Методическая разработка к межпредметному курсу "Technology in English" Computer parts
методическая разработка (5 класс) на тему

Литвинова Татьяна Вячеславовна

Методическая разработка к межпредметному курсу "Technology in English" Computer parts направлена на изучение лексики по теме компьютер и его части.


Файл computers_and_their_parts.docx645.34 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Computers and their parts

1.Read the text.

To complete the project you can make a poster or a presentation. A PRESENTATION is a set of materials for your speech. A COMPUTER PRESENTATION is a file in which there are pictures and information for your speech.

To make a  computer presentation we should know parts of the computer and how to use it.

A computer is an electronic machine that can store and process data. It doesn't get tired or bored like humans when it does the same thing for a long time. A computer is very fast, accurate, diligent and can do a lot of things at the same time . When we use a computer we can write, chat with friends, draw, play games, find information and get digital photos.

If we compare a man and a computer we can find that

A man

A computer

 needs food to work.

needs energy to work

has his own brain

has an artificial brain called CPU

can work on his own

needs commands to work

has emotions and feelings

doesn't have emotions or feelings

gets tired and needs rest

doesn't get tired

can take decisions

can't take decisions

is slow in calculating

is fast in calculating

Decide which of the following refers to

a man (M) or to a computer (C):

1.Fast in computing and calculating.

2.Has his own brains.

3.Never gets tired.

4.Has artificial brains.

5.Needs food.

6.Has emotions and feelings.

7.Needs electricity to work.

8.Can work for long time without stopping.

9.Can work on his own.

10.Is not very fast in calculating.

11.Needs rest after work.

12.Doesn’t have emotions and feelings.

13.Needs commands to work.

14.Gets tired

Parts of the computer


A screen

shows you what you are doing on the computer


A keyboard

is used mainly for typing text into your computer

 has  special buttons called keys(different keys have different functions)


Central Processing Unit

acts as the "brain" of the computer

processes the data and sends the result to the monitor


A mouse

is a small device used to point to and select items on the computer screen

has two buttons and a sensor

can be wireless



allow  to listen to music and hear sound effects from the computer



allow  to listen to music and hear sound effects from the computer without disturbing other people


A printer

prints the work done on a computer on a sheet of paper

can be black and white or colour


A scanner

read words, pictures or numbers printed on a sheet of paper and changes it into a form that a computer can understand


Uninterrupted Power Supply

is used for keeping a computer ON if there is a sudden power cut


A microphone

is used to record voice, music or sounds into the computer


A joystick

is used to play computer games on the computer


A modem

connects a computer to the Internet


A web-camera

is used to capture pictures and video images from outside and store them into the computer



are used for storing data


A pen-drive

is a storage device

can store more information than CDs or DVDs

2. Look at the picture and write down the names of the parts of the computer

C:\Users\Олег\Desktop\Без имени.png

3. Solve the crossword






































































































































































































































































































































































































































 1. We use it to print the work done on a computer on a sheet of paper.

5. It is used for keeping a computer ON if there is a sudden power cut.

6. It is used to capture pictures and video images from outside and store them into the computer.

7. It is used for typing texts, numbers and special characters on the computer.

9. We use it to connect a computer to the Internet.

10. We use it to record voice, music or sounds into the computer.

15. It can read words, pictures or numbers printed on a sheet of paper and changes it into a form that a computer can understand.


2. They help us to listen to the recorded music, songs, speech or other sounds without disturbing others.

3. It is a storage device. It can store more information than CDs or DVDs.

4. It is used to control movement of objects on a computer.

8. It displays whatever we type with a keyboard or draw with a mouse.

11. It is a pointing device. It is used to point out the items present on the computer screen.

13. Whatever we type with a keyboard or do with a mouse goes there. It processes it and sends the results on the monitor.

14. They help us to listen to the recorded music, songs, speech or other sounds.

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