Презентация к аттестации "Вы - хороший цифровой учитель"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по биологии (10 класс) на тему
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In modern society, the issues of socialization of modern people in interethnic and intercultural space are becoming priority, and knowledge of a foreign language is considered as one of the tools for expanding professional knowledge and capabilities . In this regard, new educational technologies are emerging in the teaching of foreign languages. One such technology is the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) language-based integrated learning.
The term CLIL was first proposed in 1994 by David Marsh and Anna Malers (Finland) as a methodology for teaching non-linguistic subjects in a foreign language . This approach includes various forms of using a foreign language as a means of teaching, provides an effective opportunity for pupils to apply their new language skills to practice now, rather than waiting for a suitable moment in the future. Thus, teaching English is interdisciplinary and is closely related to other subjects from the school curriculum.
Why CLIL? Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" - By 2025 95% of Kazakhs will speak Kazakh language - Kazakhstanis will occupy a leading role in all spheres of life - The young generation will study Russian and English along with the Kazakh language.
Specificity of the CLIL-methodology is that knowledge of the language becomes a tool for studying the content of the subject. At the same time, attention is focused both on the content of the texts and on the necessary subject terminology. At the same time, the language is integrated into the training program, and the need to immerse in the language environment for the possibility of discussing the subject material significantly increases the motivation for using the language in the context of the topic being studied.
This is facilitated by carefully selected teaching materials not only for studying a particular subject, but also for teaching the language: lexical and grammatical units and structures, all types of speech activity (reading, speaking, writing and listening). The types of tasks should be designed according to the level of complexity, constructed with an emphasis on the subject content, its understanding, verification and subsequent discussion. At various stages of working with the text, attention is focused on vocabulary, on the content of the text, and then on specific grammatical material.
C ommunication: Learn to use the language and use the language for learning. C ognition: Development of thinking skills that connect concepts (abstract and concrete), understanding and language. C ontent / Subject C ulture: Exposure to alternative perspectives and an exchange of understanding that deepens awareness of others and themselves The 4 C s framework
Activity Culture Consciousness Personality
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