Grammar test 5 form (1st term)
учебно-методический материал на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна
Grammar test 5 form (1st term)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test

I. What grammar tense is this?

1. We are writing a grammar test now.

A) Present Simple

2. They haven’t arrived yet.

B) Present Continuous

3. Russian people cook pancakes during “Masletitsa week”

C) Present Perfect

4. He will read about English traditions tomorrow.

D) Past Simple

5. Last year I spent my summer holidays in the country.

E)  Future Simple

II. Choose the correct variant (a, b, c)

1.  I …..  to school every day.  

2.  He ….. pancakes with honey.

3. M.V. Lomonosov ….. a great scientist.

4. Tom has ……. read this book.

5. When ….. you come? – I’ll be back in an hour.

6.  Look! They .... playing together.

7. When did they …….  in London? – A week ago

8.  We ……. travel by ship. We usually travel by car.

9. Are you cooking ……? – Yes, I am.

10. …….. you ever been to England?

a) go                  b) went                  c) am going

a) like                b) likes                  c) liking

a) are                 b) was                    c) were

a) already          b) often                  c) yesterday

a)  did                b) does                   c) will

a)  will               b) have                   c) are

a)  arrive            b) arrived               c) arriving

a) aren’t             b) haven’t               c) don’t

a) lately              b) at the moment    c) never

a) Are                 b) Have                   c) Did

  1. Open the brackets

1. She usually (to swim) _____________ three times a week. 2. _________ they often (to travel) _______ by ship ? – No, they  ________. They ________ (never, to travel)______________ by ship. 3. James Cook  (to discover)  ________ some islands in the Pacific Ocean in the 19th century. 4. ________ you (to go) ______  for a walk yesterday? – No, I ______. It (to be) ____________ rainy. 5. I hope, you (to become) ________________ a good doctor in a few years. 6. I think, they (to come) _____________ soon. Oh, look! They _____________________ (to run). 7.  We ________(just, to translate) _____________________ the text about famous people. 8. Nick (not, to write) ____________________________ his homework yet. 9.  They (not, to sing) ________________ at the concert yesterday. They (to be) _______________ ill. 10. ________ you (to celebrate) ________________  Christmas? – Yes, of course.

Grammar Test

I. What grammar tense is this?

1. We are writing a grammar test now.

A) Present Simple

2. They haven’t arrived yet.

B) Present Continuous

3. Russian people cook pancakes during “Masletitsa week”

C) Present Perfect

4. He will read about English traditions tomorrow.

D) Past Simple

5. Last year I spent my summer holidays in the country.

E)  Future Simple

II. Choose the correct variant (a, b, c)

1.  I …..  to school every day.  

2.  He ….. pancakes with honey.

3. M.V. Lomonosov ….. a great scientist.

4. Tom has ……. read this book.

5. When ….. you come? – I’ll be back in an hour.

6.  Look! They .... playing together.

7. When did they …….  in London? – A week ago

8.  We ……. travel by ship. We usually travel by car.

9. Are you cooking ……? – Yes, I am.

10. …….. you ever been to England?

a) go                  b) went                  c) am going

a) like                b) likes                  c) liking

a) are                 b) was                    c) were

a) already          b) often                  c) yesterday

a)  did                b) does                   c) will

a)  will               b) have                   c) are

a)  arrive            b) arrived               c) arriving

a) aren’t             b) haven’t               c) don’t

a) lately              b) at the moment    c) never

a) Are                 b) Have                   c) Did

III. Open the brackets

1. She usually (to swim) _____________ three times a week. 2. _________ they often (to travel) _______ by ship ? – No, they  ________. They ________ (never, to travel)______________ by ship. 3. James Cook  (to discover)  ________ some islands in the Pacific Ocean in the 19th century. 4. ________ you (to go) ______  for a walk yesterday? – No, I ______. It (to be) ____________ rainy. 5. I hope, you (to become) ________________ a good doctor in a few years. 6. I think, they (to come) _____________ soon. Oh, look! They _____________________ (to run). 7.  We ________(just, to translate) _____________________ the text about famous people. 8. Nick (not, to write) ____________________________ his homework yet. 9.  They (not, to sing) ________________ at the concert yesterday. They (to be) _______________ ill. 10. ________ you (to celebrate) ________________  Christmas? – Yes, of course.

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