План - конспект урока по теме: «How Do You Treat the Earth?”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
7 класс.
Учебник: Английский язык для 7 класса.
Авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова
Издательство "Просвещение", 2008.
Задачи урока: 1) систематизировать языковой материал по теме: «How Do You Treat the
2) развивать навыки аудирования , чтения письма, устной речи;
3) расширять социокультурные знания учащихся о стране изучаемого языка;
4) учить учащихся использовать лексику по теме в устной речи;
5) воспитывать у учащихся бережное отношение к окружающей среде.
Ход урока.
- The beginning of the lesson.
A short talk with a pupil on duty.
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like today? Is it raining today? Is the sun shining today?
- Phonetic drill.
Let`s revise some irregular verbs. Let`s repeat the irregular verbs on the letter «m» and a letter «p».
Look at the blackboard and read after me.
Mean- meant-meant
Read the verbs. Tell me the three forms of the verbs:
Write the missing forms
Make-….- made
3.Auding and reading of the poem.
Look at the poem. Listen to the poem.
Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please help us, don’t drop any litter!
«Cos» your litter lives longer than us!
Refrain: “Cos nothing forever
And nature is getting tired.
If we don’t stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.
Today you cut down your forest
But the planet needs our leaves.
Please stop it because tomorrow
You`ll have no air to breathe!
You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You`ll have no water to drink.
Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don`t kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.
Answer my questions
- Who is speaking?
The 1st verse?
The 2nd verse?
The 3d verse?
The 4th verse?
The refrain?
- Choose the answer from:
a)animals c) rivers
b)children d) trees
e) nature.
3.Read the poem and give it a name.
Choose from:
- Today and tomorrow/
- Save the environment.
- Oceans, forests and animals.
- Please stop.
What name have you chosen? What about you? What do you think?
4.Revision of the vocabulary.
Look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat after me!
Protect nature
Reduce pollution
Destroy wild life
Damage nature
Pollute wild animals
Disturb litter
Throw away the environment
Kill Match the verbs and the nouns.
5.Developing of the speaking skills.
If we are not worried about the planet some ecological problems appear.
What are these problems?
Use the table and make up your own sentences:
Water dropped
Forests killed
Animals is cut down
Litter are polluted
Wild life disturb
Air left
- Auding.
Listen to the text and be ready to answer my questions.
Match the symbols with their discriptions.
- Animals are in danger. We pollute the environment and disturb the wild life. A lot of animals are disappearing.
It`s the symbol number 3.
2. Our drinking water is full of chemicals. We put chemicals into water.
It`s the symbol number 5.
3. Paper comes from trees. If we use a lot of paper we kill a lot of trees.
It`s the symbol number 4.
4.Our factories throw a lot chemicals and dirt into the air. We are polluting the atmosphere.
It`s the symbol number 6.
5. We sort our rubbish. There are special containers for paper, tins, food. Special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them.
It`s the symbol number 1.
- We burn a lot of gas, coal, oil. This causes global warming.
It`s the symbol number 2.
Match the symbols with the names of the problems.
6.Air pollution. 4. Deforestation.
5.Water pollution. 3. Endangered animals.
2.The ozone layer. 1.Recycling of the litter
- Developing of reading skills.
Open your sheets of paper. Listen!
1. We sort our rubbish: there are special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass, and green glass. After that special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them.
2.We never drop litter in the street. If somebody sees you, you have to pay a fine.
3.We never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive.
4.A lot of people use public transport. They don`t go by cars, because firstly, cars pollute the atmosphere and secondly, because it`s very difficult and expensive to park a car in a big city.
5We clean up after our dogs with special pooper scoopers. If we don`t – the fine is 50 pounds.
6.Our winters aren`t very cold, so nobody wears fur coats. If you wear a fur coat, sometimes people from Greenpeace spray your coat with paint. “We mustn`t kill animals for clothes,” they say.
7.When we go camping, we never make campfires. We use camping stoves.
Answer my questions:
- In England people sort their rubbish. What about Russia?
- In England people never drop litter in the street. What about Russia?
- In England people never forget to turn off lights and water. What about Russia?
- In England a lot of people use public transport. What about Russia?
- In England people clean after their dogs. What about Russia?
- In England people don`t wear fur-coats. What about Russia?
- In England when they go camping they never make campfires. What about Russia?
8.Developing of speaking skills.
This is the campsite. Somebody was there. When we go camping we should follow special rules. What are they?
- Make up sentences:
Don`t Disturb a campfire
Turn on radios
Kill fish
Take flowers and plants
Paint animals
Make trees
Leave litter
- What ecological problems are you worried about? We check up your home-task.
Go to the blackboard and tell us about the problem you are concerned about.
- Stray dogs
- Litter.
- Wild life.
- I am worried about the pollution.
- I am worried that water is polluted.
- I am concerned about air pollution.
- I am concerned that forests are destroyed.
- I am also very worried about trees. Trees give us clean air.
And now please read your poem
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunrise in a splendid sight
Which gives me always such delight!
9.Developing of writing skills.
I`ll give you leaves. Write what you will do to save our planet. Read your promises: p.74.№1
I`ll (won`t) you Verb.
10.Ourresults. (Подведение итогов урока).
11.Your hometask is: draw a poster, reader page…
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