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занимательные факты ( класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Johnny - cake
Once upon a time there was an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy. One morning the old woman made a Johnny-cake, and put it in the oven to bake.
--You watch the Johnny-cake while your father and I go out to work in the garden.
So the old man and the old woman began to hoe potatoes, and left the little boy to look after the oven. But he didn’t watch it all the time, and suddenly he heard a noise. The boy looked up. The oven door had opened itself. Then Johnny-cake jumped out of the oven, and rolled towards the open door, but Johnny-cake was too quick for him, and rolled through the door, down the steps, and out into the road. The little boy cried out to his father and mother.
---Mother, father, catch him, he is running away.
And father, and mother and the boy ran after Johnny-cake as fast as they could. But Johnny-cake was too fast for them and soon he was out of sight.
Soon Johnny-cake came to a bear.
---Where are you going, Johnny-cake?
---I’ve run away from an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy and I can run away from you too - o – !»
---You can run away, can’t you? We’ll see about that!
And the bear ran after Johnny-cake, as fast as his legs could. But soon the bear gave up the chase and he lay down by the roadside to rest.
Soon Johnny-cake came to a wolf.
---Where are you going, Johnny-cake?
---I’ve run away from an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and a bear and I can run away from you too-o-o!
--- You can run away, can’t you? We’ll see about that!
And he ran after Johnny-cake, who went on and on so fast that the wolf could not hope to catch him, and he lay down to rest.
Soon Johnny-cake came to a fox that lay quietly in a corner by a fence. The fox called out,
---Where are you going, Johnny-cake?
---I’ve run away from an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, a bear and a wolf , and I can run away from you too-o-o!
----I can’t quite hear you, Johnny-cake, won’t you come a little closer?
Then Johnny-cake went a little closer, and called out in a very loud voice,
---I’ve run away from an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and a bear, and a wolf, and I can run away from you too-o-o!”
--- I can’t quite hear you; won’t you come a little closer?” said the fox in a weak voice and put one paw behind his ear.
Johnny-cake came up close. He leaned towards the fox and screamed out/
You can run away, can’t you? - cried the fox, and he snapped up the Johnny-cake in his sharp teeth.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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