Grammar test. Form 7. Term 4
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Данные проверочные материалы составлены для учащихся, занимающихся по Учебнику английского языка для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка О. В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой.


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Grammar test

  1. There was _____ blue cup on the table.

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. She has become _____ real teacher.

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. Nick lives in _____ city centre.

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. What _____ picturesque valley!

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. What _____ good weather!

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. Can we have _____ hot supper here?

a) a

b) the

c) ‒

  1. _____ dinner today was really good.

a) A

b) The

c) ‒

  1. Moscow was built on _____ Moskva river in _____ twelfth century.

a) the, ‒

b) the, the

c) ‒, the

  1. London is _____ capital of ______ UK.

a) the, ‒

b) ‒, the

c) the, the  

  1.  This place is very convenient. You can easily get to _____ Oxford Street, ____ Royal Opera House or _____ Trafalgar Square.

a) a, ‒, the

b) the, the, the

c)  ‒, the, ‒

  1. I’m tired because I _______ a lot of things today.

a) do

b) have done

c) did

  1. Tom usually ________ his weekends with his granny.

a) spends

b) is spending

c) has spent

  1. Where have you been? I _______ for 40 minutes.

a) waited

b) am waiting

c) have been waiting

  1. Don’t worry, I ________ your letter yesterday morning.

a) posted

b) was posting

c) have posted

  1. Tomorrow at this time he ________ his car to London.

a) will drive

b) will have driven

c) will be driving

  1. I couldn’t eat anything as I _______ a huge meal before.

a) had

b) have had

c) had had

  1. Polly _________ her homework for an hour when her mother came back from work.

a) was doing

b) has been doing

c) had been doing

  1. Kate _________ her article by 3 p.m.

a) will finish

b) will be finishing

c) will have finished

  1. If I were you, I ________ in for sport.

a) went

b) will go

c) would go

  1. I wish it ________ summer now.

a) were

b) is

c) will be

  1. If it is warm enough, we _________ to the seaside.

a) will go

b) would go

c) went

Phrasal Verbs

  1. My dog and my cat get _____ with each other.

a) away

b) over

c) along

  1. The thieves got _____ with our money.

a) away

b) over

c) along

  1. He can’t get _____ his illness yet.

a) away

b) over

c) along

  1. Turn ______ the television, I can’t hear anything.

a) out

b) into

c) up

  1. In the winter, the water turned _____ ice.

a) out

b) into

c) up

  1. The comedy turned _____ to be very funny.

a) out

b) into

c) up

  1. Why did he rushed _____ of the room without saying a word?

a) to

b) out

c) into

  1. We all rushed _____ the door when the postman arrived.

a) out

b) into

c) up

  1. The firemen rushed _____ the burning building to save the child.

a) out

b) into

c) up

  1. The money is running _____.

a) down

b) out

c) over

  1. I didn’t turn off the tap and the water ran _____ the sink.

a) down

b) out

c) over

  1. He is always running _____ his sister.

a) down

b) out

c) over

  1. He set _____ writing a letter to his son.

a) about

b) to

  1. Mother set John _____ work.

a) about

b) to         

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