The 4th International Forum «Integration on «The Great Tea Road»: "The Excursion to the Historical Centre of Ulan - Ude", 19.01.2017, Гран-прию Руководитель: Клюева И.Д.
проект (10 класс) на тему
Made by: Varvara Sidorenko,
the 10th«В»
Secondary school №2
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Introduction to the excursion to the historical centre of Ulan - Ude I’m a student of the 10 th grade at the secondary school number 2 and so glad to be a participant of the 4 th International Forum « Integration on « The Great Tea Road » . I also expect that my presentation will be a valuable present to my audience. Please, enjoy the sights of my beloved city, walk along its streets, squares and parks keeping deep in your heart the warmest and lightest memory of Ulan-Ude. Preserve the history of my city, increase your accomplishments for the glory of Ulan – Ude!
T he key to t he province of Daurski’ Every city has its beginning, the time when the history of the city began. Our city began to be built on an even hill, which goes down to the Uda rocky cliff. Here in the year of 1666 Cossacks under the command of Gavrila Lovtsov set up a small logged winter hut. A t this place a memorial and a cross were put a few years ago, reminding the citizens and guests of the fact that « Here in 1666 Ulan – Ude was founded » .
The choice of the place was quite successful: the emerging town was on the main way of Russia to the Amur River along the valley of the Uda River to Nerchinsk and further on the trade road along the Selenga River to Mongolia an China… Verkhneudinsk played a leading role in the interstate trade between Russia and China since the beginning of the 17 th century. Just there the main storage premises were headquartered, caravans were formed and went away and came back by the Nerchinski Road.
Today our city is a large center of education, science and culture. At the same time high – tech industry has been developing. Together with a city the people have gone a hard and difficult way of formation and growth. During the last century Ulan – Ude considerably expanded its borders, a number of new building areas, industrial enterprises appeared.
The Buryat State University The Buryat State University was established in 1932. It is named after Dorzhi Banzarov who was an outstanding linguist and the founder of the written Buryat language. It is one of the large scientific and cultural centers of Siberia and the Far East. There are departments of economy and management, judicial, mathematical, chemical, medical and socio – psychological. At present over 8500 students from Russia, Mongolia, China, Turkey, Korea, Japan, the USA and Finland study here. The university is proud of 100 doctors of sciences and professors, 357 candidates of sciences who have been recognized internationally
The Opera and Ballet House Ulan – Ude is fairly considered to be one of the theatrical cities of Eastern Sibereia . The Opera and Ballet House is a monument of architecture, cultural and national property of the republic. It started in 1939. Traditional address to the national culture and arts, refined repertoire of the masterpieces of the world ballet and opera classic, high professionalism, talented leading performers have made this theatre a unique one. Larisa Sakhyanova and Pyotr Abasheev became the symbol of the Buryat Ballet, as the stars of “ The Angara Beauty ”.
The brightest sightseeing in Theatrical square Three-level light and music fountain on Theatrical square by the Opera and Ballet House appeared in 2011. It is made in the form of a stone flower with the diameter of its lowest cup about 17 meters. Being combined with classical pieces of music, shimmering multicolored streams, the fountain impresses the tourists and residents of the city. It’s the brightest sightseeing of Ulan – Ude and the most romantic place of our city.
The Triumphal Arch The Triumphal Arch was constructed on the occasion of the arriving in Verkhneudinsk the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. It happened on the 21 st of June 1891. Originally it had only a stone pedestal. The Arch itself was built of wood but it gave the impression of solidity and symbolized the level of the town’s estate. In 1936 the Arch was destroyed and only 70 years later, on the 340 th anniversary of Ulan – Ude the Triumphal Arch was rebuilt again towards the remained drawings. Now “the Royal doors” is entirely made of stone. It’s the main way to the historical centre of Ulan – Ude .
The Sberbank office in Lenin street , “Petit hotel” in the past Going down from the Triumphal Arch you can see a fine old building of the Sberbank office which was the famous “Petit hotel” in the past. The hotel was built in the 70 - ies of the XVIII century and received its second life when the first offices of the State Russian Sberbank appeared in Ulan – Ude. The installation of the monument to Evsey Lukich – the merchant of Verkhneudinsk is the symbol of business prosperity of our citizens appeared in 2012. Before that there was a contest for the best sculpture among professional sculptors, students and ordinary citizens. The winner was Yuri Erdyneev . Opening of the monument was dedicated to the Day of Russian Business Owners which is annually celebrated on May 26. They say that the resources of Evsey’s chest helps everyone to get money. Isn’t it funny?
The Arbat, the historical centre and the heart of Ulan - Ude Ulan - Ude, as well as in Moscow, has its own Arbat. The so-called pedestrian area in Lenin street, was opened on the City Day. It happened on 3 July, 2004. On both sides of it there are historical monuments such as “The house with the Atlanteans "( built in 1907 by a merchant Naftali Leontyevich Kapelman ). The building is accented by a central tower with a faceted dome. Later that place belonged to the cossack Luka Budunov . Then the ground floor of it was rented by the Chinese tea - trader Xing Tai Lun ; “The wooden house of a merchant Goldobin (built in 1888, which nowadays is the Museum of the History of the City); “The house of Kurbatov ” which is famous to be a bright example of two eras of classicism.
