided with scholarships and loans with low interests.
Pupil 3: Schools must provide excellent conditions for study. More different technical equipment at every school, more democratic attitude of the teachers toward the students. A career-path job to young people. Everyone is free to choose special courses and has some choice in deciding what elective subjects to take
Pupil: The election campaign is in full swing. The voters are registered by local election commission. When registering, the voter must produce an identification card. The administration of elections is vested in an election commission. After the ballots have been cast, they are counted and the results obtained are tabulated and returned to the election commission which officially counts the precincttally sheets.
« Young Generation »
- Everyone is free to choose special advanced courses and has some choice in deciding what subjects he\she may take.
- Schools must provide excellent conditions for study .More different technical equipment at every school, college, and institute.
- More democratic attitude of the teachers toward the students.
- Students must have a part or a full-time job.
- Financial aid to students from families with low income.
- All students must be provided with scholarships and loans with low interests.
- A career-path job to young people.
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