Открытый урок по сингапурской системе "My favourite animal"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему

Сагитова Айгуль Зиннуровна

Урок по сингапурской системе направлен на повторение и закрепление материала по темам «Animals» и «Present Continuous».


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок в 3Б классе по сингапурской системе

на тему «My favorite animal».


  1. Активизировать и обобщить изученную лексику по теме «Animals»
  2. Развивать УН диалогической и письменной речи по теме «Present Continuous»
  3. Повторить и закрепить материал по темам «Animals» и «Present Continuous».
  4. Воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение друг к другу, командный дух, познавательную активность


Ноутбук, проектор, презентация, картинки животных на доске, разрезные карточки с предложениями (3 шт.), картинки животных (3 шт.), карточки с предложениями (12 шт.), кроссворд «Животные» (3 шт.), карточки с загадками (12 шт.), колокольчик.

I. Организационный момент.

-Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Hello, teacher!)
-Now look at each other, smile and greet each other. (Дети приветствуют друг друга хлопком)

-Sit down, please. I see you are in a good spirit. Today we’ll revise «Animals» and «Present Continuous Tense».

II. Фонетическая разминка.

Let’s begin with the animals. Look at the blackboard; you see a lot of them. Now you are to name all the animals which we have learnt. We’ll do it in pairs with your shoulder partners-let’s do Rally Robin. First think a little, and then let the pupil which has darker color of eye begin. You should stop when you hear the bluebell ringing. Is it clear?      1-2-3-begin! (Дети произносят названия животных с партнером по плечу по очереди, начинает ребенок , у которого темнее глаза- сrocodile lion seal hippo giraffe rhino monkey elephant dog cat duck )
Stop please, you heard the bluebell ringing.  Look at and thank each other.          (Звенит колокольчик – дети останавливаются, улыбаются, благодарят друг друга)
I see you know the names of animals very well. We were superstars, let’s stand up and cheer ourselves. (Мы просто суперзвезды, давайте встанем, поощрим друг друга и сделаем фейерверк)

III. Речевая зарядка.

Now I’ll give you a question, you are to discuss it in your team one by one-let’s do Round Robin, beginning with the participant number 2. So my question is “What is your favorite pet?” and “What’s its name?” Listen to each other very attentively; which team finishes the task, give yourselves a cheer. 1-2-3-begin. (Дети обсуждают, у кого какое домашнее животное любимое и как его зовут)
Stop, please. The time is up. Now I’ll ask the participant number 4 tells about participant number 1. The 1
st, second, third team…                                            (Участник №4 рассказывает об участнике №1)
Thanks a lot, you were superb!

IV. Повторение и закрепление материала по темам «Animals» и «Present Continuous».

Let’s remember our grammar rule. What’s the Present Continuous Tense? When it is used? How it is formed? How are statement, question, negation sentences formed?
Ребята, вспомним наше правило. Что за время Present Continuous? Когда оно употребляется? Как образуется утверждение, вопрос, отрицание? Молодцы!

Let’s do some exercises. Look at the pictures and say what are they doing?

He is playing hockey.

She is dancing.

He is making a magic spell.

They are singing.

He is talking.

He is riding.

They are playing the piano.

They are driving the car.

They are playing volleyball.

He is watching TV.

He is riding a horse.

He is riding a horse.

Well done, boys and girls!

Your next task is to make sentences in your teams, using Present Continuous. I’ll give you the cards, you are to form sentences from them. Which team finishes the task, give yourselves a cheer. 1-2-3-begin.

  • /into/ Jack/ is/ water/ /falling/ the/

Jack is falling into the water.

  • /is/ He/ the/ putting/ into/ boat/ the/ bag/ /not/

He is not putting the bag into the boat.

  • /is/ Kate/ ? /a/ tall/ climbing/ tree/

         Is Kate climbing a tall tree?

Stop, please. Now pupil 3 from the 1st table tell us your sentence.(pupil 1 from the 2nd table, pupil 4  from the third table)- 1 ученик с каждой команды проговаривает предложение, составленное командой.

