Демонстрационные контрольные работы для 9 класса (входная, полугодовая, итоговая)
тест (9 класс) на тему
Контрольные задания строятся на материале, изученного в 9 классе согласно календарно-тематического планирования.
Цель – проверка сформированность речевых навыков и умений.
Объекты контроля по видам речевой деятельности в учебном аспекте:
Аудирование — умение понять содержание текста, умение извлечь конкретную информацию из текста
чтение — умение понять детальное содержание прочитанного и умение извлечь конкретную информацию из текста;
грамматика и лексика - Умение употреблять грамматические структуры (преобразовать глагол в видо-временную форму). Словообразование.
письмо – умение написать личное письмо.
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Предварительный просмотр:
9 класс
Полугодовая контрольная работа
Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop-assistant. Decide which of the following statements (items 1-7) are True (A), False (B) or on which the information in the conversation was Not Stated (C). You will hear the conversation twice.
1. The customer has decided that she doesn’t like the jacket she bought.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
2. The shop only has the jacket in certain colours.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
3. The customer uses the shop regularly.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
4. The assistant has bought one of the jackets herself.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
5. The shop is not going to order more of the jackets until next week.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
6. The jackets will be available in all colours soon.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
7. The customer will have to pay for another jacket.
A. True B. False C. Not Stated
Read the text. For each sentence 1-7 given below the text choose from options A, B, C or D the one which completes the sentence in the most suitable way. You have 15 minutes to do the task.
Trucker Chic (after С. Tuttle)
The trucker's uniform has a distinct style. It signifies a man's profession, his pride, and tells you where he calls home. Trucker chic is a perfect balance of function and fashion. Every item, even the accessories, are designed to be comfortable, to serve a purpose, and to communicate.
You start with the boots. They can be cowboy boots, logger boots, or work boots — but they must be big, kick-some-ass boots. (No real trucker would be caught dead in sneakers!)
Then you've got the jeans, always jeans. Usually it's Wrangler or Lee, may be LongHaul or Levi's-but never anything flashy or anything without a label.
Shirts are worn layered for quick climate control, a T-shirt underneath and a woven shirt on top.
Accessories are key. The hat is a must. If it's a baseball cap, it not only hides oily hair, it's also a tiny billboard that acts as a calling card. It might say "Malmeshury", "MU", or "Big Daddy", but you know it means something and you had better pay attention. If it's a cowboy hat, enough said.
The belt buckle is the badge of honor - usually worn over to the side so it won't cut into their belly when they're behind the wheel. The bigger the buckle, the bigger the man. Don't be afraid if you see a belt buckle the size of a small dinner plate, just tip your hat and move on.
1. The passage is about
- the way trucks are decorated
- fashion industry and boutiques
- clothes that truck drivers wear
- work of a truck driver
2. Truckers tend to wear _______
- boots
- sneakers
- slippers
- shoes
3. The kind of jeans described in the text are
- with famous trademark
- of uncertain origin
- always blue
- dirty and old
4. A trucker wears many shirts at the same time ____
- to show he's rich enough
- to have enough pockets for accessories
- to match other clothes
- to adapt to the weather
5. The accessory not mentioned in the text is ____
- key
- cap
- belt
- hat
6. The belt buckle is worn the way
- cowboys wear it
- not to cover the jeans label
- not to hurt the trucker's fat belly
- to be used as a dinner plate
7. The outfit of a trucker ____
- meets the conditions a trucker works in
- shows his football preferences
- tells what company he works for
- is strange and shocking
Use of English
Read the text. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
What is haggis?
Haggis is Scotland's best-known (1) ___ dish, a rich, REGION 1) ________________
(2) ___ concoction made from lamb's offal (lungs, SPICE 2) ________________
liver and heart) (3) ___ with suet, onions, herbs and MIX 3)________________
(4) ___ , all packed into a skin made of plastic, or, SPICE 4)________________
(5) ___ , a sheep's stomach. Usually served on TRADITION 5)________________
Burns' Night, the haggis is often (6) ___ by COMPANY 6)________________
mashed potatoes and mashed swede or turnips.
Although the haggis neither sounds nor looks
(7) ___ , most people brave enough to try it agree APPETITE 7)________________
that it is (8) ___ tasty! EXTREME 8)_______________
1 | A | B | C |
2 | A | B | C |
3 | A | B | C |
4 | A | B | C |
5 | A | B | C |
6 | A | B | C |
7 | A | B | C |
A customer and a shop-assistant
Assistant: Неllо. How саn I help уоu?
Customer: Yes, hello, I want to return this jacket. I bought it here two days ago.
Assistant: Is there something wrong with it?
Customer: No, it's just that I've changed my mind. I tried it on here before I bought it, and I thought it suited me, but when I got it home I realised that it's just the wrong colour for me.
Assistant: Let me have а look at it. Ah, yes, we sold out of this line yesterday. Normally, уоu could simply exchange it for one in а colour уоu prefer, but I'm afraid we haven't got any of these left at аll.
Customer: Oh, that's а shame. Because I really like the style. I hadn't been in here before and I was really pleased to find something that I liked. I'm always looking for something а bit special, а bit different, and yours is the only shop where I've found this kind of jacket.
