«Парад английских традиций»
план-конспект на тему

Пономаренко Регина Равилевна

«Парад английских традиций»


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке

«Парад английских традиций»

Part 1.  Introduction

Teacher: Hello, my dear boys and girls! Good morning dear guests! We are glad to greet you at our parade of English traditions.

Pupil 1: Every country has its own traditions and customs.  In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully.


Pupil 2: Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years.

It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their days off at home with their families.

Pupil 3: Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Beg your pardon”.

Pupil 1: People all over the world know the saying: “The Englishmen’s home is his castle”. They like to live in small houses with a small garden. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating.

Pupil 2: The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have "high tea" or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

Pupil 3: They have also English and British traditions of sport, music and many royal occasions.

Pupil 1: Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Mothers day, Easter and others.


Pupil 2:  Today we are going to present you some of the most popular English traditions connected with their national holidays.

Part 2. Presentations

Pupil 1 And now let’s start with the youngest participants of our parade. The pupils of the 2nd form will tell us about differences in celebrating holidays in Russia and Great Britain. You are welcome friends!

Pupil 2 It was great, it was wonderful! Thank you very much!

 And we continue our parade. I am sure that you know that the most famous holiday in Great Britain is Christmas. The pupils of the 9th form will tell us about celebrating this holiday.


 Pupil 1

Thank you for your presentation girls.

Dear friends, we invite you to listen to a song “Good morning”, it will be performed by the girls of the 6th form. You are welcome, girls.

Pupil 2

On the fourth Thursday of November people of the USA are celebrating Thanksgiving Day. The girls of the 8th form will tell you about this holiday. You are welcome, girls.

Pupil 1

Now for your attention there is a play “The Prince and the Pauper” by Mark Twain. It will be performed by the pupils of the 8th form. Let’s greet young actors.

Pupil 2

As you know English people are tea- lovers. The pupils of the 2d form will tell us about this famous tradition.

Pupil 1

Very nice boys and girls, thank you very much.

And now we invite you to enjoy listening to a sweet voice of Gilmutdinova Diana. She will sing a song “                                      “

Pupil 2

On the 31st of October all ghosts and witches are free and you can expect to meet them. Will you tell us, what is the holiday on that day?

Yes, you are right, it is Halloween. And now the pupils of the 7th form will tell you about this holiday.

Pupil 1

 And now let’s give the  floor

To the pupils of the 6th form, who will perform the play “The first day of Robert Berns”

Pupil 2

There is one more very beautiful tradition in Great Britain. It is Horse Racing.

The pupils of the 8th form will tell us  about this holiday. Let’s meet them with applauds.

Pupil 1

And one more tradition which is celebrated in Britain is Pancakes Day.

The pupils of the 7th form will tell us about it.

Oh, how interesting!

 Well friends, would you also like to take part in the Pancake races?

Come here to the stage and try to run flipping a pancake in a frying pan.

Pupil 2

Oh, it was wonderful, you are the champions and you do not need any help to be the champions, but the girls from the 7th form ask your help, let’s help them.

( the song “HELP”) во время последнего припева выходят все участники парада

Выходят оба ведущих на сцену

Pupil 1

So, our parade of English traditions comes to an end. We hope that it was very interesting and enjoyable for you.

Pupil 2

Thanks a lot to all the participants and to all the teachers, who helped the pupils to prepare this holiday.

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