Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по теме " Let's Communicate"
материал (7 класс) на тему
Общение важно в жизни каждого человека. Появившись на свет, каждый человек общается сначала со своей мамой, потом со всеми родственниками. Со временем круг общения расширяется. Меняются и сферы общения.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия “Let’s Communicate!”
Leader 1:
Dear Friends!
Our today’s meeting is called “Let’s communicate!” We communicate with each other, with our parents and friends, with other people. We communicate at home, at school, in the street, in the shop.
Leader 2:
Дорогие друзья!
Наша сегодняшняя встреча называется «Давайте общаться!» Мы общаемся друг с другом, с родителями и учителями, с другими людьми. Мы общаемся в школе и дома, на улице и в магазине.
From our first lessons we know that first of all we learn English to communicate. And today we’ve gathered together to see how we can do it.
Leader 1:
С первых уроков мы знаем, что, прежде всего мы изучаем английский язык, чтобы общаться. И сегодня мы собрались вместе, чтобы посмотреть, как мы умеем это делать.
We'll watch the conversations of the students of different grades in different situations.
Leader 2:
Учащиеся разных классов покажут общение в различных жизненных ситуациях.
Today we are very glad to meet the new members of our club. They are the students of the fifth grades. They have come with heir own program and they’ll begin our party.
1) A song “What is your name?”
What is your name? What is your name?
Now tell me please, what is your name?
My name is Janny, my name is Janny,
My name is Janny, that’s my name.
How old are you? How old are you?
Now tell me, please, how old are you?
I am ten, I am ten,
I am ten, that’s my age.
Where are you from, where are you from?
Now tell me, please, where are you from?
I am from London, I am from London,
I am from London, that’s where I am from.
2) A dialogue “Tea-party”
- Hello,…
- Hi,…
- How are you?
- Fine, thanks and you?
- I am fine. Tea?
- Yes, please.
- Sorry.
- That’s OK.
3) A poem “ABCDEFG”
ABCDEFG. Gohn is hiding far from me.
Loking here, looking there.
I can’t see him anywhere.
4) The song “Colours”
Brown and green and blue and white
Blue and white
Blue and white
Brown and green and blue and white
Red and black and yellow.
5) A game poem “One banana, two bananas “
One banana, two bananas,
Three bananas, four
Five bananas, six bananas,
Seven bananas, more
Bad one.
6)Telephone Conversation “Let’s go to the cinema”
- 67190. Hello.
- Hello,…
- Oh, hello,…. How are you?
- Fine, thanks and you?
- I’m fine. Let’s go to the cinema today.
- Sorry, I’m busy. Let’s go tomorrow.
- 364 5328. Hello.
- Hello, … It’s …
- Oh, hello…How are you?
- Fine, thanks and you?
- I’m fine. Let’s go to the club.
- Yes, all right. See you. Bye.
- Bye,…
7) A poem “Blue is the sea”
Blue is the sea
Green is the grass
White are the clouds
As they slowly pass
Black are the crows
Brown are the trees
Red are the sails
Of a ship in the breeze.
8) A Dialogue “At the market”
- A marrow, a cabbage and 5 apples please.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
9) A Song “Are you sleeping?”
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Brother John. Brother John
Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing.
Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.
10) A Dialogue “Asking the way”
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- Can you tell me the way to the toy shop?
- Go to the end of the Queen Street. Turn right. Walk past the Information centre. Turn left. Cross North street and go along the West Road as far as the crossing. It is on the corner of the street opposite the market.
- Thank you very much.
- Not at all.
- 11).’Three Mice”
- Three little mice walked into town
Their coats were gray, and their eyes were brown
Three little mice went down the street
With wooly slippers upon their feet.
Three little mice sat down to dine
On bread and butter and milk and wine.
Three little mice ate on and on.
Till every bit of the bread was gone.
Three little mice, when the feast was done,
Went home quietly one by one.
Three little mice went straight to bed
And dreamt of milk and butter and bread.
12) A Dialogue “At the Shoe Shop”
- Can I help you?
