Сценарий сказки "Золотая рыбка"на английском языке
классный час (5, 6, 7 класс)

Сценарий сказки  "Золотая рыбка" на английском языке


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Fisherman’s wife

Gold fish


Вдали виднеется хижина рыбака. Рыбак стоит в море, он счастлив, он поймал золотую рыбку.

Fisherman My old woman will be very happy today. I haven’t caught any gold fish before.

Fish Please, let me go

Fisherman What’s the matter? The fish is speaking. I did not know that fish could speak

Fish Please, let me go. If you let me go, I shall give you anything you like.

Fisherman I do not want anything. Swim away, little gold fish. Swim away. (Выбрасывает рыбку в море, садится и задумывается. К нему подходит старуха.)

The old woman What are you thinking about , my man?

Fisherman About the gold fish that can speak.

The old woman The gold fish! What gold fish?

Fisherman I caught a gold fish. The fish spoke to me. She asked me to let her go and promised to do anything I wanted.

The old woman And you let her go?

Fisherman Yes, I did

The old woman And you didn’t ask her about anything?

 Fisherman No, I didn’t

The old woman Oh, you must ask this little gold fish to give us a nice little house. Our hut is so old. Ask the fish to give us a little new house.

Старик уходит

Fisherman Oh Fish of the Sea,

                  Come, listen to me!

                  My wife wants to ask

                 A favour of thee

Появляется золотая рыбка

Fish What does she want?

Fisherman She wants a new little house. Our hut is very bad and old.

Fish You can go home. Your old woman is in the new house already.

Старик возвращается и видит прекрасный дом


Комната в новом доме . Старик и старуха сидят за столом

Fisherman How nice it is here! The rooms are little but very good! Now you must be happy.

Fisherman’s wife Yes, our house is good. But I am tired of its little rooms. They are too small for me. Ask the gold fish to give us a castle.

Fisherman I don’t want to ask the gold fish to give us anything. The fish won’t give you a castle.

Fisherman’s wife Oh, no. The gold fish will do it. Go to the gold fish and ask her to give me a castle.


Дом остается вдали, старик подходит к морю

Fisherman Oh Fish of the Sea,

                  Come, listen to me!

                  My wife wants to ask

                 A favour of thee

Gold fish What does she want now?

Fisherman She wants a beautiful castle. She is tired of the little rooms of her house. She wants a big castle.

Gold fish Go home. She’ll have a castle.

Он поворачивается и видит прекрасный замок позади себя.

Fisherman Do you like your castle? It is beautiful.

Fisherman’s wife Yes, I like my castle, but I want to be a queen

Fisherman A queen?

Fisherman’s wife Yes, a queen. Ask the gold fish to make me the  queen of all the land.

Fisherman You can’t be a queen! The gold fish can’t make you the queen of all the land.

Fisherman’s wife She can. Ask the gold fish to make me the queen of all the land.

Старик уходит

Fisherman Oh Fish of the Sea,

                  Come, listen to me!

                  My wife wants to ask

                 A favour of thee

Gold fish Well, what does she want now?

Fisherman She wants to be the queen of all the land

Gold fish Go home. She is a queen already


Fisherman Well, aren’t you a queen?

Fisherman’s wife Yes, I am. But I am only the queen of all the land. I want to be the queen of the Sun and the Moon and the Sea.

Fisherman But the gold fish cannot make you the queen of the Sun and the Moon and the Sea.

Fisherman’s wife Yes, she can

Fisherman I shan’t ask the gold fish to do anything else for you.

Fisherman’s wife Ask her to make me queen of the sun and the moon and the sea or I’ll tell my men to beat you. Be quick, old fool.

Fisherman Oh Fish of the Sea,

                  Come, listen to me!

                  My wife wants to ask

                 A favour of thee

Gold fish Well, what does she want now?

Fisherman She wants to be the queen of the Sun and the Moon and the Sea.

Gold fish What? To be the queen of the Sun and the Moon and the Sea? Go home to your old hut again. Your old woman wants too much.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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