Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по теме "Олимпийские Игры" на английском языке
методическая разработка (английский язык, 9 класс) на тему
Данный сценарий могут использовать учителя английского языка на внеклассных мероприятиях, а так же и на уроках по теме "Спорт".
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Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме
«Олимпийские Игры: история, символы и не только…»
Авторы: Лысова И.И. и Ракитская Л.П. –учителя английского языка МБОУ лицей инновационных технологий г. Хабаровск
The theme: The Olympic Games: history, symbols and not only.
The objective: to give the students the basic information about the forthcoming XXII WOG , to signify the importance of Olympic Games as the symbol of peace and friendship in the world.
The presenter:
Good afternoon, everybody! The theme of today’s meeting is devoted to the Olympic Games, their history, symbols and not only. You know that Olympics are a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. Tomorrow Sochi is welcoming the XXII Winter Olympic Games. You can visit a special site to be in the know of everything happening in the Olympics. Let’s have a look at it. (http://www.sochi2014.com/en)
What do we know about the Olympic Games, their history, symbols and not only?
The floor is given to Student 1.
The Olympic Games have a long history which goes back to ancient times, starting in Greece. Sports competitions were organized at Olympia and were named after the location – Olympic Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So, the Olympic Games have become the symbol of peace and friendship.
The games were held in honor of Zeus, the principle god of the Greeks. Later the Olympic Games were abolished for many years on the ground of their pagan origin. They were revived thanks to Baron Pierre de Coubertin who pointed out the importance of sports in people’s life. Of course, the first modern Olympic Games of 1896 were held in Athens, Greece to symbolize the succession of the tradition. Since then the Games have been regularly held in different countries of the world.
Student 2.
The first Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. Russian athletes did not compete until the 1952 Games when Russia joined the Olympic Movement.
The Opening ceremony always begins with a theatrical performance, a parade and the lighting of the Olympic Flame. Most of the opening ceremony rituals were established at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp. The ceremony starts with the hoisting of the host country’s flag and a performance of its national anthem.
The Olympic Movement uses symbols and emblems to represent the ideals embodied in the Olympic Charter.
Student 3.
The Olympic Rings are the official symbol of the Olympic Movement. They represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes throughout the world at the Olympic Games. The colors were chosen because at least one of these colors is found in the flag of every nation. The flag with the Olympic rings first flew over an Olympic stadium at the 1920 Antwerp Games.
The Olympic Hymn, played when the Olympic Flag is raised, was composed by Spyros Samaras and the words added by Kostis Palamas. The Olympic Hymn was first played at the 1896 Olympic Games in Athens but wasn't declared the official hymn by the IOC until 1957.
The Olympic Motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (in English "Swifter, Higher, Stronger").
Student 4.
The Olympic Oath was written by Pierre de Coubertin for the athletes to recite at each Olympic Games. During the opening ceremony, one athlete recites the oath on behalf of all the athletes. The Oath states, "In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams."
The Olympic Creed reads: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games held in London.
Student 5.
The Olympic medals are designed especially for each individual Olympic Games by the host city's organizing committee. Each medal must be at least three millimeters thick and 60 millimeters in diameter. Gold, silver and bronze medals weren't given out until the third modern Olympics in 1904. The 1912 Olympics was the last time that gold medals were solid gold. Ever since, they've been silver with gold plating. The "gold" medals must be gilded with at least six grams of pure gold. Medals carry the name of the sport contested, the year and the number of Olympiad.
Every Olympic Games have a mascot, which is an animal or toy. The official mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games are the Polar Bear, the Hare, the Leopard. These animals are the most popular with the Russians that’s why they have been chosen as the Olympic mascots.
Student 6.
The most visible symbol of the Olympic Games competition is the Olympic Flame. During the ancient Games, in Olympia, a sacred flame burned continually on the altar of the goddess Hera. The flame first appeared in the modern Olympics at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam. The flame itself represents a number of things, including purity and the endeavor for perfection.
