Конспект урока. Тема: «Взаимоотношения» (9класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок - закрепление в серии уроков на тему: "Взаимоотношения".
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Конспект урока. Тема: «Взаимоотношения» (9класс).
Педагогическая технология: проблемное обучение.
-применение на практике речевых знаний, умений, навыков;
-формирование и активизация навыков работы с текстом.
-развитие общих познавательных способностей;
-развитие мыслительных операций (анализа, синтеза, обобщения);
-развитие внимания, воображения, речевых навыков и навыков аудирования.
-воспитание культуры общения;
-воспитание толерантности, формирование навыков объективно оценивать свои возможности.
Оборудование и наглядные пособия:
CD диск к учебнику «EXAM ACTIVATOR» Bob Hastings, Marta Umincka, Dominika Chander, Kristof Hegedus, Longman, тексты раздаточного материала из данного пособия, ПК, DVD.
Тип урока:
Урок закрепления знаний и совершенствования умений и навыков по теме «Взаимоотошения».
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент
-Good morning. I am glad to see you.
Today we’ll continue to speak about people’s relationship.
- Актуализация знаний. Развитие навыков монологической речи. ( Слайд №2. Приложение №1)
-At the beginning of the lesson I’d like you to look at this picture and answer my questions.
1. Who is in the picture?
S. (There is a man and a woman in the picture.)
2. What are they doing?
S. (They are sitting on the sofa.)
3. What are they not doing?
S. (They are not talking.)
4. Where are they?
S. (They are in the flat.)
5. What is the relationship between them?
S. (They may be husband and wife or girlfriend and boyfriend. I don’t think they like each other very much at the moment.)
6. How are they feeling?
S. (They are angry because they are not looking at each other.)
7. What are they thinking?
S. (They may be thinking “She’s so boring”, “He’s so annoying.”
-Now try to describe this picture.
- Развитие навыков аудирования. (Приложение №2)
-Unfortunately it is difficult to find an ideal boyfriend or girlfriend.
-Let’s listen to a conversation between two friends about the ideal boyfriend test and decide if the statements are true or false.
-Can you name the qualities for ideal girlfriend or boyfriend?
-Do you think it’s important to have a nice appearance?
- Развитие навыков поискового чтения. (Приложение №3).
-Read the text and find the correct answer for the questions. Prove your answers with the help of the text.
-According to Jodie, which of these things are more and less important in a person.
Not very important | Important |
-appearance -perfect teeth -a sexy body -looking like a skinny model | -a lively personality -being friendly -generous -a sense of humour |
-Do you agree with Jodie? Why? Why not?
-How important is appearance and personality?
-What are your bad and good qualities?
- Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
-You ‘ve worked very well.
-It was interesting for me to know your points of view.
-At home I’d like you to comment on the following statement.
The most important features in a friend are strength, a sense of humour and intelligence.
-What’s your opinion?
-What can you say for and against this statement.
-Thank you for the lesson.
-Good bye.
Приложение № 1 Приложение №2 You are going to hear a conversation between two friends about The Ideal Boyfriend Test. Decide if the statements 1-6 are true (T) or false (F).
KEY 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T TAPESCRIPT G: Kieran, wake up! K: What? G: Do this test. Find out if you’re the ideal boyfriend. K: Oh, OK. It might help me understand why I haven’t got a girlfriend. G: I’ve told you. Girls won’t go out with you cause you’re ugly. K: Ah, Georgie, with a best friend like you, who needs enemies? G: Okey, ready? Question one. How much time do you spend on your appearance? Less than 5 minutes, 30 minutes, more than an hour. K: Eh, what’s that mean? G: It means stuff like combing your hair, cleaning your teeth, having a shower, putting on your clothes, looking after your skin… K: Girly stuff. G: Yeah. K: Less than 5 minutes. G: Right. Two… How would you split up with a girl? K: Let’s see, I think I’d break up with her by text message. It’s cheaper. G: Great answer, Kieran. K: What? G: Nothing… Three… How do you celebrate your girlfriend’s birthday? Throw a party with a birthday cake, go out for a meal and then go dancing, or go out with your friends. K: The party and the cake, I think. G: Right… Number four… Household chores… If you were married, which ones would you do? K: Not C. I can’t stand ironing… B! I like cooking! G: Five. She asks you to go shopping with her… What do you do? K: Well, I don’t like playing computer games. So, I’d agree but spend all my life reading comic books in the book shop while she’s looking for clothes. G: OK. And finally, number six… You go to the cinema, there’s a choice of three films. She prefers the romantic film. Which film do you see? K: Well, I’d like to see the action film with Arnie obviously… G: Of course. K: But I’d probably compromise and see the French comedy. G: OK, Kieran. Time for your score. Here it is… The maximum is 60, and you got 20 points! K: 20! What does it say? G: You’re not totally hopeless… you’re immature and selfish… if you want to get on well with girls, you’re going to have to think about how they have fun. K: Oh! G: Hey! Where are you going? K: Em, I’m just going for a shower. Приложение №3 Read the text below. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer A-D.
A would like to get advice on her friend’s problem. B is annoyed with something the magazine has written. C has just found out about the website Beautifulpeople.net. D wants to warn other readers.
A she doesn’t have to spend in a photograph. B all members make rude comments about her. C men belonging to the club will vote on her membership. D a jury will study her profile and decide if they accept her.
A most have been successful. B only a small group have failed. C most feel frustrated and insecure. D most have been unsuccessful.
A gives girls good advice on how to be beautiful. B writes a lot about supermodels. C does not treat appearance as very important. D does not write about Internet dating sites.
A because she was behaving badly. B because of her clothes. C because of her appearance. D no reason was given.
A not to write about Beautifulpeople.net again. B to describe Beautifulpeople.net more accurately. C to be more careful about what they write in the future. D to print her letter. Tell Tina Dear Tina I’ve never written to TeenTimeMag before, but after reading your article about the dating website Beautifulpeople.net, I’ve just got to let you know how I feel. Usually, I’m a quite easy-going girl. In fact, I’m a bit shy. But right now I’m really angry! Let me tell you why… Beautifulpeople.net is an online club which only accept beautiful people. To join you have to spend in a picture and a profile of what you’re like. Then, for three days members of the opposite sex study your profile, send in rude messages and then vote whether you’re attractive enough to become one of them. According to your article, more than 35,000 people have tried to join the club since January, but only one in twenty has been successful! It’s a cruel, arrogant system that makes good people feel frustrated, lonely and insecure. I’m not narrow-minded, but I was absolutely amazed you decided to print an article about this club, and I’m disappointed that you described it in such a positive way. I’ve always admired the sensible advice you give adolescent girls. You tell them not to try to look like skinny supermodels. You say it’s more important to have a lively personality and to be friendly and generous than it is to have perfect teeth or a sexy body. But your article on Beautifulpeople.net sends out the opposite message: that appearance is more important than personality. Last weekend, I went to a new club with some friends. I was wearing a short denim skirt, a sleeveless top and high heels and they let me go in. But they told my friend Debbie she couldn’t go in. Why not? Maybe she wasn’t pretty enough or maybe it was because she was wearing some baggy jeans, a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of old trainers. Debbie’s a cheerful outgoing girl with a great sense of humour, but just then she felt miserable and depressed and she started crying. And that’s how the thousands of people who are rejected by Beautifulpeople.net must feel. Personally, I can’t stand people who look down on others just because of their appearance, so the next time you write an article about such an unpleasant thing as Beautifulpeople.net please try to describe it more accurately. Jodie, Luton KEY
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