Контроль навыков аудирования 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Ссылка на используемый для контроля аудиофрагмент: https://yadi.sk/d/tiUsd1suCr4ue
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Предварительный просмотр:
Listening Comprehension 9
Task 1.
You will hear an interview with an Australian girl called Verity, who has recently been on a student
exchange programme. For each question 1‐6, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1. Verity chose the Netherlands for her exchange programme because
A a friend had recommended it.
B one of her relatives was from there.
C she had always wanted to go there.
2. What did Verity find difficult about living in the Netherlands at first?
A sharing a bedroom
B getting up early
C cycling to school
3. What did Verity immediately notice about the Netherlands?
A The countryside was more varied than Australia.
B The buildings were how she’d imagined them.
C The weather was much colder than she’d expected.
4. What was different about the school in the Netherlands?
A It had better facilities.
B There was a wider range of subjects.
C The class size was much bigger.
5. Verity was surprised that students in the Netherlands
A knew very little about Australia.
B had never considered doing an exchange programme.
C had travelled to a lot of countries.
6. Verity recommends that students on an exchange programme should
A go to a place where they can speak the language.
B stay for six months.
C ask their parents to visit.
Task 2
You will hear a boy called Jake talking to his classmates about a diving trip he recently did with his
family. For each sentence 7‐14, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. Write only
one word in each gap.
The trip was very exciting because Jake was diving in (7) ……………….. water for the first time.
Jake’s only previous diving experience was training in a (8) …………..….. .
Jake went for his first sea dive off the coast of (9) ………..……. .
Jake’s (10) ………………… went into the water with him.
Jake says the best thing he saw under the water was a (11) ………..…… .
While they were swimming, Jake was afraid that there might be some (12) ………………. nearby.
However, he discovered that the big creatures he saw were (13) ………..……… .
Jake managed to do (14) ……………….. dives in total.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, Harry, and a girl, Laura, about wildlife photography.
Look at statements 15‐20 below. Decide if each statement is true or false.
TRUE FALSE statements:
15. Harry admires the wildlife photo of a fish in ‘Animals’ magazine.
16. Harry thinks the unusual creatures in Laura’s photos are what makes them good.
17. Laura and Harry find it’s hard to keep still when taking wildlife photos.
18. Harry doubts whether his camera is good enough for wildlife photography.
19. Laura thinks it’s important to get up early to take wildlife photos.
20. Laura and Harry are both considering getting more instruction in photography.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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