План-конспект урока The city and the mouse
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
План-конспект урока в 4 классе The city and the mouse
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока
“The city and the country”
- Мотивационный этап.
Good morning, dear children! I hope you are in a good mood and you are ready for the lesson.
So ,please, answer my questions:
- What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- What season is it now?
- What’s the weather like today?
Дети отвечают:
- It is Wednesday.
- It is the 30th of November.
- It is autumn.
- It’s cold and snowy.
Let’s warm up with a tongue-twister connected with the weather. On the white board you see it. First of all, let’s practice the sounds [w], [ð]
Whether(будет ли) the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be fine. We’ll weather ( переживем) the weather whether we like it or not.
- Проверка домашнего задания.
At home you were supposed to learn the rules of forming the degrees of comparison of adjectives and to learn the words. On the board you see the task. The 1st pupil , please , fill in the gaps in the words, read and translate.
Fi…ld, , , , , , , ,
The 2nd pupil, please, complete the table.
strong | stronger | |
nicer | ||
The largest | ||
funny | funnier |
While the pupils are doing the tasks on the board the class is telling the rule. How many forms of degrees of comparison do you know?- 3 forms
What are they?- Положительная (positive), сравнительная(comparative), Превосходная(superlative)
-What suffixes do we add?- er, - est
Well done, I give you a five, a four…
- Целевой этап
Thank you for your answers. If you have a look at the white board you’ll see the pictures and it may help you to guess the topic of our lesson. Any ideas?
- The city and the country.
- Cовершенствование навыка аудирования.
We are going to watch a video, 2 boys will tell you the differences leaving in a town and in a countryside. They speak with an accent (акцент) . Can you guess how many English accents there are in the world? Specifically, there are 160 distinct English dialects throughout the world. There will be some unknown words, you can see them on the board. Repeat after me:
Noisy – шумно, шумный.
To be crowded – многолюдный, переполненный
Calm – тихий, спокойный
High building –высокое здание
Factory – завод, фабрика
Means of transport- транспорт
Before we start watching a video let’s divide into 3 groups. On the board you see 3 sheets of paper. Choose any. The first group, you have to hear and write down all the mentioned animals. On the board you see your hashtag # animals. The second group, you are responsible for the means of transport. # means of transport. The third one, you have to hear and write down the adjectives( прилагательные).
Well, we have watched a video, now I want you to come to board and write down your answers.
Дети отвечают:
# animals: horses, cows.
# means of transport: cars, buses,
# adjectives: high, noisy, calm.
Can you add some more words, which were not mentioned in the video, but you know them.
Дети отвечают:
# animals: sheep, cats, dogs, mice…
# means of transport: an underground…
# adjectives: small, big, smart, kind, angry….
- Совершенствование навыка чтения
Now, tell me whether these statements are true or false. And if there are mistakes, correct them.
- It’s very noisy in the country.
- There are a lot of high buildings in the city.
- There are many trees in the country.
- You can see cows, horses and sheep in the city.
- In the country gardens are bigger than in the city.
Дети читают, исправляют ошибки и переводят.
- Физкультминутка
About 2 lessons ago we learnt a poem by heart, so let’s recite it to our guests and act it out.
Please, stand up.
Some people live in the city
where the houses are very tall.
Some people live in the country
where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are small,
the gardens are very big.
and in the cities where the houses are tall.
there are no gardens at all.
Up and down,
Up and down .
Which is the way to London town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air?
Close your eyes
And you are there.
Let’s stretch up, to the left side, to the right side, down. Once more – up, feel your spine. Well done. Sit down ,please.
- Совершенствование навыка говорения
So we are moving forward. The task will be to describe a picture. Discuss with your classmates what you may tell us looking at the picture. There are some hints on the board. The first group, what picture would you like to describe? And so on…
Дети обсуждают и затем описывают картину.
- Домашнее задание
Your hometask is to do exercises 22 and 24 on pages 40-41 in your textbooks, to bring any picture you like and be ready to describe it.
- Рефлексивно-оценочный этап
On the board you see the traffic lights. By the way, where can we see many traffic lights in the city or in the country ? And I have got 3 markers : a red marker, a yellow one and a green one. If you’ve understood everything during the lesson, draw a green dot on the traffic lights. If understood almost everything ,but need to read some more information, to consult the dictionary, please draw a yellow dot, and if you have understood nothing, draw a red one.
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