Урок-повторение по теме "Животные" для 4 класса
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Урок-повторение по теме "Животные" с презентацией, сопровождающей этап речевой зарядки для 4 класса с углубленным изучением английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок - повторение по теме «Animals»
Автор: Николаева Татьяна Ильинична (tinikolaeva@mail.ru)
Место работы: Государственное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №349 Красногвардейского района города Санкт-Петербурга (ГОУ СОШ №349)
Предмет: английский язык
Тема: Animals
Продолжительность: 45 минут
Класс: 4класс школ с углубленным изучением английского языка
Технологии: компьютерная презентация, сопровождающая этап речевой зарядки
Цель урока: повторение лексики по теме «Animals», развитее навыков чтения и подготовка монологического высказывания по теме «Cats», развитие навыков диалогической речи по заданным темам.
Развивающая цель: развитие логического мышления, умения анализировать, сопоставлять; развитие языковой догадки, смекалки.
Воспитательная цель: привитие интереса к предмету, развитие памяти, внимания.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент – доклад дежурного.
Hello, dear children. I'm glad to see you. At our lesson today we are going to revise the topic «Animals».
II. Речевая зарядка. (Сопровождается компьютерной презентацией).
There are a lot of animals on the Earth. They are divided into several groups.
1. What groups of animals do you know?
- I know wild animals, domestic animals and pets.
Right you are. (Cлайд 1)
2. What wild animals do you know?
- Tigers, elephants, wolves, bears ...
3.Where do they live?
- They live in forests, savannas and in the jungle. (Cлайд 2)
4. What domestic animals can you name?
- They are horses, cows, sheep, goats …
5. Where do they live?
- They live on a farm. (Cлайд 3)
5. What animal can you see in the picture?
- I can see a horse. (Cлайд 4)
7. How do horses help people?
- They help people to carry heavy things.
8. What animals do you see now?
- I can see sheep. (Cлайд 5)
9. What do sheep give people?
- They give people wool and meat.
10. What domestic birds do you see here?
- They are ducks. (Cлайд 6)
11. What do ducks give people?
- They give eggs and meat.
12. What other domestic birds give people eggs and meat?
- They are hens and geese. (Cлайд 7, 8)
So you see that domestic animals are useful to people and help them a lot. They give people meat, eggs, wool and other things.
13. Do pets give people anything?
- No, they don’t.
14. Where do they live?
-They live with people at home. (Слайд 9)
15. What other pets do you know?
- Hamsters (Слайд 10), tortoises (Слайд 11), rats (Слайд 12), rabbits (Слайд 13).
16. Why do people love pets so much?
- Because they are good and loving friends.
17. What animals are the best pets?
- Cats and dogs are. (Cлайд 14)
18. What pets are the best to play with?
- They are kittens and puppies (Слайд 15, 16).
And now just look at funny pictures and enjoy yourselves.
III. Фонетическая зарядка – работа над стихотворением «The Pussy-Cat».
Today we will speak about cats mainly. Look at exercise 1 on your task sheet.
Task sheet .Exercise 1.
Тhе Pussy-Cat.
I have a______________ pussy-cat.
I love her very ______________
Нer eyes are bright
Her tail is ___________
____________fur is soft to touch.
I often stroke my ______________
__________then she purrs, you see
Because I ___________ my pussy-cat
And pussy-cat loves ___________
You see a poem here. There are some gaps in it. Fill in the missing words. But first, look at the words in italics. Repeat them after me:
to touch [ tΛt∫ ] трогать
to stroke [ strouk ] гладить
to purr мурлыкать
Do the task, please. What are your variants? What variant is the best? Let’s read the poem. Read after me. Mind the correct pronunciation of all the sounds. Read it yourself. (Читают несколько учеников, учитель следит за правильным произношением и интонацией).
Did you like this poem?
-Yes, we did.
What other poems about cats do you know?
Ученики читают стихотворения, например:
I love my cat, It’s warm and fat. My cat is grey It likes to play. Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Can you catch That big fat rat? If you catch That big fat rat You will have some milk for that.[5] | Watch the cat! It runs for a rat His name is Nick He can play hide-and-seek. . Pussy had no milk today And now she doesn’t want to play So she goes about the house, And wants to find a little mouse. |
Thank you. I enjoyed your poems very much.
IV. Работа с текстом. Развитие навыков чтения и монологической речи.
And now we pass to the main part of our lesson. We are going to work on the text «The Cat» now. Look at your task sheet exercise 2.
Task sheet. Exercise 2.
Look at these words and phrases which describe cats. Which are positive and which are negative?
furry clever playful quiet lazy
independent quick loving hunters killers(of birds and mice)
Positive | Negative |
First let’s see, if you know all these words. Read and translate them. Now do the task. Are you ready? Read the words with positive meaning. (furry, clever, playful, loving …)
Read the words with negative meaning. (lazy, hunters, killers of birds …)
Look at your table and say:
- what cats look like;
- what you like in cats;
- what you don’t like in cats.
Now look at task sheet exercise 3.
Task sheet. Exercise 3.
- Cats were first tamed in Egypt.
- There are cats with no tails at all.
- Cats are as loving as dogs.
- Cats can’t see in the dark.
- Cat’s eyes are blue or black.
Here you see some statements. Mark them as true (T) or false (F). Do the task. Are you ready?
Now look at your task sheet exercise 4.
Task sheet. Exercise 4.