- Yes. I’d like a pair of shoes.
- What size?
- Size 35, please.
- Try this pair on. They are very popular.
- They are too big for me. Have you got them in a smaller size?
- Try these. They are bigger.
- Oh, they are smart. But I’d like red shoes.
- How about these?
- Can I try them on?
- Certainly.
- They are great. How much are they?
- … pounds.
- Here’s …pounds.
- That’s …pence change.
- Thank you. Good bye.
- You are welcome. Good bye.
13) A poem “Autumn”.
Autumn leaves fall down in showers
Leaves of brown and gold and red
They cover houses, grass and flowers
Like a quilt upon a bed.
They spread a bright gay carpet
All up and down the street.
We skip and dance upon them
With merry twinkling feet.
14) A Telephone Conversation “What did you do yesterday?
Roles: Bob
M: Bob? This is Mary. How are you?
B: Fine. And you?
M: Fine too. What are you doing?
B: I’m watching TV. It’s a sports programme.
M: Oh! I’m sorry. Can I speak to Lucy?
B: Yes. Of course.
L: Hello, Mary!
M: Hi, Lucy. Guess where I was last night?
L: What time?
M: About 8oçlock.
L: Were you alone?
M: No, I was with my cousin Ann.
L: Were you at the cinema?
M: No we weren’t.
L: I don’t know. Where were you?
M: We were at a pop concert.
L: Really? Was it good?
M: Yes. It was fantastic concert. We were in the front row. And where were you yesterday?
L: I was at home. I was ill.
M: What a shame! Are you all right now?
L: Yes, I am, thank you.
M: What did you do yesterday?
L: I spent the whole day watching TV.
15) A Play “Where are my shoes?”
Roles: Ann
Ann: Mum, I’ve lost my hairbrush.
Mum: Have you looked carefully everywhere?
A: Yes. It’s nowhere here.
M: Have you looked in the bathroom?
A: I’ve looked everywhere upstairs and downstairs. It isn’t anywhere.
M: H’m! Is it white , Ann?
A: Yes. It’s white. Have you seen it anywhere?
M: Well. It’s over there under the chair.
A: Mum, have you seen my new shoes? I need them very much. I’m going to the party.
M: No, I haven’t. I expect you threw them carelessly into the back of the wardrobe.
A: I’ve looked for them everywhere. And they aren’t in he wardrobe. You always put my things away in new place where I’ll never find them.
M: I always put your things away in the wardrobe. But they are on the floor behind your desk.
A: Ah! Good! But it’s too late for going to the party.
M: You should put all you things away in their places.
16) A Dialogue “What do you want to do?”
Roles: Mary, Tom, Lucy, Bob.
L: Hello, Mary. Hi, Tom.
M, Tom: Hi.
B: Hello.
L: How are you?
M: Fine, thanks. And you?
L: Fine too.
T: What do you want to do, Mary?
M: I’d like to listen to music. I’ve got a new cassette. Who wants to listen to music with me? Do you want, Tom?
T: No, thanks. I don’t like pop music. I want to go roller-skating. Do you want, Bob?
B: That’s a good idea. And after that let’s play football.
T: OK. Does anyone else want to go with us?
M: Oh, no! Lucy what do you want to do?
L: I want to watch video.
M: Have you got a new video?
L: Yes. I’ve got “Police school 6”
M: I don’t like this film. It’s silly.
L: Well, what do you want to do?
M: Let’s play chess.
L: Sorry. I don’t want to play chess. Let’s play a computer game. I’ve got a new CD.
M: It’s great! Let’s go!
17) At the Airplane.
Roles: Masha - Russian girl
Lisa - American girl
Diana - American girl
Masha: Excuse me. Where is a seat number 30A?
Liza: It is at the end of the plane.
Diana: I'm afraid it is my seat.
Masha: I'm sorry. My ticket is for seat 31A.
D: That's Okay. My name is Diana.
L: And my name is Lizy. What's your name?
M: My name is Masha. It's nice to meet you.
L&D: Nice to meet you, too.
L: Where are you from?
