Разработка урока по теме "Present Continuous" для 5 класса по УМК М.З. Биболетовой
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Данный урок был разработан для обучающихся 5 класса по УМК М.З. Биболетовой. Структура урока полностью соответсвует ФГОС.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Present Continuous Tense
Цель урока: совершенствование грамматических навыков, развитие коммуникативных навыков
Задачи урока:
- Закрепление признаков грамматического времени;
- Формирования умения расспрашивать собеседника и отвечать на его вопросы;
- Понимать богатство и разнообразие языковых средств для выражения мыслей и чувств;
- Развитие диалогической и монологической речи, умение адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативных задач;
- Умение представлять результаты групповой работы, комментируя происходящее на картинке;
- Развитие умения работать в парах, в группе.
Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, магнитофон, аудиозапись, презентации, телефон
1.Организационный момент
-Good morning, children!
Ps: Good morning!
-How are you?
Ps: I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How did you spend your weekend? What did you do?
P1: I visited my granny, helped my mum and looked after my sister.
P2: I went for a walk and did my homework.
P3: I watched TV, played computer games and watered the flowers.
P4, P5….
2. Целеполагание
- My family and I did a lot of things too on Sunday. Would you like to see my photos?
Ps: Yes!!!
O.K. Let’s look at them and try to guess what we will discuss on the lesson.
(Показываю слайды с фотографиями, описывая действия, изображенные на фотографии, интонационно выделяя в предложениях концовку):
This is my son. He is taking part in aikido-competition at the moment. This is my daughter. She is singing at the moment. My son is doing his homework.
My husband and my son are decorating a New Year tree at the moment. And I visited the “The Little Beauty of Niznevartovsk” to see our Karina. This is Karina. She is dancing at the moment. She is singing at the moment. She is getting presents at the moment.
Ps: We’ll talk about actions in Present Continuous.
-How clever of you! (На экране всплывает слайд с названием темы «Present Continuous Tense» и схемами, напоминающими обучающимся об образовании предложений в данном времени).
Yes, today we’ll continue to discuss different things that occur now or at the moment, we’ll describe a lot of pictures, act out dialogues, play and even try to create our school album. Would you like to do it?
Ps: Yes!!!
- Let’s start, then.
3. Фонетическая разминка
-But first of all we should prepare our tongues for our work. Open ex.48p.66., listen and repeat the words correctly.
(Выполняют задание за диктором)
Ps: singing, dancing, writing…
4. Речевая разминка
- Look at the pictures and say what people are doing.
(Делают хором по презентации, вставляя глагол с ing- окончанием, согласно картинкам.)
Ps: They are dancing. The parrot Kesha is listening to music, и т.д.
5. Совершенствование грамматических навыков
- Now look at the pictures and describe them using Present Continuous.
(Полностью составляют предложения для описания картинок в Present Continuous)
P1: He is reading now.
P2: She is cooking now.
P3, P4…
6. Совершенствование навыков чтения и диалогической речи
- Now look at the pictures in ex.50, read, translate and act out the dialogues.
(Читают про себя диалог №1 , затем одна пара читает диалог вслух и делает его перевод, после чего дается 2-3 минуты на работу в парах для инсценирования диалога у доски)
-Are you ready for acting out?
Ps: Yes!!!
(Инсценировка у доски.)
P1: Are you going to school?
P2: No, I am going to the dentist.
P3: Are you going to school?
P4: No, I am going to the dentist.
P5: Are you going to school?
P6: No, I am going to the dentist.
P7: Are you going to school?
P8: No, I am going to the dentist.
P9: Are you going to school?
P10: No, I am going to the dentist
(Читают диалог№2, затем одна пара читает диалог вслух и делает его перевод, после чего дается 4-5 минут на работу в парах для инсценирования диалога у доски)
-Are you ready for acting out?
Ps: Yes!!!
(Инсценировка у доски.)
P1: May I use the telephone?
P2: No, I am speaking to Steve. But I won’t be long.
P1:O.K. Don’t be worry. I can wait.
P3: May I use the telephone?
P4: No, I am speaking to Steve. But I won’t be long.
P3:O.K. Don’t be worry. I can wait.
-Well done! You are so brilliant!
7. Активизация грамматических и коммуникативных навыков
-Now let’s have a rest and play “Mime” using Present Continuous Tense. Who will be the leader?
(Ведущий выходит к доске, изображает действие, остальные пытаются угадать, что показал ведущий с помощью вопросительных предложений в Present Continuous, угадавший становится ведущим)
P1: Are you reading?
P2: Yes, I am.
P3: Are you skiing?
P2: Yes, I am.
P4: Are you singing?
P2: Yes, I am.
P5: Are you skiing?
P4: No, I am not.
P 6: Are you skating?
P4: Yes, I am.
-And now let’s look at the photos in ex.62, read and translate the captions under them. What is the funniest?
P1: I think the funniest caption is under the third photo.
P2: To my mind, the first caption is the funniest caption.
P3, P4…
8. Закрепление аудитивных и коммуникативных навыков.
- Now it’s high time to create our school album. Your homework was to make and take a photo of yours or your classmates during a break in the English lessons. You should divide into 3 groups. The aim of each group is to create a page of our school album with photos and captions under them. In 8-10 minutes you should present your page, show your photos and read your captions. Then you should choose the funniest or the most interesting photo and caption.
(Учащимся выдается лист бумаги, на который они наклеивают принесенные из дома фотографии и делают под ними, по возможности с юмором, подписи)
-Are you ready to present your pages? Shall we start?
Ps: Yes!!!
Group №1: We would like to present our project “Our school album”. In our page there are 6 photos. This is Diana. She is advising something. This is Ksyusha. She is dreaming about an excellent mark on English lesson. This is Danil. He is sitting. This is Anna. She is laughing. This is Kirill. He is singing. This is Vera. She is smiling. Thank you very much for your attention.
Group №2, group №3
-Thank you very much for your presentations. They were marvelous! Look how nice album we have got now! Do you like it?
Ps: Yes!!!
-What photos and captions do you like best?
P1: I like Ksyusha’s photo and caption because they are the funniest!
P2: As for me, the most interesting photo and caption are Danil’s because they are unusual.
P3, P4…
9. Рефлексия
Thank you very much for your work. Our lesson is coming to the end and it’s time to draw its conclusion. Have you got any problems with using Present Continuous Tense or with forming sentences in it?
P1,P2…: No, I haven’t.
-Do you think we should work on this theme next lesson?
P1: No, I don’t, this theme is clear for me.
P2: No, I understand this theme very well.
10. Подведение итогов.
- You work very well. Your marks are excellent. Your homework will be ex.12 p.80, you should complete the sentences with the verbs in correct form. Good luck! See you tomorrow.
Ps: Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!
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