Стихи о Родине на английском языке
методическая разработка
Предварительный просмотр:
TV And Nature
If you need TV for something to exist, it's not real.
You do not need TV for baseball to be real.
You can visit a baseball stadium and see baseball.
You can visit a baseball park.
You can play baseball.
You "need" TV for Star Wars to exist.
You cannot visit the "Star Wars" in real life.
Star Wars does not exist.
It's not real..
Star Wars is not nature.
Nature is real.
You're already in nature.
The view always continues for nature.
Nature is not a concept.
Nature is reality.
"TV" is not real.
You're getting a translation of the view.
It's not the real view.
You can "stop" the view with TV.
You can "pause" the view with TV.
You can "record" the view with TV.
It's not the real view.
It's not nature.
Nature is real.
You see nature for nature you see.
With nature, the real view always continues.
You cannot "stop" nature.
You cannot "pause" nature.
You can "record" the view with TV.
It's the real view.
You have a TV remote for TV.
You can "change the channel" for TV.
You can get another translation of the view for TV.
But you never get the real view.
A real view is not TV.
You do not have a TV remote for nature.
You cannot "change the channel" for nature.
Nature always continues with the real view.
A translation of the view is not nature.
Nature is real.
Nature is the real view.
A real view is nature.
This is my theory about TV and nature.
TV is a part of nature.
The Wood-Cutter's Night Song
by John Clare
Welcome, red and roundy sun,
Dropping lowly in the west;
Now my hard day's work is done,
I'm as happy as the best.
Joyful are the thoughts of home,
Now I'm ready for my chair,
So, till morrow-morning's come,
Bill and mittens, lie ye there!
Though to leave your pretty song,
Little birds, it gives me pain,
Yet to-morrow is not long,
Then I'm with you all again.
If I stop, and stand about,
Well I know how things will be,
Judy will be looking out
Every now-and-then for me.
So fare ye well! and hold your tongues,
Sing no more until I come;
They're not worthy of your songs
That never care to drop a crumb.
All day long I love the oaks,
But, at nights, yon little cot,
Where I see the chimney smokes,
Is by far the prettiest spot.
Wife and children all are there,
To revive with pleasant looks,
Table ready set, and chair,
Supper hanging on the hooks.
Listen To Me…
by Pragya Uprety
Stop it! children
Don't hurt me more and more
I beg your pardon
you are falling behind
behind in the feelings of love and care
rise, rise up and up
still you have enough time
are you hearing to my cries?
Oh! Son of mine
help your brothers
rivers, forests and nature
save your brothers and sisters
keep them away from your selfish manner
help trees to sway, rivers to flow
and birds to sing their sweet, lovely songs
help them to live their life with freedom.
Don't cut the trees for timber and wood
treat everyone nicely and be good
listen to me children
make my dream true
My City
by Kenn Nesbitt
Here’s a little ditty
that I wrote about my city,
which I think is very pretty
and I think is very nice.
All the people are appealing.
There is such a friendly feeling
that is calm and spirit-healing.
I would call it paradise.
You can walk around the park, it
is just over by the market.
In the day or after dark, it
is a lovely place to be.
All the trees and all the flowers
have such soul-restoring powers.
You can walk around for hours,
so I hope you’ll come and see.
If you visit for a while
you are sure to get a smile
so that, mile after mile,
you will want to walk some more.
I expect you’ll like our city,
which is nice and very pretty
There is just one little pity;
you may find your feet get sore.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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