M: I'm from Nizhny Novgorod. And where are you from?
D: We're from Washington, DC.
L: We are going to Russia. We are flying on vacation.
M: I lived in Washington with an American family.
D: How old are you?
M: I'm 13.
D: I'm 14 and she is 14 too.
L: What grade are you in?
M: I'm in 7th grade.
L: I'm in 8th grade and my sister is in 8th grade too.
D: Do you know what time it is.
L: Yes It's 4.05 p.m.
M: Look! We're flying over the Atlantic Ocean.
D: You speak English very well.
M: Thank you. Lizy is "on vocation" the same as "on holidays"?
L: Yes, it is. It's an American expression.
D: Masha, what is your hobby?
M: My hobby is drawing, and what about you Diana.
D: My hobby is reading.
M: Lizy what is your hobby?
L: My hobby is reading too.
Have a good flight.
18) At School
Roles: Teacher
Teacher: Good afternoon, children.
Children: Good afternoon, Ms Hooper.
T: Today’s English lesson will be on irregular verbs. Open your books at page 89.
P1: Excuse me, Ms Hooper.
T: Yes?
P1: There’s some chewing gum on your shoe.
T: Who threw their chewing gum on the floor? Was it you, Lucy?
L: No, Ms Hooper. It was Jane.
T: Who?
L: Jane Brook.
J: It wasn’t me, stupid. It was you!
L: It wasn’t me, you stupid fool. My mouth is full of chewing gum. Look, Ms Hooper!
J: Stop pulling my hair! It was you!
L: You!
J: You!
T: Excuse me! Don’t be so rude, Lucy and Jane. Lucy, stop chewing your gum …and don’t stick it under your chair.Throw it away in the waste bin. OK. Now open your books at page 89.
19) A Business Dialogue “A visit of a Foreign Partner”
At the Airport
- Excuse me… Are you Mr.Brown?
- Yes.
- I’m … from…. How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Have I kept you waiting?
- Oh, no… the plane’s just arrived. Thank you for coming to meet me.
- Not at all. Did you have a good trip?
- Yes, thank you.
- My car’s just outside the airport. Shall my driver take your suitcase?
- Oh,yes…thank you.
In the car.
- We are going to our office in the centre of the city. It’ll take us about half an hour to get there. Mr…. Is waiting for you.
- What is Mr….?
- He’s our General Director. He’s going to discuss with you our future agreement.
- What hotel can I stay at?
- We reserved for you a room at the hotel near the centre.
- That’s OK. Thank you very much.
At the office.
- I’d like you to meet Mr….our General Director.
- Glad to meet you Mr….
- So am I. Have you ever been to N.N?
- No, it’s my first visit to N.N.
- What are your first impressions of N.N.?
- I like it. It’s a very beautiful city and quite different from London.
- I hope you’ll enjoy your visit, Mr….
- …
- Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss…
- Nice to meet you Miss….
- So am I. Call me ann.
- I also want you to meet …our Sales Manager. Sit down Mr.Brown. Would you like something to drink?
- Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee.
- Ann, could you make coffee for us, please?
- Certainly, sir. What coffee do you prefer, black or white?
- Black, please.
- With sugar?
- No, thanks.
- By the way, Mr.Brown what are you by profession?
- I’m an engineer. But at the Continental Equipment I work as a Sales Manager. Here is my card.
- Let’s go to business, Mr Brown. We want to buy equipment for producing in N.N some goods. We know some companies, like yours, that produce the sort of equipment we need. That’s why we are interested in your equipment.
- Yes, I see. You’ll be pleased to know that we reduced its price.
- Would you mind speaking slower, Mr. Brown, I’m not very good at English.
- Sure. I have to visit your factory.
- I’ll show you our factory tomorrow.
- What time?
- Let me see…I have an appointment with my lawyer at 9 oçlock. How about 10 oçlock?
- That’s fine. I’ve got some advertising materials so you’ll be able to study the main characteristics of our equipment yourself.
- Thank you, Mr. Brown, that’s all .Our driver’s waiting for you. He’ll take you to the hotel. You need a rest.
