Презентация к аттестации "Вы - хороший цифровой учитель"
методическая разработка на тему
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Glossary R S T U V W X
Rapport R
Scaffolding S
Thinking skills T
Venn diagram V Vocabulary Visual prompts
Warmers activity W
Understanding U
Scaffolding It is support for learning which helps students and teachers Definition Activity Types
Scaffolding types
Venn diagram Diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of different sets. O perations Examples Definition
Definition A Venn diagram is a graphic organizer that is made up of two or three overlapping circles. In mathematics, Venn diagrams are used to visualize the relationship between two or three sets. Venn diagrams can also be used to compare and contrast the characteristics of any other items, like groups of people, individual people, books, characters, animals, etc.
A simple Venn diagram pictures two circles (sets) with an overlapping subset (things that the sets have in common). The diagram divides the sets into four distinct regions, elements (things) that are only in the set A, elements that are only in the set B, the intersection (things that are in both set A and set B), and elements that are in neither set A nor Set B. Definition
Operations Intersection of two sets Union of two sets Symmetric difference of two sets Relative complement of A (left) in B (right) C omplement of A in U
Thinking skills Thinking skills are the mental processes that we apply when we seek to make sense of experience. Thinking skills enable us to integrate each new experience into the schema that we are constructing of "how things are“. Definition Video Problem
Problem It has always been the central aim of education to improve the quality of thinking because better thinking will not only enable us to become more successful at learning but will also equip us for life, enabling us to realise our own potential and to contribute to the development of society.
Vocabulary A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person's language. Definition Example
A vocabulary, usually developed with age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language. Definition
Rapport Rapport is a good sense of understanding and trust. Warmers activity
A warm up activity is a short, fun game which a teacher or trainer can use with students. Warmers activity Definition Warmers activity
Definition The purpose of a warm up is to: encourage the students wake them up – first thing in the morning and after lunch people are often a little sleepy prepare them to learn by stimulating their minds and/or their bodies. Warm ups should last about 5 minutes. Warm ups are particularly useful: to help new students or trainees to get to know each other to mark the shift when students have finished learning about one topic before starting on a new topic Warm up activities are essential teaching techniques for good teacher and trainers.
Warmers activity Warm-up Activities FREE Warmers and Fillers Warmers and Fillers Warm-up Activities for TR Groups Better language teaching Kids Games & Activities 10 Best Games for Teachers
Visual prompts Prompts are stimuli a teacher uses to get learners to give a response using target language. Definition Examples Example for kids Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Definition A visual prompt includes pictures, photographs, or objects that provide the student with information about how to use the target skill or behavior. Visual prompts can be used to teach a wide variety of skills, including play activities and daily routines.
Visual prompts
Visual prompts
Visual prompts
Understanding Understanding is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message whereby one is able to think about it and use concepts to deal adequately with that object.
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