Внеклассное мероприятия
презентация к уроку (5 класс)
Конкурс для 5-х классов
Знатоки английского языка
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Lexica Reading Writing Grammar Country-Studying 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Words Choose the word with a general meaning 1. square, museum, city, park, garden 2. librarian, musician, occupation, actor, dancer city occupation
Words Find the names of animals snakelephantigerhino Snake, elephant, tiger, rhino
Words Match the antonyms : husband sister uncle wife brother single married aunt
Words Form the names of occupations : music – art – swim- teach – sport - musician artist swimmer teacher sportsman
Words Match the words and the descriptions Aunt the son or daughter of an aunt Niece the wife of an uncle Cousin a male parent Father the daughter of a brother or sister
Grammar Fill in the appropriate article (a, the, -) 1. London is the capital of … United Kingdom. 2. … Ivan Petrov is … best pupil in the class. 3. I live in … Green Street. the - the -
Grammar Correct the sentences : Tomorrow I went to the disco. Yesterday he will play football. I has been to the museum this week. shall go played have
Grammar Fill in the gaps: A dog is a man’s …(good) friend. Horses are …(beautiful) than camels. The whale is the …(big) sea animal. best more beautiful biggest
Grammar Write down the plural of: Man – Dress – Wolf – Lion – Society – men dresses wolves lions societies
Grammar Choose the correct translation: My niece is feeding her little kitten. Моя племянница покормила своего маленького котёнка. Моя племянница кормит своего маленького котёнка. b)
Writing Make up words: m, s, u, m, e, u – s, a, m, o, u, f – p, t, a, i, l, c, a - museum famous capital
Writing Put in the missing letters: … ndepend ... nt, cur … o …s, t … pical, l … ving, n … … ghty i ndepend e nt cur i o u s t y pical l o ving n au ghty
Writing Write the verbs in ing- form: Eat – Take - Sit - Visit – Cut - Eating Ta ki ng Si tt ing Visiting cu tt ing
Writing Write down the address on the envelope. Use: England, Green Street, London, 15, Mary Brown. Mary Brown 15, Green Street London England
Reading Match pairs of rhyming words: Sea politician Good tree Musician male Book rude Tail cook
Reading Cross out the odd word (mind reading rules): sweet, meat, head, cheese, tea kind, like, type, five, British cook, tooth, juice, spoon, food
Reading Put the sentences in the right order: а) It has many buildings. b ) It is next to the river Thames. c ) The tall building is the White Tower, the Bloody Tower is near the river. d ) This is the Tower of London. 3. 2. 4. 1.
Reading Put in the missing words: hobby, computer, naughty, teacher, intelligent My mum is a History … . Her … is painting. My dad is a … programmer. He is … . My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes … .
Reading Group the words according to reading rules: Never, famous, bright, sign, central, secretary, librarian, lady, ancient never, central, secretary famous, lady, ancient bright, sign, librarian
England This is a picture of: Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Tower of London Westminster Abbey
England Guess what it is: There you can see the Changing of the Guard. It has 600 rooms. Buckingham Palace
England What sight this group of words belong to: Famous actors Face to face History Popsingers The Queens family Madame Tussaud’s
England London parks. True or False? London Zoo is in Regent’s Park. You can see the statue of Peter Pan in St. James’s park. Hyde park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner. T F T
England Write down the word combinations: Big Palace Trafalgar Tower Bloody Ben Buckingham Abbey Westminster Square
The End
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