Our cats were first tamed in Egypt. There are many kinds of cats: white cats, black cats, grey cats, red cats; cats with long tails, cats with bushy tails, cats with no tails at all. Cats are clean and pretty. They are very wise, and can find their way anywhere. You can make great friends with cats, but they are not so loving as dogs. They are more independent. The cat has a nice coat. It is made of fur, and the fur is very thick and warm. The cat’s feet have sharp claws. It can pull them in, then its paws are soft. The cat’s eyes are green and yellow. It can see in the dark and in the light. The light of the day is to strong for its eyes, and it often shuts them. But at night when there is only a little light, it opens its eyes very wide. When the cat is happy, it sings and says, “Purr, purr”. [4]
Read and translate the text. (Несколько учеников читают и переводят текст).
Now see if your statements about cats were right or wrong. What statements are true? (1, 2, 4) What statements are false? (3, 5) Correct yourselves if it is necessary.
Now make up groups of 3 pupils. Group 1 discusses the statement «Cats are not the same as dogs». Group 2 discusses the statement «There are many kinds of cats». Group 3 discusses the statement «Cats can see in the dark». (Учитель раздаёт листочки с темами командам).
I give you some minutes for the discussion and then one of you will speak for the group. (Представители групп высказываются по темам). Very good.
V. Объяснение домашнего задания.
At our lesson today you’ve read the text about cats and learned some facts about them. Your home task is to prepare a story about your cat or your friend’s cat. If you have a photo, bring it with you. Take your diaries and write down your home task. Put your diaries away.
- Физкультминутка – разыгрывание пьески «The Three Little Kittens».
And now we are going to have a warm-up activity. We shall role-play the poem «Three Little Kittens». Who wants to be the author, the cats, the Mother-cat?
The Three Little Kittens.
Author: Three little kittens
They lost their mittens
And they began to cry:
Kittens: Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear
Our mittens we have lost.
Mother-cat: What? Lost your mittens?
You naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie
No pie, no pie,
Then you will have no pie.
Author: Three Little Kittens
They found their mittens
And they began to cry:
Kittens: Oh, mother dear, see here, see here,
Our mittens we have found.
Mother-cat: Found your mittens?
You clever kittens!
Then you will have some pie.
Some pie, some pie,
Then you will have some pie.
Учащиеся получают маски кошек и разыгрывают пьеску.
Thank you. It was a pleasure to see you playing.
I’m sure you know that the English word for «кискa» is «pussy-cat». And do you know what’s the English for «кошка» and «кот»? You can call them «Mother-cat» and «Father-cat». But there are 2 other words which mean «кошка» and «кот». Try to remember them. They are
a tib-cat – кошка
a tom-cat – кот
VII. Работа над диалогом. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Now we are coming to dialogues. Work in pairs, please. Take your task sheets and read the task of exercise 5.
Task sheet Exercise 5 (A)
A: How do you like your new pet?
B: Oh, thank you. It’s wonderful __________________________________
A: What did you call him?
It’s a good name for a dog, isn’t it?
A: Yes, it’s fine. Do you teach him anything?
B: Not yet.____________________________________________________
I shall teach him to do things when he is bigger.
A: Do you think he will understand everything one day?
B: I’m sure he will.
Task sheet Exercise 5 (B)
A: ___________________________________________________________
B: Oh, thank you. He is wonderful. I think he is very funny.
A: ___________________________________________________________
B: I called him Rex. It’s a good name for a dog, isn’t it?
A: ___________________________________________________________
B: Not yet. He is very young. I shall teach him to do things when he is bigger.
A: Do you think he will understand _________________________________
B: I’m sure he will. Dogs are clever.
Each of you have only part of the dialogue. Don’t show your sheet to the partner. You may only read your words and write down what your partner reads. Complete the dialogues. Have you finished? Read the dialogues.
Now think of your own dialogues, but speak about cats and use the new words «a tib-cat» and a «tom-cat» in them. Are you ready? Let’s listen to the dialogues. Try not to look into the sheets. (Учащиеся предъявляют свои диалоги). Thank you.
- Разучивание пословицы.
At our English lessons we have already learnt a lot of English proverbs. Do you know any proverbs about animals? Let’s learn one of them.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Translate the proverb. Now look at 3 Russian proverbs and choose the best one with the same meaning.
1. Любишь кататься – люби и саночки возить.
2. Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.
3. Без кота мышам раздолье.
Which is the best?
-Number 2 is.
You are right. Repeat the proverb after me. Now read it yourselves. Try to remember it.
- Подведение итогов.
At our lesson we worked on the topic «Animals» and spoke mainly about cats. You’ve learnt some new facts, new words and a proverb about these pets. I’m pleased with your work. Your marks for the lesson are …Thank you very much. Good bye!
Список использованных источников.
- Касимова Г.Г., Князева А.Д. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку. 4 класс- М.: «Вако», 2004, 384 с.- (В помощь школьному учителю).
- Примерные программы по учебным предметам. Начальная школа. В 2 ч. Ч. 2.- 4-е изд., перераб.-М.: Просвещение, 2011.- 231 с.- (Стандарты второго поколения).
- Рогова Г.В., Верещагина И.Н. Методика обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе в образовательных учреждениях._ М.: Просвещение, 2000.-232с.
- Утевская Н.Л. All Around You /Мир вокруг нас. 5-6 класс.- СПб: Книжный мир, 2004.-208 с.
- Фурсенко С.В. Грамматика в стихах: Веселые грамматические рифмовки английского языка.- СПб.: КАРО, 2009.-160 с.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Wild Animals They live in the forests, savannas, jungles or at the zoo.
Domestic animals They live on a farm and are useful to people.
Horses help people to carry heavy things
Sheep give people wool and meat
Ducks give people meat and eggs
Hens give people meat and eggs
Geese give people meat and eggs
Pets live at home with people
Cats and dogs good and loving friends
Kittens the best animals to play with
Puppies the best animals to play with
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