Демонстрационные контрольные работы для 8 класса (входная, полугодовая, итоговая)
тест (8 класс) на тему
Контрольные задания строятся на материале, изученного в 8 классе согласно календарно-тематического планирования.
Цель – проверка сформированность речевых навыков и умений.
Объекты контроля по видам речевой деятельности в учебном аспекте:
Аудирование — умение понять содержание текста, умение извлечь конкретную информацию из текста
чтение — умение понять детальное содержание прочитанного и умение извлечь конкретную информацию из текста;
грамматика и лексика - Умение употреблять грамматические структуры (преобразовать глагол в видо-временную форму). Словообразование.
письмо – умение написать личное письмо.
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Предварительный просмотр:
8 класс
Входная контрольная работа
Read the text. For each sentence 1-7 given below the text choose from options A, B or C the one which completes the sentence in the most suitable way.
Can you imagine a hotel that is entirely made of ice? Well, it exists in Sweden, but only in winter. In spring, the hotel melts away and disappears into the river.
The Ice Hotel is situated on the shores of the Torne River in the old village of Jukkasjarvi, Sweden.
Every winter, work starts on building a new Ice Hotel, involving 40,000 tons of ice and snow. 10,000 tons of ice is taken from the Torne River, and 30,000 tons of snow is provided by Mother Nature.
The first Ice Hotel was constructed in 1990. It started as a single room – now it has 64 rooms, as well as an Ice Chapel, an art gallery, a cinema, a theatre and an Absolut Ice Bar. Last winter, more than 14,000 guests spent the night at the Ice Hotel.
Outside, the temperature is -30°C, but inside the hotel, the temperature is always around -5°C. All the furniture is made of ice, including the beds, but nobody gets cold. The beds are covered with reindeer skins and guests are given warm clothes and special arctic sleeping bags.
In the Absolut Ice Bar, the drinks are served in glasses made of ice, so there is no need for ice cubes!
Every year the interior of the hotel is designed by different artists from all over the world. It is described by visitors as ‘absolutely stunning’, ‘one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen’ and ‘unique’.
1. The Ice Hotel is situated in __________
- the USA
- Sweden
- Russia
2. How many tons of ice do people use to build the hotel?
- 10,000
- 30,000
- 40,000
3. How many rooms are there in the Hotel?
- 14,000
- 1990
- 64
4. The temperature inside the hotel is_________
- 0°C
- -5°C
- -30°C
5. What can the guests use to warm themselves at night?
- radiators
- their skin
- sleeping bags
6. In the hotel there is no __________
- art gallery
- library
- cinema
7. The hotel is situated in a __________.
- village
- town
- city
Read the text. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line in the form that fits in the space in the same line.
I’ll tell you about my mother. She (1) ___ BE 1) ________________
slim and young, but my father is (2) _____ YOUNG 2) ________________
than my mother. My mother (3) ___ long HAVE 3) ________________
fair hair. She (4) ___ music and dancing LIKE 4) ________________
very much. My (5) ___ hobby is cooking. MOTHER 5) ________________
I love my mother. I (6) ___ very happy with BE 6) ________________
with her. She is the (7) ___ mother in the world. GOOD 7) ________________
Answer this e-mail:
Dear friend,
do you get up early in the morning? My day begins very early, at 7. I have a shower, dress, have breakfast and run to school. My classes begin at 8 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. But on Saturday and Sunday I have no school and get up at 9 or 10 o’clock. I love Sundays and Saturdays. I go to the cinema or to the park with my family or with my friends and watch a lot of television. And you? What do you do at weekends? When do your classes begin and finish?
Write 70-80 words. Remember the rules of writing a personal letter.
1 | B |
2 | A |
3 | C |
4 | B |
5 | C |
6 | B |
7 | A |
Use of English
1 | is |
2 | younger |
3 | has |
4 | likes |
5 | mother’s |
6 | am |
7 | best |
Предварительный просмотр:
8 класс
Полугодовая контрольная работа
Listen and decide if the statements are true or false:
1. Paul’s parents were at the theatre last evening.
2. Paul was happy because he was alone.
3. Paul wanted to invite Pen to his place.
4. Den went to play football.
5. Paul’s cat was outdoors.
Прочитайте текст и отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) – ложные.
Baby Hal
We use computers every day, for lots of different things. Computers build things, they help us communicate and solve problems. Powerful supercomputers can do 100 trillion calculations per second. But now computers can do more than calculate; they can learn from their experience too. IBM’s computer Deep Blue beat the world champion chess player Gary Kasparov. Its big advantage is that it doesn’t get tired, and it never forgets a move.
Now those computers can learn from experience, the next stage is a computer that can think for itself.
A company called Artificial Intelligence (AL) is developing a new computer program. The program is in a computer called Baby Hal. It helps Baby Hal learn a language in the same way humans do. Hal is the name of the intelligent computer in the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey. That computer was dangerous and hurt people, but Baby Hal is not a dangerous computer. Anat Treister-Goren is teaching Baby Hal to learn a language in the same way that humans learn from their mothers.
Anat is very proud of Hal. She says ‘Well done’, when Hal solves a problem and she corrects its wrong answers on the computer keyboard. Baby Hal enjoys learning about the world by playing games and listening to stories just like a child. Hal’s language level is the same as an 18-month-old baby, but its vocabulary is growing fast, and it’s making words into sentences.
Computers are part of our lives. They give us information, help us at work, and do the shopping. But powerful machines like Baby Hal, that can think for themselves, need good parents. We don’t want dangerous computers that make the wrong decisions, like Hal in the film 2001.
- Deep Blue can remember all its chess moves.
- Baby Hal can speak different languages.
- The film 2001: Space Odyssey is about Baby Hal.
