Разноуровневые тесты для контроля навыков аудирования для учащихся 5 класса УМК Верещагиной И.Н.
методическая разработка (5 класс) на тему
Разноуровневые тесты для контроля навыков аудирования для учащихся 5 класса УМК Верещагиной И.Н.
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 1
Lesson 2
Listening Comprehension Test
- Listen to the dialogue and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.
1. Alex is Nina's friend.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
2. Nina's brother is nine years younger than Nina.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
3. Alex plays football very well.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
4 . Alex is a tall, dark-haired young man.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
5. Nina's brother has just returned from Canada.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
6. Alex hasn't got a lot of friends.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
7. Alex isn't married yet.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
- Act out the dialogue. Use ex.16 p.13 as a model
Test 2
Listening Comprehension Test.
Blue Jeans.
I. Listen to the text and decide which statements are
“True”, “False”, “Not Stated”.
- Levi Strauss came to America from Germany.
- He arrived in New York.
- He had a lot of material to make tents of.
- People looking for the gold wanted to have light, beautiful jeans.
- Levi Strauss coloured his jeans because he was fond of
the blue colour.
6. People usually wear a pair of blue jeans more than 3 years.
II. Answer the questions.
- When did Levi Strauss arrive in San Francisco?
- Is San Francisco in California?
- Did people want to find gold there?
- Why did people like trousers?
Test 3
Listening Comprehension Test.
Things Used to Be Different Many Years Ago
- True or False
- Now she is working on the 10th book.
- She used to write poems and short stories.
- She is not married.
- When she was young, she used to live in London.
- She used to work at a men`s hospital.
- Now she likes her quiet life in the country.
- Now she has a lot of time to read.
- She has always been curious about the past .
- Choose the right ending.
- Mary Baker is a…….. now.
- nurse
- writer
- secretary
- She has written……… books.
- 10
- 11
- 4
- As a girl she used to write……..
- about London
- about birds and animals
- history books
- When she was young she used……..
- to work at the hospital
- to travel a lot
- to live in a small village
- Now she lives ……..
- in a busy city
- in London
- in a small village
- She began writing…….
- being a girl
- at the medical college
- living in a small village
- Now she writes……..
- stories about birds and animals
- historical novels
- poems
- She has always been curious about…….
- the country life
- the life in London
- the past
- Give three examples proving that life used to be different many years ago.
Test 4
Listening Comprehension Test
Lesson 9
I. True, false or not stated?
1. Georg Brown was a poor businessman.
2. Georg Brown could fly the plane very well.
3. Georg Brown and his friend Mark decided to have a trip on board the ship.
4. Mark could fly the plane very well too.
II. Answer the questions:
1. Did George Brown love nature?
2. What was George's new hobby?
3. Where did George invite his friend Mark to?
4. Why did Mark thank George for the two trips in his small plane?
- Now try and retell the text using the questions as the plan for your retelling.
Test 5
Listening Comprehension Test
Lesson 12
- Listen to the text “I Hit Him Back First” and choose “true”, “false” or “not stated”
- 1. The brothers lived in a small industrial town in the north of Scotland.
- 2. Their house consisted of two rooms.
- 3. Alan was seven and Ted was ten.
- 4. They were the best pupils at school.
- 5. The brothers sometimes felt lonely.
- 6. Their mother was against fighting.
- 7. Ted was surprised when he saw that Alan was crying.
- 8. William was Ted’s friend.
- 9. Alan hit William first.
II. Try and answer the following questions:
- 1. Who was older Alan or Ted?
- 2. What was that that the boy’s mother didn’t like?
- 3. Why was Alan crying when he came home from school?
- 4. Is it good when the boys fight?
Test 6
Listening Comprehension Test
Lesson 20
An Excellent Student
Before listening:
Make yourself sure that you know the following words and word-combinations.
- knowledge
- poor
- easy
- the Great Fire of London
- the President of the United States of America
- either…or…
- neither….nor…
- George Washington
- call
- be angry (was angry)
While listening:
Choose the right answer to each of the question.
- Why was the teacher angry with Tom?
- Tom didn’t know geography of Great Britain.
b). Tom didn’t know answer to any question.
c). b). Tom didn’t know history of Great Britain.
2. a). The teacher asked Tom who the first President of the US was.
b) The teacher asked Tom who the second President of the US was.
c). The teacher asked Tom who the first President of Great Britain was.
3. Why did the teacher say “George Washington”?
a). She hoped Tom would speak about him.
b) She wanted to help Tom.
c). She wanted to give the right answer herself.
4. Why did Tom go to his seat?
a). He was afraid of the teacher.
b). He thought the teacher wanted to speak about George Washington.
c). He thought the teacher had called another student.
5. Why is the story called “An Excellent Student”?
a). Tom was really an excellent student.
b). Tom wasn’t an excellent student at all.
c). Tom was neither a good nor a bad student.
Test 7
Listening Comprehension Test
A Laconic Answer
- Listen to the text and say why a short answer is called a laconic answer.
The Lacons lived in that part of Southern 1______________________ which was called Laconia. The people who lived there were very brave. They loved their 2___________________ and defended it from all the 3_________________. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the 4______________ of their country and never spoke long. “The shorter the 5_____________________,” was their rule. “Never use more words than you need,” was 6___________________ rule. And nowadays as you probably know a very short answer is often 7_________________ a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.
In 8_________________ Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become king of all Greece. So, he collected a great army and soon he became master of all Greece. Only Laconia was not 9__________________. The King Philip wrote a letter and sent it 10_______ the brave Lacons. The letter said: “If I win the 11________________ with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city.”
A few days later an answer was 12________________ back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was “If”.
- Choose the right statement. p.108 a), ex.24.
- Answer the questions. p.108 b), ex.24.
Test 8
Listening Comprehension
You’ve Won!
- Fill in the missing words to make the story complete.
An old gentleman was very 1)………… about 2)…………. who lived near him. They were very 3)……………, played the 4)……….. very loudly. The gentleman thought they had very 5)…………… 6)………… .
One day he was taking a walk in the park when he saw 7)……………. 8)………….., standing around a 9) …………… 10) ………….. . They told the old gentleman that they were having a 11) ……………. . The winner would be the one who would tell the biggest 12) ……………… . The old man wanted to 13) …………… them a 14) …………….. and told that he had never 15) …………… a 16) ………….. in his life. The boys shouted that the old gentleman was a 17) …………. and can 18) ………….. the 19) ……………. .
- Answer the questions.
1). Who is this story about?
2). Why did the old gentleman think that the young boys had bad manners.
3). Which lesson did the old man decide to teach the young boys?
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