«Творческий практикум (заключительный урок по творчеству Марины Цветаевой)»
план-конспект урока по литературе (11 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: « Экология. Защита окружающей среды»
«Ecology. Protection of the Environment»
- ознакомить учащихся с экологическими проблемами Земли, найти пути их решения и способы борьбы с их последствиями;
-активизировать лексику по теме « Экология»;
- совершенствовать диалогическую и монологическую речь;
- развивать умения чтения, перевода и аудирования.
Развивающими задачами являются: развитие речемыслительной деятельности учащихся, расширение понятия экологии, развитие образного мышления, эрудиции, развитие языковых и познавательных способностей.
Воспитательными задачами являются: воспитание правильной экологической культуры поведения, любви к природе.
Практические задачи: совершенствовать диалогическую и монологическую речь, развивать навыки чтения и перевода, проконтролировать уровень развития речевых умений.
Ход урока
- Фонетическая разминка. ( на доске записаны слова, которые будут активно употребляться на уроке, новые незнакомые слова, их перевод )
- Диалогическая речь « Ecological problems» (Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги, подготовленные дома.)
- Работа с презентацией. ( Учащиеся под руководством учителя читают и переводят высказывания известных людей о проблемах окружающей среды.)
- Проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды. ( Работа с презентацией, рассказы по картинкам, чтение и перевод текстов на экране интер. доски)
- Обсуждение путей решения обозначенных проблем. (Как жители Британии борятся с загрязнениями природы и что можем предложить мы ? )
- Монологические высказывания о заповедниках в нашей стране. ( контроль выполненных дом. заданий )
Hello, boys and girls! Our lesson is devoted to the environmental and ecological problems.
Look at these landscapes. The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans, seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty. But the situation isn’t the same in different parts of our planet. At this picture you can see the Elba River. One of the most beautiful rivers in Europe is dying. That is the result of people’s action. There are a lot of places like that in the world.
So, at our lesson we are going to discuss one of the main problem of the time- the ecological problem. Tell me please, what does the word “ecology” mean?
P. - The word “ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours.
T. - You are right. And now our “home”- our planet is in danger. We should answer two main questions during our lesson:
1. Is the situation really so dangerous?
2. What can we do to protect the nature and to save our planet?
We have read some texts and have learnt enough words. Please look at the blackboard and try to read them! (…….)
P.1: We have an ecology class today. We are going to discuss different environmental problems.
P.2: No wonder. They are the most important problems these days.
P.1: I think many people understand they should protect the environment.
P.2: Do they really understand that? I am not quite sure, because factories dump waste into rivers, air pollution is getting worse too.
P.1: That`s true. And yet more and more people fight against nuclear weapons and other things.
P.2: But will they win? And when will they win these battles?
P.1: Don`t lose hope. Let`s hope for the best.
Вопросы к учащимся по теме:
- What does the word `environment` mean ?
- Why is the water in the oceans, seas and rivers polluted?
- Is the food we eat always healthy?
- How does pollution influence old people and children?
- What do you know about WWF?
Обсуждение экологической ситуации. Выступления учащихся. (учащиеся представляют сообщения подготовленные дома)
P1. I want to tell you about water pollution. The situation is really gloomy and sometimes even hopeless. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. Scientists say “man will die if oceans die”. Over 5 million tons of oil products pollute the ocean each year. About 2 million tons of these products come from cars. First the oil products go into atmosphere. From the atmosphere they go into oceans. A ship wrecked tankers spill a lot of oil into the ocean. In addition big rivers carry into the ocean a lot of waste from industry and agriculture. Pollution means death to oceans. It kills fish, plants, birds .Experts believe life in oceans will be destroyed within 25 years.
P2. The industry affects the nature greatly. For example more than 30 years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of lake Baikal. As a result, because of the water pollution, more than 50% of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in the lake Baikal are disappearing; trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-outs of the factory.
P3. Well, we see that water which is necessary for our life is polluted awfully. As for me, I want to focus to another problem - the problem of air pollution. Nobody and nothing on the Earth could live without air. People pollute the air all over the world. A great number of trees growing on the planet produce oxygen and clean the air. But vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upset the oxygen balance.
Besides, the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the Earth from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. It’s like a kind of a roof. But now, because of the air pollution, the ozone layer is destroyed. The dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing different diseases.
In addition awful harm is caused to our home by nuclear tests of atom bombs, accidents on the atomic power stations, for example, Chernobyl tragedy in 1986. About 18% of the territory of Byelorussia was polluted with radioactive substances.
P4. We must keep in mind that not only the industry pollutes the nature. Every year each family create one ton of rubbish. A great number of dumps are all over the country. Just only some facts: it takes more than 2 years to decompose paper. Cans and tins destroy more than 90 years. Plastic packets decompose more than 200years, glass- more than 1000 years.
P5. People in cities suffer greatly from the pollution. But as for animals, the situation is really dramatic. Almost all animals, insects, and birds living on our planet need help. They could disappear forever. During 300 years 280 species were destroyed on our planet. Nowadays the destruction of animals is going on. Indian tigers are among them.
Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skilful hunters and people are afraid of them. So they kill them to safe their lives. But some people hunt tigers for their beautiful skins and for fun. They sell the skins and get a lot of money. The result is sad. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth.
P6. I want to tell you about elephants. They are wonderful, they can help men. Elephants need a lot of water. They drink as much as 50 gallons a day. They spray their bodies with water. They need a lot of food. Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because thy do not have enough food to eat and space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year for meat and for their tusks. Only two million elephants live on the planet today.
As for the other animals the situation is the same:
1) 8 big cats are killed to make one fur coat;
2) only several hundred of rhinos are left in Asia;
3) about 3 millions kangaroos are hunted every year;
4) only 30 Californian condors were left in the world;
5) millions buffalos were destroyed by now;
6) over 40000 monkeys are caught every year;
7) about 300 dolphins and 30 sea turtles are poisoned by water pollution every day.
3. Presentation
4. Please, read and translate texts on the screen.
5. It`s our duty to help the planet to survive. What should we do to protect the environment?
Dos and Don`ts
- Ask your government to make laws to protect air, water and soil.
- Develop international cooperation to solve ecological problems together.
- Save water, gas, energy and other natural resources.
- Keep your towns, cities and countryside clean.
- Don`t waste water, gas, energy, natural resources.
- Don`t poison the water, air, soil.
- Don`t dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas, oceans.
- Don`t turn the planet into a rubbish dump.
6.Please, tell about nature reserves, protected woodlands.
Singing a song `It is a small world`
It`s a Small World
It`s a world of laughter, a world of tears,
It`s a world of hope and a world of fears
There`s so much that we share that it`s time we are aware-
It`s a small world after all.
There`s just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide.
It`s a small world after all.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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