We have one more task. I’m sure it will be very interesting: you are to describe the picture, using Present Continuous. We’ll do it in teams – let’s do Round Robin. The pupil number 3 begins telling his sentence. First think a little, and then we’ll begin. Which team finishes the task, give yourselves a cheer. 1-2-3-begin. (Учащиеся описывают картинку, используя Present Continuous)
Rabbits are playing volleyball. A fox is skating. A tiger is skiing. An elephant is playing basketball. Monkeys are playing chess. A parrot is flying. A dog is swimming. A cockerel is sitting. A crocodile is swimming. Lions are playing football.

Stop, please. Now pupil 4 from the 2nd table describe us the picture.

Let’s give a cheer to him. Well done!

V. Физкультминутка.
I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest: sing and do some exercises. So, the 1st team will sing the first couplet, doing actions, while the other 2 teams will do the actions. When the 2nd team will sing the 2nd couplet, others doing actions and so on. The chorus and the last couplet we’ll sing together.
Now thank each other and sit down, please.

VI. Развитие диалогической и письменной речи по теме «Present Continuous».

Now open your books at p.63 and find ex. 2. You are to talk with your friend using questions and the picture. Let’s do Rally Robin with your face partner. First think a little, and then let the pupil which has darker color of hair begin. You should stop when you hear the bluebell ringing. Is it clear?  

 1-2-3-begin! (Дети работают в парах, задавая вопросы и отвечая на них).

 Are the lions sleeping? –No, they aren’t. Is the giraffe eating? - Yes, it is.

Are the hippos running? – No, they aren’t. Are the zebras swimming? - No, they aren’t.

Is the rhino drinking water? – Yes, it is.
Stop, please. Now the participant1 and 4 from the 3
rd team will read us the dialogue.
Now, boys and girls, let’s cheer them. Very good! Thank each other, sit down.
Your next task is ex.2 and 3 on p.62-63.You have 8 sentences, 2 for each of you in your team. I’ll give you the cards with them. You are to Think-Write-Round Robin. So, each of you should think, write in your cards and then discuss your sentences in your team.

1-2-3-begin! (У каждого участника команды карточка с предложениями, каждый думает, пишет свои предложения, потом обсуждают ответы в команде).

Is he eating?-Yes, he is. Are they riding a horse? – No, they aren’t. They are riding a bike. Is she playing the piano? – Yes, she is. Are they swimming? – No, they aren’t.

Participant 3 from the 1st table will read us the sentences. Thank you very much. Let’s cheer him.

VII. Активизация и обобщение изученной лексики по теме «Animals».

Now I’ll give you the cards with the crossword puzzles about animals. You are to do it in your teams. Which team finishes the task, give yourselves a cheer. 1-2-3-begin.
OK, thank you very much. I’ll give you marks when I’ll check it.
Our last task for today’s lesson is Quiz- Quiz-Trade. You are to check your knowledge about animals, guessing the riddles. I’ll give each of you a card with the riddle and an answer. You are to find a pair from another team and ask each other riddles. Then you change your cards and find another partner.
1-2-3-begin! (Дети находят пару из другой команды, читают вопрос, партнер отвечает; если он не может ответить – помогает, потом меняются карточками и находят другого партнера)

Stop, please. Let’s cheer ourselves.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Now, boys and girls, open your diaries and write down your home task, please. It will be to draw your favorite pet and to tell about it. Shoulder partners, change your diaries and check your friend’s homework. Is it right?- Yes. Very good. Now thank each other, the lesson is over. Good-bye!

It’s green and big, it lives in the water and likes meat.

It looks like a big cat, it lives in Africa, it can run very fast and it has a very long tail.

It gives us milk and butter too. It’s very kind and likes to moo.

It is an animal that has beautiful yellow and black stripes and a long tail. It is orange.





It looks like a big dog, it is grey and it has got big teeth.

It has a long neck and long legs and eats leaves from the trees.

Who is the king of the animals?

Who has the longest neck?





A very funny animal which runs very quickly. It can hang by its tail.

It is small, it lives in the forest and can run fast. It likes carrot.

I live in the river. I am not a fish. I jump in the field. I have a green coat. What am I?

It lives in Africa and India, it is very strong, and it can lift a ton.



























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