Методическая разработка для 2-3 классов на тему: "My family tree"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (2, 3 класс) на тему
Методическая разработка для 2-3 классов на тему: "My family tree".
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My family tree
The teacher comes to class with a tree "Today I am going to tell you about one tree". Some students ask “What is it?” This tree is not an usual one. It is my family tree." (all the children bring their photos with their parents). Sticking the tree to the blackboard he says I have got a big family, there are many my relatives on it. He takes out some photos (mother, father, sister, brother) saying "I have a mother. I have a father and so on." Then he shows the pictures to the students. The teacher offers to sing a song about the family.
The song begins "I’ve got a mother" (x3)
I’ve got a father (3)
I’ve got a sister (3)
I’ve got a brother (3). Then they sing in pairs: one pair (I’ve got a mother), the second pair ( I’ve got a father) and so on.
Part 1. Why I chose it? Why is it suitable for my students?
I like “My family tree” activity the most. It helps to motivate them and speak in a more relaxed atmosphere as they talk about their parents, mother and father. I chose it for my 2th class students, because it raises curiosity in the beginning, starting the lesson with a tree. The Tree is made of the cardboard and it is very bright. It attracts children’s attention.
Teacher names the words and shows the picture. The fact that the student shows his own picture will endure the curiosity, as in learning curiosity is very crucial.
Another reason is we just started family in our book, well matched with our syllabus. At the same time “My family” was the previous lesson a good revision for it. There is also a revision for the article. Containing the structure “I have got…” is another goodness. Mainly there is an introduction for family relationship vocabulary.
Teaching vocabulary, cards with the words (mother, father, grandpa, grandma, sister, brother) are very useful tools, the only thing here is we introduce them in a game-like way. The game: The teacher shows the word and children show the picture and repeat in chorus.
It is suitable for my students because they are active, mobile and kinesthetic kids. They like games and songs. After having an English class which contains songs or games I know that they look forward for the next lesson with a great pleasure.
Part 2 Would I use it again? Why? What would I change? How could I improve it?
I would use this activity again in my 2th and 3th classes because it is a lot of fun and brings a lot pleasure and satisfaction. If there is fun and laughter there is hope for learning. Children like to learn in movements, songs, rhythms, games and drills. Since we know that this age group learns better through such activities and TPRs we could use them as icebreakers for the language. Furthermore there is a lot of useful and interesting language that could have been used in a proper way, a lot of games with the words and a lot of useful gripping grammar. I believe icebreaker means to break ice which could form between student and the lesson, students and a student. It can help to communicate, develop social needs and abilities. I think it is our responsibility to keep them warm. We shouldn’t be ordinary teachers like in the past when the grammar was the leading one but communication skills were not paid attention. The phrase should be in motion. So I will keep using TPR activities in my lessons. The activity could be improved by letting students do a pairwork at the end asking each other “Have you got a mother?”, ”How is she?”, ”What is she”, etc. Writing the questions on the board and give numbers could make it easier.
Best wishes,
Tatiana Turskaya.
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