The Monument To Anton Pavlovich Chekhov In the corner of the Museum of the history of Ulan – Ude there is a monument to A. P. Chekhov which was installed on 5 September 2013 on the occasion of the year of tourism in Buryatia . Chekhov's figure is cast in bronze and its height is of 175 centimeters. Imagine that the world – known writer was walking along the Arbat and feeling tired decided to rest on the bench. It was only about 120 years ago. Travelling to Verkhneudinsk , Anton Pavlovich admitted that our town impressed him greatly. The town seemed to him as the key to Siberia’s poetry. Chekhov said that before visiting Verkhneudinsk the places of the eastern territories of Russia made him feel only prose. “ Such a cosy town” is always glad to any visitor and is full of interesting things and adventures.
Sculptures and a fountain in the Arbat Throughout the Arbat there are sculptures. The first of them depicts the Rod of the trade’s God Mercury and the Horn of prospirety . It repeats the semantic content of the Coat of Arms of Ulan – Ude having been established in 1790. Its author is a well-known Russian sculptor Alexander Mironov . Marble Rod is made in the form of a round column around which there are two entwined bronze snakes. At the foot of the column you can see the Horn of prospirety made of bronze. There is a tradition to throw coins inside the Horn to come back to our hospitable city. Nearby the cinema " Erdem " there is a sculptural composition which is called as "Two birds". On the one hand, it symbolizes the Uda and the Selenga because on the banks of them stands our city, on the other hand it’s the symbol of our loving and respectful attitude to nature. In summer of 2005 in the center of the Arbat “ The fountain with the fish” was opened. In the Eastern mythology Fish is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the Christian symbolism Fish is a sacred sign of Christ. Arbat is a favorite place of artists, musicians and youth. Enjoy yourselves there!
Ulan – Ude’s Arcades The Arcades is the main historical and shopping centre of our city and a monument of architecture of state importance. In 1834,according to “the highest favor of the Russian tsar“, the building was errected in a stone version in a form of a large square with an inner court and an arcade. The place got the name as Gostinodvorskaya square and became the social center of the city where two times a year, in winter and summer, large fairs were held. Merchants from Irkutsk, Tomsk, Irbit , Tyumen sold the best goods in Gostinodvorskaya square. The Bazaar was a place of trade, where there were entertainment booths and clowns and puppeteers showed their performances. In the Soviet times, in 1960 the place of the former Arcades were added with the “Central” Department store and different shops.
Revolution Square The square in front of the “Central” Department store is called as Revolution Square. Just to that place the monument to the Fallen Fighters for Soviet Power in Transbaikalia was transferred in 1970. In its pedestal there are stones having been brought by the red soldiers and partisans who liberated the city. Nowadays it’s the place where all public holidays as well as political meetings are held. People enjoy their free time in Revolution Square. The “Central” Department store is one of the most successful and dynamically developing shopping centres in Ulan-Ude. The convenient location and its special atmosphere make it to be a favorite place of shopping and recreation for the majority of residents and guests of the capital of our republic.
The sightseeings nearby the Arcades “The Bronze pensioner” appeared on one of the benches in the Park nearby the Arcades in 2006. The elderly man with folded hands on a cane is looking somewhere in the distance and thinking deeply. Can you answer the question: “About what?”- Maybe, he simply observes the current life around him and blesses it. Even pedestrians don't immediately notice that it’s not a living person, but a bronze sculpture. The “Tree of Life” is a symbol of love and friendship that grew in the same place in 2007. It is always decorated with dozens of locks that have been hanging by the wedding couples as there is a custom to close the locks to make marriages strong and happy. Will their dreams come true?!
The House of Children’s Development The former Kurbatov’s shopping arcades is one of the oldest buildings in the centre of Ulan – Ude . Nowadays it is famous for The House of Children’s Development. Different clubs give the young generation to develop their creative abilities and make their life interesting.
Odigitrievsky Cathedral The construction of Odigitrievsky Cathedral began in 1741 and considered to be one of remarkable monuments of Russian Baroque of the second half of the 18th century TRANS-Baikal. It was named in the honor of the Mother of God whose name " Hodegetria “ that means She is Protectress to anyone who addresses Her. The Cathedral has a unique architectrue and artistic properties. Its construction lasted for half a century, precisely for about 42 years. In 1929 the Cathedral was closed and the anti-religious Museum was opened in 1934 there. Only in 1990 the Russian Orthodox Church returned back the right for her prosperities. And in 1999 there was a miracle: the Icon of the mother of God " Hodegetria “ alived and that was the sign that She loves her believers.
Dear Jury! This is the ending of the excursion to the Historical centre of Ulan – Ude. I hope you got plenty of information about my city and you’re perfectly sure of the fact that Ulan – Ude is rich in its history and full of interesting sightseeings. Yours, Varvara .
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