Проект на английском языке "Seasons"
проект по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Сценарий "Seasons" может быть использлван как внекласное мероприятие по английскому языку в 3 классах.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для 3 класса"Seasons".
Звучит музыка Вивальди. Выходят ведущие.
-It’s spring. It’s April. Summer is coming soon
Открывается занавес. На сцене 12 месяцев.
-Seasons change one another through the year. There are 12 months in a year with 3 months in each. As usual, the weather is different in different seasons.
Песня “ Weather song”
- I like autumn. It’s full of colours. Indian summer is a beautiful time. Here they are: September, October, November.
September means its time again
for going off to school.
The days are getting shorter
and the nights are getting cool.
The leaves are falling
One by one.
Summer's over
School's begun
October's the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves.
Bonfires and pumpkins,
Leaves sailing down -
October is red
And golden and brown
Red leaves and yellow leaves
Orange leaves and brown,
Leaves are dancing everywhere
Happily dancing down.
In November
Dark comes soon.
We turn on the lights
In the afternoon
No sunshine, lots of rain,
No warm days, snow again!
No bugs or bees
No leaves on trees.
You must remember
This is NOvember!
-I like to watch the leaves dancing in a breeze. The ground looks like a bright carpet.
Стих “ Fall colours”
Fall colors.
Look at the trees.
Red and gold
Autumn leaves.
Leaves falling, falling down,
Autumn leaves, all around.
Leaves falling, falling down.
Red and gold on the ground.
Autumn leaves, gold and brown.
Falling, falling all around.
Autumn leaves, falling down.
-In autumn I take home baskets of mushrooms. Mum salts, fries, freezes, stews them.
-It’s still warm in September, when we go back to school. I wish we could play outdoors but here start - lessons, tests, dictations, homework.
Песня “ Everybody’s Back in School “
-Winter is the coldest season. It comes after autumn.Look! Listen! Winter months are speaking: December, January and February.
Now the autumn days are gone
Frost is sparkling on the lawn,
Windows winking cheerful lights
Warm the cold December nights.
Now is here --
A fine new start
For a whole new year.
The snow comes down
In the dark of night.
When we awake
The world is white.
In January
When there's snow,
We get our sleds
And away we go
Wind, tempest, storm and gale
Blow with all your might
Blizzard, furies, sleet and hail
Rage into the night
- Winter is a lovely season. Everything is white with snow: the trees, the ground, the houses. The snow sparkles in the sun. We play snowballs, skate and ski. What fun it is to have New year holidays with a fur- tree, presents, parties.
Песня “ This is the way”
- The holidays fly so fast. I feel so sleepy in winter. It gets dark at 5. Winter lasts for ages. I hate skiing round the school grounds. The sky’s grey all the time.
- Winter is over. Spring is coming. Spring months have come: March, April, May. Spring is green, fresh and beautiful.
Winds of March, we welcome you,
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.
April is a rainbow month
Birds, return and sing your song.
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels come along
Tender snowdrops, bloom
May is coming, I can feel it
How fine is the morning air!
Birds are singing, buds are peeping
Life and joy are everywhere
- Spring is here! I can’t wait. The sun is so bright, the sky is so blue, the leaves are green and the flowers blossom.
Танец цветов.
--We take off warm coats, hats and high boots. The snow mels. The boys go outdoors to the playground to play football every day.
- They don’t let the girls join in their games. There are puddles everywhere. My feet are always wet in spring. I’ve got a running nose all the time. It's the time when the exams are coming.
-I’m looking forward to summer. Summer is the warmest season. Summer months are June, July, August. You are welcome!
I love summer! Summer is hot
The summer sun shines hot and high
Baby birds now learn to fly
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit
All the things are good
When it's hot
I take my shoes off
I take my shirt off
I take my pants off
I take my underwear off
I take my whole body off
and throw it in the river
Summer brings us nice warm sun
For swimming, fishing, and lots of fun;
For finding seashells in the sand;
For sunbathing to get a tan;
To do all these things and more
At the beach and seashore
Summer is my favourite season. Summer is great!
- Summer is cool! We don’t have to go to school.
- We don’t have to do homework.
- We play all days long.
- We swim and bathe in rivers and seas.
- We spend a lot of time with parents and friends.
- We can do whatever we like.
- I enjoy summer!- Summer is fun!
Песня “ Hookey- Cookey!’ (вместе )
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