- Thank you very much, Mr….Goodbye.
- Good bye, Mr. Brown. See you tomorrow.
20) A Play “Tom Soyer” by Mark Twain.
Characters: Tom
Sid, his cousin
Aunt Polly
Tom and Sid are in their beds. It is morning time to get up. Tom doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be ill. Then he could stay at home.
T (sitting): I don’t want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh! My tooth is loose. That’s wonderful!.. No, it won’t do. Aunt Polly will pull it out…Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me! (He lies back and begins to cry. But Sid is sleeping. Tom cries louder): Sid! Sid!
S: ( opens his eyes): What has happened, Tom?
Tom doesn’t answer. He continues crying. Sid sits up and looks at Tom.
S: Tom! Say, Tom! Tom! What has happened to you?
T: Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.
S: Oh. Tom, you are not dying! Don’t!
T: I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with one eye to the new girl at school and tell her…
Sid takes his clothes and runs out of the room.
S (shouting): Oh, Aunt Polly, come! Tom is dying!
AP: Dying?
S: Yes, come quickly!
AP: Don’t say so! ( She runs in and comes quickly up to Tom’s bed) You, Tom! Tom, what has happened to you, my boy?
T: Oh. Auntie, look at my right hand! It is red and hot.
AP ( seeing that his hand is not red and hot): Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!
T: But, Auntie, it is so hot, that I’ve forgotten about my tooth.
AP: Your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?
T: It’s loose.
AP: Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.
T: Oh, please, dear Auntie, don’t pull it out, It’s all right now.
Sid brings the thread. Aunt Polly ties one end f the thread to Tom’s tooth and the other to the bed. Then she suddenly claps her hands before Tom’s face. Tom falls back. You can see the tooth hanging on the thread.
T: Oh, oh! ( He covers his mouth with his hands) Oh! My tooth was all right! But I didn’t want to go to school.
AP: OH, Tom, so all this because you don’t want to go to school. You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly , and you…Now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!
AP: Tom! (No answer) Tom! (No answer) Where is that boy, I wonder? You Tom! (No answer)
( The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. Then she put them up and looked out under them)
AP: Well, if I get hold of you I’ll…
( She went to the open door and stood in it and shouted
AP: Y-o-u-u Tom! There! I might have thought of that closet. What have you been doing in there?
T: Nothing.
AP: Nothing? Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that?
T: I don’t know, aunt.
AP: Well, I know. It’s jam – that’s what it is. Forty times I’ve said if you didn’t let that jam alone I’d skin you. Hand me that switch.
T: Oh! Look behind you, aunt!
Tom and Becky sat together with a slate before them.
T: do you like rats?
B: No! I hate them!
T: Well, I do, too – live ones. But I mean dead ones, to swing round your head with the string.
B: No, I don’t care for rats much, anyway. What I like is chewing gum.
T: Oh, I should say so! I wish I had some now.
B: Do you? I’ve got some. I’ll let you chew it awhile, but you must give it back to me. Were you ever at a circus?
B: Yes, and my pa is going to take me again some time, if I am good.
T: I’ve been to the circus three or four times – lots of times. Church is nothing to a circus. I’m going to be a clown in a circus when I grow up. Say, Becky, were you engaged?
B: What’s that?
T: Why, engaged to be married.
B: No.
T: Would you like to?
B: I think so. I don’t know. What is it like?
T: Like? Why it isn’t like anything. You only just tell a boy you won’t ever have anybody but him, ever, ever, ever, and then you kiss and that’s all. Anybody can do it.
B: Kiss? What do you kiss for?
T: Why, that, you know, is to – well, they always do that.
B: Everybody?
T: Why, yes, everybody that’s in love with each other. Do you remember what I wrote on the slate?
B: Ye-yes.
T: What was it?
B: I shan’t tell you.
T: Shall I tell you?
B: Ye-yes, but some other time.
T: No, now.
B: No, not now – tomorrow.
