методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия к фестивалю английского языка. Презентация команды "Colorado cowboys"
методическая разработка (11 класс) по теме
К ежегодному фестивалю английского языка учащиеся школ района представляют англоговорящую страну и визитку команды.
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Предварительный просмотр:
В 2012 – 2013 году программа фестиваля была следующей:
Команда нашей школы называлась «Colorado cowboys».
Визитка «Colorado Cowboys»
Капитан: Who can ride horses perfectly?
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Капитан: Who can work hard at ranchos?
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Капитан: Who can enjoy life completely!
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Капитан: Who can never let friends down?
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Капитан: Who can respect fathers and their traditions?
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Капитан: Who can love families very much?
Команда: Who can compete honestly and justly?
Капитан: Who can win and fail?
Команда: Colorado Cowboys!
Drama «I don’t want to study, I want to marry»
Nesmeyana: (Несмеяну играет юноша. Сидит на троне и решает пример ) Two + two is … (пальцами решает, чешет голову ) Five! Oh, my life is boring! I don’t like studying! (хнычет, бросает тетрадь и ручку).
The Queen: Oh, my dear! What do you want?
Nesmeyana: I want to get married! (берет зеркало и подкрашивает губы)
The Queen: You never smile. We announce the competition between fiancés. If one of them makes you smile, he’ll be your husband. And now let’s see our beautiful girls’ dancing! (Мальчики, в русских народных костюмах танцуют под музыку «Во поле березонька стояла»)
Nesmeyana: No, I don’t like it! (плачет)
The Queen: Can you dance more dynamic and energetic?
(Мальчики танцуют под диско - музыку)
Nesmeyana: No, I don’t like it! Go away!
The servant: Your majesty! The fiancés have arrived!
The Queen: That’s great!
The servant: A fiancé from a faraway land! Mr. John, cowboy! (Выходит ковбоец)
The Queen: How can you make my daughter smile?
Cowboy: I can tell you a funny story. The friends met at the entrance of the restaurant.
_ Look, Geoffrey! Your sweetheart is sitting over there! Why not go and sit next to her?
_ I’d like to, but I have the feeling, she hasn’t paid her bill yet! (Все смеются, кроме принцессы)
The Queen: Do you have a lot of money?
Cowboy: Oh, yes, I have a big rancho in Colorado. My princess will work there and will have a lot of children!
Nesmeyana: No, I don’t like it! Go away!
The servant: Tom Brown, a botanic from Oxford University!
(Выходит ботаник) Oh, princess, you are so beautiful! I’ll make you smile! I’ll tell you a funny story about my adventure in African jungles… (Музыка «В мире животных») (Мимикой он рассказывает о своих приключениях) Choose me and we’ll discover the world together!
Nesmeyana: No, I don’t like it! Go away!
The Queen: Oh, my dear! (Гладит дочь по голове и вытирает нос)
The servant: Your majesty! A funny clown from Funland!
Nesmeyana: A funny clown!?
(Выходит грустный клоун и держит в руках шарики. Вдруг лопается шарик, клоун падает на землю и плачет)
Nesmeyana: (Начинает громко смеяться, подходит к клоуну, помогает ему подняться, снимает с него парик, носик, вытирает краску с лица) Oh, you are perfect! (Танцует под музыку «Only you…») (после танца, уходят обнявшись, спиной к публике, потом, поворачиваются и машут рукой).
Презентация «America, the Beautiful!»
- Играет музыка «The good, the bad and the ugly»
The author: Across the Atlantic Ocean, in the faraway land, where the buffalo and the antelope roam and the skies aren’t cloudy all day, there live freedom – loving, easy – going, smart and creative people. The history of this country is very interesting and amazing. Now, we’ll present this beautiful land to you.
- Играет музыка «West»
The Indian man: Hi! I’m the Wise Eagle from Charokee tribe. We have been living in America for thousands of years. Our fathers were the witnesses of the first English settlement in the Plymouth. Our tribe helped it to survive in a new land. Sometimes we were friends or enemies. But now we are in peace.
The turkey: And I’m a turkey, a traditional American food on Thanksgivings Day. And my friend on this day is a pumpkin pie. Oh, we are very tasty! People have us in the fall.
- Песня американского рок певца Рода Стюарта «We are sailing»
The historian: Hi! I’m an American historian, who has been studying American Presidents’ life and their political activities. This is the first President of my country, George Washington, who led the Army of the Confederation in the war of Independence from the Englishmen.
The American flag: Of course, you’ve recognized me! I’m the American Flag who has thirteen stripes which mean 13 original colonies and 50 stars which are for 50 contemporary states. I was adopted in . I think, I’m nice in my original way of painting.
- Играет музыка «The good, the bad, the ugly»
The Cowboy: Hi! I’m John Jonson, a cowboy. I have my own rancho in Colorado. My family is big and friendly. Every year I take part in our annual Rodeo competition. I got the first prize twice.
- Играет музыка «ABBA Money»
The dollar: I’m a famous world currency. On me you can see famous American people: G. Washington and B. Franklin. Also I have an inscription «In God we trust». There is hardly a country in the world, which has such words on the currency banknote.
- Девочки из команды cheerleading танцуют под английскую музыку.
The baseball player: I’m a baseball player! Baseball is a national American game, which is played with a bat and a little round ball. We have a lot of baseball teams in America. We Love this game!
Bill Gates: I’m Bill Gates! Almost each family in the world has the computer of our Microsoft Corporation. Some people ask me: “ What is the secret of your success, Bill?” My only secret is “work, work and work” If you are creative, talented and hard working, you are successful!
- Играет музыка «Jingle bells!»
Santa Clause: Every year I come to my people on Christmas Eve. They buy presents and decorate a Christmas tree. American usually say on this day «Merry Christmas!»
- Играет музыка «Макдональдс»
The waitress: I’m a student in Harvard University. I work as a waitress for MacDonald’s. Some people say that it is fast food and it is unhealthy. As for me, I like MacDonald’s hamburgers and cheeseburgers. They are tasty and they are sold all over the world!
- Играет музыка «Терминатор - 1»
Terminator: Babies! I’ve been back! I will save the world again! Who will be with me? You? You? OK! Don’t miss the Terminator – 4 with me, Schwartsnieger, the former governer of Taxes. Asta la vista, babies!
The Statue of Liberty (Кристина): I’m the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America. In New York Harbor I welcome millions of immigrants from abroad who seek better life in my country, the country of big opportunities and American dream. Glory to it!
(Анжела): Once Thomas Jefferson wrote:
We hold this truth to be self – evident
That all men are created equal,
That they are endowed by their Creator with
certain inalienable rights
among these are: life, liberty and persuit of happiness!
- Дети поют «America, the beautiful!»
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