Assistant: Yes, we're the only place in town that stocks this brand. And they're very popular.
Customer: And not too expensive either.
Assistant: That's right. I guess that's one of the reasons why they're so popular. They look as if they cost а lot but in fact they don’t.
Customer: Will уоu be getting some more of them soon?
Assistant: Well, we've already ordered them from the supplier and we're expecting to get some more from them next week
Customer: Well, I'd like to get one in pink, instead of this one.
Assistant: Yes, that should bе ОК, we'll be getting some of those.
Customer: So, what should I do now?
Assistant: ОК, if уоu return this one now, I'll take уоu details and reserve one of the ones уоu want. When they соme in, we'll contact уоu and then уоu саn соmе and collect it. Of course, you've already paid.
Customer: That sounds fine.
Assistant: Have уоu got the receipt for this one?
Customer: Yes, here it is.
Assistant: Thanks. ОК, саn I just get уоur name, address and contact details?
Customer: Yes, mу name is ...
Assistant: Just а minute, I need to put the information into the computer …
1 | C |
2 | A |
3 | A |
4 | D |
5 | A |
6 | C |
7 | A |
Use of English
1 | regional |
2 | spicy |
3 | mixture |
4 | spices |
5 | traditionally |
6 | accompanied |
7 | appetizing |
8 | extremely |
Предварительный просмотр:
9 класс
Годовая промежуточная аттестационная работа
Listen to the story and answer the questions.
1) The woman went to … .
A. Crete last year
B. Greece this year
C. Greece last year
2) They are going on holiday for … .
A. two weeks
B. a month
C. one week
3) She and her husband are staying in a … .
A. town
B. hotel
C. small village
4) They are staying by the … .
A. forest
B. sea
C. ocean
5) The woman is going to … every day on holiday.
A. cook
B. eat out
C. do the cleaning
6) The woman's husband enjoys … on holiday.
A. cooking
B. storing up
C. eating out
7) Her husband can cook … .
A. different dishes
B. nothing
C. Italian food
8) Food in local restaurants is said to be … .
A. exquisite
B. dreadful
C. loathsome
9) The man would like to go to … .
A. Malta
B. Maltha
C. a mall
10) The man has already … his trip.
A. booked
B. thought about
C. had
Read texts 1-6 and match them to subjects A-G. Use each letter only once. There is one letter you will not need to use.
A. Culture
B. Do you know that...
C. Cuisines of the World
D. Home Affairs
E. Horoscope
F. Trade
G. Sport
1. Yesterday Russian and American veterinarian officials agreed on the form of the certificates for importing meat and poultry. The prohibition on importing chicken quarters from Delaware is stopped. Texas and Maryland are ready to send their beef and pork to Russia, because the USA guarantees high quality of the supplies.
2. Steven Spielberg introduces his new film at the 61st International Cinema Festival in Venice. Whatever his film is, the famous American cameraman is a most honourable guest of Venice.
3. Yesterday's election in Kyle (Lochalsh) surprised us, though the result was predicted by some political journalists. Seanna McCratty was elected the mayer of the city. She explains her election in the following way, "Women are not a bit weaker than men considering thinking, talents and will power. But sometimes they can't show these qualities. I was lucky to be able to show them".
4. The match with MU was principal for the Irish team. The English won, but the Irish got what they could – experience. The tension during the game was produced by two Irish halfbacks - O'Tul and O'Baley. MU officials think about inviting them to MU farm-club.
5. Many of our readers are interested in cooking. Today we publish a simple and tasty recipe. Cut mutton into small cubes, slice equal amount of onions, salt to taste and mix well. Add pepper and herbs if you like them but no water. Put on low fire and let stew for an hour. Then enjoy this delicious "mutton a la naturel".
6. We enjoy coffee every day, and some of us drink quite a few cups during a working day. But coffee is also a drug which makes us its addicts. It can influence our liver and heart.
Read the text. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line in the form that fits in the space in the same line.
She (1) ___ a couple of hours online, reading what SPEND 1) __________________
she could find of his work, then got (2) ___ for DRESS 2) ___________________
a February day. It felt weird (3) ___ on tights, PUT 3) ___________________
boots and a coat after the Beduin clothes.
She glanced out of the window. The shadows were
(4) ___ now than they had been. She climbed out DARK 4) ___________________
of the bedroom window, scrambled over the wall
of (5) ___ garden and came out on the busy MARY 5) ___________________
main road of Malmesbury. There was no sign of
(6) ___ following her. Whoever they were MAN 6) ___________________
they were (7) ___ than her. BAD 7) ___________________
You have just got home after staying with your English friend`s family for the winter holidays. Write a thank-you letter to your friend.
- Thank your friend and his/ her family.
- Say what you especially liked about your stay and why.
- Describe your way home and say whether it was easy or difficult.
- Express the hope that your friend will visit you next year.
1—B |
2 — B |
3 — C |
4 — B |
5 — B |
6 — A |
7 — A |
8 — C |
9 — C |
10 —B |
1 | F |
2 | A |
3 | D |
4 | G |
5 | C |
6 | B |
1 | spent |
2 | dressed |
3 | putting |
4 | darker |
5 | Mary’s |
6 | men |
7 | worse |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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