- Baby Hal uses language like a child.
- Anat Treister-Goren talks to Baby Hal through a keyboard.
- Baby Hal can’t make sentences.
- Anat reads stories to Baby Hal.
- Baby Hal can give information and advice.
Read the text. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Alice is a well-known (1) ___ . DESIGN 1) ______________________
Her brother is an (2) ___ . He ECONOMY 2) ______________________
works in a company (3) ___ TVsets. PRODUCE 3) _____________________
He knows all about (4) ___ kinds DIFFER 4) _____________________
of TVsets. His (5) ___ model costs FAVOUR 5) _____________________
200,000 rubles. It is very (6) ___ EXPENSE 6) _____________________
for him. But it is very (7) ___ , BEAUTY 7) _____________________
indeed. He will (8) ___ buy it CERTAIN 8) _____________________
one day.
Paul stayed at home last evening. His sister Jane went to her piano lesson. His parents weren’t at home either. They were at the cinema. Nobody stayed at home with Paul and he was frightened.
He decided to call his friends and invite them to come. Unfortunately, they also weren’t at home. His friend Den was at a football match.
Paul was very upset .Even his cat was in the street playing with the neighbors’ cats. Poor Paul!
1 False
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 True
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 True
5 True
6 False
7 True
8 False
1 | designer |
2 | economist |
3 | producing |
4 | different |
5 | favourite |
6 | expensive |
7 | beautiful |
8 | certain |
Предварительный просмотр:
8 класс
Годовая промежуточная аттестационная работа
Listen to the text twice and choose the right answer.
1) Has he ever been on a double decker bus?
a) A few times
b) No, never
c) Yes, many times
2) Where did he used to see them?
a) Only in Liverpool
b) All over Englandё
c) Only in big cities
3) What is the minimum fare?
a) Half pound
b) One pound
c) Two pound
4) Who does he talk about?
a) The girl by the window
b) The girl at the back
c) The man at the back
5) Where does he think this person is going?
a) Home
b) Work
c) Meet friends
Read the text and the sentences below. Decide if each sentence is true or false. You have 15 minutes to do this task.
Jack Spencer has an unusual job. He’s a lighthouse tour guide. Cape Otway lighthouse is situated near the Great Ocean Road, about 200 kilometres from Melbourne in Australia.
Jack believes that his drive to work is the most spectacular drive in the world.
‘Hundreds of thousands of tourists come to Victoria every year to drive along the Great Ocean Road and see the amazing scenery. I do it every day on my way to work,’ he says. Jack lives in Portland , about fifty kilometers from Cape Otway.
Every morning, he drives to work along the coast. It takes him about forty minutes. ‘Traffic isn’t a problem,’ Jack says. ‘I’m usually on the road before the tourists get up.’
He drives past dramatic rock formations like The Twelve Apostles, through rainforest and past spectacular waterfalls. As he drives through the National Park, he often sees koalas. ‘From the top of my lighthouse, I have the best view in the world,’ says Jack..
1. Jack Spencer lives in Australia.
A. True B. False
2. The place where Jack works is 200 kilometres from his work.
A. True B. False
3. The Great Ocean Road is along the cost.
A. True B. False
4. Jack drives to work in the morning.
A. True B. False
5. It takes Jack 40 minutes to drive to work.
A. True B. False
6. Jack doesn’t like his drive to work.
A. True B. False
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word.
Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited (1) ______ a few days’ holiday with an uncle (2)______ had just returned (3)________ abroad. He had rented a cottage (4) ______ the country, (5) ______ he rarely spent much time there. We understood the reason (6)_____ this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it.
1) A to spend B spent C spending D have spent
2) A which B whose C whom D who
3) A from B after C before D out of
4) A outside B in C inside D to
5) A in fact B while C and D but
6) A for B of C on D in
Write an e-mail to Kate. Answer her questions. Write 90-110 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing.
Dear friend,
How are you? I like London very much. It’s really a beautiful city, but the weather is not always good. It’s very hot and humid now. It’s often humid because the city is on the river Thames. When the weather is like this, I like to go to the museums, because they are all air-conditioned. The winter is usually cold and wet, and I don’t like to be outside long then. My favourite seasons here are spring and autumn because they are really nice. It’s usually cool and sunny, and I like to go on picnics and jog.
The Big Red Bus
Todd: OK. Steven, you're looking at a picture. Please describe what you see!
Steven: Uh, I can see a red double decker bus. It's the kind of bus you'll see very often in London. In fact I know this bus is from London because I can see the names: Chelsea, Sloan Square, Victoria, Herring Cross. These are all areas in London. Um, so obviously the bus is in London.
Todd: OK. Have you ever been on a double decker bus?
Steven: Yeah, yeah, yeah. many times. Many times. When I was younger, you used to get double-decker all over England but now you only tend to see them in the big cities.
Todd: Oh, really. Mm! How much is the fare?
Steven: Well, it depends on the journey. It's..I guess it's not too expensive, but the minimum price you would pay is, for a short journey, is about a pound.
Todd: Mm, yeah, who can you see on the bus? Can you pick out anyone on the bus who looks interesting?
Steven: Hmm, yeah, well this girl here at the back, that's leaning on the door, um, she looks really bored, actually. Maybe she is going to work or something and she doesn't want to go!
Todd: Is that how you feel on the bus?
Steven: Uh, well, no, not really, because I haven't worked in England for a long time, so I haven't taken a bus for a long time.
Todd: So, so you're British, do you missing them?
Steven: Um, yes, sometimes. Sometimes.
Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot.
Steven: No problem.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
C | B | B | B | B |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
A | B | A | A | A | B |
1 | to spend |
2 | who |
3 | from |
4 | in |
5 | in fact |
6 | For |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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