T: Oh, no, now. Please, Becky – I’ll whisper it. ( Becky hesitating, Tom took silence for consent, and passed his arm about her waist and whispered the tale ever so softly, with his mouth close to her ear. And then he added) Now you whisper it to me – just the same.
B: You turn your face away so you can’t see, and then I will. But you mustn’t ever tell anybody – Will you Tom?
T: No, indeed, indeed I won’t.
(He turned his face away. She whispered…_
B: I-love-you.
T: Now. Becky, it’s all done 0 all but the kiss. Don’t you be afraid of that – it isn’t anything at all. (Tom kissed her)
Now, it’s all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you aren’t ever to love but me, and you aren’t ever marry anybody but me, ever never and forever. Will you?
B: I’ll never love anybody but you, Tom, and I’ll never marry anybody but you – and you aren’t to ever marry anybody but me, either.
- You sit right back down, …Hot soup in a minute.
- Hurry Mom, this is a matter of life and death! Aw-
- I was the same way at your age. Always life and death, I know.
- Slow down
- Can’t, Drill’s waiting for me.
- Who’s Drill? What a peculiar name
- You don’t know him
- A new boy in the neighborhood?
- He’s new all right
- Which one is Drill?
- He’s around. You’ll make fun. Everybody pokes fun.Gee,darn.
- Is Drill shy?
- Yes. No. In a way. Gosh, Mom, I got to run if we want to have the Invasion!
- Who’s invading what?
- Martians invading Earth. Well, not exactly Martians. They are- I don’t know. From up.
- And inside
- You are laughing! You’ll kill Drill and everybody
- I didn’t mean to …Drill’s a Martian?
- No. He’s-well-may be from Jupiter or Saturn or Venus. Anyway, he’s had a hard time.
- I imagine
- They couldn’t figure a way to attack Earth.
- We’re impregnable
- That’s the word Drill used! Impreg – That was the word, Mom.
- My, my, Drill’s a brilliant little boy. Two-bit words.
- They couldn’t figure a way to attack, Mom. Drill says – he says in order to make a good fight you got to have a new way of surprising people. That way you win. And he says also you got to have help from your enemy.
- A fifth column
- Yeah. That’s what Drill said. And they couldn’t figure a way to surprise earth or get help.
- No wonder. We’re pretty darn strong
- Until, one day they thought of children.
- Well
- And they thought of how grownups are so busy they never look under rose-bushes or on lawns!
- Only for snails and fungus.
- And then there’s something abut dim-dims.
- Dim-dims?
- Dimen-shuns.
- Dimensions?
- Four of them!
- Well,it must be funny.It’s getting late and if you want to have your Invasion before your supper bath, you’d better jump.
- Do I have to take a bath?
- You do.Why is it children hate water?
- Drill says I won’t have to take bath.
- Oh, he does, does he?
- No more baths.
- And we can stay up till ten o’clock and go to two televisor show on Saturday ‘stead of one.
Thanks for lunch!
- Heavens, Mink, what’s going on?
- The most exciting game ever!
- Stop and get your breath
- No, I’m all right. Okay I take these things, Mom?
- But don’t dent them
- Thank you, thank you1
- What’s the name of the game?
- Invasion!
- This and this and this. Do that and bring that over there. No! here! Right.
- Go away!
- I wanna play
- Can’t
- Why not?
- You’d just make fun of us.
- Honest, I wouldn’t.
- No. We know you. Go away or we’ll kick you.
- I want to play
- You’re old
- Not that old
- You’d only laugh and spoil the Invasion.
- Heavens, Mink, what’s going on?
- The most exciting game ever!
- Stop and get your breath
- No, I’m all right. Okay I take these things, Mom?
- But don’t dent them
- Thank you, thank you1
- What’s the name of the game?
- Invasion!
- This and this and this. Do that and bring that over there. No! here! Right.
- Go away!
- I wanna play
- Can’t
- Why not?
- You’d just make fun of us.
- Honest, I wouldn’t.
- No. We know you. Go away or we’ll kick you.
- I want to play
- You’re old
- Not that old
- You’d only laugh and spoil the Invasion.
XI. 2000г.
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