In 1936, the chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Olympic Games, Carl Diem, suggested what is now the modern Olympic Torch relay. The Olympic flame is lit at the ancient site of Olympia by women wearing ancient-style robes and using a curved mirror and the sun. The Olympic Torch is then passed from runner to runner from the ancient site of Olympia to the Olympic stadium in the hosting city. The flame is then kept alight until the Games have concluded. The Olympic Torch relay represents a continuation from the ancient Olympic Games to the modern Olympics.
The 2014 Winter Olympics torch relay started on the 7th of October, 2013, 123 days prior to the Sochi Winter Olympics. In Russia the relay traveled from Moscow to Sochi through 2,900 towns and villages across all 83 regions of Russia by foot, car, train, plane, and "troika" for over 65,000 km of journey. It became the longest relay in Winter Olympics history.
Student 7.
The lighting ceremony was held on the 29th of September, 2013 at Olympia, Greece. The first Russian torchbearer was NHL star Alex Ovechkin.
The 2014 Olympic Torches were unveiled on the 14th of January, 2013 in Moscow. The torch is chrome with red detail, a traditional color of Russian sport. It was designed by a creative team led by Vladimir Pirozhkov and Andrei Vodyanik and weighs nearly 2 kg. Designed in the shape of a feather, the torch is also reminiscent of the Firebird, or Phoenix – the legendary bird that rose from the ashes and which features prominently in Russian folklore as a symbol of good fortune and happiness.
Fourteen thousand Olympic torches were produced. During the relay the torches failed on at least forty-four occasions.
On October 20, 2013, the torches reached the North Pole for first time via a nuclear-powered icebreaker 50 Let Pobedy. On November 6, 2013, the torch was flown into space by Soyuz rocket and brought back on November 11. The torches will also reach Europe's highest mountain, Mount Elbrus, and the depths of Siberia's Lake Baikal.
The four-month torch relay for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, which started in Moscow on Oct. 7, included travel by plane, train, car and even reindeer sleigh.
The flame carried by the torches will be used to light the Olympic caldron at Sochi's stadium on Feb. 7, marking the start of the 2014 Winter Games, which run until Feb. 23.
14/01/2013 - The Sochi 2014 Organising Committee has unveiled the torch that will carry the Olympic flame during the next Winter Games. The torch was presented by Sochi 2014 Ambassadors Tatiana Navka, and IlyaAverbukh at a ceremony in Moscow.
The Olympic Flame arrived in Khabarovsk on the 17th of November. It was the 42nd day of the torch relay. I suggest watching a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv1bTO2USBU).
Two athletes will represent our city in the Olympics. Student 8 is going to tell us about them.
Student 8.
Ivan Aleksandrovich Skobrev (born February 8, 1983 in Khabarovsk) is a Russian speed skater who specializes in all rounds. He won the bronze medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver in the 5,000 meters. He qualified for four distances for the Winter Olympics in Turin. He finished eleventh in the 5,000 meters, sixth in the 1,500 and 10,000 meters and fifth in the team pursuit. In 2013 he became the Honorable citizen of Khabarovsk.
Anna Prugova was born on November, 20th, 1993 in Khabarovsk. At the moment she is a goalkeeper of the Female National team of Russia on Hockey.
The Olympic movement has given the world a galaxy of sports celebrities.
Among them are …….. (Students’ presentations)
Finally it has been declared that the number of the Olympic team of Russia in Sochi is 225 athletes , the average age is 22.5 years. It is the youngest national team in the history of the country. Almost two-thirds of the athletes are newcomers; the youngest athlete is a figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya who is only 15.
The 2014 Olympic Games features 15 winter sports and 99 disciplines, the Russian athletes will participate in 95 of them.
Olympic Games are prestigious and the athletes who take part in them truly believe in the "spirit of Olympism" and the power it has to unite the world and spread a positive message. Athletes are proud to have the honour of representing their countries.
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